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The Agnimitra

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((I sense the possibility for Horo to go on a mission...))

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((yes, i sense that too. ^^))


Midnight was a bit surprised to see that she had startled Sayuk somewhat when she spoke to him. "I was just wondering if things were going alright here," she answered with a smile, "though, if you know a thing a two about repairing buildings I'm sure it would be a big help when the time comes to repair the wall and roof."

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KNow a thing or two about repairing building? He knew a thing or two about spy and the though of having her smiling to him like this only made him feel even better. It was the pure art of it. To have the trust of someone and backstabbing this trust while the other is not even aware of his actions. Simply wonderful. For buildings though if he tried he would probably find a way to bring the rest of it down...

"It depends on how much more damage you want do to your wall. What will happen here now? Your meeting must have had some result. What will happen to us?"

He though to himself Will I be sent away so I can come back and slaughter some happy go lucky people or will I have something better to do than repair a wall? Questions, questions.

He doubt he would go slaughter them since they still had their use, but he should have as many fine ideas as possible.

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"You could just say you wouldn't be able to help," Midnight replied, "and we've decided that ones who can't fight should leave. All the little details have been sorted out, so there's no reason for you to worry about it. You'll be staying here to help protect this place." Midnight looked around the place and at the other Agnimitra working to clear all the debris. There was quite a bit, but it was to be expected when a wall and a section of the roof had been destroyed.

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"To each his way of saying things. The message was clear since you understood it."

At the idea of being posted for defense he felt like this was all just a sick joke. Still was guard duty the only thing he was going to do?

"So basically... I'll be put on guard duty? Um... what wil you do?"

He was clearly not going to get more info from her since he knew pretty much all she had learned from the meeting, but it would be much more normal for him to ask anyway. He wondered under who he would be place.

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((****, i'm forgetting about those Agnimitra that were setting the forest on fire...))


"Me? I guess I'll also be on guard duty, first I can help clean here up. It'll go faster with as many hands helping as possible," she answered, sensing a little disappointment from him about the guard duty. She didn't say anything about it though, since she just figured he was more of the kind who liked to take action instead of just sitting around and waiting. She would like to take action as well, but their current situation didn't really call for it.

Wait, was that fire over there? What was going on?

"I think we might have a problem," she said, pointing to where she could see the fire.



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"I see. We'll have a lot (two words, not one) of free time then."

Specially since no one is going to attack this place... He had better bring some of his usual self back. The boring, though he probably already was to them, cold Sayuk. He was thinking about ways of killing time when Midnight said something about a fire. He turned around to see the fire.

"Oh... what about it?"

It slowly came back to him he had asked Garjax to bother the temple's surrounding a bit. Though not to put it on fire. Nothing big a water dragon would be able to stop that, an ice or wind dragon too.

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"I hope someone is doing something about it," Midnight said, watching as sure enough there were Agnimitra running around to do something about the fire. There were some Agnimitra that took the lead and had a group of water and ice Agnimitra go put out the fire. It was easy to put out since they got to it early. No one was allowed to venture out to see who caused the fire, though the ones who saw the culprit thought that the Agnimitra was probably one of Dark's troops. Which was why they were bringing people in closer to the mansion where where they would not be noticed as Agnimitra so easily.

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((Yay, I finally know what to post... I think. O_o Fluffy can just be near the fire...))


She was a little afraid, keeping back from the flames and heat. Her pale eyebrows were drawn together in a concerned from as she watched others of her species race around, trying to extinguish it. If they blamed her for this mess, she'd explode. An ice powered shifter, such as herself, should hate fire. Which she did. She faintly longed for home, which was on the ice tundra, but it would bring back horrible memories.


The Agnimitra woman stepped back a few paces as the bright fire leapt through the trees, closer to her. Maybe I should run? Fluffy thought. With a resigned sigh, she turned and began to run, clutching her shoulder back to her as she did. Her footfalls were light and quiet, but quick. She wanted to be as far away as she could get from the burning. The smoke was still thick and her lungs ached from breathing it in.


Then the world was shimmering around her, she stumbled, almost falling. When she straightened, her pale eyes widened as she saw the huge building in front of her. This was a huge mansion, which had appeared out of nowhere. She should expect this, though, because of her race. She stood out at the front of the huge building, shocked and unsure of what to do.

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((i'm kinda waiting for others to post...


I think I'll make another character, but the question is, which side? hm......))

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((I might demonstrate what it is later that makes Horo's long sword special))

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((I've been super busy. I'll post as soon as I can... In other news...


OMG I found a pic that looks almost exactly like Stick by accident <3 (except for eye color its almost a perfect match)


Can you add this pic to my Stick profile kira?




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((You want Horo to go on a mission to collect recruits? Fine with me.))


