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Through Tooth and Claw...

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"Another fight, I hoped to settle things with words but you just can't talk to some people you know."

Harold stretched and yawned and was about to settle down for some rest when he heard a very important question.

"Shelter eh? You have a point there Myse. I was personally thinking of building something underground, you know a tunnel network. Then we wouldn't have to worry so much about borders. Still, i have yet to come up with a way to ensure the tunnel doesn't fall on top of us. That wouldn't be too fun. If you have any ideas feel free to pitch them."




Harold nodded approvingly to Scrap.

"Seems like you matured as fast as you grew. I'm impressed, we're gonna have to talk to the head hancho about assigning you eventually but I bet it would be something your capable of and enjoy anyways. My guess would be something along the lines of tracking maybe, or perhapes just general aid to the others. In any case, I wish you luck until I return."

Reial stretched his wings a second time before taking off.

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Scrap watched his friend take off, then grinned to himself as he flicked his tail around, walking about the camp. He looked around, at, well, everything, to see if anyone needed help at all. With a sigh, his thoughts pondered back to Kreen, and exactly WHY she was at RainClan...no sense at all, for the truth. He stepped back, his foot landing on a small rock. Wincing at the slight pain, he examined the damage. Just some torn skin. Sighing a second time, he continued his 'surveillance'.

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After Lita greeted Kreen back, she said to Stonesworthy, "That was Fangclan, wasn't it?" Then the stone dragon came up with an idea of building a network of tunnels underground, so that there would be no border problems. But he was looking for a way to make sure the tunnels wouldn't collapse on them. Lita started to think about that as well and tried to find a solution to it.


Django pounced on the unsuspecting rabbit and it tried to scramble away from the hatchling. But Django managed to kill it in one bite and the rabbit went limp and dead. "I did it!" Django cheered triumphantly. "Good job! I'm glad you didn't mess up this time. Now hurry up and eat so that we can kill more animals before we go home and learn more fightning moves," Skyshriek told him. "Yes sempai," Django said as he started to eat the rabbit.

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(This is just my character sheet, i've been itching to rp lately so yeah...)


Username: Soruc The Dragon

Name: Jutyk

Gender: Male

Species: Vine Dragon(Not alt)

Clan: Rain Clan

Description: Jutyk is a green dragon with a plain yellow belly/chest and glowing red eyes. Jutyk spends most of his time underground, only coming fully above ground to fight.

He is wingless, and "Dragon Grass" Grows on him instead of wings, he has full control over the dragon grass (Which is 2 meters tall) and he uses it to strangle foes and capture prey such as small fawns.

Jutyk likes to trip humans or make them tumble over, sometimes even hurting them or breaking their arms/legs.

Jutyk is a very fast runner, despite being unable to fly.

Personality: Jutyk is fond of fighting, and somewhat cruel to living creatures.

He hates not being able to fly, but jutyk learned how to attack with his vines which now have almost the same effect as wings, and he also doesn't like going above ground.(Sorry If This Is Short)

Brief History: Jutyk got abandoned by his parents a while after he hatched, he learned to grow up strong and survived.


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((Did you get accepted by UchihaAce?))


Django and Skyshriek continued to hunt for more animals. Django saw a robin and went towards it, but he accidentally stepped on a twig and cause the bird to start flying away. But the hatchling quickly spat a light ball at robin and broke one of its wings. The bird dropped to the ground and Django ran towards it and started eating it. Skyshriek, who was impressed by how the hatchling managed to hit it without missing once, congratulated, "Nice shot, kouhai! You killed that bird without even messing up once!" Django smiled gleefully, not at the compliment, but at the fact that he wasn't going to get punished this time.

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((Wait... I forgot to PM my character sheet to her...))

((EDIT: Apperantly I got accepted. xP))

Edited by Soruc The Dragon

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((Alright Soruc, you can start posting anytime you want to. Also does anybody have any ideas on how the soil can become hard? I think weeds can play a part in that, but I thought there might be something that would work better and more effectively than them. And Enkharal, just PM Rainpeltstar to reply if she isn't doing anything.))


