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The Agnimitra

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Yue had finally arrived in London, England it seemed. He had been traveling for days and he had finally arrived without unwanted notice. It seemed that there weren't any humans in this part from what he could sense. But just to make sure, he took care to land away from the buildings as quietly as possible before returning to his human form. He did not need any trouble to to bother him right now...

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Bane stood for a while, mulling over his options. He knew there were others around for sure now, and following his metaphorical nose was probably the best way of finding them. If they were friends to the Resistance, he would get what he'd come for, and if they were friends of the Black Dragon... well, A few less enemies in the world wouldn't hurt him.

Decision made, he shut his eyes and opened his mind, seeking that presence again. If he could find an Agnimitra to hear him, he could alert them to his presence. That way, at least they wouldn't think he was trying to sneak up on them.

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Yue stopped in his tracks, standing there for a moment as he felt the presence of a another Agnimitra. Hm...perhaps it was one of the Agnimitra of the resistance that he was sensing. On the other hand, it could be one of the Army. Well, he could risk capture by answering the other or making himself known to an ally of the resistance. Or he could just ignore it altogether and just continue searching himself. He stood there for a few more moments, thinking over his options. Finally, he decided to contact the other to make himself know, hoping that said Agnimitra was not an enemy.

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((Heh heh... Shadow has to pay in cash xd.png ))


Shadow set her cloths up on the counter, watching the price ring up each time. She wasn't surprised when the price was higher than she wanted it to be. Unlike Arasi, Shadow didn't own a credit card and unfortunately had to pay in cash. Luckily for her though, Shadow didn't mind counting out the money, grabbing a few 50's to get most of it. The cashier didn't quite seem to expect Shadow to be able to pay for this in cash and seemed very surprised that she was able too. Once the items were paid for, Shadow grabbed her bag, letting Arasi know she wanted to be done with this. Too much shopping wasn't good for her.


((yeah... sorry about shortness.))

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Bane's eyes snapped open as he felt the answering presence. Ah, so someone was listening, this was good. "Identify yourself." He said, his lips moving to form the words but the sound audible only in the other's mind. Even before the other had responded, he was attempting to track the other via the link he'd made. That wasn't easy; he could only tell how far away the other person was, not what direction they were in, so it was a game of warmer, colder to find them.


He set off in one direction, then backtracked as the presence weakened. The other way, then. He was rewarded with the presence growing in his mind, and carried on, determined to spot them before they spotted him. There was an advantage in that that he didn't want to be without.

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Yue felt himself tense a bit at the word the other Agnimitra spoke through the connection. He didn't quite trust the other to state who he was fully, so he felt it was best to stick with a vague answer just in case. "I am simply another Agnimitra looking for the resistance," he responded plainly. He could feel the other presence slowly coming toward him, move away for a moment, and then start to get closer again. The other must be looking for him then. He bristled slightly when he felt the other nearing him. He was still rather distrusting of the other, as he did not know if he was part of the army or the resistance. But if he came any closer and tried to attack him, he would be ready.

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Bane hesitated for a moment, wondering if the other was lying to him. He probed mentally, looking for signs of deceit, then when he found none replied to him properly; "Another looking for the resistance? That's fortunate; we share a goal." He said, pausing to get his bearings for a moment. It was still possible he'd been lied to, but he was confident enough of his own skills to take that risk. "Perhaps we would have more sucess working together, don't you think?" He set off again, bearings gotten, and now sure of his position.

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Yue seemed to calm down a bit when the other replied that he was also looking for the resistance, but he was still a little wary. "I think we would be more successful in finding them if we worked together..."he agreed then paused for a moment before asking a question of his own. "...So then you are not a part of the Army?" he asked warily.

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((ne, all thoughts that are sent to other Agnimitra should be put into italics and no quotes are need. It keeps people from getting confused~))


Once Shadow had paid for her clothing, Arasi and her left the store. The two walked back to where they had landed, far away from the humans, and Arasi changed into her dragon form. With one clawed paw she took hold of the bag that contained her purchase and took into the sky, gaining high altitude before moving forward. She figured Shadow would be right behind her. Then once they returned to the base, there was no doubt that it would be bustling with activity to get the festivities ready for tonight. It was already late afternoon.

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Shadow followed Arasi as they flew, half excited about the festivities but also her half annoyed self. Things would get a little crazy leading up to it and probably even more so once it started. She concentrated most on what was currently going on, making sure she didn't have to work too hard to keep gaining ground. The mixture of wind currents helped this, making it possible in some cases to glide while going just as fast.



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No. I despise the Army, as any decent Agnimitra would. Bane's voice took on an edge of anger that was even stronger for being nothing more than a projection of his thoughts. He was getting close now, and as he rounded a corner he thought he saw something moving in the shadows. It could be a trick of the light, though. I presume that you are not one of them, either?


