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2010-12-27 -Tree Decorating Event

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can we just agree to disagree on the tree decorating versus sculpting/ picture making argument? everyone will have a different opinion- just vote how you see fit!

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Has anyone come across their own tree yet? I haven't.

We're not supposed to come across our own trees

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IMHO If this contest is about creativity, the picture trees should win


I mean, it takes some creativity and time to get a traditional tree to look right and balanced, but it takes much more to get a solid recognizable picture with specific shapes. Though it's all about clarity, balance and composition, and that's the difference between good and great. (IMHO)

This was exactly my original point. Having the contest be about tree decorating was somewhat equalizing. It made a more level competition, especially when you consider that this place draws quite a few actual artists.


So when someone uses the ornaments simply as a medium for an art piece - one that may not even be about the tree - then you've changed what the competition is about. I'm not saying that people should give them low marks at all. I'm just saying that I am a little unsure about the fact that we're judging decorated trees against this other type of art.

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I have yet to see a really cool tree. I see completely empty trees and completely cluttered trees sad.gif

i completely agree! i'm waiting for something really cool, or really beautiful!!


wtf? i just saw a tree with a garland, 2 or 3 ornaments ON the tree, and the ALL THE REST OF THE ORNAMENTS AROUND THE TREE!!!!

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Okay, I now officially got a tree again on which I have already voted. I know it, because I gave it a pretty high mark and took a screencap of it as one of my favourites.

I have cleaned my cookies and got a new IP between this round of clicking and the last one (not due to DC) and I'm now getting trees I've already voted on - I've suspected it several times already but just now actually got one I screencapped earlier.



Edit: and two more - I *know* I had them. Didn't screencap them, but I know I had them. *sigh*

this is starting to worry me too, i'v found several that i remember voting for them before, right now i found i DC tree that i did vote fore, i remember it perfictly...


i'm starting to think that a lot of tree will get higher votes for multiply voting from the same person by accedent, or it could just be my imgenation =/

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I don't care for picture trees personally. biggrin.gif I love the traditional ones that give an 'at home' feeling more. But that's just me.

The picture ones that look neat, but still not very realistic get 7s from me at most. 8s and 9s went to the traditional nice ones.

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Has anyone come across their own tree yet? I haven't.

I don't think TJ would allow that. ninja.gif'd

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I haven't been keep strict tallies, but I estimate I've voted on nearly a thousand by now. I take a tally every other half hour and I've been averaging 150 per 30 minutes.


If I keep up this rate, I hope to get through all 8000 some entries!


...unless I end up revoting on things.

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Is it a glitch? Because we're supposed to not being possible to rate any tree twice, aren't we?

I think you can vote same tree more than once.. try duplicating the tab and vote, it registers the votes from all tabs


Makes me wonder how we will ever get through voting for 9000 odd trees Lol. I hope they are generated randomly both from the starting end and the finishing end; and not all from tree 1! (if you know what i mean.)









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just vote how you see fit!

This is how I've been voting from tree one!


I've seen quite a few just now where the creator was hell bent on making sure not a bit of greenery was on show. I like a full traditional tree myself, but...!

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it doesn't matter if you see the same tree twice if the voting system is based on average vote count, because you would vote the same score for the same tree, right?

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With all the blank and haphazardly decorated trees, and all the ones lookina as if the ornaments have not been moved from their initial positions I have an impression that all trees that have been "seen" by the scrollowner are being subjected to the contest, no matter if submited or not...

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I did a silver, blue, purple theme traditional balanced and symetrical tree. my OCD compelled me.


however I worry that some of the users have had tree problems. at least half if not more of the trees I have judged have been a smashed conglomerate of things that if I am not mistaken are in the exact placement that they went on every day of the decorating. I worry that some error has jumbled these users trees and this is not the way users intentded. sad.gif

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I have to say, I really love the rainbow ones. They're so neat and organized, it makes me want to hug them. :3

...and then I saw a rainbow tree that had a gold garland slapped onto it. ._.

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Well since I didn't get an answer to my question, I'm asking again (I reeeeeaaaaaalllllllly want an answer badly!). If you didn't get a chance to submit your tree, does that mean you don't have a chance in the contest?

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As far as those picture trees go - if they treat the tree as a three dimensional tree, taking into account that it bulges when it's nearer to us and it's simply not possible to have a completely straight line across it and take into account balance and composition - basically if it's a picture that could be done with real ornaments on a real tree, I judge it just as any other decoration (i.e. does it look good to me or not.)


If the picture is more important than the tree, which just a flat green triangle in the background, I rate it the same as the over cluttered messes.


For me it's still a tree decorating contest, so if the tree is less important than the pretty letter or faces, the entry missed the point in my eyes *shrug*


But to each their own and I'm sure there are as many people who give a 9 to my 2.

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I think you can vote same tree more than once.. try duplicating the tab and vote, it registers the votes from all tabs


Makes me wonder how we will ever get through voting for 9000 odd trees Lol. I hope they are generated randomly both from the starting end and the finishing end; and not all from tree 1! (if you know what i mean.)

TJs original post says that each user will only be allowed to vote on each tree once. However, seeing as people are saying they are seeing the same tree more than once, I think there is a glitch. I personally haven't noticed any doubled trees, but I may just not be remembering well. Hopefully if it is glitched, TJ will fix it.

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I think you can vote same tree more than once.. try duplicating the tab and vote, it registers the votes from all tabs


Makes me wonder how we will ever get through voting for 9000 odd trees Lol. I hope they are generated randomly both from the starting end and the finishing end; and not all from tree 1! (if you know what i mean.)

But in the first post by TJ it's mentioned that we can vote each tree only once. So this should be reported. especially, if there might be this "tricking". Not meaning you do. Just, if someone sees a friend's tree or a tree he simply likes or hates, opening different tabs and voting it several times to cheat.



I think they're randomed, yes. At least I didn't get some of the trees other had during their firsts xd.png

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op, another tree with ornaments flying around it.... some people must have been decorating trees in zero gravity!!!

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Well since I didn't get an answer to my question, I'm asking again (I reeeeeaaaaaalllllllly want an answer badly!). If you didn't get a chance to submit your tree, does that mean you don't have a chance in the contest?

oh... sorry, yes. Thjat means we don't have a chance to vote for your tree and such, you are not in the contest...

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What's up with all the empty trees? I actually thought someone might do that as a joke to see how far it would go (or to make it easy to spot and thus score higher by friends); but I've seen maybe 4 or 5 so far while voting and I've only voted about 20-30 times so seems quite a bit of people did it.


There are actually some very good decorate trees and some people came up with some creative ways to combine the decorations so it'll be interesting to see who comes out as the winner.

At the beginning of decorating, submitting your tree would often reset it. I suspect that the people who didn't realize it was a glitch our couldn't remake their tree are the ones who ended up submitting the empty ones.

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Well since I didn't get an answer to my question, I'm asking again (I reeeeeaaaaaalllllllly want an answer badly!). If you didn't get a chance to submit your tree, does that mean you don't have a chance in the contest?

If you never hit the "submit" button, then your tree is NOT in with the trees to be voted on, so yes, you have no chance because your not in the voting. Sorry. However, if at ANYTIME you hit that button, your tree as it looked at midnight last night, will be in the voting and you DO have a chance.

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Well since I didn't get an answer to my question, I'm asking again (I reeeeeaaaaaalllllllly want an answer badly!). If you didn't get a chance to submit your tree, does that mean you don't have a chance in the contest?

As far as I understand it, if you did not actually submit your tree then your tree will NOT be a part of the contest.

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