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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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((If it's on his helmet they would be Audio sensors, if it's on his head they would be ears.))


Aaron turned around pulling his blaster out when he heard the gunshot, when he saw it was someone from the enclave he lowered his blaster. He starred blankly at him. He didn't say much, he never did, when he did speak it was in whispers and they were short sentences. He signed everything he said. Marcus said it started after the war. One day Aaron came back, tired, covered in blood and scarred beyond any hope of recovering fully.

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Jade looked over at Aaron and said, "It's okay. He's a friend of Flint and me. His name's Kalo." She then turned around fully so that her head wasn't the only thing looking in Kalo's direction. She sighed and as she waited for Kalo to answer, she went back to wondering what all those whispers had been about and the cloaked figure that had appeared.

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"WHat.... what was that... whispering... It sounded like the whispers of dying people... Ugh..." Kalo picked up his blaster and looked at the group. " Thank god I found you. I tracked you all back to here with the coordinates from Marcus' ship, and crash landed here. What the hell is this place?"

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Aaron looked at Jade and nodded before walking around starting to look at the room around them. He was looking at the walls and some of the circuitry of the giant computer.

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"No idea," Jade said in reply to his statement about the whispers after she watched Aaron walk around some to look at the circuitry of the computer. She then turned back to Kalo as she heard his statement about crash-landing here and said in reply to his question, "Basically it's a giant computer. Marcus and Eria found that something was here and came to pick it up but we go separated."

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Aaron found a weird marking on one of the doors and shined his light on it to look closer at it. He turned the symbol upside down and there was a rush of air and a door opened into another section of the computer. It was lighter and they were getting closer to the center.

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Jade turned when she heard the whooshing noise and went over to where Aaron was. "Wow looks like a secret passageway of some sort," she said as she tried to see down the hallway beyond the light that the flashlight was giving off.

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He shook his head. "More like a simple door way." He whispered walking through.

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"Ah," Jade said in reply and then hobbled after him on the crutches. "I hate being injured," she muttered to herself as she looked around the passage. Every time she hurt herself in some shape or form, she always felt weak.

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"Got it, Marcus," Eria replied. She gently took Marcus's sash and tore it into the proper shape for a sling. She gently began to put his arm up in the sling, being careful to avoid hitting his arm as she got it ready. When she'd finished she asked, "That good, Marcus?"

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He nodded still in a bit of pain. "Thanks." He said wincing and looking around. There were whispers starting to be heard and the same ghostly cloaked figure stood in the distance.

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Eria nodded and followed Marcus's gaze to the cloaked figure. Quietly she asked, "Who is that, and what are we hearing?" Unless these were new, she wished he'd explained a bit more about what they should expect, but it didn't matter much at this point.

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"I don't know." He said. Like before the whispers raised in volume and then diminished and vanished with the figure.




Aaron started walking down the length of the vast room towards the source of the light. He had put his blaster rifle back but took out his pistol to replace it. He looked around the room as he walked. The place was enormous, it was amazing anyone could build such as massive thing without help from the force.

Edited by Danniphantom

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((Reminder: You still have to follow the 4 sentence rule while in this section.))

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((k happy.gif; thanks smile.gif))


Jade continued to hobble after Aaron, looking around the room as well. She wondered if the people that had lived here made this place themselves or had help from other planets. She figured that she would look it up later and just continued to look around. If someone were to attack me right now I wouldn't be able to attack them back, she thought to herself as she felt her eyes tear up.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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Aaron placed his hand on her shoulder seeing her tear up, reassuring her that he'd protect her. He was a semi-mute but his eyes said everything and more that he could ever say.

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Jade looked at Aaron when he put his hand on her shoulder and looked into his eyes. She knew that he would protect her if something were to attack them unsuspectingly but she felt helpless and weak. She wiped her eyes with the back of one of her hands and said, "I know you'll protect me if something were to attack us right now but every time I get injured I feel helpless and weak. I don't like feeling that way. At all."

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He nodded in understanding and kept walking. He was looking around at the amazing architecture. He couldn't understand a word of what was written on the wall but all the circuitry looked so high tech for the time period this was built in.

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Jade sniffed and then followed after him once more. She saw him looking at the architecture and looked at it as well. "I wonder who designed this," she thought out loud before having her thoughts turn to Flint and Eria. "I hope the others are okay," she said with a sigh and then stopped to rest, sitting on a lump of circuitry.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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((ah road trips... How I had forgotten the monotony got two more hours ahead of me))


"We won't get answers by standing here, so let's get moving, Marcus, I think we should try following that figure," Eria said abruptly. She had changed the subject so quickly in an effort to cover her own discomfort with her emotions, but she knew he could probably still tell through the Force. She quietly followed the platform in the direction that the figure had been.


((damn signal problems caused a triple post sorry and fixed))

Edited by jaina

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((Triple post O_O))


He nodded and followed after her. He could see a light getting brighter as they walked. "What is that?" He asked himself continuing to walk towards the distant light.

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Kalo followed close behind, carrying his repeater and standing tall. " What the hell is that light? I didn't think anythign was still working here... Um.. Hey.. Are there any... y'know... Guardians around here?"

(( There should be some Mark VV combat droids here that we have to fight. biggrin.gif ))

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