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Hetalia: W, P, or R OCC

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Hm, mind if I throw Spain in to bother one of her allies? I really need to get more active... >.<

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Okay... But, if you can, could you mind starting it? I can't really think of something to start with...

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I will in a few minutes~

Anyway, can people tell me what charries they have? There are so many...

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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Even someone as unaffiliated with Czech as Austria? ONOZ, she must run! (and fight... How do I do that?)

Actually, the Czech Republic used to be part of the Austrio-Hungarian Empire. They share 225 miles of border and it can be crossed anywhere on either side.

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I was actually planning on it. So, it would of happened whether you suggested that of not.

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I plan on RPing again tomorrow, so TMD asked me to re-submit my character forms here:

Username: Blobblarg242

Name: Switzerland

Age: Looks to be around 24 years old

Gender: Male

Appearance: A rather tall man with close-cropped brown hair. His eyes are oddly colored, his right being silver and his left being gold. Usually Switzerland is wearing a military uniform of some description, his favorite and most used being a long green over-coat with his nations flag emblazoned on the shoulder pads. He often carries a rifle slung over his shoulder, and a combat-knife at the ready.

Personality: Switzerland likes to help other nations and often promotes peace, but is often mired in red tape and his government's firm stance of neutrality. He takes joy in helping less fortunate countries, but is always annoyed by nations that squander their wealth and never seem to take a tone of seriousness (ie: America.) That said, Switzerland is far from impoverished and has a bad habit of forgetting that he's more financially stable than most countries, not helping the stereotype of Swiss snobbery.

Bio: Switzerland is merely the latest incarnation of his nation's government. His full name being The Swiss Confederation, Switzerland is a fairly young country, being declared independent 1291, Switzerland recently was declared a Federal State in 1848 in response to a civil war. Switzerland himself is more or less a representation of the many different cantons that makes up the landlocked nation.

Enemies: Warmongers (Mainly North Korea, and Russia and America in some cases)

Dislikes: Conflict, war, traitors.

Likes: Peace, chocolate, Swiss cheese, guitar.


Name: Sweden

Age: Looks to be 32

Gender: Male

Appearance: Sweden is a very tall, and somewhat well muscled man standing about 7 feet tall. His hair is short and blonde, and his eyes are a dark blue. He's recently grown a short beard, from lack of shaving. Usually he wears a heavy navy-blue jacket, as befitting for a country as far north as himself.

Personality: Sweden likes to keep quiet for the most part, though he'll become rather vocal around the other Nordic countries (Finland in particular). For the most part, Sweden doesn't open up to others. There is an exception however; Sweden has a particular soft spot for Micro-nations after having acted as Sealand's parent for a short time.

Bio: Though he was once a very fierce viking warrior, Sweden has become a more peaceful, neutral country in recent times. He still remembers the days when he and the other Nordic nations raided the European coast and is prone to occasional nostalgia trips. Sweden at one point was very close to Finland, though through some argument of some kind things fell apart. However, having patched things up he and Finland married and had a son. Though, he's become rather worried what his wife and son think of him, as he's been forced to take an extensive business-trip by his government and hasn't seen them in far too long.

Enemies: None (Firmly neutral)

Dislikes: Loud noise, threats, Denmark and Norway's bragging.

Likes: Classical music, quiet, video-games, Finland.


Name: Iceland

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: Iceland is somewhat short for a Nordic country, though he's still taller than most nations. He has shoulder length blonde hair and Ice-blue eyes like his sister. Iceland is never seen without his long fur jacket or goggle, the latter being one of the few gifts he received from his sister. Very often, Iceland is seen grinning and his face seems to be set in a permanent smile.

Personality: Iceland is usually very happy and up-beat, not being very serious even if he really should. The only times when he really seems to settle down and focus is when his family is in danger in some way.

Bio: Iceland (like Sweden) used to be a viking warrior, but has since settled down considerably. Norway is his older sister, and he adores her a great deal. This is in part due to the fact that he has no military, and Norway is mainly the one to protect him from danger. Iceland also sees Denmark as a sort of aunt as the Dane is good friends with his older sister. This has led to some awkward moments with Sweden, but Iceland tries his best to break the tension. Iceland has become a bit more serious, as he recently had a son, Grimsey. He takes being a father very seriously, and is perhaps too over-protective.

Enemies: People who anger his sister.

Dislikes: Violence, arguments, Norway getting angry.

Likes: Bjork, skiing, the other Nordic countries, and his family.


Name: Ukraine

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Appearance: Ukraine is only slightly shorter than her brother, Russia and has long silver hair that falls past her shoulders. Ukraine usually wears a coat of some description and always wears a scarf bearing her flag's colors.

