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The people in the military over seas have the ability to do things just like the ones they are at war with. It's not just the terrorists you have to worry about as well it's your own people.

Beautifully put.


And that doesn't even take into account the abuse that a lot of members of the POLICE force in one's own country subject (often totally innocent) people to.... There is right now yet another inquiry running in the UK about suspicious deaths of people in police custody... I know of a couple of cases in Canada. And I am sure there are plenty in the US.


That biblical quote about the beam in thine own eye fits well here, as well as the people in glass houses one cited further up this thread.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

(Matthew 7:3)


Fighting is not the answer. Fighting makes it all worse.


Oh - and "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely". Some countries - NOTABLY the US - seem to be aiming for the extreme end of that one... The more power they see themselves as "deserving", the more they bully. (And here I have to admit to a certain considerable disappointment in Obama in that the number of drone attacks he has sanctioned is FAR higher than the number Bush ever did - and they kill MOSTLY innocent bystanders. But I guess from the tone of some posts in this thread, that that will be seen as one GOOD thing Obama has done... sad.gif)

Edited by fuzzbucket

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Uh...except shorting a person's name is rude in Korean culture?


How was I supposed to know? It's ironic because you just used "uh" and "duh" right away. xd.png Besides, if you think he was a bad person, you can't make an exception?


Oh yes, but this wasn't the same case was Hitler, duh.


No, I don't think the US was the cause of the intervention, but what I've said was that although we didn't get overridden by the communist forces, the U.S forces being in Korea, and having a large part in handling Korean politics oversaw the military coup, picked bureaucrats that were pro-Japanese during the colonization and made sure that the military dictatorships continued. That's all I've said. I didn't say that the U.S was the cause of the intervention or whatever.


If there was a democratic government that was disbanded, I would think the reasons would have been elements of communism or stability issues if the government was kept with elections. The U.S. wanted stability and open up to America's lucrative markets. It's called tough love. Could they have been too cautious? Perhaps.


so you'd better have a good, concrete plan rather than "we gonna kill some bad guyz!!11!!!!1!!" or you can leave them alone.


There were a couple of reasons that the U.S. went to war other than ridding the place of bad guys. WWII was over, and the U.S. didn’t want to appease aggression right off the bat like Europe had done with Hitler. Japan was also seen as a prize in the region, and to insure security around there required a non-hostile Korea.


I don't get what's so radical about that.


Considering the military dictatorships, do you think U.S. involvement was justified or not? It’s one of the four little dragons.


Oh yes and do you know that a lot of those folks are irrationally anti-communist to a degree that they believe that left-wing politics are supported by communists everywhere? tongue.gif It's not that surprising really, if you look at their point of view, it's just that simply it isn't true.


Would you believe them if they told you there were tunnels leading to Seoul?


Uh, actually you guys supported the Taliban and most of what became the Al Qaeda when they were fighting against the Soviet Russians, so actually... you guys helped build them.






(And here I have to admit to a certain considerable disappointment in Obama in that the number of drone attacks he has sanctioned is FAR higher than the number Bush ever did - and they kill MOSTLY innocent bystanders. But I guess from the tone of some posts in this thread, that that will be seen as one GOOD thing Obama has done...


Why are you just disappointed with that? He didn’t close Gitmo. He’s still in Afghanistan, and the withdrawal timetable from Iraq was simply Bush’s plan anyways. He’s also said that he won’t allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon.

Edited by Alpha1

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ANYONE can edit wikipedia. I have done it myself. xd.png And as I imagine most people here know, especially in the case of politicians with agendas, it is done ALL THE TIME by spin doctors !

But the UK and the US DID arm the Taliban.


Why are you just disappointed with that? He didn’t close Gitmo. He’s still in Afghanistan, and the withdrawal timetable from Iraq was simply Bush’s plan anyways. He’s also said that he won’t allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon.

He should have closed it - and because drones kill primarily civilians at random, and do exactly nothing to prevent nukes.


And if the US can have nukes - then so can everyone else. Why should THEY be special ? (or the UK, and other countries who decide that only they should decide who is OK and who isn't.)

Beams, mote, eyes.... Glass houses. Etc.


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ANYONE can edit wikipedia. I have done it myself. xd.png  And as I imagine most people here know, especially in the case of politicians with agendas, it is done ALL THE TIME by spin doctors !

