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hehe....can Solas keep a Dragonfly? They sound...so cuuute <3

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XD It'll try to stab him and poison him, though. :P And probably nom his face off... But, if he can handle that, sure. XD

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Uh, Solas's blood is already toxic, so.....poison don't work..... and yes he can handle burns, he can handle stabs.....so stabbing don't work, and Solas's break it's teeth....no omnoming for you dragonfly...

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XD Break it's teeth? That's so horrible. XD Cave Demon abuse, anyone? x3

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I read back...bad decision...In the middle of the school library, I lol'd!

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XD I'm glad we made you lauugh. :D


Sorry that it was in a public place, though. ^^'

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Yeah! Do it FRoD!!!


hmm, it's okay bubbeh x3

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Yes, me and bubbles were LOLing as well.

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I was lolling when Solas was all "why do I have to be shirtless?" x3

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I was LOLing when bubbles was like: A sexeh body and getting both the girls and the guys, what more could an angel fallen from grace wish for?

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x3 lol! You guys are like stand up comedians xP


Poor Solas. *Hugs poor Solas* ;D So hawt (LOL JK! Kidding)


Solas with a dragonfly? o.o

Trin with a giant scorpion thing x3

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Yes, our characters seem to like dangerous and deadly monsters as cute pets. I have to go now. D': Tennis.

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have fun darkybears!! biggrin.gif

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>:D I should make him get in a fight with a reaper............ BAHAHAHAHAHAHAA


Cole: *Slowly backs away* Or you can just make a new character...

Me: But thats no fun D:

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*Hugs Cole* Poor Cole

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*continues hugging Cole* :3

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*bows to Angel* thank you, thank you. I'll be here... as long as this RP lasts. ;D


XD @FRoD: put him on a leash? ;D


*is glared at by Sooty*


... >_>


:D Leash is good, no?

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some people ready to come out of their bubbles yet?


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Trinity: *Looks at Bubbles* A leash? o.O

Storm: Isn't that cruel?

Cody: *Noms on the cross*

Me: <.< *puts all of them on leashes and hears them all whine* ^.^


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Solas:..............(Meep? 0.0 )

Dark: It's like a deer staring into the headlights of a sixteen-wheeler.....

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Me: *Grins at Darkybears* x3

Trinity: *Bites Angel*

Me: OW!!! D:<

Trinity: *Escapes*

Storm: What about us? =(


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Cody: *Continues to back away, pulling trinity with him (Only cuz she won't let go D:)*

Me: *evil grin*

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