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The Agnimitra

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Horo patiently followed Sayuk around through the air, taking careful note of all the locations he showed her. When he left, she took flight again and headed back towards the area he had indicated reinforcements were. She landed quietly, shifting to her human form in the air and using her feathered wings to descend softly and quietly. "Captain Garjax, I was sent by the General to oversee this operation" She said, addressing anyone in the camp, but only in the camp. She could use wind magic and one was to limit the distance sound traveled. This was done by decreasing air pressure to a vacuum so sound couldn't travel any further.

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((Sorry I haven't posted anything. I'm kind of waiting for Key, plus I've been busy somewhat. Sorries...))

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((I'm kind of waiting for key too... I'm afraid if she doesn't come soon I must start on my evil plans without her...


and Awww... tis so romantical *sighs at her post* Well. It won't be romatical for much longer >:D))


"No need to snivel like a baby. It will only be a few minutes." Falcon snapped. This boy really, really wore on her patience unlike anyone she had ever met before, which was saying a lot. Before the golden haired babysitter could mutter another annoying word out of his annoying mouth to reach her annoyed ears, she rushed over to her father and grabbed him by the arm. "Let's go father."


Stick looked up at her with empty eyes and nodded. Satisfied, Falcon nearly dragged Stick towards the gate and opened it with her free hand. Pushing her miserable father inside, she turned around and closed the gate as quickly as she could. As the metal gate closed with a metallic twang, Falcon glorified in the sound. Now was the time, now. Finally she would get to do what she had desperately wanted to do for so long.


All sorts of emotions swirled through his head as he looked at the graveyard. Horror, sorrow, anger, joy, frustration. It all fell on him all at once. All the emotions that he had felt his whole life crushed him. How old was he? Over 2000 years. I'm old. I'm very old. Eventually every person becomes tired of life and my moment has finally come. I would accept death with a welcome hand at this moment. He thought without sadness, almost with a kind of ecstatic happiness. He wanted to die now. Something inside of him told him his time was up when he entered this graveyard. Destiny had brought him to this point. It all had been prewritten by the hand of some omniscient author who took joy in others miseries. "Where is her grave?" Stick croaked while looking at Falcon.


Falcon extended her hand and pointed at a particularly elaborate tombstone. Stick smiled at that. It was perfect for her, a true monument to her life. Ida had always been a larger then life character. Stumbling, he walked slowly over to the tombstone. It was a midnight black that reflected in the bright sunlight. Silently, he ran his hands over the smooth marble and shivered. Beneath his feet was the rotting corpse of the woman he loved... beneath him was death. A warm smile lighted his face as he saw the words inscribed on the tombstone. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day…” It was almost as if Ida was telling him that she loved him one last final time.


His hand lingered on these words as he traced out every single letter. It was beautiful, so beautiful. As he moved on from this little statement, he drew back in surprise when he saw the name inscribed on the tombstone. “Hope?” Looking around, his eyes searched for Falcon’s.


When their gaze met, Falcon shrugged and smiled. It was the first time he had seen her smile at him like that. It brought joy to his very core. Shuffling over, she stood by his shoulder and looked at the name too. They both stared at the name for a brief moment. “Hope. It suits her.”


Falcon nodded and brushed her fingers across the name. “I never did tell you that she found her true name, did I? Soon after you left, she found it. She never told me how or where, but her real name is Hope.”


“It suits her.” Stick murmured again. It suited her perfectly. There was no doubt in his mind that Hope had been her true name. Stick wondered what his true name was. He was sure he would never find it, and if he did it would be a terrible thing unlike Hope’s name. Allowing his hand to rest on Hope’s name he muttered a poem under his breath. He knew the origins of the name.


“Hope is the thing with feathers

That perches in the soul,

And sings the tune--without the words,

And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;

And sore must be the storm

That could abash the little bird

That kept so many warm.”


It was an Emily Dickinson poem. Stick had heard Hope say it many times when he thought he wasn’t listening. Hope had loved all sorts of literature, but he was sure this had been her favorite.