Lita finally came up with an idea as she said, "I guess we could try to harden up the soil, so that it'll be harder for the tunnels to fall on us." The terrae dragoness thought she would use weeds to suck up the nutrients of the soil and make it harder, but she thought the others might have better ideas than her.


The Fangclan duo went to hunt for the last animal before they would return home to learn new fighting moves. Django saw a squirrel and Skyshriek saw a deer buck. "This time, I'm going to catch a squirrel. I won't let it escape like last time," the sunrise hatchling said. "And while I go after the deer, you better not fail behind my back!" Skyshriek told him. The stone dragoness walked towards the deer while her golden yellow eyes started to glow bright green. The deer heard her approach and looked to see her coming. But seeing Skyshriek's eyes had caused the buck to instantly become petrified and turned into a stony statue. Then she went over to the deer and picked it up. She unfroze it and returned it to normal before she ate it alive.

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Jutyk pushed aside some dirt while burrowing underground, he clawed at a rock constantly that always got in his way no matter which direction he tried to burrow.

"Grr... Stupid rock."

He murmered, giving it a nice, strong headbutt which only pushed it in deeper.

Jutyk decided that he would go above ground for a bit and tunnel around The rock.

Jutyk back-traced his steps a bit, then quickened his steps forward until he lunged toward the rock in a strange position he had snapped into, his back legs ended up on the bottom of the rock while the rest of his body appeared above the ground.

Jutyk lifted his bottom feet up onto the ground, he quickly sighted a a baby fawn a

few inches away from him- About 6 inches.

Jutyk held a growl in his throat, then slammed the tall grass growing on him insted of wings at the fawn, he wrapped it around the fawn quickly and attempted to choke the fawn to death.

Tighteing his already very tight grip on the fawn, Jutyk suffocated the fawn as much as possible, he let go of the fawn checking to see if it was still alive- all he saw was a light brown coat of fur with white spots lying limp on the surface of the ground.

Jutyk slowly approached the dead fawn, and of course- began to eat it.

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(Sorry guys, I was away for the whole day today.)

Kreen and Myse stared at the ground, thinking of ideas for the underground tunnels.

"Maybe Lita can grow some strong vines to brace the tunnel walls?"

They both said at the same time, looking at each other in surprise.

"And the entrance should be lined with a light layer of brambles just in case someone finds it."

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Breeze listened and nodded, knowing he was right. She sighed, but her unhappy mood didn't last long. She studied the dragon a moment, as though examining a puzzle. She crouched and darted forward, shot between his legs, past his tail, the slide around and pounced on the tip of it, clamping on. She even wrapped he wings around it, making sure she had a good firm grip. "Ha!" she giggled.


Ryoka's question caught Lin off guard, he hadn't thought about how he would keep Breeze invisible after she became an adult. A full grown dragon would be pretty hard to keep a secret. He thought a moment, then said,"I'm not really sure... This way to the chickens." He turned slowly, still considering her question as he started away from the barn. He didn't stop until he reached a small shack that looked a little more sturdy than the barn with a thin wood fence in front of it. A few chickens clucked to themselves, paying litte attention to the person they saw daily.


((We are at a little bit of a boring spot, hey? Hm, I may do something baout that soon >:) ))

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(lol, I'm pretty bored as well...)


Scrap paced around with a sigh. The SkyClan base seemed so...empty! Carving symbols into the dirt with a claw, he started speaking in randomized Latin, trying to drown out the voices in his head. It didn't work. Instead, he began repeating what they said, and the symbols grew more intense. With a gasp, he pulled away, and quickly swiped a paw over the dirt to hide the image he had drawn out.

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((Don't give me ideas it made me consider causing the sad excuse for a barn to come crashing down on their heads. I figured at some point we'd run into one of the dragon clans since there seem to be more of them than active human and dragon partners at this point.))


Mordekaiser lifted his tail tempted to slap it right back on the ground, but decided against it due to the fact that he didn't want to bring the barn crashing down. In a fluid motion he stood and stretched in a very catlike manor. Mordekaiser then looked behind him checking to make sure he hadn't shaken Breeze off. "How would you like to go on a short flight with me?"