Personality: Ukraine can seem very bitter and even ungrateful to most countries, though this is merely her outward appearance. Ukraine is in fact quite caring, but she acts quite bitter towards most, especially Russia, whom she has a bad habit of emotionally and verbally abusing. When it's just her and her brother however, she is quite caring and motherly, often asking him about his problems and offering support. Of course, should any other living being enter the room, she goes right back to acting as though she hates him.

Bio: Ukraine had almost no childhood to speak of, having to grow up quickly in order to take care of her two younger siblings. As a result, she's a bit more cynical and sharp tongued than most in social situations. She does care for her siblings and friends though, and she offers to make and maintain scarves and other woolen clothing pieces. During World War 2, she was a part of the Soviet Union, which had not been a fun time for her or her people. She doesn't hold the events against Russia, but has a deep grudge against communism as a result.

Enemies: Germany (Still quite sore over World War 2)

Dislikes: Gas prices, Chernobyl, politics.

Likes: Knitting, family, a warm fireplace through the winter.


Name: Lithuania

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Appearance: Lithuania is about 6 feet tall in height and usually stands very rigid. Lithuania usually wears a green over-coat for the colder climates, especially when he visits Russia's home. His hair is dark brown and falls just past his ears in the back; his eyes are a striking green. As well as his coat, he usually wears a scarf bearing his national colors, which was made for him by Ukraine.

Personality: Lithuania has been described as 'depressing' on a number of occasions. To be fair, if you had to constantly be fearful of invasions from all sides and had the highest suicide rate in the world, you probably wouldn't be too jolly either. That isn't to say Lithuania doesn't try to get along with others, he simply finds himself failing at social interactions in many cases. On top of this, Lithuania is fiercely loyal to Russia and the other Baltic States, acting aggressively towards any nation that acts aggressively towards them.

Bio: Lithuania was once a very powerful nation in Europe during the Dark ages. Together with Poland, he fended off the Teutonic Knights and many other invaders. However, Poland was captured during World War 2, which has caused him to develop a hard heart towards Germany. When he was a part of the Soviet Union however, he felt safe from invaders and as a result refers to Russia affectionately as 'Big Brother.' There was a time when Lithuania needed to work in America's home in order to pay off debt and, though he'll never admit it, liked working for America more than Russia. Now, Lithuania works alongside Russia whenever he can and tries to have the larger nation protect him whenever that's a possibility.

Enemies: Whomever annoys Russia

Dislikes: Germany (long history of conflict)

Likes: Russia, Basketball, the other Baltics, and Poland

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I dunno what to do. DX Blob, wanna do some NorwayxSwitzy? Arguing over how he's neutral? Or we could actually go along with that crazy party-idea of ours. xd.png

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Well, this is certainly a warm welcome. happy.gif


OK, so here's my plan: Switzerland, Iceland and Sweden will be at a 'Neutrality party' if anyone wants to interact with them. Any neutral countries are welcome, and some, emphasis on 'some' non-neutral parties can gate-crash. I don't want EVERY country to be there, as that would totally defeat the purpose.


Meanwhile, Ukraine and Lithuania will be hanging around Russia's place in case anyone wants to interact with them.


Before I post, does anyone have any suggestion/objections to this plan of action?

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I'm sorry if my posting is spotty for a few days, something personal is demanding my attention. I'll still try to post though, okay?


And traits? Why? Does it have something to do with the war? If that's the case...

North Korea

Good: He's smart, strong, and fast. He can take heavy hits and still keep fighting, since fighting is one of the only things he's good at. He's also good at the arts. Gymnastics is something else he's good at. He's pretty flexible. He's willing to literally lose an arm and still keep fighting; he doesn't really care for his own body so long as he achieves his final goal, just as his leaders don't really care about the state of their people so long as they get what they want.


Bad: If you're his ally, then prepare to get sucked like a leech. While it's true he's strong, he completely relies on food and fuel aid from allies. Otherwise, he'll completely collapse. During a fight he can take incredibly heavy damage and still be willing to continue fighting undeterred, but after the battle is over, an ally has to heal him as he is incapable of healing himself well enough to recover from the normally massive amounts of damage he takes. He's insane, a sadist, and a masochist. Despite sometimes openly criticizing his leaders, later on he hurts himself as punishment against his actions, or if he feels that he hasn't produced enough or hasn't done enough work; this symbolizes his labour/concentration camp system. Way too paranoid for his own well-being; he thinks the world is out to get him. Holds incredibly long grudges.


South Korea

Good: She's highly intelligent and incredibly stubborn, though the latter can swing both ways. While she cannot strike as hard as her twin brother, she can recover exceptionally quickly from things on her own. One of the best video game players in the world. She has a skill when it comes to music and acting as well - performing in general.