But the UK and the US DID arm the Taliban.


That's not what I was referring to. I'm referring to the part where she mentioned al-Qaeda. Though, technically, the Taliban weren't formed around that time, and the molding of the Taliban was because of Pakistan. You could say that the U.S. supplied the other competing groups that fought the Taliban after the Soviets left.


And if the US can have nukes - then so can everyone else. Why should THEY be special ? (or the UK, and other countries who decide that only they should decide who is OK and who isn't.)

Beams, mote, eyes.... Glass houses. Etc.


Do you trust everyone equally in life? xd.png And even if the regime doesn't use it, they'll still be able to intimidate to pursue their interests in the region.

Edited by Alpha1

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That's not what I was referring to. I'm referring to the part where she mentioned al-qaeda.




Do you trust everyone equally in life? xd.png And even if the regime doesn't use it, they'll still be able to intimidate to pursue their interests in the region.

You can only intimidate with something if you are prepared to use it. And NO-ONE civilised would ever press that button. So I assume the US only has it to intimidate others... I HOPE... And since you ask - I trust the US rather less than I do many countries. See above by KageSora.



Edited by fuzzbucket

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You can only intimidate with something if you are prepared to use it. And NO-ONE civilised would ever press that button. So I assume the US only has it to intimidate others... I HOPE...  And since you ask - I trust the US rather less than I do many countries. See above by KageSora.


It was done in Japan. It could be done again. ;D



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How was I supposed to know? It's ironic because you just used "uh" and "duh" right away.   Besides, if you think he was a bad person, you can't make an exception?
Nope. Sorry. It's like, say, calling "Steve Stevenson" as "Stson" Just sounds weird. And your ignorance in this matter sorta disqualifies you to speak anything at all about Korean politics and society as a whole really. You get simple things wrong like this, but you think you're qualified to speak about more complicated stuff? Please, give me a break.


If there was a democratic government that was disbanded, I would think the reasons would have been elements of communism or stability issues if the government was kept with elections. The U.S. wanted stability and open up to America's lucrative markets. It's called tough love. Could they have been too cautious? Perhaps.
Please don't make assumptions about history that you clearly know nothing of. Go and educate yourself before you do that. Oh and the tough love resulted in thousands of innocent dead civilians and a political culture that was oppressive. Wouldn't call that love. Unless you want me to come over, cut off some of your legs, and call that love.


There were a couple of reasons that the U.S. went to war other than ridding the place of bad guys. WWII was over, and the U.S. didn’t want to appease aggression right off the bat like Europe had done with Hitler. Japan was also seen as a prize in the region, and to insure security around there required a non-hostile Korea.

Correct, I'm not saying that the ends or the intentions were bad-just that the process created thousands of dead people which has effects to this day. That's all I'm saying.


Considering the military dictatorships, do you think U.S. involvement was justified or not? It’s one of the four little dragons.
That would depend. The end and the result-yes. But in the process, they could have done a lot better.


Would you believe them if they told you there were tunnels leading to Seoul?
That's common knowledge. The other weird bs they spout, however, is not.


It was done in Japan. It could be done again. ;D
And there we differ. Not to mention, if you guys do nuke a country, what's to stop everyone else from using it on you?


Alpha, please educate yourself on Northeast Asian history and political culture before you make assumptions that are clearly untrue, as well as coming back with rebuttals with "bet you didn't know this!" except I know what it is. I really don't see why you keep debating with me on this issue as you clearly lack knowledge on this one. Why are you assuming that you know more about a subject that you clearly show your ignorance at?

Edited by ylangylang

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I hope to God no one would be that stupid.



That is exactly what bothers me about jingoistic politics. And about US attitudes towards other countries. Someone doing something bad to you does NOT give you the right to do something far worse in retaliation. However bad whatever they did was.


During the war "annihilationist and exterminationalist rhetoric" was tolerated at all levels of US society; according to the UK embassy in Washington the Americans regarded the Japanese as "a nameless mass of vermin". Caricatures depicting Japanese as less than human, e.g. monkeys, were common. A 1944 opinion poll that asked what should be done with Japan found that 13% of the US public were in favor of "killing off" all Japanese: men, women, and children.


