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Warriors: Return To The Forest OOC

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*laughs with you* I replied in eight worlds

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A little random question... do you guys have Facebook? :3

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"Yesterday is history, tommorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that's why they call it the present." KUNG FU PANDA!!!!!!

Edited by yukinflake

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Okay~ Just wondering. I do too though. happy.gif

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I have a surprise for everybody...


Starsong is coming back!


*Gasp gasp* "Oh my!" And blah blah blah. Anyways, she is! This very afternoon! She's going to play Heatherkit, and DP, can her character Dawnstorm in ThunderClan come back to life? :3 There was Dawnpaw, remember? And then Dawnstorm...

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Oh~! Hi Holly-chan! Guess you're one post ahead of me ne? X3 Sorry mina-san~! I'm back nao, hope you guys still remember me... X3 So yeah~ And DP, can I also make a chara in Wind+Shadow Clan? :3

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OMG!Its star!Remeber in your Rp I had Stardust the sunset dragon?And I asked you about the kitty pic?

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Yeah, I remember ^^ Long time no see! X3 *hugs tightly* Miss everyone so much . . . . TTwTT But I didn't find much going on anymore, so I left, but I'm interested again, so I came back~ X3 He-he~~

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I AM AWESOME! I was the one who convinced her and Icestar to come back. :3 I am so proud of myself. xd.png

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*Wiggles* It's great isn't it? Now... Star... go post your form here and I will accept it! <3 Bwa-ha-ha!!!

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=.= I was planning on making Dawnstorm Rowanstar's mate... happy.gif

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I actually was thinking of making Thunderstorm deputy... o.O ^^'

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Okay, these are atashi no new charas:

(I want to change my name to StarSong, looks better... TTwTT)


Username: Starsong

Name: Lionheart

Gender: Tom

Age: 2 1/2 years

Clan: ShadowClan

Position: Warrior

Description: http://www.lasthope.ie/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/tigger.jpg

Personality: Bold, kind-hearted, noble, skilled, proud in some ways

History: A clan-born cat

Other: N/A

Password: StarClan~


(I think this cat is reserved to be Icestar's new chara's mate or something, so yeah)



Username: Starsong

Name: Ravenwind (Always wanted to use this name X3)

Gender: Tom

Age: 1 1/2 Years

Clan: WindClan

Position: Warrior

Description: http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e280/Cat...ck-cat-moon.jpg

Personality: Cold in a way, shy, looks evil... though he's really noble and kind inside~ ;D

History: Was clan-born, but was extremely weak and small, had been the youngest of his mother's litter, always left out, so has developed a seemingly careless and cold shell, though inside his heart his dark and eternal sadness is sealed

Other: N/A

Password: StarClan


(I actually made a Ravenkit before, but since Holly said he died (really, I never remembered anything about that xd.png), he couldn't be made a warrior, so I'll just make another one~ X3 Oh, and the pics were too big, so I posted the link instead. ;3)

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