"Alright, so she'll stay here. Brick will inform her of all of the policies and get to know the home base. He will constantly report on her progress. She is a skilled fighter, I want her in the field soon. And I have no problem with her going to Brick's unit when she is released. He was on the island where Rain is, right? From Sayuk's reports, there should be action there soon enough. Hopefully she will be ready. As for the dragons fleeing that temple, let's send our beautiful, windy colonel. She will love the chance to get out for a while and she's always great with the young ones." Dark said with a smile. Horo was close to Brick and Jade so he headed in that direction. Horo was closer, so he ended up at her first.


"Your skills never fail to impress me. I wanted to let you know that I have a new assignment for you. I know you've felt so cooped up here for the last few weeks. You get to go to London! Well, near it anyway. You should be on the lookout for pairs of young dragons or older dragons, or useless ones. I trust you to find the ones we may be able to use in the future, convert them to our side, get them here, and dispose of the rest. And try to be quick, we may be having a celebration soon and I haven't seen you all dressed up in too long." Dark said, one of his signature smiles covering his face.

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Horo arched an eyebrow at the last part of Dark's order about going to the next party. She sighed though and bowed, hiding a little grin at the idea of going to a party, she should try to loosen up, since some people really did fear her, even her subordinates. "very well sir, I'll make my way to England shortly, Sir", she replied, maintaining her cool demeanor. She walked out into the practice field and permitted her dragon form to rise towards the surface. The air around her swirled and became clouded with dirt, preventing others from seeing her transformation. A few momenta later the whirlwind faded and Horo launched herself into the air, making quick progress across the ocean, she could use the wind around her to increase her speed, making her one of the fastest dragons in dark's army. She watched as the continent quickly dwindled behind her as she made her way across the pacific. So her plan for a long hot bath was shot to pieces, oh well she was back in action again at least.


((you literally picked the exact opposite side of the planet Key... oh well she's on her way))


((kira when you get a chance, can you add this picture to Horo's sheet?


It's a picture I made of Horo's longsword, and what makes it special))

Edited by jaina

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((and i guess i should post...

heehee, that blade reminds me of final fantasy cause a character has swords that can be combined and such. If I remember correctly it was Cloud who did this. I think I remember him doing it the movie.

and i got it up there.

lol when I see the 'means complete of whole' next to Horo's name, for some reason i read the whole as wh0re...xd.png lol))


"Well, we need to keep working," Midnight said, turning to the ruined wall located on the side of the mansion. She began to help with clearing the debris, glad to see they had made a lot of progress. Though it did help when everyone had strength above the average human's even if they weren't skilled in fighting or anything. The sun was almost gone now and it was becoming much darker. Midnight knew they would need to cover the holes up with tarp soon before it was too dark to see much.


Ddraig stood with Dark as he waited for the many to finish giving orders to the others. He figured Horo would probably be the one to be given the task of intercepting the groups of Agnimitra that were leaving the resistance's temple.

The mention of a party surprised him a bit though. He didn't really think this was the time to be partying when they had to work on uniting all the Agnimitra under Dark. There was also the search for the gem to consider. And the fact that everyone thought it was located in London made him wonder if it was really there. Since it seemed that the resistance found a clue about it there in Europe, then wouldn't it be located somewhere else? Or maybe it was located somewhere in Europe and his mind was just wandering. Thinking of all those TV show and movies he had seen.

Edited by Kira1

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((heh, it's based off of a sword my friend has that I really like, if it's based off Cloud's I don't know, I've never played those games))

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((D8 Never! Not any of them! do you have access to a playstation!? If you do, rent the games and play them! They are so much fun! and you should watch the Final Fantasy movie Advent Children, but if you watch it without knowing the storyline of the game you'll be completely lost. so, you should learn the storyline first. X3))

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((Or get yourself an emulator of a super nintendo and get the roms by download since I doubt these old ones would still be findable. There is also A ps emulator and downloadable roms for it, but they tend to bug. They are great RPG game, though I hate how so many people drool over FF7... it had nothing so special to deserve so much attention to me. I personally found Advent children a bit... regular, nothing really nice, but that's my opinion and it tend to diverge from the mass.


xd.png complete .... Hahaha! Oh boy that's one major misread.))


Sayuk went on cleaning and throwing rocks at the pile. After a while, they had finally cleaned most of it to a nice big pile. Earth dragons or those with the ability to change the shape of stone and earth would change it to block to repair the wall and roof. It was getting dark and a group of workers had started putting tarp over the holes. When they finally called it a day. He was tired. He had taxed his power and endurance way to much for the day and didn't rest enough to gain it back. Since it was over and he was not sure where to go. No one had told him where he was supposed to sleep. He searched for Midnight, he had a quick though on where that airhead Kiri was now. He was supposed to protect her. His eyes then fell to Midnight. Quickly he walked to her.