News of the atomic bombing was greeted enthusiastically in the US; a poll in Fortune magazine in late 1945 showed a significant minority of Americans wishing that more atomic bombs could have been dropped on Japan.


(source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_bombin...a_and_Nagasaki)


I fear attitudes have not entirely changed sad.gif


From the same article:


The Tokyo District Court, while denying a case for damages, stated:


    ... (cool.gif that the dropping of atomic bombs as an act of hostilities was illegal under the rules of positive international law (taking both treaty law and customary law into consideration) then in force... © that the dropping of atomic bombs also constituted a wrongful act on the plane of municipal law, ascribable to the United States and its President, Mr. Harry S. Truman; ...The aerial bombardment with atomic bombs of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was an illegal act of hostilities according to the rules of international law. It must be regarded as indiscriminate aerial bombardment of undefended cities, even if it were directed at military objectives only, inasmuch as it resulted in damage comparable to that caused by indiscriminate bombardment.


Sadly the US still hasn't signed up to a number of international conventions. And that "indiscriminate aerial bombardment" is still going on today, with the US drones.

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That is exactly what bothers me about jingoistic politics. And about US attitudes towards other countries. Someone doing something bad to you does NOT give you the right to do something far worse in retaliation. However bad whatever they did was.



Apparently a first-hand account from someone whose country suffered as a relic of that attitude is met with skepticism. biggrin.gif


But yes, I agree with this. Seriously nuke everyone else? What's the U.S going to live with, a world surrounded by nuclear waste?


That's why I hated Bush's "enemy state" rhetoric.

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Apparently a first-hand account from someone whose country suffered as a relic of that attitude is met with skepticism. biggrin.gif


But yes, I agree with this. Seriously nuke everyone else? What's the U.S going to live with, a world surrounded by nuclear waste?


That's why I hated Bush's "enemy state" rhetoric.

Well no. The radiation will spread. Nuking will ultimately finish off the human race.


Not necessarily such a bad idea, really.... xd.png

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Well, American health and economics is already in-line with the Fallout universe...why not just add in the radiation? ;~)

Apparently a first-hand account from someone whose country suffered as a relic of that attitude is met with skepticism. biggrin.gif

Don't worry; it's the American Way. Doesn't matter if you're the person at the epicentre of whatever the debate is, an American will always know better than you ;~)

It was done in Japan. It could be done again. ;D

And only once. It is a general consensus that should a single nuclear missile ever be used again, it would result in the end of the world - and that isn't a dramatic overstatement. It's long been the subject of many debates, intensified by the Cold War and Cuban Missile Crisis in particular, but the outcome from politicians to social scientists is all the same - World War Three would be very quick and extremely devastating, with the extinction of Mankind a very real possibility.


Which is partially the problem with nuclear deterrents - they're not actually all that good. They're more for the 'peace of mind' of the individual countries, which is a joke in and of itself. And while it would be lovely and hippy if we could have total nuclear disarmament it will never happen - everyone will keep a sneaky silo or two in reserve, 'just in case' another country does.

Edited by Kestra15

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Don't worry; it's the American Way. Doesn't matter if you're the person at the epicentre of whatever the debate is, an American will always know better than you ;~)

*cough* There ARE Brits who know better than ANYONE.....

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*cough* There ARE Brits who know better than ANYONE.....

But I'm just incredibly arrogant regardless of my nationality ;~)

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Ya know, Obama has had 4 years to help this economy, and he has not done much. I agree, when change comes that another president takes over, it is hard, but most other presidents make an impact compaired to Obama. I am praying for relief that the Republians get in. Romney is not who I wanted, but he will be better than Obama.


Obama, can try and and make peace with the world, including the terrorists, but that is a joke.


Here are a few examples of the people of that country below. My own son has done 2 tours in that country and like he said, they do not value life period. Enjoy the stories below, as I would wipe the terrorists off the face of this earth if I could. They are inhuman as far as I am concerned.


Afghanistan Violence: Children Beheaded In Two Separate Incidents


KABUL, Aug 31 (Reuters) - An adolescent boy and a young girl have been beheaded in two separate incidents in Afghanistan, local officials and police said on Friday, in the latest brazen attacks that have raised fresh questions about a splintering Taliban.


A 12-year-old boy was kidnapped and killed in southern Kandahar province on Wednesday, his severed head placed near his body to send a warning to police, said provincial governor spokesman Jawid Faisal.