“What did you say?” asked Falcon.


“Nothing.” said Stick.


Falcon grunted, but did not push the subject. Taking a step away, it seemed she sensed he wanted to be alone with Hope for a moment.

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((kira, I made an updated picture of horo's sword, if you would be willing to update it a bit please


user posted image



((here's the set it came from, if anyone wants me to draw a sword or something let me know

user posted image


Edited by jaina

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((I say finals are hitting all of us now... Mine start next week... oh boy...))


Garjax who had recieved a message from Sayuk was waiting near the entrance for Horo to come. When he saw her land he could not help, but be amazed by her rare feathery wings. When the one he though was Horo declared she was sent by the general he saluted her, since she was his superior too.

"Welcome to my camp. How should I adress you as?"

He asked the question to be polite and that calling her `sir` would feels strange. He could remember one of the female getting angry at him for it.

"I shall show you the base itself then, but first would you like to eat something or rest?"

Edited by Skarx

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"sir is fine Captain" Horo replied turning her attention to Garjax. "Something to eat would be appreciated, the flight was long to get to the british isles", she said, a little warmth thawing her tone. She gave a slight smile and then added, "you may show me the camp afterward, Captain, then I would like you to tell me how the situation is here".


((still got three weeks counting this one, but I'm not in college yet so kind of expected, by the way, what do you guys think of the swords?))

Edited by jaina

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((I think those swords are awesome! I just might ask you to draw one for me. ^^


*sniffles* and i've been sick, so pardon me for not posting in character...and i'm kind of waiting on Key still too. And Midnight is asleep...))

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((They look nice.))


Garjax saluted his superior.

"Yes sir. Follow me I will guide you to our dinning room, when may not have the finest food, but it should satisfy your hunger."

When they reached the cafeteria the soldiers in there were chatting loudly and not paying attention. Looking really relaxed. Garjax sigh then rose his voice.


The warriors inside quickly turned to see what was wrong, picking up their weapon and lowering them when they saw they leader and a new girl. They seemed a bit confuse. Garjax didn't pay attention to that though. He never expected his soldiers to remember the name of every leaders that were not directly above them, like him or in the generals ranks.

"Starting from today Sir Horo will be part of this base. You are to treat her with respect! Starting by getting her some food in this pig room! MOVE IT!"

The place was a mess, but quickly the soldiers cleaned a place and its surrounding while another group went to get some food for her. No long after Horo had a nice, but simple meal of bread, cooked ham and smashed potatoes. Garjax sat in front of her waiting for her to address him and finish eating, meanwhile the soldiers divided into two groups, one went to clean a room for her the other to clean the cafeteria.

Edited by Skarx

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"thank you very much Captain, I would like it if you would sit and explain how you're doing in this area and the current situation." Horo said when she finished, motioning to a chair across from her. She paused and said, "you have been here longer then I have, and these are your men, I would like to hear your opinions on what we should do and how things are. I have no intention of trying to steal your command" She said coolly, her voice wasn't warm, it was cool as usual, but it carried honesty, respecting those under her would usually earn loyalty, something that might end up very useful.


((well monkeyboy made a request of me to make a spear so here it is for him


user posted image


Edited by jaina

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Garjax looked at Horo for a minute then spoke.

"Right we prepare some ambush to get some of the resistance that are now scouting the area closer and closer to our ground. We are waiting for them to get close enough to kill the whole scout group or capture them. We are under orders to not attack a certain wind dragon named Kiri and to not go near the temple more than once a day to remind them of our presence and put some pressure on them. Other than that we usually have a small scout party searching for the gem in the area and a couple of spies in the human cities nearby to see if we could gather info with them on a particular gem they may have found."

He called one of his men to have a map and two minutes later he had it unfold on the table. There were five circle, three around the base and two on the other side of the temple.

"These are our ambush location. Traps are made and being refined. As for not stealing my command in this base. Feel free to say what you want. If it does not mean certain doom for my troops I will obey and/or give my opinion. Does this suit you sir?"

