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The Agnimitra

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((you did get permission Dashi. and yes, Horo being on her way is fine. once Skarx posts i'll probably just skip to the next day.))

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((Too many OCCs T-T It get my interest away. Especially since it block my quick view of previous USEFUL post. I don't think you were going to Sayuk... then again I don't remember...))


Sayuk nodded and followed Midnight. He was pretty silent as they ate then learned where he was supposed to sleep and go the next day. When he entered his new sleeping room he looked around it then hit the bed. The second after he was asleep. He had needed it for so long.



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((they're in England aren't they Skarx? if not who is? cause I have Horo headed there))


Horo dropped her altitude a bit as she saw the English coastline fade into view across the horizon. it had been a relatively simple, but long and grueling flight, even for her, due to a major storm she encountered over the Atlantic. She lightly set down on the ground however, not letting her exhaustion show as she took her human form again. She strode quickly and confidently across the country side and sent a message to Sayuk, Sayuk, where are you? Dark and General Ddraig sent me to join you

Edited by jaina

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((DX yes they are in britain, london to be exact in the countryside. and also Horo, she wouldn't be able to find the place, nor smell other Agnimitra. there are spells over it to prevent just that. she would have to get into contact with Sayuk in order to find it))


After dinner, Midnight went to her room, exhaustion finally catching up with her as she closed the door behind her. So much had happened on this one day and it left her wanting a good night's sleep. She changed into her pajamas, before crawling under the covers to sleep.

She wondered where Stick and Puppy had gone to though, since she hadn't seen them around at all and usually one of them was causing some ruckus. Oh well, Stick could take care of himself and Puppy was probably fine. Just off doing his own thing, maybe off with Rain somewhere.

But now was the time for sleep. Who knew what tomorrow would bring.

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((fixed that, by the way can I have a complete list of who all is there?))

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((Horo doesn't know exactly where the mansion is I believe Kira))

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((I hate it when I get grounded and have no online homework..... What should Shadow do since I have no clue at all what's happened since Horo was supposed to battle whoever it was...))

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((Shadow was still back in the field where she had been watching, but we have time skipped to the next day))

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((Then Shadow sits back in her tree bored.))


Shadow sighed watching the leaves blow slightly in the tree she was in. She shifted to a more comfortable position and plucked a leaf. It was a light brown color and parts crumbled easily. Shadow rolled it in between her fingers causing more to crumble. The wind blew again sending the fragments away from her. She sighed and a small spark of fire grew on the leaf. It burned quickly leaving Shadow with the remnants in her lap. Once again life proves itself needless for now. She thought leaning back against the trunk.

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((*sighs* okay, since it seems people can't keep what's going on here straight here:

In Australia: Dark, Ddraig, Jade, Brick, and I believe Dashi said that Falcon, Mark, Puppy and Stick were also there now.

In England: Midnight, Sayuk, and Rain...I believe that's all of them...


Anyways, there, now get where your are and others straight please. ^^))

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((thank you very much Kira, once skarx replies I'll post))

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((I fail. If I wanted to meet up with someone (so shadow isn't always alone) who should I meet up with and where.... It's no fun playing alone....had to do that in another rp for a while...got boring and turns out it died soon after I left.))

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((well, since Shadow is part of Dark's army, then she would be in Australia, right? There's four people in Australia to choose from: Dark, Ddraig, Jade and Brick.))

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Sayuk was sleeping when he suddenly heard something at first he though it was coming from that giant fluffy monster that was trying to eviscerate him, but soon the fluffy ball of hatred and sadism changed into his pillow. He threw it away happy that it was only a dream. Then the voice rang back in his head.

Sayuk, where are you? Dark and General Ddraig sent me to join you

He had NO idea how long that person had been trying to call him, but he was angry to have been woke up like that by some random person.

WHO are you!? Can't you think of a best time to talk to someone?! You better have a GOOD reason to call me when I'm trying to sleep!

He knew he was being rude, but he didn't care. He was tired and just had the most lame nightmare ever.