The brother of the boy, neither of whom were named by officials, was a member of the Afghan Local Police (ALP), a U.S.-trained militia charged with making Afghans in Taliban strongholds, like Kandahar, feel more secure, Faisal said.


"It's a Taliban warning to the ALP and to others who support the government," Faisal said of the killing, which happened in Kandahar's Panjwai district.


Taliban spokesman Qari Yousuf denied the group was involved.


Separately, a 6-year-old girl was beheaded in eastern Kapisa province on Thursday, said provincial police chief Abdul Hamed.




U.S Halts Training Of Some Afghanistan Forces In Light Of Green-On-Blue Violence


KABUL, Afghanistan — The U.S. military has halted the training of some Afghan forces while it digs deeper into their background following a surge of attacks by soldiers and police on their international partners, officials said Sunday.


The United States and its allies are pushing to have Afghan forces take over security for the country by the end of 2014. This effort has been imperiled by the spike in insider attacks that have killed 45 international service members this year, most of them Americans. There were at least 12 such attacks in August alone, resulting in 15 deaths.



Look at our Twin towers that were brought down and all the people that died, 9/11


Obama shows weekness to the terrorists and they are laughing at this man. It is ok to try and make peace with the countries who are civilized.


First of all I am only talking about the terrorists, not the good people of Afghanastan. Sometimes ask am I talking about all the people of that country.


The terrorists have been around for a long time and the atrocities they commit are worse than animals.


Our troops that went over there, were sane, not crazy, but after the atrocities they have seen happen to our troops, yes they loose it on those in that country, after all our men and women are only human. Those troops who are not POLITICALLY CORRECT, need to be sent home and deprogrammed. alot.png of people sit in their cozy little homes and make a judgement call on what our troops do. Take yourselves and join and then tell me how you feel after seeing young children beheaded by the terrorists animals, or children as young as 2 yrs old sent out with a bomb attached to them to blow up our troops, as well as the oher atricities they commit on their own people. Not one of you have commented on the news I put on about the children being beheaded. I guess that is ok with some of you!!!


Look at our Twin towers that were brought down and all the people that died, 9/11. I would have kicked out every foreigner from that country as this was war now. Hey, they came over here to learn and to set up to blow up the Towers. They were right here under our nose, and still are. All the Illegal Alliens need to be booted as well. They are here illegally and not following the law, sorry.


Yes we have crime here, but our country is more civilized than Afghanastan that is for sure.


How do any of you think countries are formed. Here in America, yes they took land from the indians and so history grew. Only the fittest survived in the western days.


Now we have a government and there are laws in place to keep us from being uncivilized and being animals as a whole.


Try and keep to the issue alone I am talking about, and not normal crime we have in this country. War is horrible and I myself wish we could all be at peace, but that is living in a FANTASY world.

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But I'm just incredibly arrogant regardless of my nationality ;~)

No you aren't (this is my UK side speaking.... xd.png)


Look at our Twin towers that were brought down and all the people that died, 9/11

And look at how many innocent civilians you have killed since then. WAY more than were killed in the twin towers - which ghastly event did NOT justify killing others as revenge, anyway.

Obama shows weekness to the terrorists and they are laughing at this man. It is ok to try and make peace with the countries who are civilized.

I can't call a country that acts that way civilised.

How do any of you think countries are formed. Here in America, yes they took land from the indians and so history grew. Only the fittest survived in the western days.

And yes, since you mention it - the US - and Canada, I make no bones about that - stole their land from the native population. NOT exactly sweet and lovely of them. The aboriginal population were harming no-one, and the white man had NO RIGHT to do what he did.

Now we have a government and there are laws in place to keep us from being uncivilized and being animals as a whole.


Try and keep to the issue alone I am talking about, and not normal crime we have in this country. War is horrible and I myself wish we could all be at peace, but that is living in a FANTASY world.


And your laws are NOT preventing your people being uncivilised. ("normal crime" ??? what is normal about your murder statistics, by the way ? I'd say they showed a serious underlying pathology...) Though Obama is more civilised than your own posts suggest you are. Does it not occur to you that the people you call terrorists may have come to be the way they are because of the way we in the WEST have treated THEM and what THEY have seen us do to their people ? Raping and murdering their families - way back when. Remember My Lai. (sp ?) And the soldiers we in the west send out there blow up little children too. And gang rape women in front of their children. And that quite often happens as soon as they get out there. Because they are taught to regard the "enemy" as animals.


