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• The Plagued Earth •

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Towards the light...Push! Make it! Throw away the pain! Drop it to the abyss beneath you! You must make it out!


Spira finally woke up. She was sore. And tired. And groggy. More than anything, though, she felt faint, with a tinge of something else. That something else kept nagging at her, nibbling away her being. Instead of trying to figure out what it was, though, Spira slipped out of the cave, silently, but with a slight stumble in her step. She was leaning against the cave wall the whole time.



Tired...can't exert more control... Fine then, my vessel. You may rest. For now.



A sharp jolt was suddenly felt by Hibiki. Eh? What was that? Despite how any other dragon would have been at least a little nervous, Hibiki's peppy, energetic self just ignored it, and quickly forgot. Who would have remembered? The moss was warm! He failed to notice that it was actually Feather.

Hibiki continued to nuzzle is "moss" bed, burying himself in its soft, comfortable heat. It also provided a soothing, familiar scent. Eventually, he tired of it, and jumped out, full of energy. From the feeling of just waking up, Hibiki crashed onto his face from the jump, but quickly popped back to his feet and immediately ran around the forest, until he slipped on his so called moss bed and faceplanted into a tree, squishing Feather.

Edited by KoalaNoob

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At this point Rico was shaking like a rabid wolf. Drool was dripping from his muzzle, and he was snarling like a wild animal. Rico was constantly blinking as well, and his vision became slightly blurry. The adrenaline supply was coming to a stop, and his wounds were getting the best of him. He started to feel woozy and light headed, because of that he started to sway side to side. He staggered over to Lucifer grinning. "Why so serious, Lucifer?.

That's it. Rico jumped off the deep end. His blood lust was beginning to crash, but it was taking a tole on Rico. He licked his lips before he collapsed on the Sweetling. He was still conscious, even full of energy, but he didn't have the strength to move anymore. "Let's put a smile on that face...".

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Lucifer loomed over the idiot in front of him and glared down at him. Lucifer took a talon and placed it right onto Rico's chin. He let his claw slide out and he not so gently scraped it into his chin. "Smiles are a sign of weakness." he whispered. "There is no happiness for those who are weak." Lucifer removed his claw and let the blood trickle down it. He turned away from Rico and began to follow where Bathory had went. Rico would be able to protect himself if a predator came by. Besides, he would most likely get up and leave. He didn't need Lucifer's help. "Just, smile, smile, smile." Lucifer said mockingly as he walked away.

Edited by Doctortear

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The second Spira was in the forest, she was up the trees. Though it was tough to walk, jumping and climbing along trees was effortless. She felt so safe and at home when she was surrounded by dense leaves and branches, she had an easier time traveling by them than on the ground, like other dragons. Even though she knew tree-hopping took more energy, especially at the speed and distances she was jumping, Spira didn't care. Her worries, discomforts, and sadness were all left behind, and tough she knew they would catch up eventually, this carefree feeling was wonderful. She briefly wondered if she would meet someone else in the forest, she would rather be alone than with others, but she wouldn't really mind a quick conversation. She inhaled the lovely scents of the forest, and realized it was tinged with another smell. It was metallic, like blood. Is someone hunting here? There shouldn't be blood... I know I'm not deep in the forest yet, but still... Spira slowed down, allowing her muscles to take a break, though it really only brought back the things she was trying to get rid of. Pain and tiredness washed over her, soon being swamped with dark thoughts. Ignoring them, she continued tracking the blood-scent. Eventually, she came upon a very injured-looking Rico.


Probaby shouldn't get myself involved. I don't even know Rico that well. Spira made a turn, and continued on her way, encountering yet another dragon. This time, it was one that she wasn't so fond of. The sweetling, Lucifer. For some reason, Spira just didn't like him. Should I make myself known?...He probably knows I'm here already...Why bother. I'll just watch him and see if he does anything strange.. From amidst the treetops, Spira stared at Lucifer through the think foliage, wondering what he was doing in the forest and whether he had noticed her.