He folded the map when she had finished with it and gave it back to his men.

Edited by Skarx

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"yes just fine Captain" Horo replied she leaned her elbows on the table and considered the options with her eyes closed. When she next spoke, her words were calm as she asked, "do we know when any groups will pass through any of the trap locations, if so I'd like to take four of your men with me and watch one. If things go well I should have at least a few prisoners to speak with, find out what they know. do you approve, Captain? and I would like it if someone would tell me what that wind dragon Kiri looks like, I don't need to injure her by mistake"

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((That's awesome Jaina thanks for the drawing.

I'm stuck right now waiting for Jade to post unless Ddraig can do something to get us moving.))

Edited by monkeyboy225

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He pulled out a bad drawing of a girl and a dragon.

"I don't have much talent, but she look like this. Should not be too hard to recognize her anyway... rather unique. A group should come out tomorrow. I don't know where though. You can take any of the area we have already prepared of make a new one. Their exit are going to be random, but Sayuk will keep us up to date with what he finds out."

With that he stood.


(Can we time skip to the next day? So we will be on the same level as the rest?)

Edited by Skarx

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Horo spent the night in her room, deep asleep. The room was fairly clean, especially considering how short notice her arrival had been.


((the next day cometh))


She awoke the next morning and headed to find the Captain. When she arrived she asked him, "have we gotten any updates from the general this morning about what the plan is?". She made sure only to refer to him as general so if someone heard, she wouldn't be outing Sayuk to any possible resistance members.

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Jade tilted her head to the side some,"If you have to leave then you would have to. That would be okay with me. I've had many people leave me a lot in the time I have been on this world. It is very sad reall, which is why I will not say anything else about it." She turned from Brick her eyes started to water some again. She wiped her eyes trying not to tear up and then wrapped her arms around herself.

Edited by Jadeclaw

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Brick didn't really know what to do as tears formed in Jade's eyes and she turned away from him trying to hide them. "I have lost a lot of people during my long life as well." He said and laided a hand on Jade's shoulder trying to make it a reasurring gesture. "You have nothing to worry about I won't leave you."

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Jade could feel her anger boiling inside of her,"Everyone says that. Everyone! I'm started to get tired of everyone I know say that they will never leave and then something happens to them! Something always happens to them. All the time. I'm started to get tired of it to." Jade felt a sharp pain in her chest as she started to cry. It was to much for her, she couldn't even talk she was so sad. Why can't you just go! You'll have to leave some time anyway. So why not right now! She sent this message to Brick as she tried to stop from crying.

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((....*resists urge to ask where exactly someone is she can meet up with* .....I feel so stupid!))

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Brick sighed as he received Jade's message. I promise you that I will never abandon you. You can hold me to that promise, it is a earth dragon's promise. He sent back to Jade as he removed his hand from her shoulder and just stayed silent watching her as she tried to hold back her tears wondering what he could do to comfort her.

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Jade started to relax after he took his hand off her shoulder. She stopped crying and wiped away the rest of her tears. She turned around to look at Brick,"How much is a earth dragon's promise, Brick? Please tell me that."

Edited by Jadeclaw

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Brick gave a slight reasurring smile to Jade as he saw her stop crying. "It depends on the dragon, but I can reassure you that my promising are one I will fulfill to my dying breath. You don't have to worry I will defy my orders if it means being seperated from you." He said remembering a promise he had made to his mother, he had promised to find her and if he couldn't he would never let her memory die as long as he lived. That promise had been made a long time ago before Dark had even come to Austrailia.

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((I feel bad having to do this scene without Key... but she's been gone for a while and so the show must go on.


This scene is really long, but a lot happens in it so... after this my characters are back to being fodder to whoever wishes to interact with them because my evil plan shall have reached its conclusion.))


Her father was a changed man. Falcon saw it in the way the man tenderly touched his mother's tombstone and simply looked at it. Perhaps there was a good side to her father. How couldn't there be when her mother had loved him? In the end it didn't matter though. It didn't change the facts of what had happened. Her mother had died and she had grown up without a father because of him. He still had dues to pay. No man could escape his debts and obligations.