I wish you showed more humanity here, I really do. We ARE keeping to the issue at hand. US politics, discussing the actions of an often violent people in their own country and a people whose (elected, sort of) government are violent to others without just cause.


If we cannot have a dream of a civilised world without war, we are lost. The US certainly isn't on the right path to achieve that.


Oh ETA - A reminder about DOMESTIC terrorism in the US. Not all terrorists are "evil foreigners". And note how carefully the media avoided reporting on it (see comments.)


The shooter seems to have been an ex-army white supremacist with a tattoo about 9/11. An event which Sikhs had NOTHING TO DO WITH.

Edited by fuzzbucket

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Oh ETA - A reminder about DOMESTIC terrorism in the US. Not all terrorists are "evil foreigners". And note how carefully the media avoided reporting on it (see comments.)


The shooter seems to have been an ex-army white supremacist with a tattoo about 9/11. An event which Sikhs had NOTHING TO DO WITH.

Eh, they're all funny-lookng/sounding brown people. How was he supposed to know the difference? </snark>


It's funny-I remember when "terrorist" was actually used to refer to white guys with truck bombs and weapons stockpiles, or ones that went off and shot a couple dozen people. These days, you'd be hard-pressed to get the media to refer to such a person as a terrorist. (Because these days, terrorists are scary brown people and not, you know, ANYONE who employs tactics to create fear for religious, ideological or political reasons.) It's not like we don't still have acts of domestic terrorism here in the states. (Remember Dr. George Tiller?) People just don't want to call a spade a spade anymore.



*sigh* Can I please just apologise on behalf of my entire country right now? I have a serious case of secondhand embarrassment from some of this nonsense.




By the way, Kat, did you read my other post regarding the content of the the republican national platform? Do you have any comments on it?

Edited by LascielsShadow

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It's funny-I remember when "terrorist" was actually used to refer to white guys with truck bombs and weapons stockpiles, or ones that went off and shot a couple dozen people. These days, you'd be hard-pressed to get the media to refer to such a person as a terrorist. (Because these days, terrorists are scary brown people and not, you know, ANYONE who employs tactics to create fear for religious, ideological or political reasons.) It's not like we don't still have acts of domestic terrorism here in the states. (Remember Dr. George Tiller?) People just don't want to call a spade a spade anymore.



*sigh* Can I please just apologise on behalf of my entire country right now? I have a serious case of secondhand embarrassment from some of this nonsense.

May I hug you ? xd.png There there - better now ? (May I apologies for Tony Blair, even though I loathed him from day one and never ever voted for him ? Thank you biggrin.gif)


GEEZ I couldn't agree more about the way things that happen in our OWN WESTERN countries are somehow exempt from the label. There is a whole lot of white terrorism out there... Breivik anyone ?


They get called things like militia instead of the terrorists they are. Hutaree, from Michigan, for instance. The Army Of God. Shoemake. The Olympic Park Bombing. The Klu Klux Klan. Sean Gillespie. Buford Furrow... Fritz Springmeier. Michael Edward Smith. Cowart and Schlesselman of the Supreme White Alliance.


These are not shell-shocked vets either.

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Every KKK here in the USA also needs to be irradicated in my eyes. If you are not pure white, you have no right to live on this earth. The Skinheads are not far behind, wink.gif The KKK and the Skinheads of America hate black people.


Third KKK


The "Ku Klux Klan" name was used by many independent local groups opposing the Civil Rights Movement and desegregation, especially in the 1950s and 1960s. During this period, they often forged alliances with Southern police departments, as in Birmingham, Alabama; or with governor's offices, as with George Wallace of Alabama.[24] Several members of KKK groups were convicted of murder in the deaths of civil rights workers and children in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. Today, researchers estimate that there may be 150 Klan chapters with upwards of 5,000 members nationwide.[25]


Today, a large majority of sources classify the Klan as a "subversive or terrorist organization".[25][26][27][28] In April 1997, FBI agents arrested four members of the True Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in Dallas for conspiracy to commit robbery and to blow up a natural gas processing plant.[29] In 1999, the city council of Charleston, South Carolina passed a resolution declaring the Klan to be a terrorist organization.[30] In 2004, a professor at the University of Louisville began a campaign to have the Klan declared a terrorist organization in order to ban it from campus.[31]