"Midnight. Where is Kiri and what am I supposed to do now? We are off work for the night, but I have no idea where I am supposed to go or do since it seems I'll be a guard."


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((Shiro can't be online much anymore so she had to drop out of the rp. TT^TT))


"I don't know where Kiri is, and I you can do what you want. There's dinner in the kitchen and since we're done here I was going to get some dinner. Would you like to join me?" She replied, turning towards the mansion to head in that direction. Since it seemed as though Sayuk had no clue as to what to do now, she didn't doubt that he would join her. And she was hungry, her stomach was even growling at her now. When was the last time she ate? Oh, that's right, at around nine this morning when they stopped for breakfast. Well, that was smart of her, going without food for practically the whole day.

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((by the way, if anyone would like me to design weapons for their characters let, me know I just did a color version of Horo's sword(s) and another one that I thought of. Here's Horo's:

user posted image

and here's the other:

user posted image))

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((Warps the laws of time and space))


Stick sat on Mark's back. Flying on a dragon's back was an uncomfortable experience. It made him sore, grumpy, and agitated, not a good combination considering his current break in sanity, but it had been agreed upon that it was better he stayed in human form for now just in case one of his attacks came on and they were coming on. Every day they came along with more ferocity and frequency then ever. If it hadn't been for Falcon and her healing abilities he would have torn him and the rest of the party to bits long ago. Eyeing Falcon, he withdrew into his own folds of depression and sadness. It was funny how being insane allowed him to feel his hurt worse then ever whenever he wasn't having one of his attacks. Ever since he had attacked Mark, his daughter had become more hostile then ever. It crushed him. He knew he deserved it too.


Falcon threw her pitiful father a sharp glare every few minutes. This travel had been torturous. After they had figured out about Stick's... problems both Puppy and Mark had insisted they couldn't abandon him. All Falcon had really wanted to do was take her father to the nearest remote location and shoot him through the head like a worthless dog but both Puppy and Mark had had their eyes on the man constantly watching for the signs that he was about to snap.


The discussion after the attack had been emotional and nerve wracking for all of them, but especially the little golden dragon that annoyed Falcon with his innocence. After he had seen all of that it seemed as if the boy had sunk into a depression himself. It had been emotional for her too... but mainly her emotions had been wanting to kill Stick with all her might.


Falcon threw Stick another glare just for good measure and watched as her father cowered as if he had been struck. He was a worthless pitiful fool.


Puppy watched the world through sad lack-luster eyes. His eyes told the tale of his sorrow. Everything was going wrong. Stick was blind and insane. Although he wanted to like Falcon, she seemed to be a dark soul with less-then-good intentions but he had to trust her because Stick did. Also, she was family, but the weight of his troubles crushed him. Looking up, he watched as Stick quivered. Sighing, he looked knowingly at Mark. Mark gave a quick nod and the two descended.


Stick groaned when it was all over. An attack left him exhausted. Sitting up, he briefly looked at the pitiful remnants of his family. Puppy no longer had the cheerful happy spark in his eye that he had once had. Mark seemed worn down by worries too. Falcon seemed uptight and excited as if she was anticipating something. The looks of hatred she threw at him were becoming more common. This is my family. he thought with a sigh.


Falcon squinted at the landscape. It was familiar. "We're here." she said.


The group showed no hint of a response. They were all too weighed down by the weariness of travel and the weariness of their own hearts. Falcon's heart skipped a beat as she looked at Mark. He had never looked so beaten before. It pained her more then everything ever had that Stick had done this to him. Stick had hurt her again. He couldn't wait till she got him alone and speared him through so he could stop spreading his misery to the whole world.


It would end here she decided. Australia seemed a fitting place to end this seeing as it was on this very soil her mother was buried and so was her dead child who had never had the chance to take one breath.


It had been the very fact that her mother was buried here that she had been able to convince Stick not to jump off the nearest cliff after he attacked Mark. She had baited him with promises to bring him to her grave. The whole party had agreed it was best to leave the other mansion and Australia and been as good a destination as any other. Now they were here. Now her father would meet his end.


((EDIT: Shall we commence our epic plans Key?))

Edited by Dashidragon

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((lol its always fun to warp the laws of time and space xd.png

oh, and i have a question. do you think an rp about Yakuza (japanese mafia) set in the early Edo period would be a good idea? Though I would have to think of some sort of plot. Though, when you're dealing with a group that does things illegally then there's plenty of options. ^^))

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((No, now they are in australia... I thought I got permission to time warp from Kira earlier...))

Edited by Dashidragon

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((ok well I'm kind of lost, all I know is that Horo is on her way to england atm to join, I think Sayuk))

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