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((OOC: The adults were all dead before the first egg hatched. Look at the story.

the dragons fled the face of the earth, never to be seen again.

There were no adults present to tell any stories. None of the hatchlings have seen a living adult dragon.

EDIT: Fine, do what you wish. Just try to make it a bit more clearer next time. smile.gif ))

Edited by Doctortear

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Michiru looked at the Valentine and frowned. "It's not your fault Clem, don't be sad!". Michiru stood up and nuzzled her friend in an attempt to reassure her. "You did absolutely nothing wrong. In fact, she was not being nice to you!". She took Clementine by the paw and looked up at her. "How about we go follow your mother or go play outside?" she asked cheerfully. Her eyes glowed brightly as she looked at the Valentine.

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Clem sniffed, snot slowly sliding out from her nostrils. "O-Okay..." she said weakly. Clem wiped her nose with her arm and sniffed again. "Do you think momma wants to play with us?" she asked innocently. "He seems to be someone very important. I've seen a bunch of big hatchlings go up to him and ask him for advice so he must be important."

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Clyde looked at what Sierra caught. "So is that that thing you were talking about? It looks very green. Kind of like a tree green! Are they tasty? Where did you find it? Maybe I could catch one and learn more about these weird things." Clyde swam over towards where Sierra was and looked at the creature. It's eyes were big and it's legs looked very weird. He jumped back as something shot out its mouth. "Hey! Did you see that? It was very long and pinkish and when it went out it catched that fly that was hovering above your head! Maybe that creature eat flies!"



Laufin turned around and sat at the edge of her cave. His tail was very droopy and his face looked like someone had died. What should I do if she just says, "That's very nice of you."? Should I just say, "Oh ok." or "Wow Snow, I never knew that saying I loved you was nice."



Feather almost died because of the weight that fell on her. "Hibiki...was that...you?" she gasped. She got up and rubbed her head where he fell on her. "You must weight a lot!" she joked.

Edited by 0023567467

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"Yeah! It can swim! It's squishy too! I think it eat flies. It looks like it eats them with a pink flower stem." She said. "Here, you can eat it!" She said, placing it on his head.



Snow didn't know what to feel. She always thought Laufin was just a friend. This was complicated. She sighed and curled up in a circle. She isn't know what to think anymore. Maybe if she slept, this would be forgotten. But she couldn't sleep with all the thoughts

Edited by Silverphoenixx

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The hatchling was rapping against his egg quite loudly. He saw a spit in the egg and started clawing at the egg even faster. Suddenly he fell out of it and tumbled across the floor. "Ouch!" he squeaked. He looked around and saw loads of dragons near him. The hatchling whimpered and curled up in tight ball wanting for all the other dragons to go away. He opened his eyes again and still saw that the dragons were still there. Make them go away! Make them go away!

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Tauriel saw a dragon hatch right near her. She then saw how it curled itself into a ball and it looked really scared. She walked over to the hatchling and bent down to look at it. "Hello? Hey, I'm really nice you know. I wont hurt you. Are you alright? Have you injured yourself or something?" Tauriel started to nudge the little dragon. Come on. Hurry up, I want to go hunting.


(OOC: Silver I edited)

Edited by 0023567467

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After listening to Lithrin about eggs, Willow felt a lot better about eating them. She watched him crack open the other one and, without hesitation this time, began to lick up the delicious, gooey insides. She ate slower than before, indicating that she was full. Once she finished, she looked up at lithrin, smiling.

Thank you, they were so good! Do you eat eggs too?" She asked. But without waiting for an answer, she yawned loudly and her eyes began to flutter. She walked over to the wall of the cave, laid down, and curled up. I must be tired from all the walking I just did. Maybe I should have ridden on Lithrin's back. Its so nice to have someone like him around. He's so kind. I might actually explore outside of the cave again, if he is with me. She thought, before falling asleep.




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Seren thought about this a moment. Hmm... What is hunting? Certainly it will be fun!

"Maybe outside of the cave? It is so beautiful out there! All of you must take a look! I'm sure we will find a great place to "hunt". She said, bursting with enthusiasm. She remembered the soft ground, and all of the green things she saw. Seren couldn't help but think of how magical and perfect this place was. Certainly much better than inside of her egg.

