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The Power Inside

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((Fort beat me to the post and for some reason my phone didn't let me know...I'll edit...


Edited and posting.))


Pyrhos watched and he felt Sera's heart jump. He screeched quite loudly at Aero, willing him to hurry. After a heart-wrenching moment, the dragon fiend caught him. Pyrhos related this to his summoner and then made his way back to the school.



Angelina came out of the school and came to stand nearby Diana.

"Gods save them..."


Sera hurried over to Imari's side as the girl sank to her knees.

"Are you okay?" she asked with worry.

"I couldn't find Rosa anywhere. I don't think she's here. Angelina could always help if need." Sera suggested.




Pyrhos had waited slightly for Aero to catch up. The huge fiend flew only slightly ahead heading straight for the school...

It wasn't exactly the shortest flight but he would be there in about another minute.

Edited by evangeline5432

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“I’m fine.” Imari spoke pushing herself up again looking towards the sky. “Fear just got the better of me. Get Arthur here soon as possible. Don’t worry about Bastian and Drahual, his injuries is miner.” Drahual had informed her in what state he was and from his description he was clearly in the water for a long time.


Her fiend slowly dropped Bastian into his claws making it easier for him to carry. He didn’t want to bite down on the young summoner after all. Carrying his patient Drahual slowly made his way towards the school being very careful with his cargo.

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Angelina had walked over as Imari sank to the ground. Sera beat there but she offered a hand afterwards.

"What exactly is going on?"


Sera had moved slightly away when she was sure Imari was okay. She focused on her fiend. Pyrhos visibly sped up, he seemed hesitant but regardless he started to cover more distance in less time.


Pyrhos flew as fast as he could, his wings stirring up quite a few powerful gusts of wind. In no time, he was circling the area of the school as he descended slowing.

At Sera's command, he very gently set the boy down on the ground before flying up and away to make room for Drahual.


Sera glanced back at Angelina and Imari before running over to the boy Pyrhos had gently layed down. She took his pulse, it was faint. Sera bit her lip.


Not waiting for an explanation, Angelina hurried over to Authur's side. He had lost a lot of blood. The wound had seemed to have started to scab. Kneeling down, she tore the bloody material away. Aiedail had walked over to her side by then and she waited as her summoner checked the soldier's vitals. She nodded to her fiend and moved slightly out of the way. Aiedail gently the boy and her healing light surrounded him. A moment later, the fiend backed away. The boy's immediate injuries were healed but he still looked like a bloody mess.

"It's safe to move him. Any bleeding should be stopped, we should take him inside so that when Rosa gets here she can help him.


((Spirit: Feel free to have Aiedail heal Bastian as well.))

Edited by evangeline5432

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((Vang I think you are getting confused with Areo and Drahual xd.png

Areo has disappeared already and Drahual is still out))


Imari stepped closer to see how the boy is doing; clearly they were somewhere where they weren’t supposed to be. She then turned her head towards the sky looking her approaching fiend, her heart still felt like if it was in her stomach. The fear of losing her cousin did have an bitter effect on her.


Drahual landed only a few minutes later still holding Bastian in his claws waiting for his summoner to give word. Imari stepped closer, stretched out her arms where Drahual in turn placed him in her arm. Slightly kneeling down to the ground, due to the extra weight, she looked at her cousin with great care.

Aiedail had in mean time approached the pair, looking at Imari as if she waited for permission. Imari could only nod at the wolf fiend as she still held her cousin. Aiedail quickly used her magic and soon Bastian’s red skin disappeared along with other scratches and what not.

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Rosa was well out of breath when she reached the school. She took a moment to catch it back again and leaned against the gate before hurrying over to the collected students.


"What is going on here? Why is Arthur covered in blood?"


She looked down at the unconscious boy on the ground. Arthur had always been quite pale, but now he was as white as paper. He must have lost a terrible amount of blood.


Rose knealt down and checked the area surrounded by the most blood.


"You did well Angelina" she said over her shoulder. "There isn't even a scar. But lets get him inside."

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((Vang I think you are getting confused with Areo and Drahual xd.png

Areo has disappeared already and Drahual is still out))

((I knew that. I was just testing you. o3o

*quickly scurries off to change it.*))


Angelina looked up and nodded a greeting to Rosa, she looked relieved to see her if anything. As the other woman knelt, the younger healer moved out of the way to give Rosa room.

"We don't know yet." she said then feel silent as Rosa continued talking.

"Sera, come help me please?"


Once Bastian had been healed, Aiedail had gone back over to Arthur and with her summoner help they started to pick him up off the ground. He was a little heavier than Angelina and Sera quickly moved over. Together, they both helped relocate the boy to the infirmary. They laid him on one of the cots. Angelina stayed in case Rosa needed help.


As soon as Sera helped Angelina, she ran back out to aid Imari if Diana hadn't already.