Bad: She's overly prideful and vain, and sometimes refuses to learn from or, at times, even recognize her own mistakes. She's highly paranoid and also holds incredibly long grudges. Hot-headed and run by emotions, she proves just how far apart intelligence and wisdom can be, as she isn't wise at all. Despite being smart, she can sometimes behave ignorantly and ignore everyone else if their opinion goes against her own. She decides to listen to her own rules instead of paying attention to what is commonly accepted. Overly blunt at times.



Good: He's in a very strategic location on the eastern Mediterranean and has a blend of cultures and terrain that proves for a rather interesting dynamic on his island. He's calm and mellow usually and difficult to truly upset, and he lets go of things easily. He's a very good listener and can give generally good advice normally.


Bad: He's not very strong compared to other countries in physical strength, and as a result is often taken over. When given orders, he will make an honest effort to follow them but will often complain of the work and end up taking a nap somewhere or eating or swimming instead. He can be incredibly lazy at times and can be persuaded by enemies easily if they offer him sweets.



Good: He's a regretful, honest man. He doesn't take much pride in being what he is and normally tries very hard to be a good person and fight back his instincts. He's strong, but it will normally take a lot to make him fight someone; while he will quickly get into a rage, he tries as hard as he can to suppress anger to prevent himself from doing anything he'll regret later.


Bad: Only too often, his instincts are stronger than his will. While he honestly does regret all that he has done, he also holds a dislike for any poverty gained in his land and longs at times for the days when he was stronger and crueler. Sometimes moved to make bad decisions by his want for power, he can be easily manipulated once placed in one's control and believes things too quickly.



Good: He's kindhearted and loving. Completely honest and innocent, he would rather take a bullet to the brain than harm any living creature. He is moved to tears easily and is willing to put himself through the worst possible experiences imaginable if it means pleasing or keeping safe someone he cares about. He can take a hard hit and still hop up to his feet. He is normally very happy just to be alive and to be able to spend time with others. As his land is beautiful and cold, he is as well.


Bad: He allows himself to be used and abused by anyone who happens to cross his path without even realizing it. If he does realize it, he allows it to happen with almost no protest at all since he believes that protesting or harboring a hatred or dislike for whoever hit or hurt him would make the other person unhappy. His culture is fading behind China's, so at times he forgets his own words or customs or memories and finds himself speaking Chinese at odd times. He is naive despite being wise and will keep giving people more chances no matter how many times he had been wronged by them. He is a pacifist and thus cannot fight at all. He has the skill; he simply refuses to use it under any circumstance.


RED: Red River Confederation

BLUE: The other alliance

BOLD BLACK: I have no idea yet

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*casually copies Acey*




Good: He is extremely respectful of women, to the point of being what one would call "whipped." Though it might not look like it, he is extremely smart when it comes to things like genetics and anything involving eyesight. In fact, he could probably screw someones genes over if he tried hard enough. The irony is, he's very educated on how the brain works with eyes and such, but he is blind. There's also his fun-loving and childish personality, though this could be good or bad.


Bad: Obviously, he has a really hard time keeping loyal to anyone he's with. He'll go way out of his way to cover up any extra relations he has. Like I said before, his childish personality gets in the way. He cries very easily and will have a panic attack if he's driven too far. Also, there's the factor of him being extremely rude to someone if they aren't familiar with something he knows about. He'll think they're ignorant and treat them as such.




Good: He's fiercely loyal, deadly if you mess with someone he loves. His military focused mind helps him. He could probably determine several ways to deafest you in battle just as your making you move. Despite not having a very strong military, he's hard to take down. Damage tends to not bother him, because he usually enjoys it.


Bad: He is extremely mentally unstable, and a sex addict. His emotions are way out of whack, making him almost seem bi-polar. There's also his horrible blood lust, which leads him to go wild at the sight of blood. He's manipulative and will stab you in the back, only if his heart is permitting that is.




Good: Her will is very strong. It's really, really hard to take her determination away from her. There's also her amazing strength, both physically and emotionally. Her loyalty is what's greatest about her, even if she doesn't show it. She will never, ever deny her friends and family, even at the cost of her life. She pays creepy close attention to detail.


Bad: She's mean a majority of the time, and she hardly smiles. Others pain is funny to her, no matter how bad. Her attitude is also terrible, very terrible. It's basically like bees, upset by every little thing, which she will react poorly to. She's also a raging alcoholic and tends to not show affection to those she cares about.