Taking a step away, Falcon stood and stared intently at her father for a moment. She wanted this moment burned into her memory like a red hot iron. This was the defining moment of her life. Quietly, she studied the man that was her father with her ridiculing large eyes.


Stick stared at the tombstone for a moment. He didn't know what to say. There were no words for such a moment. Silence was the only sound that truly defined the forces at work at this pivotal moment. He could find no tears. He could muster no sadness. There was only a perpetual sense of finality and destiny. As if of their own accord, he felt his fingers moving and he drew upon his powers. Concentrating, he produced a single rose made purely of ice. The ice glimmered in the sunlight. The rose was so beautifully made he could see the veins on the stem. This particular rose was rather plain without thorns, yet comforting and familiar. Mother.


Once again drawing on his powers, he formed another rose. This one was covered in thorns and yet the blossom was still beautiful. It spoke of darker things and yet it was still somehow comforting. Father. Setting that one aside, he began another. This one was twisted in strange formations. The blossom wasn't completely open and yet somehow it was more beautiful then the other two had been, yet the most fantastic and ethereal of them. Hope. Drawing upon his powers, he made two more roses. One looked tough and hardy. It wasn't particularly beautiful but it bespoke a quiet strength and will to live. That one was for Owl. Making another, he made it small and yet unopened. That was for Falcon's unborn child.


There was only one more rose to make. Stick put his whole heart into this one. Never before had he wove himself so deeply into one of his ice sculptures before. Losing all sense of time and place, he moved his hands dazzlingly fast as the masterpiece appeared. It was ugly, deathly ugly. The rose was wilted and all the petals had fallen of. The stem was covered in thorns and devoid of even one leaf. Dark.


Setting this final piece of the puzzle on the foot of Hope's grave, his breath caught in his throat as he saw the strange bouqet he had woven. There was six flowers here, all different. All unique. All gone, and yet he couldn't help feeling one was missing. Silently drawing on his powers, he formed the final rose. This one wasn't beautiful either. It was slightly wilted with only a pitiful number of petals left. It had less thorns then Dark's flower, but still quite a large number. Himself.


As he laid the final flower down on Hope's grave he thought Now all that is left is for me to die.


Falcon silently watched as her father made the flowers. She understood. There was no need for words at this final ending moment. The flowers sufficed to tell the story better then words ever could. As Stick spun his strange ice plants, Falcon had stepped even farther away from him. She was careful to make sure she stayed on his blind side so he wouldn't see what she was doing.


With shaking hands, she strung her bow. Now was the time. Finally it would come to pass. Raising it, she aimed it at her father's turned back. As she drew back the string, she reveled in these final moments. All would be achieved in due time. As she finally drew the string as back as far as she could, she took one more moment to examine her miserable father. How sad he looked, bent over that grave. She planned to put him out of his misery.


She released the bow.


As if in response to his wish to die, Stick felt something sharp dig into his shoulder. He grunted a little bit at the pain, but he didn't scream. This was a blessing. Someone had heard his internal pleas and now he was finally going to meet his end. He had a good notion as to who had just tried to kill him. Turning around, he met Falcon's eyes and nodded. "If you plan to finish the job, do it properly."


Reaching down to his waist, he drew his dagger out of its sheath and threw it Falcon's feet. The woman looked at him inquisitively for a moment and then nodded. Silently, she removed her quiver of arrows and let it slide to the ground with a dull thump. Putting her bow down on the ground beside it, she reached over and picked up the dagger. She shivered as her fingers tightened around it, but a new determination appeared on her face.


This moment was going perfectly. The dagger just felt right in her hands. This was tool she would use to kill her father. It was somehow preordained. Silently, she walked over to Stick and pressed the dagger to his exposed chest. They locked eyes for what Falcon was sure the final time. One of them wasn't returning alive from this experience, and that person was Stick. His eyes no longer contained an insane gleam. That was good. No man deserved to die insane. If anything, Stick's eyes appeared glad and hopeful. His miserable life was at an end.


