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Through Tooth and Claw...

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((Like you said, No Problem ^_-))


After hearing Mordekaiser, Breeze leapt into the air, chirping happily like a bird. She flapped her wings to gain more height, then glided to the ground. Her tail thumped against the grass and she closed her eyes, smiling. A moment later, she opened her wings and ran in a circle as though chasing her tail, tweeting. Then she stopped, blinking and stumbling, dizzy.


A moment later, she start hopping around, bouncing as thought she was one springs. A few minutes after so much activity, she collapsed, tongue handing out of her mouth. Even though she was exhausted, her tail still swished and thumped, though with less force. She grinned, showing little white teeth and squeaked quietly.


Lyn waited for Ryoka's reply and glanced out the window, noticing that the Green dragon was looking toward the house. He looked back at Ryoka, she seemed to be distractedly thinking too. Perhaps they were exchanging words, he didn't doubt it. Why should they trust him fully? Because he had Breeze? Apparently that was enough as Ryoka agreed, adding even if it was only for a short time.


"It'll be nice to have your company," he said and smiled faintly a moment. Then he stood up and took his plate along with her's, waling into the kitchen and returning a minute later without them. "Would you like to take a walk? Let me show you around?" he asked, walking toward the door and pausing in front of it.

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Mordekaiser couldn't believe just how much energy Breeze had it was far more than what he currently had. In comparison he looked quite lazy observing her antics. His attention was soon drawn away from the hatchling as the door to the house opened.


Ryoka stood her joints popping as she did so, it had been far too long since she had sat in an actual chair and her body was yelling at her for it. "Sure, I personally wouldn't mind checking out the surrounding area. Sitting for too long is proving to be bad for my health anyway." She walked out the open door immediately noticing the green looking her way he's almost worse than a dog she thought to herself.

Edited by talyhawk

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(Welcome back TimeFlame! biggrin.gif)

Kreen paused for a moment, and took in their surroundings.

"This way!"

She said suddenly. Myse rose up into the air, looking around above the trees.

"The lake is over there!"

She called down below. Kreen nodded and started in the direction she signaled.

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(( Hey can I get a quick recap? I'm REALLY behind....... I'll just RP from where I left off, Time and Vanlet getting chased from the Mystery robot, anyway I really can't wait for both Time's and Vanlet's reappearance! ))


Time panted heavily I think.... we lost... it... Vanlet Vanlet followed and fell to the ground Yeah I think your right Time, what was that thing? Time layed down next to Vanlet Remeber that robot vulture? That THING was probably sent as a replacement after we destroyed the vulture....... The bad news is we got sperated from Kitsune and the others Vanlet climbed to the top of a tree and scanned the horizon I can't see Pure Pond anymore and thats a bad sign, but I can't see the thing that was chasing us ether I guess it doesn't like to attack during the day Time sat up and looked toward the sky, her blue markings that coverd her body turned deep ocean blue Zarazo, where are you? Youm ake me feel like I'm not the last of the Temporal Dragons Vanlet jumped down from the top of the tree, the once vampire hatchling looked at Time I owe Time for helping be turn back into a normal Black dragon by leading me to Pure Pond, I remember when I first met her, she gave herself up to the FangClan to save Kitsune and the others from Skyshriek and I helped her escape.. Vanlet smiled trying to lighten the mood and when Time looked at Vanlet she smiled too Well it's a good thing that I'm not blind anymore because then we might be in even more trouble Vanlet laughed Well then we aren't going to find the others just standing here! Lets get moving! Time nodded and Vanlet started walking South with Time following close behind.

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((Welcome back Timeflame. Update: well there is a lake not too far from pure pond, this is the new rain clan home. Harold Stonesworthy is the Rainclan leader now, and Scrap grew up. Hiruzo and Icefire pretty much got ditched. Kreen and Myse joined the Rainclan and new character Lita, played by Red Dragonette, was introduced and is also Rain clan. Myse is flying over the forest towards the Rainclan lake, Kreen is following myse on the ground and leading Stonesworthy. Harold Reial and Scrap are just about to arrive at that same lake.

@Deerhunter: the rain clan border is basically to small portion of forest that surrounds the lake at this moment.))




Harold followed Kreen and Myse envying the pair. He could get off the ground which was more then what most Stone dragons could do but he couldn't really fly like Myse could. None the less that ability would undoubtedly prove to be very useful in the future. It was a silent march for him as he took in the surroundings, and enjoyed the sights to see.




Scrap had lead them to the Rain clan border although neither of them would know that since it was really just newly forrmed. Harold caught sight of the lake and estimated that was where scrap was leading them.

"So does the scent lead to the lake Scrap?"

He asked just to make sure.

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((Hiruzo and Icefire are now walking through the woods. SOMEONE INTERACT WITH THEM!))

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((lol, thought they had the border up, sorry))


"Yeah, I think so..." Scrap paused a moment, before stalking towards the lake. This place was strange and didn't smell right.

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((okay, I'll do it, PKMNboy. Welcome back and nice colors, Timeflame.))


