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Hatchlings OoC Thread

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Great to see you back! biggrin.gif


I'd been constructing a long-term plan revolving around Balthan, so having him disappear hurts the overall story.


@Dusset: you could have Scuta go to get Crisie, then run into someone else who argues with him for a while, just to get things moving again.

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Actually I have a plan, but I've been preoccupied with the massive amount of books I'm getting.

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Lemme see..


-Thrymzen is rebuilding his enormous city-fortress, the Citadel. He has yet to properly found it (by binding his soul into the fortress and surrounding area, thus breaking it off from the natural world) but he has ten thousand workers and most of the moat is finished. A lot of his old followers and lieutenants are rejoining him.


-Scuta has agreed to join Thrymzen, if he cures Crisie of her cancer.


-The good guys are at their home cave right now, not doing much.

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Well im popping in like once a week tongue.gif

So until something happens, ill be molesting children doing sumthing.

Edited by XxdragicexX

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OK, so Crisie hasn't been on lately then? How long game time has passed since I left?

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Ahh, well I need to think up an excuse for where Balthan has been. Maybe he went back to the vault to do something.

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Sure tongue.gif Just fill this up, and either me, LLD, or Dusset will look it over.

Username: <your forum name>
Name: <character name>
Gender: <male or female?>
Type/Breed:  <what kind of DC dragon?>
Power: <what superpower it wields>
Personality: <what is it like?>
Appearance: <how does it look like from the average breed?>
Age/Stage: <how old is it? a winged hatchling>>
History: <how did it come about?>
Extra: <anything else you might want us to know :D >

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Username: dreamgirl5

Name: Ashta

Gender: female

Type/Breed: magma

Power: fire of very high heat and great speed for her specie. her body is very hot too.

Personality: no matter of her specie, she is nice and friendly, but she is also short-tempered and can easily be unnerved. she is loyal and obey orders without question.

Appearance: tiny magma dragon, tinier than most magmas. she is also somewhat darker than usual and bit 'colder'.

Age/Stage: frozen matured hatchling

History: Ashta never had parents. she hatched in forest, abandoned and alone. she found out that humans want to steal hatchlings and she found out hatchling formed clan to protect themselves. she joined them not long ago and was still not coping well there.

Extra: nope tongue.gif

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1. Fix spelling/grammatical errors, i.e. it's not 'specie' it's 'species' it's plural and singular at the same time.

2. Was wondering about that history section. She can't all of a sudden be in our group. She would actually have to meet them. It wouldn't work if all of a sudden we had dragon that was supposedly had been with the group for awhile. Your playing the dragon from a first-person view, with a past-tense.

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1. Fix spelling/grammatical errors, i.e. it's not 'specie' it's 'species' it's plural and singular at the same time.

2. Was wondering about that history section. She can't all of a sudden be in our group. She would actually have to meet them. It wouldn't work if all of a sudden we had dragon that was supposedly had been with the group for awhile. Your playing the dragon from a first-person view, with a past-tense.

simple English please? >.>;


im not native English speaker, so im not very good at it. I always try my best but I can't write as most people here on forums (in school we got only to Simple Past Tense)


I'll try to fix history later. because of writers block. and English block. =/ I will first go and sleep, tommorow I should be able to fix it (and tommorow I will probably be able to read AND understand the grammar/spelling/history post of yours tongue.gif)

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Oh I'm sorry. Had I known I wouldn't have been as blunt.

Basically I really just want a better history, and I'll fix the grammatical errors and such for Sharly to put in the OP.

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no prob. I want that people fix my grammar, im trying to be as good as I can biggrin.gif. I'll fix the history later, as I said. I will also try to fix grammar as much as I can, I was bit sleepy when I was writing this (and I knew I was making some mistakes, I just couldnt figure out what I wrote wrong xd.png)

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So is the OOC channel only for creating/reintroducing characters and making up new plotlines?

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Technically it's for ALL out of character conversations. But most are short enough to be posted in the main thread. Lengthy conversations, such as plot lines, are here. If you have something to say though. You should probably post it here.

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Ok so a new thing has been more or less added to the RP. The season cycle is no longer frozen. where now moving into autumn for the RP time

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Awesome XD having more environmental traits to go by like that would probably make it atleast slightly more interesting, and make it easier to come up with unrepeated things to do during downtime

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If we do it right, our chars would have to go and hunt less, as well as not need a new source of water.

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Someone told me to post my character sheet here...




Name: Star


Gender: Male


Type: Star Dragon


Power: Create a flash of light that will temporarily (about 5 minutes) blind the targets.


Job: Warrior


Personality: Friendly, willing to injure himself to save another hatchling.


Appearance: Uh, male dragon I guess?


Age: Child (Has wings, but cannot yet fly with them.


If I am approved, I'll think of the way I appear.

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