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WHO are you!? Can't you think of a best time to talk to someone?! You better have a GOOD reason to call me when I'm trying to sleep! finally came the reply. I am Colonel Horo, I was sent by Dark to assist with the dealing with of the Agnimitra in the area, sir Horo sent once she received his reply. She maintained her crisp, formal tone despite the briskness of his reply. I apologize for waking you sir, I am not yet accustomed to this timezone she added after a moment, it wasn't meant as an excuse, but a simple apology, for whatever it would be worth to him.

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Jade shook her head and forced a smile at Brick,"I'm fine. I'm just thiking to myself." She looked over at Dark and sighed,"I wonder what he's going to do with me. I'm not the best fighter around. I know this. She practically wiped the floor with me, I fell so much." Jade shook her head and smiled. "I hope they won't make me go out in the field yet though. I don't think I'll be able to take it."

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Brick smiled back at Jade. "Don't worry you still did really good. I just wish I had some one to spar with right now so I could hone my skills, last time I had a battle was against you back in Britain." He said before turning to look at Dark. "I hope I don't need to leave right away and leave you here to learn the ropes by yourself that just wouldn't be right."

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Sayuk calmed down the second he received the answer. So she was sent here to take care of those running away. He was supposed to help her, he was not going to refuse if Dark had asked he to do it and ask for his help.

Fine. There is a part of the forest that was burned. Go there land and stay in the middle I shall come and get you so I can tell you everything and show you the different important zone. You stay in the middle of the burned area, just look like you are searching for something so if someone sees you, you won't look to suspicious. You won't see me, but I'll guide you to a much safer place to talk about it.

The resistance didn't need more stress on them for the day. Else no one would be sent away. He would make Garjax prepare some crystal barrier, small gems that blocked telepathy so the captured ones would not convey the warning. They didn't have many of these since they creation is somewhat... cruel and long. He mostly disliked the long part that extended to twenty years.

He moved out of bed and walked to the exit. When he reached it the guards there looked at him suspiciously.

"I need to go out." He said.

"Why? Can't it wait for tomorrow?" One of the guard said.

Sayuk shook his head. "No I have to get something I forgot outside now. It's important to me." he lied.

The other guard looked. Then spoke. "You can go, but we will warn the leaders that you did. If anything happens..."

Sayuk knew the rest, but he didn't care. He doubt anyone could actually link anything to him.

"Yes it's fine. Let's me out."

The guards opened the door and Sayuk went outside. His power was useful, but if a door was to open for no reason... he could not pass through matter. When he entered the forest he used his power again to disappear. He then waited for Horo to land in the area while still being invisible.

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Yes, sir. I will be there shortly Horo replied, she let her wings sprout before lifting off to fly just a foot or so above the trees. She quickly spotted the burned area and angled towards it. She had chosen to come as a human rather then a dragon as she would be harder to spot this way. She landed around a hundred yards from the burnt area and made her way the rest of the distance on foot, trying to go slow so as to avoid attention.


((question, of these different designs, which one do you guys think is the best?

user posted image


Edited by jaina

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Sayuk had been counting the stars when he heard something. He stood and looked around until he found a roaming girl.

Horo I'm going to grab you arm, don't pull just follow. Again you won't see me.

He walked next to the girl and grabbed her arm only to immediately pull her to another direction. He had no idea if this really was Horo, but by pulling her he would know by her reaction if it really was or not. If not he would kill her simple as that.


(Second since it look much more practical)

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Horo I'm going to grab you arm, don't pull just follow. Again you won't see me. was the next reply Horo received from Sayuk. She then felt a strong hand grasp her arm and pull her along. She immediately followed, quietly and without complaint, moving forward a little so her arm looked like it was by her side, rather then her being pulled along by it. So far, things were going simply enough for her, she wondered just where she was going to be taken, they were pretty deep inside resistance territory, so she wasn't sure that anywhere was really safe to talk.

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((*feels ashamed for asking so many questions* Where exactly are Brick and Jade...... *runs and hides from rocks being thrown*))

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((Has anyone seen Key around lately or has she been inactive these past few days?))


Falcon led her group of ragtag family members in the general direction of the cemetery. As she took each step she knew she was leading them closer and closer to danger. Dark's base was close. Mark knew this but he hadn't said anything on the matter yet. Hopefully he wouldn't. It might scare Stick and his little golden boy cousin away. Falcon really didn't care about the cousin, but she was fairly sure if the boy ran away, Stick would follow him like a blind dog. As long as Puppy was near her so was Stick.