Ryoka suddenly turned her head towards Mordekaiser who had by that point raised his tail in the air with Breeze latched on and gave him a death glare. Don't you even think about bringing this barn down on top of our heads. No sooner had she finished the thought Lynn had given her his answer about Breeze, it was clear he didn't know what to do but it wasn't something she was going to judge him for. Ryoka stared at his back while following him towards the chicken coop. Leaning against the fence Ryoka looked at the chickens. "I'm sorry if I've caused you to worry, it's just that I don't want to see the two of you dragged into what I've been calling daily life for the past five years," she said followed by an audible sigh. "I know what this kind of life can do to a person and trust me it isn't something you want to experience, if you can avoid it," her gaze at this point had returned to Lynn.

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Jutyk just noticed that he was alone in the Rain Clan base, so far anyways.

He decided to go into the ground again, this time Around the rock.

Jutyk easily ran two meters where he thought was behind the rock, he gave the ground a nice strong headbutt and spotted a large crack, but it was not large enough for Jutyk to burrow in.

He gave the crack another strong headbutt, it cracked more and more everytime he headbutted the crack.

Finally, when the crack was big enough for him to burrow in, Jutyk crawled into the crack only to be greeted by the same rock under his paws.



"What the censorkip.gif ?" He growled madly when he realized that the whole ground was coated in walls of rock.

Well... This is useless. Jutyk thought for a second, then realized this means he would have to burrow somewhere else.

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((Not much Pkmboy, Jutyk joined the game Rain clan is trying to figure out how to make their home underground, skyshriek and her student Django are hunting, Reial just left on patrol, and Scrap is wandering around the Sky clan camp. i haven't been following Talyhawk and I Love Animalz))




Harold heard someone scurrying around somewhere behind them. It sounded a decent distance away from the main area of the Rain clan lake.

"That is actually a good idea Lita, but maybe we could just have them grow more roots so that the soil will be better packed. Now if you will all excuse me, I have to investigate a little noise I have been hearing."

He bowed his head and left. He hadn't walked too long when he saw another member of his clan Jutyk. In all honesty he didn't get along with Jutyk to well since the Vine dragon tended to enjoy fighting, however rain clan was about freedom more then personal ideals and Stonesworthy put up with it.


He asked looking into the ground to see the rock and th previous burrowing attemtp.

"I can help you with that you know."

He offered reflexively.




Harold was soaring above Sky clan territory looking for anything out of the ordinary. He spotted a camp of hunters and growled angrily. They had clearly set up camp in order to target the Sky clan dragons, that much was obviouse. he dove to the ground and crushed a tent underfoot growling and sending a telepathic message to the group of sartled hunters.

" You are on Sky clan territory, leave now! If you refuse I will be forced to kill you."

He was itching for a fight after last nights experiance with Kreen, and the hunters were more then happy to oblige. They reached for their weapons and Reial spun smashing them all with a single powerful swing with his shield tail. Only two of the ten had actually died but the rest were in now shape to even fight anymore.

"Foolish humans. Shouldn't have set your camp up so tightly."

He thought to himself. He aproached one of them since he didn't know whach one was the leader and appointed that man leader and gave him instructions.

"You are to leave now or I will crush each and every one of you independantly. you are to go back to your city and tell te other's to never come. As of now the fate of these people rest in your actions."

the man being only a low ranking member of coarse left as quickly as he could while the other's defied Reial. Reial proceeded to kill them each, swift and painless deaths were granted. While violent Reial was not sadistic.

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((We've been just having interactions between our characters since it just happened that we joined the RP at the same time, so it has somehow worked out that way.))

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Jutyk growled then popped his head above the ground he then realized it was only Harold.

"No i'm fine... The whole ground that I was digging in is covered in rock so i'll dig in a different spot" Jutyk said as he climbed out of the soil. The flightless dragon ran away quickly to another spot, in all honesty Jutyk was getting to lazy to dig some more and just felt like laying down for a while.


Edited by Soruc The Dragon

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"Alright, I'll go and get some vines and weeds to stabilize the tunnels and keep them hard," Lita said. Then she went off into the woods to find weeds to get their seeds from and looked for Jutyk to create some vines for the tunnels. She found a patch of dandelions and borrowed some of the seeds. Then she came back and rejoined the others as she said to Kreen, "Can you hold onto the dandelion seeds, while I go look for Jutyk, a fellow Rain Clan member of ours?"