The racist subculture eventually spread to North America, Europe and other areas of the world. Groups soon emerged, such as the Hammerskins, and racist skinheads gained acceptance among other organized hate groups such as Church of the Creator, White Aryan Resistance and the Ku Klux Klan.[14][15][16] In 1988, there were approximately 2,000 neo-Nazi skinheads in the US.[17] The majority of American white power skinhead groups are organized either at the state, county, city or neighborhood level; the Hammerskin Nation (HSN) is one of the few exceptions, due to its international presence.[18] According to a 2007 report by the Anti-Defamation League, groups such as white power skinheads, neo-Nazis, and the Ku Klux Klan, have been growing more active in the United States in recent years, with a particular focus on opposing non-white immigration, specifically from Mexico.[2]





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I am well aware of US history. And of skinheads. And the fact that the KKK still operates, illegal or not. And of a lot of very nasty similar groups in Europe and elsewhere - though on the whole, European countries have not set themselves up as the world's police force.


None of this makes what the US are still doing internationally OK.


ETA (rather late - I was on my way to bed and failed to say what I meant) - all I was saying was that the USA has plenty of its own terrorists within its own borders - "nice white Americans" among others, and even people who call themselves Christians.

Edited by fuzzbucket

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Yes we have crime here, but our country is more civilized than Afghanastan that is for sure.

Really? You can buy automatic weapons at your superstore, order the bullets over the Internet, and people are left to die in their homes because you have to pay for health-care. And you think you're more civilized?

I would have kicked out every foreigner from that country as this was war now.

Narrower and narrower.


Yes, I read about the kiddies. But given you've not deigned to comment on everything we've posted...


Oh, and we're well aware of what the KKK are. It's taught in pre-GCSE Religious Studies in the UK as well as in pre-GCSE History. See, we in the UK realise there is more than one country in this world.

Edited by Kestra15

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It's funny-I remember when "terrorist" was actually used to refer to white guys with truck bombs and weapons stockpiles, or ones that went off and shot a couple dozen people. These days, you'd be hard-pressed to get the media to refer to such a person as a terrorist. (Because these days, terrorists are scary brown people and not, you know, ANYONE who employs tactics to create fear for religious, ideological or political reasons.) It's not like we don't still have acts of domestic terrorism here in the states. (Remember Dr. George Tiller?) People just don't want to call a spade a spade anymore.
I remember that there was this guy who had this bombing in Oklahoma after McVeigh I think in the early 2000s? Can't remember the date, but anyways, he wasn't called a terrorist.


First of all I am only talking about the terrorists, not the good people of Afghanastan
Here are a few examples of the people of that country below
This is what you said. From the sentence alone, we cannot deduct whether you're talking about everyone or not.


Not one of you have commented on the news I put on about the children being beheaded. I guess that is ok with some of you!!!
No, but worse things happen in apparently "civilized" countries too, have you ever heard of pedophile rings? Or kidnappings? Child murders happen plenty in other countries too. I wouldn't be too surprised if people in Afghanistan were violent, they had an okay nation until the soviets and later the U.S bombed the hell out of their country. That's decades of being bombed and if I had to go through that, I would be a bit callous about people dying as well.


Look at our Twin towers that were brought down and all the people that died, 9/11. I would have kicked out every foreigner from that country as this was war now. Hey, they came over here to learn and to set up to blow up the Towers.
You would have to kick out yourself, since you're (I'm assuming, please tell me if I'm not correct) white and thus is a foreigner. The only ones who would be left would be pockets of Native Americans who get very discriminated and shunned from mainstream society.


How do any of you think countries are formed. Here in America, yes they took land from the indians and so history grew. Only the fittest survived in the western days.
And I call it genocide. Sorry, but that's what it is. Only the fittest survived in the western days? Oh, okay. What about Genghis Khan? I wonder what would have happened if he conquered Europe. Or say, if Hannibal(who was a North African) conquered Rome. Or if Xerxes conquered Greece. Needless to say, these aren't given the "only the fittest survived" excuse but portrayed as barbaric. Not to mention discrimination against the Native American population is ongoing. They're not just weird fairy creatures you can just bull over. They are still there and they face a lot of discrimination.


