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Warriors: Return To The Forest OOC

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is there going to be a ceremony?

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Username: TMD

Name: Stalkingkit

Gender: Male

Age: just born;not even a moon

Clan: WindClan


Description: http://www.malibupetcompanions.org/images/...ls/A3792474.jpg

Personality: Cold at times,but is loyal.Sweet to littermates and Clanmates.Doesn't talk much,but will grow out of it.

History: Kit of Etherealstrike and Wolfpounce.

Other:warrior name is Stalkingbird.



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FYI: Coralpaw is aknocken on Leafstar's den for a training session

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Yes... think positive. And DP, I is going to post the forms for Nightcloud and Jet's kits. And I believe Ice said she was going to play Cinderkit and Thornkit, and Star will play Heatherkit and Stormkit. All their warrior names have been decided. smile.gif

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that's what i would do, unless you're just taking over...

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Username: DarkARM

Name: Spinkit

Gender: Male

Age: Just born

Clan: WindClan

Position: Kit

Description: His fur is silver with black marks on his back, as well as dark brown eyes.

Personality: Arrogant and hot headed. Never hurt one of his littermates with him nearby. Ever. You will pay for it.

History: Etheralstrike and Wolfpounce's kit.


Password: StarClan

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Username: BlueApollo

Name: Darkkit

Gender: Male

Age: Just born

Clan: Windclan

Position: Kit

Description: Darkkit has a completely black coat. His eyes are a shocking shade of blue, though. (I'll try to find a pic later. I can't copy/paste when I'm posting from my cell phone.))

Personality: Darkkit is silent and observant. He isn't the most playful of kits, but he'll join the fun if he has to.

History: Kit of Etherealstrike and Wolfpounce

Other: n/a

Password: Starclan

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...Sweepea,do you want one of the kits?

two's good for now. why'd Leafstar give Coralkit such a hard task?

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Guys sorry for not posting much. I've been focusing on something else.

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Coralpaw found Ice. Now what?

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@ holly and sweep: okay holly and I'll change Poppykit's and Coralkit's names to Poppypaw and Coralpaw on the char list.


@ dark: that's okay dark happy.gif

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I'd like to be join. Please tell me if there's anything wrong.


Username: PKMNB0Y

Name: Lightkit

Gender: Male

Age: Just born

Clan: ThunderClan

Position: Kit

Description: For now: young Lightkit Later: older Lightkit

Personality: Young, tactical, but slightly reckless. Loves to play around with other kits

History: N/A yet


Password: Starclan

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I think its good.Nice to have you with us,PKMNBOY wink.gif



Oh,and etherealstrike died...So what's Silverstreak gonna do?

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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can ice please be nice to Coralkit? he didn't do anything to ice

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Username: Ryuk

Name: Runningkit

Gender: She-cat

Age: Just born

Clan: WindClan

Position: Kit

Description: Completely gray with a white hind paw, green eyes with a violet speck in one.

Personality: Loving and fair, yet protective.

History: Daughter of Etherealstrike and Wolfpounce.

Password: StarClan

Edited by Ryuk

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Okay so the last kits are....Whirlkit and thats it!



ice isn't being mean,Sweep wink.gif He's just providing a challenge.

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Who's supposed to approve us? Oh, and should you be putting parents? Cuz I don't really know much about the Rp. I just read the plot and the front. I have read 2 portions af the saga, though. Power of Three and the New Prophecy were nice, but haven't read Eclipse yet. Wanting to get the new book.

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accepted PKMNBOY happy.gif and Runningkit's accepted Ryuk smile.gif; what do you mean what is Silverstreak going to do TMD? blink.gif

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I think me,Holly,DP,and Lady......Isnt' Silver gonna cry or somethin? tongue.gif

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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