Good: She's really tough, and it's hard to beat her up. Because of her hardcore determination, she will take a lot of hits until she literally passes out. She's also really optimistic, and tries to make the best out of everything. Also, she tends to try to think about her actions before she does something because she doesn't want to ruin everything.


Bad: Bulgaria has no manners whatsoever. She shoves people out of the way, burps loudly, and can't wear a dress because she refuses to "sit like a lady." She does care about people, but she is not very good at showing affection. Her temper is bad, and she'll get angry at someone if they do something she finds annoying. Also, she can't properly brush her hair or cook, simply because she didn't want to do girly things as a child. As such, she is unable to do things that are usually considered to be "woman's jobs."

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*casually copies everyone else*




Good: Switzerland is very caring, going out of his way whenever he can to help less fortunate nations. He is also a major peace-advocate, never taking a hostile stance against other nations and providing a safe haven for those that don't want to get caught up in the fighting. Switzerland is usually very calm and slow to anger, preferring rationality and logic to rash actions.


Bad: Switzerland has one of the most powerful militaries in the world, and he doesn't do anything with it. While he does promote peace a freedom, he never actually fights against other countries oppressing people. On top of this, he is deathly serious when it come to enforcing his policy of neutrality, even going to far as to make a deal with Germany during World War 2 that basically meant that he would pay Germany to not attack him while he sat and watched the outcome of the war, entirely content with either the Axis or Allies winning. Switzerland is usually very caring, but can sometimes forget he's more well off than most countries and can occasionally come off as snobbish.




Good: Iceland is good natured and friendly, often making friends with any nations that are willing to talk with him. Iceland is also a peace-advocate, and prefers to talk things out rather than resort to violence. Iceland is caring to a fault, often taking pity and helping out others whenever he can. On top of this, Iceland is greatly loyal to Norway and is willing to do just about anything he can to help his sister.


Bad: Iceland has no military of any kind. For this reason, he relies entirely on Norway for military support, and is virtually defenseless without her. His economy is also less than stellar, which was what led him to join the European Union. Iceland is also prone to getting very indignant should anyone insult Norway, which is a downside as this will often lead to more negative relations.




Good: Sweden is extremely tolerant, granting rights to virtually everyone, and actually hosting the second largest Gay Pride Parade in his capital (the largest is held in Amsterdam). In addition, the church in Sweden has very little political power, so he's very open and accepting. He's also been neutral for the past 100 years or so, and has remained at peace with the rest of the world as a result. Sweden is also home to some of the more prominent video game developers like Mojang (makers of Minecraft) so he has rather adept skills at video gaming, though not quite as good as South Korea.


Bad: Sweden used to be a viking warrior, meaning he has a reputation, not an unearned one, for being a murderer on a massive scale. On top of that, he was also one of the most prominent torturers of his time. These two factors have led to him having a bit of a sadistic streak. Sweden is also rather bad at expressing his emotions, never really acting himself around those already close to him. On top of this, Sweden's government is a Monarchy, but since the church isn't nearly as prominent in his home, this has led to some questioning the legitimacy of his ruler.




Good: Lithuania is extremely loyal, never leaving his allies sides in time of peace or war. If a friend requires his help, he will do everything in his ability to fix the problem. Lithuania is more passive than most countries, not wanting to offend anyone if possible. Lithuania is also rather handy around a house-hold, having served a maid of sorts in America and Russia's homes. As a result, he is quite good at cooking in cleaning, even if it's stereotypical of men not to do such things.


Bad: Lithuania has an abundance of crippling self-doubt. He's even entertained notions of suicide at times, and is often described as a depressing person. On top of that, his intense loyalty leads him to tight spots as he is sometimes forced to pick between allies, which is difficult for him to do, as most are also his friends. Lithuania is usually very shy, and he has extreme difficulty holding a conversation with women.




Good: Ukraine is usually quite kind and caring to other nations, when she's not in a bad mood. She's also become skilled at knitting, which has become a favored pastime of hers, and taking care of younger nations, having grown up as a sort of mother for Belarus and Russia. She's also an ally of America, often taking sides with him and his allies in matters. Whenever she's with very close friends and family, she displays a very warm and motherly nature.


Bad: Ukraine is very abusive towards Russia, though she doesn't actually hate him. It's because she loves him that she's often put into very difficult positions. She's America's ally and would have to side against him during a war, so she often berates him for his aggressiveness towards the American. She also a strong anti-communist, having suffered greatly when a part of the USSR. Even worse, there are 'Russian Supremacists' who look down on the Ukrainian people, referring to them as an American would 'red-necks' due to their odd accent whenever they speak Russian.


((Yes, all of my countries are neutral as I wasn't here at the start of the war.))

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Twilight, do I have every right to make Czech get revenge on Russia after the war is over?

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