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SunnySideUp has closed for ever sad.gif Just an FYI for regular users who may be wondering...

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Exams are finally over, so I found time to do an update, yay!


Complete-updated the blog-post

- put Elite_Clicks on "Incative" (last Post on Nov 3rd)


Has the list shortened a lot in the last half year? It feels like that... I guess it makes sense - after the weeding, only the really active communities remain, which is what people ware probably looking for anyway. tongue.gif


Manual Viewing

Well, they're all still there. Can' check much on Yarolds and Hydra since I'm no member, but I guess they're not changing much.

As for the Mini-build-a-hatcheries, they're certainly both still reachable, but nobody seems to use them... so technically they're inactive. But since they're not about getting views, it doesn't seem to matter much, or does it?


Other sites

still all there, and as far as I can tell all are active.

Is a frequent full feature check for the foreign ones really important? Because google-translate will only get you so far, and I guess as long as they're working and reachable we should keep them for those people looking for sites in their non-English native language...

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Has the list shortened a lot in the last half year? It feels like that... I guess it makes sense - after the weeding, only the really active communities remain, which is what people ware probably looking for anyway. tongue.gif

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it has. We had a lot of "I want to start a site!" and "Oh no, everything's closing!!" forums when we first made the list, so now that the excitement has passed, so have many of those sites (and some of the older ones).


As for the Mini-build-a-hatcheries, they're certainly both still reachable, but nobody seems to use them... so technically they're inactive. But since they're not about getting views, it doesn't seem to matter much, or does it?

I was under the impression that they were supposed to be for getting views, same as the forums, just in a different format -- at least one or two of them have had an ER page, as well. And a couple have been deleted for inactivity already, too. So if the remaining ones are inactive now, they should probably be removed/inactive-listed as well.


Is a frequent full feature check for the foreign ones really important? Because google-translate will only get you so far, and I guess as long as they're working and reachable we should keep them for those people looking for sites in their non-English native language...

I'm pretty sure Lily and I also decided that a while back. Same thing for if they go inactive. Even inactive, they'll still have (hopefully helpful) info, so leave them listed for the people who need them. If there's a significant site change, we should probably take another look, but otherwise, I'm in no rush to go carefully checking a ton of sites with a translator again.



I'll try and get in an update of my own sometime soon, if I can find the time.

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I got around to doing my sections, and did a full feature check for all the ones Lastalda didn't do, except for the 'Others' post.


It seems as if the link to the M icon is broken. Lastalda, do you think you can upload it again?

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It seems as if the link to the M icon is broken. Lastalda, do you think you can upload it again?

Possibly just wait a while, too, since the last time that happened, it fixed itself a day or two later, as I recall.


If I can figure out where I left all the scattered pieces of my brain, I'll update my parts, but considering I've been working on finding them for the past two days, with no progress, it's not looking good. rolleyes.gif

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My fansite: http://z15.invisionfree.com/Dragon_Cave_So...dex.php?act=idx It's called Dragon Cave Soup. I based the name off of one of the other dragon cave fansites.

The link doesn't work - I get

Content Encoding Error



The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.


    *  Please contact the web site owners to inform them of this problem.


I tried leaving bits out - nada.... sad.gif

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Name of fansite: Dragon Cave Soup

Link to fansite: http://z15.invisionfree.com/Dragon_Cave_So...dex.php?act=idx

Link to DC forum thread (if any): http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showtopic=110122

Type of fansite: Forum

Registration required?: Yes, but there is a guest forum if you are having trouble registering.

Is there an ER?: A part of the forum lets you post your eggs.

Notable features: Shoutbox, Facebook style like system, Youtube tags, roleplay forum, and advanced profiles.

Any extras?: Allows you to talk about other adoptables sites.

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OK - I can get it up in Opera - but nothing else (well, trying Safari, but that seems to have indigestion...) Odd.

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OK - I can get it up in Opera - but nothing else (well, trying Safari, but that seems to have indigestion...) Odd.

It worked for me in Firefox but I didn't try any other browsers.

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Alright, let's see how much I can get through. Claiming all posts for now; just going to work down the list as far as I can until I run out of time. Only really planning to do basic activity checks, though, so the massive list of sites that need to be checked/added is still there, back however many posts that is, and there are a few new ones with threads here, too.


Edit: Think I got it all (skipped Gaia again, like usual), including updates to the feature lists for the automated sites. The "massive list of sites" is in my first post after the reserved FOP posts. It's not looking like I'll have much time to work on adding them in the near future, but at least they're all together and the list is now updated with the recently-created forum-based sites, so that should make them easy enough to work through when anyone has time. Anything I missed?



Massively much later edit: I've been getting reports that Boiled Eggs will not be coming back, and it's been down for quite a while now anyhow, so it's been removed from the list. If it does in fact get fixed sometime in the future, it can be re-added then. (Lily and Alda, the previous listing is in the PM list in case we need it.)

Edited by bbik

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Dragonnery appears to have finally ground to a halt. Either it's been down for days or it's gone.

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Thanks for the notice! Dragonnery has been temporarily removed from the list. (To other mods, the code is in the PM inbox if a need to re-add should arise.)


Otherwise, I did a much-overdue full feature check (though I wasn't exactly too thorough >.<) for the Automated, Forum, and Gaia fansites, and a general activity check for the Blog-based and Click Exchanges/etc. fansites. I didn't touch the Other section though. I also didn't go through this section of the forum to see if new fansites are up; I think we'll just wait for people to post an adding form if they want their site to be on the master list.

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Oh, seems I was too slow! I was just about to add a note for Dragonnery and/or shift it to a "currently down" section, but it looks like that's already done.


I updated a couple features for automated sites, though. I'll see what else I can get done sometime later, maybe over the weekend. Thanks for doing the checks you've done, lily!



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Hi there - I was just looking through your wonderful lists (thanks by the way - very helpful!) and I clicked on one of the links, but sadly, it is pointing to an old thread...


In the forum based list, there is an entry for the DBC (Dragon Breeders Cave), and there are two links listed:


One for the site itself, which seems to be correct, and the other link to the forum thread. Unfortunatley, this link is pointing to the old thread, but, a new thread exists >>> http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?act=S...=0#entry4832971


(Your first post said updates were welcome, so, I hope this is ok)



Lady A.


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Fixed. Thanks for pointing it out. I've totally lost track of all the link changes that site has had lately, so I'm not at all surprised it was outdated.



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can somebody see my dragons


~Link Removed~

Hi! Please don't double post - just edit your previous post, if necessary.


Also, please go to the first page of this thread to review the list of fansites. Click on one of the links, and it will take you to the site.


This thread is not the place to ask for views.



Lady A.

Edited by _Z_

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It seems Dragon Hatcher ER uses Jaemeia's ER. I added to Jaemeia, then went to DHER, and found my eggs had already been added.

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It seems Dragon Hatcher ER uses Jaemeia's ER. I added to Jaemeia, then went to DHER, and found my eggs had already been added.

That would be why it's listed as a Jaemeia spin-off.



Way past time for another status check. I'll see if I can make some time to run through the sites sometime in the next few days.

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