((I got nothing to post for Django and Skyshriek because I'm feeling bored right now.))

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Mind if I join? If so:


Username: little lost dragon

Name: Denzon

Gender: male

Species: Stone dragon

Clan: none

Description: Just born looks like a normal stone dragon hatching only has its wings early and there large for his size right now.

Personality: timid but will attack if feeling threatened.

Brief History: got none so far it just hatched a couple days ago sort of thing.

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((Did UchihaAce accept you? You have to PM the form to her if you want to join.))


Django pounced on the squirrel's back and dug his claws into its skin under the gray fur. The bushy-tailed rodent tried to scurry away from Django's grasp, but it was took late for it when Django bit his teeth into its weakspot and killed it. He carried the dead squirrel by its scruff and looked at Skyshriek and said, "Look sempai, I killed my third prey for today and it's a squirrel!" The stone dragoness looked at it and said approvingly, "Well done! Now eat it, so that we can go home and train." Then the sunrise hatchling started to eat the squirrel.

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Jutyk decided that he would stay above ground for the next week or so, what if the whole ground was covered with rocks?

He twitched slightly, thinking he had heard some prey rush by. Jutyk whipped his vines behind him, capturing something. He turned around realizing it was only a tree branch that fell from the tree above him, since it wasn't prey Jutyk put down the tree branch.

Jutyk had a bit to many vines growing on him at the moment, he didn't care to much about them, they didn't get in his way either so Jutyk got the "To many Vines growing on his back" Problem out of his head, not that it was even a problem.

Edited by Soruc The Dragon

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Harold had watched Jutyk leave but decided to follow him and share his idea with the vine dragon.

"Hey Jutyk, why don't you help us build the underground cave we were thinking of making our base. Your vines and digging ability would be a great help. Plus I will be able to deal with any rocks you come across. Between you, me, Lita, Kreen and Myse we could have this done by the end of the week, if not sooner. What do you say? We would get you your own spot and everything. In fact I think everyone should get their own cave section done up to their liking."

he was trying to coax Jutyk into helping them but it was true with the vine dragon's help things would go far more smoothly, but Harold wasn't about to force the vine to do anything he didn't want too.

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Kreen nodded and held the seeds carefully, cupping them in her hand so they wouldn't fall. She wondered who was this Jutyk, and what kind of dragon he was.

The Rain Clan is progressing along very nicely, soon it will be as well known as the Sky and,

She shuddered.

The Fang Clan.

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((Well first of Double posting isn't allowed in the forums, just a head's up. Second when Speaking OOC (out of character) use double Double brackets lke these (()) There are other options but this is what I use. As for going back and reading the whole thing, you don't have too, just ask for a summary of what's going on currently. Also take the time to read the first page, as that will help you out a great deal into understanding the Role play. Assuming you get accepted I would be more then happy to give you a recap of recent events and any other information you might need at that time happy.gif

I'm En'K'Haral and I'm here to be helpful as well as to play wicked awsome games.))




Harold cleaned up after himself and covered the remains in a quick burial. Once he was finished with the burial he took to the skies again and resumed his patrol. As far as he could see there was nothing unusual so he kept flying. After a while he spotted another hunting camp, it seemed that the humans were being daring today, however this camp was just outside the border so all he could do now was warn. Flying above the camp he saw that it was in fact abandonned but just to be sure he investigated the scene. Landing he looked around and confimred that it was abandonned there were signs of struggle against what was not possible to determine but he guessed dragonss. It seemed to be the site of an old fight one tha thappened a long time ago. The ruins were reasonably old, the tents were rotting the poles were destroyed and there was a very green patch of grass where the firepit would have been. He then remember he had actually been here before. This was his work and as if to confirm this he spotted each of the makeshift graves he left behind. Their territory had been a little larger at the time. Not wanting to stay he moved on.


((Maybe a Hiruzo Reial encounter on his patrol? I think that will help get PKMNBOY back into the swing of things.))

Edited by En'K'Haral

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