(sorry, failpost. I kinda have to run halfway through writing it.)

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((meh, is fine...))


Yue sighed in relief at the answer the other gave. He agreed wholeheartedly at the angry tone in the other's voice. No I'm not a part of that wretched army. But it's good to hear that you are not my enemy. Perhaps we should continue together to better our chances of finding the Resistance, he replied, turning when he thought he saw someone or something. May I ask what you are called? he questioned, now feeling a bit safer about the other Agnimitra to ask such a personal question.

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You may, he replied, stepping from the shadows to reveal himself to the other. "You may call me Bane, and what should I call you?" He said that aloud, since they were close enough to speak properly now and thought-speak was more effort. His voice was pleasant to listen to, but carried a hint of caution, and his stance suggested he was not as relaxed as he sounded; he was still on guard for any sign of deceit.

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Yue turned when he saw the other reveal himself to him, stepping out of the darkness of the shadows. "...You may call me Yue," he replied to the other asking him what he should call him, bowing slightly. Though he was bowing in respect, his crystal blue eyes stayed glued on the other, still quite wary of Bane.

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((Hey, all you guys, I want longer posts please :D Improve yourself and write moar~

And I need Skarx to post...))


Arasi returned to the base with Shadow and of course everyone was busy. Agnimitra hurried about, holding decorations that were to be placed in the center square where the festivities would take place. In the center they had already begun to prepare for the large bonfire that they would ignite when it became dark. Streamers were being strung everywhere, entwined with lights to add to the ambiance for when night fell. At one end, many large bins were set in readiness for ice that would keep the alcoholic beverages chilled in the hot climate of Australia. The only other choice for drinks would be water though.

"They sure do go all out," Arasi commented, heading towards her room to put the clothes she just bought away until later. They would not need to change until it was around dusk. Until then, she should also help with setting things up.

Edited by Kira1

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Bane returned the gesture with a polite half-bow, folding his arm across his chest and inclining his head slightly. Even with his manners, he was an intimidating-looking person due to his build and the scars that spoke of a life of hardship and battle. He was a survivor, that much was certain, and just the kind of guy to have on your side when everything went to hell.


He stepped forwards and held out his hand, a slight smile twitching the corners of his mouth up. "I'm glad to have met you. There's safety in numbers, especially with an enemy such as the Army to contend with." he said, seeming a little more relaxed now.

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Yue studied the other man with his crystal blue gaze for a few moments as he returned the polite gesture. The were lines of various lengths running down every part of Bane's body and it took Yue a while to figure out that they were scars. He wondered for a moment how many battles the other had been in to have acquired so many of them. There had to have been at least ten from what he could see. Then again, he himself was fairly young compared to the other man. Yue could tell that the other man was a lot older than him, though it was till hard to believe, or even try to count how many battles he had been in. Perhaps it was a good idea to have befriended this man after all, he thought to himself, calming down a bit more. But when the other suddenly stepped forward, he took a step back before noticing the hand offered to him. He stared at the hand before glancing at Bane and then back at his hand before taking it, shaking it politely. "The feeling is mutual," he replied to Bane, a small, polite smile playing on his lips before taking his hand back. He took a moment to survey their surroundings before facing Bane again. "...Perhaps we should start our search for the Resistance?" he suggested, "It might be best to keep moving and not stay in one place for a long period of time."


((There's you're longer post okay! biggrin.gif lol. I am proud of this -fist pump of victory-))

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Ten. There were five around his eye alone, not to mention the one across the bridge of his nose, the couple visible above the top of his shirt, the nasty on his neck and the chunk out of one ear. And those were just the visible ones. The rest of him was just as mangled under his trenchcoat and other clothes. "We should be safe for now, if we keep a low profile. But yes, the sooner we find them, the better." he said, shaking Yue's hand with a strong, callused grip. "I don't suppose you have any idea where to begin? All I have is rumours that they are hiding somewhere in this city."


Something clanged behind him and Bane spun to face it, automatically going to grab the quarterstaff from his back. Luckily, it was just a cat. It took him a moment to relax though, and he stood with the weapon in hand for that moment before returning it to its place.

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Yue nodded when Bane said that it was safe for now if they didn't make themselves know too much. He agreed wit him about the resistance though. They did need to find where they were as quickly as possible. When Bane had asked if he had any information on the whereabouts of the Resistance forces, he paused for a moment in thought. Of course the reason why he was here was that he had heard rumors of them being in this city. But other than that he was just as clueless and without information as Bane was. He sighed. He was about to answer the other's question when he also heard the clang, looking over to where he had heard it come from, instantly going on defense. His eyes glowed an eerie sapphire in the darkness as he looked around for movement. Though when he realized it was only a cat, he calmed down, eyes going back to their regular crystal blue color. He turned back to Bane to speak. "No, unfortunately I know about as much information as you do..." he replied, "Perhaps we should just continue searching and see where it brings us," he suggested.