It felt like forever that they stood there, having a silent conversation with their eyes, but finally Falcon shoved the dagger through Stick's heart.


Stick's eyes widened. For once, he was willing to admit he was seriously injured. This injury was a mortal injury. It would kill him within a matter of minutes. As his body fought to draw breath, he felt himself fall to the ground. He didn't fight it. It was all coming true. His master had told him his dagger would betray him, and so it had, but he wasn't bitter in the least. Now that the end was near, he was overjoyed in strange sort of way. His soul was bleeding away just as the wound on his chest was. Blackness was blanketing him. His final thought before the blackness shrouded him within its folds was this I killed myself. So it was. He had been stabbed by his own soul.


Something was wrong. Very wrong. Puppy's stomach fluttered and his whole body screamed to go into the graveyard and stop destiny in its tracks. The two of them had been alone in that graveyard for too long. Something had happened. Puppy tried to fight back his panic, but his breath just wouldn't seem to come. There wasn't any common sense to his fear, yet it clouded his mind like a blanket. Finally he couldn't stand waiting any more.


Nearly running and drenched in sweat, Puppy nearly sprinted to the iron gate. He had eyes only for the cemetery. He didn't notice that Mark had seen his panic until the older Agnimtra had come and wrapped his powerful arms around him to restrain him from his headlong dash. "We don't need two crazy people. Everything is fine. Calm down." said Mark urgently.


Perhaps sanity had fled Puppy at that moment, because taking his head, he whipped it back at a furious pace and smashed it into Mark's head. The man fell to the ground with an strangled gasp. As Mark's limp body fell to the ground, Puppy untangled himself from it and charged towards the gate. Jumping over it, he charged into the cemetery. Then he saw it. As he saw Falcon plunge the dagger into Stick's chest, an indescribable rage built up inside himself. Without time for thought, he dashed over to Falcon's bow lying in the ground. As soon as he touched it, he knew the very depth of Falcon's rage for her father. Instead of fighting it off, Golden allowed it to course through his body and become of part of him. Growling, he used Falcon's and his rage to string the bow and let loose the arrow.


It all happened so quickly, Falcon couldn't blink. The arrow embedded itself deep within her chest. As a healer, she instinctively knew the wound was mortal. Her hand reached up to her chest in surprise as she grasped the arrow sticking out of her. She still had time. Although her energy was fleeing quickly, she had no doubt in her mind she could rip the arrow from her chest and heal herself, but she only had the energy left to heal one.


Her eyes alighted to Stick. She was dying. Death had a strange way of making people see the stupidity of their lives. She had wasted her whole life blaming the stupid man in front of her for all the faults in her own. At that crucial moment she made a life altering decision. Falling to her knees, she grabbed the hilt of Stick's dagger and drew it out of his chest. Her vision wobbled as she threw the dagger across the graveyard. Frantically, she laid her hands on her father's chest and used the last of her energy to heal as much of his wound as she could before she fell to the ground with a solid thump.


Death was a strange thing...


Death was a strange thing...


It was like being weightless...


It was like being weightless and yet...


She felt as the last of her soul withdrew its tendrils from her mortal shell.


A sudden crashing weight fell on Stick. He was being pulled back into his body. He fought it. He wanted to die, but it was no use. His spirit settled itself back into his mortal shell. Death would have to wait.


Falcon was gone to that mysterious place where all souls go after death. Who can say whether she went to heaven or hell? Perhaps she deserved hell for attempting to murder her father. Perhaps she deserved heaven for giving up her life to save his in the end. Perhaps she went to a different place altogether.


((EDIT: My escapades with Falcon are done Kira. ^^ Anyone can interact with my characters now without fear of screwing up my evil plans...


Is that dramamtic enough for you Skarx? xd.png I love my drama.))

