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((Zera - that link works. Mind coding it so I can fix it up?))


She heard shouts and looked up. Shiro was yelling at brother. He pointed in her direction and shouted something about a 'cat'. Her ears pressed against her skull and she hissed. Her long tail flicked, showing her annoyance. Kuro ran from his brother and the demonic looking creature, past her into the Post Office. After a glare sent Shiro's way, she followed him. He was just in front of the door, curled up in a ball. The shifter sat on the floor near him, ears flicked forward. Her anger showed in her yellow eyes, but she controlled it. Sooty didn't speak, only sat there, waiting for the twin to speak first.

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((Darkshadow, Kuro went into the postoffice so you couldn't have seen him curl up. He would never do that in public.))


Shiro sighed,

"We've always been together. That's the problem, we haven't ever known anything but our own company. The rest of the world looked down on us so we looked down on them. Now I'm trying to expand my views and Kuro just doen't know why," He sighed again,

"You're right, I shouldn't worry... But still..." He looked down, he had noticed Sooty's reaction and he even though he now had feelings for Mariah he still loved the her. He didn't like this at all, he was starting to regret his decision.


Tears were runing down Kuro's cheeks onto the floor when Sooty came in. He noticed her presence and quickly wiped his eyes and sat up. He didn't want to look weak infront of anyone so he turned and grinned at her,

"It's quite a mess now isn't it?"

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The twin rubbed his tears away and sat up. He gave her a watery grin and spoke. Her brow was creased in worry and her tail flicked. He wasn't fooling her with his act, so she told him so. "I know you're sad." She shifted a little closer and put her unhurt hand on his knee. "You don't have to hide it from me," she murmured gently. Her other hand, with it's bandage, was in her lap. Sooty had already forgiven him about attacking her. She then moved her hand back to her lap, and looked at him through dusky eyelashes. "I know I can be a bit of a harlot at times," the shifter began, almost hesitantly, "But I do care for you." Her singed tail swept across the floor, picking up dust motes along the way. "I hope I can make you feel happier again," Sooty smiled, slightly shy.

Edited by WonderBubbles

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Mariah woke up to the sound of Shiro yelling, she streched and looked over at the scene before her. It looked as if Shiro was argueing with his brother suddenly Shiro's twin pointed to her, her ears flipped back. She also noticed they were with a reaper, Mariah wondered if he was effected by sunlight. Mariah saw Shiro's twin run away from their arguement to he house, Mariah was confused she wanted to go to Shiro but the light prevented her.

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((I'm getting there, sheesh, you posted a lot this morning I have today off from school so I slept in a while))

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[URL=http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj291/zeranoa/reapers/palhi5.jpg]Setuna's picture[/URL]


Setsuna opened his eyes when he heard yelling. He accessed the situation. It appeared that twin brothers were fighting and one of them thought other people were trying to steal his brother away from them. he sighed, he wondered why things like this always happened in the world below. I must say, mortals are quite interesting.



((yay for epic hearing.))

((oh and sense i cant find a picture of his eyes, I'm going to try and tell what they look like. There kinda like deep piercing eyes that can look into your soul...but its more than that...i don't really know how to explain it.))

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"If Setsuna is willing to drag his lazy butt over here, we can use him, he's not the most punctual of us, but he's reliable when you need him to be." Signum replied calmly. She made her way over to an empty spot on the ground and used a complex series of commands to force the ground there to rise. once a five foot tall pillar of earth had risen, Signum returned to stand next to Kira and said two things, "that will be our target, and when we finish I would like to see what sort of ammunition you use." With her statement finished, she sublimated one of the handmade arrows she kept in a gaseous state in its solid form in her hand.

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"Hey, i heard that." Setsuna smiled and got up. He joined Signum and the other girl he did not know the name of. this might be interesting. "How did you know i was here?" Besides from the massive aura coming off of him he looked like an above average average mortal.


((i saw what you did thar Lore tongue.gif))

Edited by zeranoa

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Archon rolled his eyes as Signum spoke, she really needed to lighten up. He watched as she raised a pillar of earth, and was slightly assumed. "Took you that long, I could have utter destroyed a swarm of undead in that amount of time" Said Archon with a joking laugh, he was serious about the destruction of the undead. He turned towards Setsuna, and his smile turned into a frown. Even though he was a Reaper, he can practically feel the death magic coming from him.

Edited by Lore_Master

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He turned towards Setsuna, and his smile turned into a frown. Even though he was a Reaper, he can smell the death magic.

((that's like racism :| and how do you smell magic? O.o))

((oh and in the picture, all that destruction is caused by death magic.))

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((Not sure how Archon would notice though the smell of death is pretty prevalent from what I understand. Signum would notice though, she sees and senses other people's auras, and that includes what magic they use.))