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"I'm hungry too!" Cuprum chimed in, slowly crawling towards the mouth of the cave. "What are we waiting for?" As he neared the cave entrance, he noticed how enticing the outdoors were, it looked so fresh and beautiful.

Edited by assasin6547

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Glas...she's right there...

Understood. Thank you, Skylene.

Slowly, the moonstone turned his head. His expression softened when he saw Alvi. "Oh, thank the gods... " he breathed. "I was so worried I wouldn't be able to find you in time. Even though, in the end, it was you who found me." He rocked back onto his haunches. A faint smile played across his features. "I need to tell you something, but these woods are not an ideal place to divulge secrets."

Edited by Ayesthine

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Inferna slithered to the entrance of the cave with the other hatchlings. The sun hit her golden crest as it sparkled in the sun's light. The outside world was so... beautiful! She could feel the soft green grass beneath her body and flowers sprung up from every direction. The wind softly flew through the field's flowers and came to a stop at the cave. "Is this where we hunt?" She asked, out of breath. A small smiled spread across her mouth as she watched the beautiful sight. She sqirmed in delight. Oh how exciting the world was! She could explore so much more! She wanted to see everything!

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Whisper & Puffball~

The baby Assassino was back in the Birth Cave. The Pillow, Puffball, seemed to have taken a liking to him and kept pestering him. Whisper hissed at Puffball. "Please leave me alone." He grumbled, but the Pillow didn't seem to hear him. "Seriously, what's your name? Why are you so quiet?" Puffball kept prodding him in the side with his talon. Whisper snapped his head around and gave the Pillow a look that shut him up. "My name, is Whisper. Maybe I don't like to talk, okay? I'm tired, PLEASE leave me alone. The Assassino laid his head down in his nest and turned away from Puffball. Puffball frowned and sighed, then decided to ask someone if they wanted to play. "Anyone want to play with me?"



Vortex lay gloomily by himself in the Birth Cave as well. He sighed. The purple Nebula was bored. He started thinking about Starry. The red Nebula meant everything to him. He really liked her, but he couldn't admit it. Vortex wondered if she liked him back. Probably not... He thought and frowned.



The Spitfire's condition had gotten worse. She rarely woke up, and when she did she had horrible bouts of coughing, and the occasional vomiting. The Plague had taken it's grip on the poor hatchling. She had stayed where she was, they wouldn't let her back to the Birth Cave. She couldn't go back to her home either, as that had been infected. In fact, she couldn't go anywhere because of her poor shape anyways.

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Skylene stared at Glas, puzzled by what he could be possibly telling Alvi. Then she realized this meeting was probably not to be shared by her ears. Ah, who cares? I think this may be interesting anyways... she thought, continuing to observe the scene around her. She was certain that someone would tell her to leave, but would hang around for as long as possible until that scenario arose.

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Medea's emotional wall cracked just slightly as she looked at Aerix being so unlike the dragon she grew used to over the day before. Confusion was mounting as she tried to make sense of his words. The bird might have went into her, but it had not caused any great pain. Perhaps a moment of dizziness, feeling of something being wrong and then it just feeling numb now that she thought really about it. This did not explain why Aerix was in just a great deal of pain or what Medea was going to do about it, because she was going to do something about it. This was the first dragon that had not gotten on her nerves or provoked her great dislike of weakness after a prolonged together. Besides, she did not want to have to find another sparing partner. Even if he was going to start wiggling around like this. Maybe she could toughen him up again.


"Well that would be a good reason to be on the ground then, but the bird did not really hurt me. Guess it just did somethi-," she cut off in shock when hail started to fall in their immediate area. Eyes glancing up to the sky before looking back to the now passed out Bleeding Moon. 'But I did not do that, did I? I didn't feel any drain and I know that would have cost me,' she thought angrily as she tried to feel out in herself why she lost control. Only then noticing that the numb feeling she had felt before was the distinct lack of power. With the hail still falling she knew that it should still be draining whomever and it could not be said she was dumb. She had Aerix's tail barbs so logic said he had her abilities. How this came to be she had not a clue, never before coming across this type of 'magic' or abilities. Throwing her panic to the side in favor of trying to wake up Aerix to force him to stop with the weather controlling was only the smart thing to do. She'd wonder and worry about everything after she made sure Aerix was not killed if this was indeed his doing. Moving closer so that she could use one fore-paw to prod at Aerix's face, gently at first before all out slapping him if the need came to it. "Aerix, wake up now before you die! 'Cause if you are doing this then you will die if you don't stop it."


