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X-Men: The End

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((aw okay sad.gif; we'll miss you and sorry that this is a bit late user posted image))

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((we should but I'm waiting for sap to reply to so that I know if she's still interested in posting in here with Luke; I'll also pm L² and see if she wants to continue with this as well as LN and Rak))

Edited by Dragonpelt

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((I could throw my character in somewhere and meet up with you guys when sap replies.))

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((your char is with Sky and Luke in the sewers, remember?))

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((it's fine happy.gif; just sent a pm to L² to see if she was interested in getting this up and running again...we should also move other posts like this to the ooc thread))

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((Resurrection Post, anyone? =3)


It was a brilliant sensation, one of freedom, one of movement. The feathers on her wingtips rippled in expectation as she slammed the trunk closed and pulled on the cords of the bag, cinching the opening shut. Krys looped the cords around her shoulders so the bag would hang between her wings without impeding their movement. Then, she ducked out from under the copse of ferns and ran towards the entrance to the trail. The rock pile was exactly where she remembered it and she began to sprint. With a leap, she planted her right foot on the lowest rock and her left foot on the boulder right behind it, ran up the ridge and launched herself into the air.


For a split second, she hung in the air before snapping her wings out and catching the light breeze. The air filling her feathered canopy sent her soaring into the air, hair whipping in the gusts. It was absolute ecstasy. An instinctual sense of direction took over and Krys banked hard, coming around and cruising off and up through the clouds and stars up into the skies over the forest.


Krys Coventina looked down and saw the road beneath her: a sliver of sun-bleached, moon-lit silver that cut the landscape into shards like a bolt of frozen lightning. The main road was not lit by street-lamps, but she knew the way and the glow of the cozy suburbia lit up the horizon 15-20 miles away.


She soared back towards the town, dodging in and out of clouds until she began to recognize the scenery. Many times she's escaped out the attic window to drift over this very same landscape. Krys began a gradual spiral downwards until she was close enough to alight on the wide sill of the attic window. With a light touch, she shifted the window enough in the poorly-fitted frame to release the simple catch and then slipped inside. inside.

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((bump user posted image


I'll get a post up possibly with my newest character after she's approved by L² but i still won't be able to do anything with Sky until sap posts with Luke or Riley since we're still doing the day before thing))

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( hey dragonpelt, I think everyone else just either forgot or just stopped all together. Wanna continue ourselves. Those that want this to keep going? )

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((I'd love to keep this going, problem is I don't really know who else does. And my character's are kinda interacting with people >.< Though I could easily fix that. I just need to know if I'm leavng people who want to continue where we left, or if it is okey for me to send my characters somewhere else.))

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( well my char was about to fight so I could time skip that and cause so may am . It'll cause a stir for everyone to meet. )

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((i think the others will be more active once school has stopped for the summer and real life has calmed down a bit as well; that's a good idea but L² (aka LoveLost) and a few others are still caught up in the day before where she has a character following one of my chars in order to capture her later for SHIELD))

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((it's fine happy.gif and i accepted them and put them in the accepted chars list on the ooc thread smile.gif))

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Syrelle Devereux






white/blonde hair, steel blue eyes, medium frame, short in height, big in personality


she loves people, but has a fiery temper, to sort of match her mutation. she loves using her power for good, but isnt on the cops' good side.


will unravel as rp goes on


can create and control flames, also can read people's in like a thought bubble about them, though she can turn this power off






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((you actually need to put that in the ooc thread for this rp; the link to it is on the first page of this thread...once you do that, then it will be accepted happy.gif))

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