Lita was tending to the other plants when she noticed a human boy and a nebula hatchling walking by. Assuming that they were friendly with dragons, Lita greeted, "Hello there, I don't often get to see humans such as yourself in this forest. Are you by any chance lost? I so, I can try to help you out as much as I can."


The Fangclan dragons walked around in the forest to find hatchlings and eggs to steal. But what Skyshriek was really hoping to see were humans or dragon parents to kill. They past bushes, crossed the river, and go deeper into the forest until they came across a group of mean canopy dragons sitting on the tallest trees. The gray dragoness noticed a nest with an egg in it and said, "Look Skyshriek, there's an egg in their nest!" Skyshriek and the others looked at it and said, "Good job, let's go slaughter them, so we can take their egg!" One of the canopy dragons noticed the Fangclan dragons and growled, "What are you, punks, looking at?" The other canopies turned their attention towards Fangclan and growled hostilely as well. "Why don't you bozos all come down here, so that we can tell you ourselves?!" Skyshriek challenged. The canopy dragons looked at each other for a bit before saying, "Fine, we will. But don't think you can leave without a bruising later, missy!" Then they after jumped off the trees and started gliding their way down to Fangclan, Skyshriek's eyes glowed green and she stared at the eyes of each and every canopy dragon coming down. The shocked faces were the last movement of the canopies before they turned into stone completely. Then they all fell down to the ground hard and broke a few of their pieces off. Skyshriek said to the three adult Fangclan dragons, "You three and I will be smashing those canopy whelps into little tiny pieces." Then she said to Django, "While you, kouhai, will be climbing up that tree to get the egg. Move it now!" "Yes sempai," Django said before he started to climb the tree. Skyshriek and the others started to beat on the canopy statues to break them up.

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"No, I'm not exactly lost. I got paralyzed after using too much of my energy to save a hatchling. Afterwards, everyone left me out there with a part of a deer, along with some fish and rabbits. Not a very pleasant day. Other than that, I'd like to stay away from other humans for now. They want to hunt me down because of Icefire here. Oh, and my name's Hiruzo," Hiruzo said to Lita.

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Kreen was paying so much attention to the trail that she didn't notice a full-grown Scrap and Reial.

"Hey Kreen! Two of your friends are here!"

She looked up and saw them, along with Hiruzo and Lita.

"Scrap! Reial!"

She bounded over to them and flicked her tail.

"Why are you here?"

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"Tracking you." Scrap couldn't keep the growl out of his voice. "We hadn't known where you went." With a shake of his head, he looked over at Rieal, wondering what his 'mentor' would do. His claws clicked impatiently against the ground, his eyes looking at Kreen every once in a while.

Edited by DeerHunter908

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The human boy told Lita about his day and that he would like to stay away from others of his species because of Icefire the nebula hatchling. Then he introduced himself as Hiruzo and in return, Lita told him her name, "And my name is Lita of RainClan. It's nice to meet you, Hiruzo." Then she heard the two new dragonesses, Kreen and Myse talking to some dragons named Reial and Scrap. Lita stiffened with alert at the mention of Reial from SkyClan and asked no one in particular, "Huh? Reial's here?!" Then she turned her head around to see the guardian dragon himself with a night glory drake, who was supposedly Scrap. Scrap said that he had tracked the two dragonesses to RainClan's territory.

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Time and Vanlet where walking south until Time suddenly stopped What? What's the matter? Time turned her head and poked her head out of a bush, she signaled for Vanlet to come over and see. Vanlet walked over carefully and saw Skyshriek and three other dragons of the FangClan smashing Canopy dragons that where turned to stone, then Vanlet turned her attention to the FangClan hatchling climbing up the tree to steal the egg in the nest We have to stop them Time! Time nodded Yes, I know........ Ok I'll destract the adults while you grab the egg and get it to safety, once you do that I'll make a brake for it and follow you. Do you understand? Vanlet nodded Yeah, just this time don't give yourself up to the FangClan. I don't want to save your butt again Time nodded and climbed up to the top of a near by tree, she waited for Vanlet to get into possition. Time closed her eyes and she "saw" everything around her (She did this when she was blind, only her eyes where open) she dove down and blew blue fire out at Skyshriek, she scrached at her eyes, she flew back up into the branches of another tree Well this is a little surprise, nice to see you again Skyshriek Time kept her eyes closed to prevent Skyshriek from turning her to stone What are you doing all the way out here? Because I'm afraid I can't let you go any further from here Vanlet waited in the shadows waiting for the right time to strike.....

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Reial had followed Scrap intothe clearing and was releaved to to see that they had found Kreen, he had not yet seen Lita or Hiruzo.

"Well now that we have found you Kreen, I bet that boy is worried, you better get back to him."

Reial said almost sighing.




Stonesworthy came up fom behind Lita and Hiruzo, having spotted them when he had come close to the lake, but remianed partially hidden. It had not exactly been a quiet approach but it was certainly more quiet then normal.

"It is probably best that I did not go out there. I don't want to get into a fight if I can help it."

He said to Lita in a whisper.

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"Tracking you." Scrap couldn't keep the growl out of his voice. "We hadn't known where you went."