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Rosa gently removed Arthur's jacket and shirt to double check for any further wounds. She couldn't find any, but until the boy woke up and explained it would be better to play safe than sorry. Taking some linen she began to clean the blood off his skin, but as she manoeuvred her way around him she accidentaly knocked his jacket onto the floor. When it landed it gave a little thump and a small box spilled out of an inner pocket.


Rosa looked down at it and with a little glance at Angelina reached down to pick it up. She opened the lid and opened it. As well as a small card inside it also contained several shards of crystal. Rosa gasped in horror and dropped the box as though it had suddenly grown red hot.

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Kaz entered one of the taverns in Niefir, him and Xaphan having reached the village not long ago. Having left Usi early in the morning, he did not have the chance to get a decent breakfast in, 1/4 of a loaf of bread and a waterskin was all the F&B he had taken with him.


Since Niefir was the closest village to Usi, he decided to stop there. A couple of military personal were in there and gave him the look as he entered, but quickly resumed their conversation.


As of this moment, Kaz had no idea what to do next, a ray of hope regarding his brother's disappearance had appeared to him, however he was finding it hard to contemplate the idea of working alongside two military summoners... afterall someone who has grown up distrusting them for several years is not gonna change their views over night.


The barmaid walked over to Kaz's table and placed the meal he had ordered onto the table.

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"Rosa?" she asked, moving closer as the woman dropped the box. It's content spilled over over the floor and Angelina recognized the shards as part of summoner crystal. She knelt and quickly cleaned them up before any of the other students entered. As she stood, she put the box back in Arthur's coat.

"Rosa, are you okay?" she asked softly.

"Who...?" she voice trailed off.

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Imari still held her cousin in her arms while she sat on the ground. Drahual was standing over the pair not wanting the others to come closer any more. Imari stroked his forehead whispering softly to him to wake up but Bastian lay still only making sounds of pain.


“You must be dreaming and at least your breathing is back to normal.” She spoke in a low voice.

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Diana spotted Imari on the ground in the distance. She bit her lip, taking her seat on her Fiend's back. They'd fought, but her life was more important than petty squabbles. If somethif was wrong, she had to help them. Nudging Rain on, the two galloped toward Imari and her own Fiend. Something was definitely wrong. She halted a couple of metres away, afraid she may simply respond with a sharp tongue. "Imari! Are you okay?"

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Khaine returned to the boys dorm, completely oblivious to everything else that was going on so far. He had taken a morning shower and was feeling quiet refreshed for the day.


Sitting down on his bed, he pondered for awhile. Yesterdays lesson had been all about survival, but that was only in terms of food and water. During their mission in Khemm, during that monster invasion, he had seen other summoners carrying a variety of weapons with them.


He sat there, contemplating whether they would have to learn how to wield weapons as well, and if so, which would be best suited for him.

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Imari heard a familiar voice and looked up, it was Diana. She was actually approaching her and asking if she was alright after she displayed that the girl did not like her much. Drahual on the other hand growled at Diana, as if he was a mother dragon protecting her hatchlings from danger but Imari just looked at him crossly.


“I’m fine.” She spoke looking down at her cousin. She had to get him inside eventually, he wouldn’t be too happy if he woke up in this position anyway. Slinging his arm around her shoulders Imari lifted him up. “You’re getting to heavy for this.” She stated to herself as she struggled a bit.


“Well? Aren’t you going to help me?” Imari spoke looking at Diana.

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"Drystan" managed Rosa. "He was a student here years ago. We were....in the same class together."


The shock of seeing her old schoolmate's crystal had crippled Rosa's ability of rational thought. All she could think about was the small crush she had carried for Drystan during their time together and her regret at never telling him about her feelings.




Outside on the road leading to the school a man in a red coat was marching his way up it. On his face was an expression of barely contained glee. Walking alongside him was a large silver lion with golden horns.


((@ Drow: Took a minor liberty there. Hope you don't mind.))

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Angelina looked sad.

"I'm sorry, Rosa." The girl said softly while gently placing an arm around the healer and guiding the woman to another cot.

"Why don't you sit down. I can tend to Arthur. Can I get you anything?"




Sera rounded the corner just as Diana ran over to help Imari. She paused then walked over.

"Do you need help, Imari?"

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"Oh, yeah, sure!" Diana slid off Rain and hurried to her, Fiend hot on her heels. She took hold of the man's legs, leaving the upper part to Imari. She seemed to know him, after all, and if he woke up, it would be less alarming to see her than some random chick. Her eyes lingered on his face for perhaps a moment longer than needed; his face was quite attractive, and he seemed quite muscular. Hmph. Same age as her too- She stopped her thoughts right there. Or tried to. This wasn't the right time to be thinking like that. "Uhm, do you want to take him back on Drahaul? Or if you're tired, I can take him on Rain." She looked over at Sera. Maybe her Fiend instead if Imari didn't trust her with this... Guy. He seemed a bit too young for a boyfriend- There she was going on again about stuff like that.