Edited by Dashidragon

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(wow, dashidragon, that was beautiful, i hope you dont mind if i join in on that little party...)


Leo, as some called him, was swimming through the sea. He loved the sea, he felt that if he always stayed there, he would never be hurt. Of course, he knew this was not true, no were was safe with Dark on the loose, but at least he had some sort of sense of security.


Leo finished surveying this area of the sea, unfortunantly he came up blank, like all the other areas he had ever searched. Leo sighed, he knew it was time to surface and search the land.


Leo has been searching all over the globe for years looking for the ancient Amphibio Dragon Temple. It contained lots of ancient information on how to defeat Dark and his forces, and it was for this reason that Dark is pushing his species to the brink of extinction.


Leo sunk to the bottom of the sea and gathered his strength. He closed his eyes momentarily, then opened them in a quick surge of power. He pumped his webbed claws, then, when he gained enough speed, stopped pumping and began to paddle with his tail. Leo broke the surface of the water and instantly was launched in the air. His body quickly shifted, losing the webbed feat, paddled tail, and gills. He unfurled his wings, extending them to his full height as his scales changed to a deep blue color. He plummeted back to the water, and before he touched the water, he took to strong flaps, and ascended into the sky. He savored the fresh air before he flapped harder, moving faster, and exchanging the fresh air for fast moving breezes.


It didnt take him long to get to land since he was very close, but as he flew lower to the ground a scene unfurled. He watched uselessly as a man was mercilessly killed, only to see the murderer get shot by her own arrow. The man was then brought back to life as the old man was revived. This all happened very fast and Leo had limited time to react. He silently ascended to a small forest on the outside of the cemetery, and transformed to his human form, a 17 year old, brown haired, blue eyed, boy. He silently walked through the brush to survey the scene,and got there in time to see the murderess die.

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((Go ahead and join the party ^^ I just woke up from sleepyby land by the way, which is the reason I didn't post right away.


I'm glad you liked the post. I've planned that one for a looooooong time.))


The first thing Puppy did was gasp. He had just killed someone. Panicking, he looked down at his hands. They were shaking more then they had ever shaken in his life. As quickly as he could, he dropped the bow from his hands to stem the tide of rage that had emanated from it. Grabbing the quiver also, he hurled it against the wall surrounding the cemetery. Rushing over, he went to Falcon's side. Tears clogged his eyes as he tried desperately to find a pulse. There was nothing there. His tears doubled as he realized he was a murderer. It didn't matter he had shot someone who was trying to kill his cousin. All that mattered in his eyes was that he had caused someone's death. Why hadn't he shot her somewhere that wouldn't have been fatal? He should have incapacitated her, not killed her. He wasn't sure how long he tried to find a pulse, but eventually he realized it was futile.


Standing up, he shuffled over to Stick's side and examined the wound on the man's chest and shoulder. It appeared Falcon hadn't managed to completely heal the wound. He watched through his tear blurred eyes as the wound on Stick's shoulder healed itself under his hands, but he couldn't manage the wound on the chest. Even after being half healed, it was still a dire wound. Sighing, Puppy looked over at Falcon's bow. He hated to pick it up again, but he had no choice. Trotting over, he gasped as his fingers locked around the cursed object. The rage contained within it was to great for Puppy to draw on Falcon's healing powers. He would have to manage without. Walking over to Stick's side, he peeled off the man's bloodstained shirt and gathered as much clean material as he could. There wasn't much, but he managed a pitiful rag to wrap around the wound.


There was one thing left to do until Stick woke up. Golden walked out of the iron gate and looked at Mark. The man was just beginning to stand up. Blood was streaming from his nostrils. "What happened?" Mark grunted.


Puppy tried to find words, but there was too many tears caught in his eyes and sobs choking his throat. Instead of answering Mark's question, he turned away. He was ashamed. He had killed Mark's wife. There was no way he would ever be able to face the man again. As he turned around, he thought he saw someone standing nearby through his tear blurred eyes, but he shrugged it off. He was to wrapped up in his own sorrow to care.

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