((OOC; Poor Aerix, with his strength you know that slap is going to hurt. She does not know her own strength anymore.))


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Ashni thought over Jean's question and idea for a few seconds before giving a shake of her head. She honestly did not know what caused this, but he did have a point in saying that magic had to be involved. There was little else that could have done this level of chaos, no other abilities had she seen used that could have done this. "I did not see anything, but you are most likely right that magic was involved. I can't see anything else having done this, but I don't know who here would have done it either. I have not been, um, around much for the last two years," she'd say as she looked away and to their surroundings. Needless to say that Ashni knew that she could not safely say that no one here would never do something like this, she was not around them really for two years. Much changed in this time. Shaking the thoughts away before they settled, Ashni looked back up to Jean with a awkward roll of the shoulders. "You will have to lead the way to the people. Only magic user I really know of is the Moonstone, Glas."


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Aysu grinned at the little newborn as he ate the fish, relief filling her since the little guy was not going to go hungry for a moment longer. "Aw, he is so cute!" This was exclaimed to Kirk and Wobble before she moved to nuzzle the newborn. Her fins wrapping around him in some form of makeshift hug, cooing and making little chirps to the little baby. Insanely she wanted to claim Fin, as she was starting to call him in her mind, as her pod as well and yet how that was going to work she had not a clue. Land dragon and a water dragon was just not going to be spending a whole lot of time exploring together or playing. 'Well we can take care of him like he is our pod member? He still will be ours,' she resolutely thought as she tuned back into the world around her.


Seemed Kirk was talking to someone else and that Clyde had woken up finally. "Oh, hey! Lookie at this little guy. We wanna name him Fin, it was Wobble's idea. Though I think we should ask the baby since it will be his name. It would be bad if he did not like it," she said this all in one really big excited exclamation, all the while not moving from her stop from cuddling up to Fin. "Hey, Kirk maybe we can all take care of him! Like our little pod member? Be a little tricky though if he can't breath underwater, but we can figure it out I bet."

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Kirk was in some sort of trance. His head was tilted to the side and his eyes stared out into open space. His brilliant green eyes occasionally moved slightly as Kirk's mind became deep in thought. His lips moved, making silent words that were dancing through Kirk's mind. When Aysu suddenly spoke, Kirk's eyes blinked suddenly and his head snapped to the side. "Oh, what?" he said absentmindedly. "Oh, um, sure. He can be another pod member. I don't see why not. Though I'm not really sure why you're asking me..." Kirk looked away slowly and his thoughts drifted off once more.

Edited by Doctortear

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Alvira was frozen, staring at Glas. She felt a strange roaring in her ears and her vision blurred. The world seemed to have stopped. All she could hear was her harsh breathing, and she felt like she had lost the ability to think. Then, suddenly, it was like a cord snapped. She felt a rush of jumbled thoughts, felt the distinctive vibration of his voice but it sounded like it was on fast forward. Revenge. Glas. Make him pay. Kill. Rien. Betrayal. Hurt. Kill. Hurt. Revenge. Glas. Kill. Glas. Kill. Glas. Kill... Feeling like she was on autopilot, she magically froze him in place. She stepped towards him, summoning up the emerald spike that she was going to use. Green eyes narrowed as she took aim. Alvira had practiced with these before. She wasn't an amazing shot, but this was an easy target, and there was no way she would miss. The Black hatchling was just about to hit when she froze again. I... I can't do this. Like she was waking from a dream, she looked down at the magical spike in her paw, and then at the immobilized Moonstone. What was I just about to do? Horrified, her magic slipped, the spike vanishing, the Moonstone free to move again. In the same moment, she bolted, disappearing soundlessly and instantly into the forest.



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Aerix wasn't able to wake up, he was too drained. But Medea's words got through to him somehow, he wouldn't die here, not in front of her. He didn't know what he was doing, but he decided to stop it. Despite his apparent weakness, his will was stronger than ever. He wasn't conscious, so he couldn't feel the hail stopping, but stop it did. But even this thrust him deeper into darkness.