In the blink of an eye it seemed as if they were standing at the gates of the cemetery. It wasn't a terribly spectacular place. The gates were made of rusting iron and were only about waist high. The cemetery was extremely small, no larger then an acre. Most of the headstones were so old that the letters had worn off, they had sagged into the ground and tilted, or they were broken and vandalized by young boy's who had nothing else to do with their free time. Falcon took a deep breath and laid her hand on the rusted iron door. Sorrow filled her. It had only been two weeks... two weeks. This world was a cruel place.


Everything would end here in more then one sense. Her mother's life had ended here. Her baby's life had ended here. Her father’s life would end here too. He wouldn't end with being buried here. He didn't deserve to be buried in the same ground as her mother and child, but soon his blood would stain this very ground. Her grip tightened expectantly around the iron gate. "May we go in alone? Just me and my father? I want us to be alone with them just one more time, as a family."


Golden's stomach flipped at this request. "You want to go in there alone with Stick... What if... What if...?" He was fairly sure the panic was evident in his voice. The cemetery was surrounded by a thick brick wall. If something were to happen he wouldn't be able to see or intervene. What if Stick had one of his attacks? Neither Mark nor he would be there to hold him down while he raged. There was more to it then that. Some deep instinct inside of Puppy told him not to trust Falcon. Something was off about the woman.


"What are you? His babysitter?" said Falcon with scorn in her voice. "I can handle myself and I'll scream for help if anything happens. All I want is a few minutes. You wouldn't begrudge me a few minutes alone with my mother and father would you? What can happen in a few minutes?"


Lot's could happen, but not anything Falcon would tell Stick's babysitter about. The boy was nervous as it was and Falcon's plans depended upon having Stick alone, if only for a few minutes.


Stick listened to their conversation. It didn't bother him that they talked about him as if he weren't there. Part of him wasn't there, the part of him he had left behind to become the out-of-control insane freak he was. His sanity wasn't there. Although he was insane, part of him still held a bit of common sense. Looking over at Puppy, he locked his eyes on the boy's large amber ones. "I know I need supervision, but Falcon is perfectly capable of handling me. If anything happens she won't do anything stupid. Everything will be fine."


Puppy stared back at Stick for a moment. He felt as if he was about to cry. After he had found out about Stick's insanity, he had attached himself to the man's side as if they were twins. This man depended upon him... and he depended upon Stick also. The healer inside of him yearned to be by his side constantly comforting the injured man and doing his best to make him better, even if it was a thankless impossible task. Being parted from Stick was going to be torturous, but he had to trust Stick and he had to trust Falcon, no matter that his heart told him otherwise. Nodding an affirmative, he hung his head and blinked as he felt tears well up in his eyes.

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When Sayuk reached a safe area he released Horo's hand and appeared in front of her. He scanned her looking from top to toes attentively. Taking every detail in note. He then set his eyes to her face again.

"So you are this Horo I presume? We will do this quick then I am sleepy and I don't want to blow my cover. Turn to dragon we will fly around and I'll show you the area you'll be working on and send you to Captain Garjax. You can use him and his troop as you wish, but do not break the orders I already gave him."

With that he transformed covered himself in the same ice patterns he had used to hide his really shape and took off. He showed Horo the different safe house he had learned about and that were rather close. He did so without moving to close though.

You won't need to worry about the other places. These should suffice. If you need anything contact me again.

He looked at the sky. Sun was going to rise soon...

I have to go. I warn you do not do anything to blow up my cover, you see me you act like I am one of the resistance members. I will not hesitate to attack you if we are to come face to face as enemies, but we do not need to kill each other.

Mostly because he didn't want Dark to be angry for losing some higher up soldiers... if he killed her and he didn't want to die for nothing either. He disappeared leaving her back there and flew back to the temple where he invented an excuse of not finding his object. With that they let him come back and he fell on his bed tired only to go on with his fluffy killer hunting him down.


When morning came he was still sleeping, not waking up for the guards meeting he was supposed to attend.

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