{{Adhere to the rules of 5 sentences per post, please.}}

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"You're right, I didn't tell you that I was going to join Rainclan."

Kreen stated flatly.

"But I think me and Myse should go find Hiruzo and Icefire first. And maybe we should go see if Time and Vanlet are ok."

She concluded, looking at Myse.

You sure we should go through with this Kreen?

Edited by rainpeltstar

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Harodl Reial was not too pleased to hear Kreen's words.

"You can not be serious. Your joining up with those anarchists? I can understand why their plight would be appealing but their objective will only bring more dispair, we need to change and leave the old ways behind."

He was however glad to hear that they were still concerned for their frineds and he showed this by smiling at Kreen's words.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Scrap simply snorted, and shook his head. RainClan? Seriously? He glanced at Reial to Kreen, then at Myse, and studied her the most. He had not seen this dragon before, and was taking note of her scent.

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"Well you can't stop us, whatever you do."

Kreen lifted her head up and flicked her tail.

Come on Myse, let's go.

She stalked back to Pure Pond, calling.

"Time! Vanlet! Where are you!?"

She yelled.

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Skyshriek saw blue fire hitting her wing, but not enough damage to it, and said, "What the-" Then she was cut off when Time tried to attack her eyes. Skyshriek quickly closed them, so that the hatchling's claws wouldn't touch the naked eyes and scratch the hard stony eyelids instead. Then Skyshriek growled, "None of your business, brat! And since you're interfering with us, we'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget! Fangclan, attack!" As the three adult dragons flew towards Time, Skyshriek spat rocks at the space in the center the trio to try and hit the temporal hatchlings. "Django, hurry up and grab the egg! Then make a run for it!" Skyshriek ordered. Django got to the nest and said, "Okay, sempai." Then he took the canopy egg and started to hop down from branch to branch before when there were none left, he started to use his claws to climb down the bark to get to the bottom.


Lita nodded and whispered back, "Right, let's stay hidden and hope they don't see us." Lita went behind the biggest bushes and hid behind them as she saw through the small spaces between the leaves & twigs and heard the conversation. Reial and Scrap seemed angry about Kreen and Myse joining up with Rainclan, but the two dragonesses were stood with their decisions and left the Skyclan dragons behind.

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Hiruzo noticed that the attention had shifted from him to a Stone Dragon. Wait, he had seen this one before...! It was the one who had tried to steal Icefire! What's more, it had a hatchling stealing a canopy egg! "You goddamn sonofa-" he said, running off, sword in hand. Icefire had heard the conversation and had two crystals in hand. it wouldn't be a fair fight, but he had to save that Canopy egg from becoming a Vampire or one of Them.

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((errrmmm....I don't think that Skyshriek is near us PKMNBOY, our characters are hiding from the sky clan dragons Reial and Scrap. Eh, w/e I'll just play it off happy.gif that is just an inner continuity Nazi coming out.))




Harold watched as the young boy ran off for seemingly no reason in a very unhappy mood. While he was glade Kreen and Myse had decided to stay with the Rain clan he was concerned for the boy's well being. No one runs off like that unless they are terrified of something or extremely teed off, and that boy looked teed off.

"Lita, first chance you get go and help Kreen and Myse find their lost friends. I am going after the boy he seemed...disturbed to say the least and I fear that if he runs into a situation he may do something rash that could be fatal to both him and the hatchling."

With the instructions given Harold turned about and jogged after Hiruzo. He pictured the boy in his mind and tried talking using telepathy.

"Slow down! Where are you go-"

He smelt it then, the scent of Skyshriek and stone-dust on the air presumably from demolished dragons. He hoped dearly that he was wrong about that thought but still with Skyshriek around he couldn't tell.




Harold was a bit dumbfounded by Kreen's and Myse's statements and simply watched as they left. A slight and low growl emitted from him before he spoke to Scrap, with only the slightest tone of anger in his voice showing that he did not mean to be angry with the nightglory.

"Come on Scrap, let's go home and get some rest. I have to run a two day patrol tomorrow, you can join me for it if you like."

He offered hoping to lighten the mood.

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Scrap simply nodded, his tail whipping around angerly. Turning to go, he only glanced back before starting the trek back to the SkyClan base, muttering to himself in scattered Latin. He only stared at the ground, kicking up the dirt.

When Reial mentioned the two day patrol, Scrap looked up at him.

"I want to stay at camp, and try to see if any help is needed around there."

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Lita had also seen Hiruzo running off, too. Stonesworthy asked her to help Kreen and Myse find their lost friends, while he went to go after the boy. "Alright, I will," she said to him. Then after he left, the terrae dragoness watched the two SkyClan dragons leave to return home.


Skyshriek noticed the boy with the nebula hatchling and grinned evilly as she said, "So you've come to give us your hatchling, eh? Good human, we'll just take it from you while you're still as a statue." Then her eyes glowed green and she started to use her petrifying powers on the boy. Django had reached the bottom of the tree and was on the run for it through the woods while Skyshriek and others were fighting Time and the boy.

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