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Imari did a mental face palm when Diana asked if Drahual wanted to take him back. Clearly her head weren’t where it should be. They were after all only a few feet from the school entrance and for her fiend to take him in would just be stupid. She noticed Diana staring at Bastian but for now she didn’t have time to deal with this.


“Stop staring at him and put him on Rain. Then you can take him to the infirmary.” Imari spoke as she started to maneuver her cousin to the water fiend. “If you let him fall or anything I’ll turn you to pulp.”


Imari’s affection to her unconscious cousin was a normal one. Thou they might fight a lot and hate each other’s guts both of them reacted over protective and caring when either of them got hurt. That was one of the reasons why the islands people got so annoyed with them, their love hate relationship was always something confusing.


"Thanks Sera. I believe we have stuff under control here." Imari spoke when she saw the fire summoner coming around the corner.

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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Diana blushed as Imari spoke to her; okay, she had been staring. She maneouvured Bastian's legs to slide one through to the other side and then, still holding him awkwardly, managed to slide him on as if he was riding Rain - just slumped over on her neck. She climbed up behind him and put an arm around his middle to home him on. She was used to this sort of thing, luckily. "I'll be off then," she said cheerily. Holding him like this was actually making her feel a little shy. Rain turned and trotted for a couple of steps before launching into a very gentle, slow, canter. It took just a minute or two for them to reach the school. Diana got off Rain and held the boy on her as they walked off to the infirmary. All she had to do was slip him off, and there he was on the bed. She leaned forward and absentmindedly brushed a piece of hair out of his face. He did have quite the nice one.


((He should wake up to Diana leaning over him. xd.png))

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Imari stayed outside along with Sera as she watched Diana and Rain take Bastian in. She could only sigh wondering what they were doing in the first place. Hopefully the Arthur fell will be ok she thought to herself.


“I swear I’ll beat him up if whatever they did were stupid.” Imari stated out loud.




Bastian swayed from darkness to light, struggling to wake himself. He could sense the person holding him was someone familiar, the persons scent gave it away. It was Imari of course the person he trusted the most at the moment. His mind continued to be a blur as he felt being moved and as a different scent lingered around him. I’m being taken away by someone else he thought to himself, what is Imari thinking?


It wasn’t long before he felt a change of position from upright to laying down. After a few second he sensed something else, someone was too close to comfort for him.


“Don’t touch me.” He finally mustered the words as he finally came to it.

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Diana yelped, jumping back as the guy spoke. What. That was a short unconscious time. She came back to the edge of her bed, blue eyes rather wide. "I-I only fiddled with a piece of your hair," she said hurriedly, a bit flustered. Rain stood by the edge of the bed curiously. She dipped her head down, blue muzzle gently touching his stomach and nostrils flaring. "Who... Are you?" she asked, peering down at him.

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Moments after Diana had escorted Bastain into the school building the red coated Summoner appeared in the courtyard. His large silver lion prowled by his side.


"You there!" he called over to Imari when he spotted her. "Where are the two Summoners who just arrived here?"


He began to stride towards her, not waiting for an answer.


"They can't have been here long. Perhaps only a few minutes. Show me to them at once."


He spoke with a very arrogant tone, as if Imari disobeying him was not something to be considered. When he reached her he sneered down at her, showing that he believed her below his attention.

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"Where is Arture? Where is Imari?" Bastian spoke. He lifted his hand and slightly pushed Rain's muzzle away as he tried to sit up.


"Did Rosa tend to Arthur? Will he be alright?" Bastian then looked at Diana. "Who are you?

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((Arrogant tone with Imari? Not smart. xd.png))


Diana blinked at the sudden barrage of questions. Well, then. She paused for a moment before speaking. "Imari's outside; I took you inside because it's easier for Rain to carry you then two people," she explained, nodding toward her Fiend. "I dunno about Arthur, but I think there was a guy Rosa was hurrying off to? I'm Diana. Nice to meet you. You still haven't answered my question." She grinned - actually a little bit shyly as she extended her hand for him to shake. Rain's ears flicked at the pushing away of her muzzle.

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"I'm Bastian. Imari's cousin." He spoke looking at her hand. He ignored it and laid back down, he was so tired that he ignored politeness.




imari turned around when someone spoke, how could she not have notice him. She shook her head and looked slightly up as the man stood in front of her. She didn't like how he was talking to her and neither di Drahual, both were immediately on their guard.


"I'm sorry I don't know what you are talking about." She spoke back in a bitter tone. Her eyes looked at his fiend, it took her a while but she remembered seeing it somewhere before. Drahual's instinct quickly kicked in and stood behind his summoner looking down at the newcomers.

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Hm. Well, that was very rude. She retracted her hand, and laid it on her Fiend's neck. She was giving Bastian a bit of a stare, and her ears were flicked back slightly. It seemed looks weren't everything. "So..." she and slowly, staring at him. "You a Summoner like Imari? Why aren't you at the school?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.

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