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Bane sighed. "Wonderful. This city is huge and I doubt the Resistance will be hiding somewhere with a flashing neon sign attached to the roof." He said, apparently attempting to think of a solution even as he spoke. There was one, but it was risky... "I can likely locate them in the same way as I located you; that was what I was attempting when you responded. Broadcasting like that is tricky, though, and I likely informed every Agnimitra for miles of our presence with that little display." He told him, "In that respect, I was foolish. We'd best move on, before we are located."


(I may not post again until a few others have, since me and tai_kouen26 seem to be taking over a bit ^^wink.gif

Edited by KaidaShade

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Yue sighed as well. He did have to agree with Bane though. This city was a rather large one so it would be difficult to find them without any clues or tips to their whereabouts. Well, they could have tried to contact them, but as what Bane had said they had already risked being found with that little conversation they were having through their thoughts. That was a bad idea now that he thought about it. He nodded when the other suggested that they keep moving before they were found before following after him, letting him lead the way. After all, he was rather unfamiliar with this territory, so he would be useless in this instance.


((I must agree with Kaida. I will wait as well.))

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((I couldn't think of what to post. Sorry.))

Jade sighed and changed out of her clothes and into the dress. She smiled as she looked at herself in the full sized mirror on the back of her door. She shook her head and put her sword on her bed,"I guess this does look kind of nice on me." She smiled and walked out of her room and walked through the long hallways. She breathed in deeply once she was outside and changed to her dragon form. She preaded out her wings and flapped them hovering a few feet off the ground for a few seconds. She lashed her tail and it accedently hit the building,"Oops." She flew into the air quickly and started to circle around the building a few times. She roared and flew high into the clouds. The wind started to blow around her as if it was a tornadoe. She breathed in deeply before letting her wings fold and falling down through the air. She closed her eyes and let her body grow limp,'Almost there. Just have to wait.' She opened her eyes quickly once she was a hundred feet from the ground and spreaded her wings quickly. They caught the wind and she landed softly on the ground,"That went well." She growled and shook her head quickly,"I hope nobody felt the building shake or anything." She sighed and changed to her human form. She leaned against the building and started to braid her hair,"Such a nice day outside."

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((well, tomorrow is the last day of marching band (which marching band is the biggest reason aside from school that I haven't been posting much) and I won't be on until something like Tuesday since I won't be home right after this. School's still going so expect me to post later (like 11pm is EST) and not super long since my parents are sharks around their prey))


Shadow returned to her room wondering slightly about the festivities. Everyone sure seemed to be busy with helping but that was to be expected. She set the cloths down on her bed, laying them neatly as possible, before setting out once again. A younger Agnimitra hurried past her carrying an array of decorations, most of which dropped when he tripped. Shadow bent down, picking up about half the mess before standing, not really listening to the stammers of "thank yous" and "sorrys" that came from the boy's mouth. "It's fine. Mind if I help carry this stuff?" She said, seeing the boy nod gratefully to her offer. Shadow followed the boy down the hall, learning his name was Raisel and also learning some of just how much was really being prepared for this party. "Seems we'll be in very light spirits tonight." She commented kindly, noticing Raisel noticed she seemed a lot happier than her normal ways.


((that better Kira? I couldn't really think of what to post...))

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Not like Bane knew where he was going either. Still, he set off in a random direction, trusting his gut more than anything. It was a pretty good way to do it, and had no less chance of finding the others than any other way. Except perhaps trying to contact them again, but he'd gotten lucky once and not alerted an enemy to his presence, so he didn't want to risk it. If he'd heard the Resistance were hiding out here, surely the Army would have as well. As such, he was on high alert, head darting this way and that at the small noises that surrounded him. He'd made the mistake of being unwary enough to have learned, as attested to by the scars that covered him.

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((My apologies for not posting for a few days, Kaida. Homework has been death on the brain for the past few day... >.< ))



Yue calmly, but warily, walked beside Bane. Now that he thought about it, Bane had said before that he had just gotten here as well. So that meant the other wasn't familiar with this territory either. So basically, the two of them were walking around, blind. He sighed. Well, if they didn't get caught and kept a low profile, he figured eventually they would locate the Resistance's whereabouts. He looked around warily, blue eyes glowing in the dimly lit streets. It they had alerted Army members or something equally dangerous, they would would be ready. He was at least a little more confident about being able to defend against an enemy than a few moments ago now that he had met Bane. And if push came to shove, he would definitely have the other's back and fight in earnest to defend his new ally.

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