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Rakushun gripped his collar gently as he realized he was all alone. He let his talons softly brush against the outer layer of the collar. It was cracked, damaged. This was bad, very, very bad. If his collar was broken, then all hell would break loose. He wouldn't be able to control himself and all of that power would surge out into the open world, free of its restraints. But the collar wasn't Rakushun's only problem. He had soul switched innocent hatchlings. He had messed up their very being. He had to fix it! The soft rustle of a nearby bush startled Rakushun out of his phase. He removed his talons from his collar and scurried behind a tree. He slapped his back against the brittle bark and slid his head slightly to the side so he could see what made the noise. The giant purple shape of Favian made it's way out of the bush. A small metal sigh escaped the Magi as he watched the larger hatchling look around tentatively. Suddenly, a feeling of hurt come into his chest. Favian had been kind to him. Out of all the hatchlings he was the one who had cared enough to send parties out to search for him. He was generous to the Magi and how did Rakushun repay him? By performing a soul switch on him. Maybe, I can fix this. Rakushun puffed up his chest and began to let a spell form in his mind. Before he could do anything, the presence of another creature slammed into Rakushun. It wasn't like any other presence he had felt before. It wasn't a spirit, but it did exist. It didn't have a material body, but it was real. Where did this presence come from? It took Rakushun to realize that the being was centered around Favian. It seemed to have formed a bond with him and was sticking very close to him. Rakushun wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. He couldn't stop himself, it was too late. As his train a thought turned to the presence, Rakushun's spell shifted and changed into something very different. He was channeling the being into someone's body. He was making it into a real physical object and, in the process, ripping out the soul that was contained into the body. The body morphed as a new conscious took over it. A strangled scream reached Rakushun's mind and he became terrified. The screams of the being and the creature he was destroying both reached his mind's eye as he finished up his spell. As soon as everything went silent and his spell ended, Rakushun covered his mouth in horror. He was amazed and disgusted with what he had done. How could he do such a thing? How could he make another mistake? Backing away, Rakushun turned on his heel and ran into the forest. There was nothing he could do to reverse the process. It was done, and nothing could stop it.

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Myst awoke with a soft sigh as the pale glow of the morning sun shone into her bedding of moss and stones. She struggled out of her nest sleepily and arched her back in a luxurious stretch, unaware that she had just missed a whole day because she had drained too much energy while she healed others with her magic. Clamping her jaws shut as she stifled a huge yawn, the young Swallowtail hatchling scanned the large cavern absentmindedly, realizing that many of the other dragons had already left the cave, and the few remaining were awake and milling around the cave, absorbed in quiet conversations. Still tired and groggy, Myst rocked back onto her haunches and gazed at the other hatchlings through half-closed eyes, her two tails waving in the air slowly.

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Aerix wondered how Medea could be so calm. Whatever the bird had done, it had made his wound ten times more painful. He managed to avoid screaming, but it hurt. Medea probably thought he was a wimp, but she didn't have to feel this.

"I'm on the ground because that censorkip.gif ing bird attacked me! And now this stupid little injury hurts like hell!" He felt himself wriggling like a hatchling that had stubbed it's claw.


Maybe he really was a wimp, maybe he didn't deserve to be Medea's sparring partner, maybe- Suddenly a rock hit him on the head. No wait, not a rock, a chunk of ice. It was too much, he couldn't take it anymore. Aerix passed out.


(OOC: Hail Aerix! Hail! XP


I'll get Rein in a bit.)

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The worm-like hatchling looked up at Skip whom had bounded over to her. "H-hello." She said in a shaky voice. Great. Now he thinks I stutter. "My name is..." The hatchling thought about it for a moment. Was it Infern..? Infernis..? Inferno? Wait! Inferna! Yes, that name fit her well. "My name is Inferna." She said, beaming at Skip.

Edited by WolfehDragon

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Skip smiled. "Nice to meet you, Inferna! I'm Skip." He looked at her curiously for a moment. This hatchling didn't have arms or legs. He blinked and found that a bit weird, but shrugged it off. "Do you want me to show you around?" He asked.

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"That would be awesome!" Inferna said, bouncing on her tail, her golden crest flashing up and down as the sun hit them and made it glimmer and sparkle for a minute. The weird accessory almost looked like armor. For a wormy hatchling who didin't have arms or legs, she was very flexable. She looked Skip up and down for a moment. What were those long, stalky things that hung at the lower part of his body? He seemed to be.... standing and balancing on them very well. "Where do we start?"

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"Wait for me!" Cuprum screeched in his tiny hatchling voice as he started making his way over to the mouth of the cave following Serenity. He noticed some other dragons, and got distracted for a few minutes, spying a funny looking dragon like himself, except missing arms and legs. Still unused to walking, he scampered over as quickly as he could. "Hi there. My name is Cuprum. What's yours?"

Edited by assasin6547

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"Well, if you look behind you, you can see all the other eggs that haven't hatched yet." He said. "There a lot less then there were before, because a lot have hatched." He smiled again. "Follow me! I can introduce you to some of the other dragons!" He started walking off, but stopped when another hatchling walked over. Skip blinked again. Did he know this dragon? He wasn't sure. Maybe he would just wait for Inferna to answer him before speaking.

Edited by KrazyKay12

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(OOC: IDK what Rien was doing before, she's doing this now.)


Rien heard someone screaming, actually, it was more of a wail. She felt compelled to go help whoever it was. She began moving towards it as fast she could. She worried for a moment that she would end up doing more harm than help, but that thought quickly left her mind. She was confident that whatever she did would turn out for the best.