Now we have a government and there are laws in place to keep us from being uncivilized and being animals as a whole.
You seem to have this weird idea that you are civilized and nations who disagree with you are....not. From other people's point of view, this may be untrue. What are the grounds for your "civilized" comment? Especially when similar or worse things happen in your country as well? I would like to know the reasons why you call yourself civilized. And even if you ARE civilized, how does that give you the right to infringe on, without thinking about the consequences, what other people are doing? Isn't that violating a nation's sovereignty? Sounds like imperialism to me. Edited by ylangylang

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Every KKK here in the USA also needs to be irradicated in my eyes. If you are not pure white, you have no right to live on this earth. The Skinheads are not far behind, wink.gif The KKK and the Skinheads of America hate black people.

Kat please say I am misinterpreting this and you are NOT agreeing with those people?


Also please think of this if you believe and think that way you are no better than them. They are horrible yes, they have no right to do that and are murderers. Do I think they should be wiped off this planet in that since? No. They are still human. I do believe the death penalty should be used in some cases. (if the person is far to violent to be released back into the public, FYI)


People who have killed multiple people should be called terrorists (by bombing, shooting, whatever else). I don't think murderer is a close enough word for someone who has killed more than one person.

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Really? You can buy automatic weapons at your superstore, order the bullets over the Internet, and people are left to die in their homes because you have to pay for health-care. And you think you're more civilized?


I do not know where you got that information from. You can not walk in to a superstore and buy an automatic weapon or any weapon for that matter of fact. Maybe you mean somehing else when you say superstore perhaps.


The normal people like myself do not like the KKK or the Skinheads. They are nothing but trouble makers in this country. They have no laws or jury's. They hang you, throw you in the Mississippi river what ever means they have to do to get rid of a body. They have a really hard time getting a permit to protest, anywhere in the USA, laugh.gif


Kestra, I am not coming back snarky, and it seems like you are to me.


If you notice, I do not presume what any other country is like because I have not lived in some of your countries, but until you live here, I feel like you can not judge the USA like some of you are doing. It is not quite like some of you are coming across on this thread. You can not believe all you hear on the radio, tv or read in the newspspers either. So, for that reason, I do not judge a lot of other countries that are civilized, and come back with the bombings in England or strikes I see on tv.


We do not have to be scared to walk down the streets except for certain parts in different cities that are nothing but slumbs. I am sure many countries have that type of area to.


I am sorry that we are such a strong nation even in wartime, but we have helped many countries. Take a look at WW1 and WW2, that my grandfather and father fought in.

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I do not know where you got that information from. You can not walk in to a superstore and buy an automatic weapon or any weapon for that matter of fact. Maybe you mean somehing else when you say superstore perhaps.


The normal people like myself do not like the KKK or the Skinheads. They are nothing but trouble makers in this country. They have no laws or jury's. They hang you, throw you in the Mississippi river what ever means they have to do to get rid of a body. They have a really hard time getting a permit to protest, anywhere in the USA, laugh.gif


Kestra, I am not coming back snarky, and it seems like you are to me.


If you notice, I do not presume what any other country is like because I have not lived in some of your countries, but until you live here, I feel like you can not judge the USA like some of you are doing. It is not quite like some of you are coming across on this thread. You can not believe all you hear on the radio, tv or read in the newspspers either. So, for that reason, I do not judge a lot of other countries that are civilized, and come back with the bombings in England or strikes I see on tv.


We do not have to be scared to walk down the streets except for certain parts in different cities that are nothing but slumbs. I am sure many countries have that type of area to.


I am sorry that we are such a strong nation even in wartime, but we have helped many countries. Take a look at WW1 and WW2, that my grandfather and father fought in.

I LIVE in the US. Ohio to be exact.


The crap this countries government pulls is sick. On both sides. Not just Republicans but even the Democrats as well. No one is a little angel. They all have money, they have not been poor a day in their lives, they have no clue on what the economy is like from a normal persons point of view.


"Strong nation"? Please. It's falling apart and nothing is being done. Once it finally falls people will finally work on it. They don't do anything unless it benefits them and puts money into their pockets.


Sorry if this comes off as snarky or anything but pretending this country is that strong is a lie. If it's hurting their people instead of helping them that's not strong. That's weak.

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