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((Archon HATES anything evil, and knowing death magic isn't going to give you brownie points with him.


And it pretty much like saying "I can feel the magic coming from him


But Archon doesn't hate him, he feels like Set has betrayed the Reapers))


((EDIT: I edited my post to something else))

Edited by Lore_Master

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((Archon HATES anything evil, and knowing death magic isn't going to give you brownie points with him.


And it pretty much like saying "I can feel the magic coming from him


But Archon doesn't hate him, he feels like Set has betrayed the Reapers))


((EDIT:  I edited my post to something else))

((jut for the record, Only a reaper can truly learn Death magic, it may be called death magic, but it is holy. Necromancers are mortals who attempt to use it, because they are mortals it does not work like it should and it will eventually kill them.))

((I know magic well.))

((Never actually though of this before, but sense death magic changes when mortals try to use it, there not really using death magic O.o))

((Magic: confusing because it wishes to be so.))

Edited by zeranoa

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"You should know better then to ask that, Setsuna" Signum replied briefly giving him a smile before returning to the matter at hand. "Anyways if you didn't hear, which I doubt, we need you to moderate a little shooting competition between Kira and I here." she said calmly. She calmly notched the arrow she had summoned to the string of her bow, ready for the start of the little competition.

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Archon nodded as he took a couple of steps back, keeping his gaze at Set. He did trust him, but way less then he trusts Signum. Still, he was in a good mood before he showed up, and he wanted to stay that way. "Hey Set, might wanna get some earplugs, Kira's gun makes lots of loud noises" Said Archon with a small laugh.

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"yes, i heard. I'm just curious about who will win." Setsuna grinned, even though Signum is a reaper, Kira did have a chance at winning. "alright then, whenever your ready." Setsuna became serious,even though it was just a competition, he was going to closely monitor it. i really do wonder who will win, Signum has the advantage because she is a reaper, but you never know what mortals have up their sleeves. Setsuna chuckled at Archon's words. "I won't mind."



((yay for awesome enhanced senses, it will make him a good judge on things like this))

((got ninja.gif'd))

((EDit: my computer is beign wierd and hving everything zoomed in O.o))

((i might be gone for awhile trying to fix it))

Edited by zeranoa

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(( Racism - the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races


Prejudice - An adverse judgement or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge of the facts; Any preconceived opinion or feeling, whether positive or negative; An irrational hostile attitude,


Fail - Zeranoa tongue.gif ))

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(( Racism - the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races


Prejudice - An adverse judgement or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge of the facts; Any preconceived opinion or feeling, whether positive or negative; An irrational hostile attitude,


Fail - Zeranoa  tongue.gif ))

((meh so i fail, he's still showing Prejudice against him. And did you read what i said about death magic?))


((grr i has no idea how to fix it, anyone got any ideas?))

((Edit: fixed it ^^))

Edited by zeranoa

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"Still, using ranged weapons..." Muttered Archon as he looked at the pillar of earth. "Anybody can pick up a bow or a gun and shoot. But a real warrior would charge in and use a sword." Said Archon half-jokingly. Truthfully, he sucked when it came to using range weapons. He was given 100 arrows, and all of them missed.

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((zera-chan, Kira is a vampire, so she's not mortal. lol.))


Kira nodded to Signum when she said that Setsuna could referee the match between them. Signum then cause a five foot pillar to emerge from the ground and stand before them. Setsuna soon came over, hearing his name mentioned by Signum. There was a small conversation before Setsuna agreed to referee their match. Kira nodded, wanting to start already and looked to Signum.


"What did you have in mind?" Kira asked, gesturing a bit to the five foot pillar of earth.

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"Long range, long enough for your rifle," Signum replied. With her right hand, she made a series of gestures, causing a silver-blue film to cover the pillar. A moment later, after more gesturing and some incantations, holes began to appear, each one quickly forming in to a series of rings, a nice set of bulls-eyes. "Smaller targets are worth twice as much, only the inner two rings count." she replied easily. She moved off a bit of distance, perhaps a few hundred feet from the pillar and waited for Kira to join her.

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((Poor archon, the high and mighty reaper that's being IGNORED!))

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((sorry Lore. >w< Kira is too involved in the competition to pay attention to much else.))


Kira nodded and followed Signum to a place a few hundred yards away from their target. She stood by Signum and stared at the target from the distance they were at, her sight quickly adjusting for the distance and then she could easily see where the smallest holes were located on their target.


"I suppose you know how much each is worth, so why don't you go first?" Kira said, motioning for Signum to step into the direct line of the target and stepped back herself.

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((he calls anyone from this world a mortal...but vampires might be the exception to that rule...))

((and I'm waiting for the contest to start before i post IC))

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