(OOC: Sorry for the short post, they'll get better.)

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Seren was in absolute awe as she stood, gazing out from the cave entrance. There were so many colors! Red and blue round things on a green thing, tall green things, heck- the ground was green! She didn't hesitate to run and look at everything. The ground was soft, and the air was nice and cool. She let her emotions run wild as she rolled around, giggling and taking in all of the sights and smells around her. She was lying on the ground when a small blue thing fluttered past her. Standing up to get a better look, she was hit with the sad realization that Cuprum hadn't followed her. Ignoring the pretty blue thing, she looked back at the cave. She couldn't see inside, so she decided to go back and just look for him. It didn't take her long to see him talking to two other hatchlings. One was red with no arms or legs, and one was blue with a set of small wings. She almost squeaked with the delight of having two more possible friends! She ran over, tripping a few times in the process.

"Hi! My name is Serenity, but you can just call me Seren! This is my best friend, Cuprum!" She said. (Obviously not knowing that it's considered rude to call someone your best friend without their permission) "What are your your names?"

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Skip looked at the other hatchling. 'Yay! More friends!' His tail wagged in joy and he jumped a bit. "I'm Skip! And this is Inferna!" He said, introducing the red hatchling for her. "She just hatched, so I was gonna show her around!" He smiled brightly; it was good to have more friends.

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"I just hatched too. Cuprum and I were going to explore outside! Would you like to come with us? We could all explore!" She suddenly felt her stomache rumble. "...and maybe get something to eat?" She added.

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What is Lucifer doing? It doesn't matter. I don't care about the cave anymore... I'm leaving... With a jolt, Spira realized that she was leaving, never to Favian again. Or anyone else, for that matter. The shock of the realization sent her tumbling off the tree, and she barely caught herself to land properly. While she didn't get hurt, she made a pretty loud thumping sound. Lucifer will notice that for sure... I should run... Spira scurried back up a tree, heaving with the effort. Instead of immediately tree hopping, though, she climbed higher, for more cover. After a few hops, she used her momentum to take flight, gliding through the sky with her tail skimming the tree tops. Soon, she was out of e forest, and was too tired to continue flying. She landed, and began to walk.

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Although it had only been a few more seconds since Skylene spotted Alvi staring at Glas, it had felt like an eternity to her. The whole situation seemed very off, as if something crazy was going to happen at any second. Not sure if Glas even noticed the Alt. Black, she sent him a quick message, "Glas...she's right there... She continued to move back a little bit further, in case Alvi got the wrong idea of what was happening.

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The Golden Wyvern took in a deep breath. Her eyes flew open and she gasped as she stared into the blue sky above her. Wait, how was she seeing things? How was she feeling the warmth of the sun? How was she feeling her claws grip the sweet grass around her? How did she have claws? The wyvern sat up and felt her head. Wait, head? Since when did she have a head? The wyvern, unable to stand up on her legs, crawled over to the river that was near her. She peered over the edge and glanced down at her reflection. Two brilliant green eyes surrounded by a mask of gold stared back at her. Beautiful long horns shined as the sunlight hit them and a deep, soothing, black covered the back of her head. Hello, gorgeous! Where have you been this whole time? Moss moved her head so she could get a good look at the side of her face. Not bad, not bad at all. Such a pretty face shouldn't go to waste. Moss grinned as she continued to examine her new body vainly through the reflection of the water.

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"Ya! I think we should go hunting too!" Inferna said. Dipping her head in respect, wich her scales rippled as she moved. She turned to look at the hatchlings around her. Woah.. so many. She turned back to look at the Ridgewing. "..Where do we hunt?" She asked suddenly, hunger getting the best of her.

Edited by WolfehDragon

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Lithrin noticed Willow's expression, a scaly brow raising. "Do not worry about eating smaller animal's eggs. If we didn't, they would would keep having more and more until there was no food left for them, because there were too many." He shrugged, "From the stories I used to hear as a hatchling, some dragons would eat other dragons' eggs, and it did the same thing. Now, though.. well, they don't. We need more dragons." He went ahead and cracked open the second egg, emptying the contents into the dip as well. "Hopefully that should fill you up, at least for a little."

Edited by tilldeathdouspart

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((They were bird eggs. 2-3 pages back he climbed a tree to get them. And I assumed not every single adult dragon just suddenly keeled over and dropped dead at the same exact time, but I guess it's possible?))


((Besides, he could have heard the story from another hatchling who had common sense. Who knows.))


Edit to below: ((All the into says is that the rest of the dragons dissapeared. Not died out.))


Edit 2: ((So he heard it from another hatchling talking nonsense. Kids make up things all the time when they're young and happen to be right.))

Edited by tilldeathdouspart

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