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A huff escaped Medea as Aerix did not fully awaken, but at least the hail had stopped falling. This could only give more implications that her little hunch was indeed right. Somehow Aerix had her ability and she had somehow gotten his tail barbs, but the real question was how this came to be. It had happened after the birds entered her and it seemed Aerix as well so they played into it somehow. Feelings of doubt swam up to her before she killed them, now was not the time to stand wondering what else those forsaken birds had done to them. "Good, now if only you would have woken up. Doubt I can just pick you up," she'd grumble to the unconscious Aerix. Looking around did little to help in gaining some insight in what to do, but perhaps a numbing herb or healer would be best for Aerix when he awoke. It would just be a matter of finding them, the herb she would have a much better chance of finding on her own. Knowing of a yellow flower that would help and yet not knowing where one could be in the area. 'Try to find a healer first and then that flower if one does not speak up,' she decided before looking once more to Aerix and then moving into the birthing-cave.


"There is an injured dragon outside. If someone would be as so kind to get up to help?" This was called out rather loudly so that anyone close by could hear and hopefully a healer would be one of those within range or one who knew of one.


((OOC; If no one is available healer wise then Medea will just wander to get that flower.))


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Aysu tilted her head at Kirk's rather far off attitude. It seemed odd to her, but more so since she had only made a few words out of the last sentence that Kirk had said. Only catching the last three softly spoken words and so she passively thought maybe she was supposed to ask something more, but not knowing what it was. "Are you ok Kirk?" Maybe that was what she was supposed to ask, but she highly doubted it. However, it was a question she was wondering the answer to now. Wanting to know if something was wrong with her dear pod member and if maybe there was something she could do to help fix it.

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Skylene could only watch as Alvi froze Glas in place, ready to kill him for good. She figured if she tried to step in Alvi would only repeat the procedure with her, and would be even less unwilling to end her than she would with the Moonstone. She looked at the Alt Black's eyes, and realized they were completed focused on its male target. A feeling of rush overpowered her thinking, and she began speeding towards Alvi with the intention to take her out. I...I need to do this...


Skylene didn't have the chance to follow through, watching Alvi's magic cease while she charged at her. Alvi took off quickly, without even appearing to have noticed the Blusang threatening her. However, she could not stop herself at the speed and direction she had locked on to, and could only try to prepare herself for colliding with a tree that hit her hard.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Lineheart looked at Tasimi who was resting peacefully. 'Good to see he's okay and feeling better. He should be fully recovered by tonight.' She thought to herself. Her attention was pulled towards Medea who asked for help. She stills had her makeshift bag of herbs with her so she calmly walked over to Medea. "Who is hurt, Medea? I'll help in any way I can." She said and smiled kindly.

Edited by KrazyKay12

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Aysu, once again, cut Kirk off from his thoughts. He spun around and blinked rapidly. "Hm? Oh yes, I am fine." he reassured her. "Yeah, I'm okay. No need to worry. I think...." Kirk turned away once more and looked around for something to focus on. He saw a strand of moss stuck under a rock on the bottom of the pool. He swam down to it and plucked it from underneath the stone. He wrapped the moss around his talon and slowly began to unravel it. Kirk's eyes wandered away from the moss and his mouth made unheard words. He wasn't planning to tell his pod members what he was thinking about. However, if they pushed him hard enough he just might do so. But then again, who could ever tell how the strange Shallow Water would react?

Edited by Doctortear

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Mountain blinked at the sunlight. Wait, blinked? She noticed she was awake, and somehow half in the water and half out. 'The water must have woken me up. I'm sure I was on the other side of the cave when I fell asleep. Wow, I move a lot in my sleep.' she thought while getting up.

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"Hmm... I would think so! But before we "hunt" would one of you tell me what that is? What do we eat, anyway?" Seren asked as she neared the cave entrance with the other hatchlings. She had no clue as to what was edible and what was not. Taking just a few steps further, she got a broader view of the outside world. It was still mostly green, as she had expected, and there were more purple things flying around. She took a few steps, and looked back at the others. Her eyes expressing encouragement.

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