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The Agnimitra

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((I missed a lot. Exploding lungs? Don't want to know. Uh...I won't be on all weekend or through the week. Next Sat I should be on again.))

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Brick saw the sad look come across her face before being replaced by a smile and he wondered wat that look was for, but he quickly discarded the thought as she asked him a question. "Yea you did really good even more so considering that you were up against Horo. I thought it could have been a lot worst not that I didn't have faith in your abilities but it was Horo." He said with a slight smile as he wondered what to do now. "Well what do you want to do now?"

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Jade sighed and looked around not really seing but not blind. "I don't know. Aren't they supposed to tell us what to do?" She said this gesturing to Dark and Ddraig. Her eyes started to get watery because she was still thinking about what happened to her parents. But she just wiped them, she didn't want anyone to see her cry. She hated crying where somebody could see her. It was a wonder she cried in front of Kiri. I wonder if she is okay?

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Brick looked back at Dark and Ddraig before returning his gaze to Jade. "I could ask them if we could have some free time or if they have plans for either of us like putting you in a different squadron." He said noticing the tears that she wiped away from her eyes. "Are you okay?"

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As Puppy watched the enfolding scene, at first he shivered, rooted to the ground, unable to move. As the blood flowed freely from both Mark and Stick, he felt himself shiver harder then ever. He felt faint and dizzy as the bile rose higher in his throat as he thought of something has father had said once ”This is where your life is going to lead. Being an Agnimitra means you must face this for the rest of your life. You are going to be in battles. You are going to see battles. Toughen up.” This unlocked a memory that he had pushed to the very back of his mind:


”I don’t want to do this dad.” Puppy whimpered as his father stood like a statue in front of him.


”This is where your life is going to lead. Being an Agnimitra means you must face this for the rest of your life. You are going to be in battles. You are going to see battles. Toughen up.” Owl hissed at him.


Puppy looked up at his father with his large amber eyes, a film of unshed tears obscuring his vision. As Owl saw the effect his words had had on his son, he sighed and then relaxed his stance somewhat. “Your mother was right when she said you were much too innocent for your own good Jacob. Come here.”


Puppy looked up at his father and nodded hesitantly before walking over to him, his head dropping a bit. He expected more harsh words and maybe a slap or two, but he blinked in surprise as his father wrapped his arms around him and hugged him. “You have to understand Jacob. I want what is best for you. If you are going to have any chance at all to survive in this harsh world, you are going to need to know how to fight.” His father whispered to him urgently.


Puppy looked up at his father. The man had buzzed dirty blonde hair and large amber eyes like his. The face was worn and haggard, covered by lines and scars that he had collected over the years. The way is father’s mouth was set conveyed the steely toughness that had allowed him to survive this long. Every part of the man was sharp and angular as if he had been born to cut his way through all the unfairness and cruelty contained within it. The man’s hands were hard and calloused. They bespoke the effort the man had gone through to be able to stand here living in front of his only son this particular day. “I’ll try father.” Puppy whimpered.


Letting go, his father smiled grimly at him. Already Puppy could see the anticipated gleam in his father’s eye. The man always seemed to enjoy a good fight… even one against his own son. Quickly, his father changed into his dragon form. His father was rather small in dragon form, not unlike Puppy, but instead of gold Owl’s scales were a glittering green reminiscent of deep green moss. His father cocked his head and looked at Puppy expectantly. Quickly shedding his human form, Puppy turned into his dragon form. Nodding his approval, Owl started down, preparing to pounce. What are your disadvantages? His father snapped in his head.


Listing off the number of disadvantages he had in battle, Puppy replied I’m smaller and thus not as strong as larger dragons. My bones are hollow because they are made for quick flight, but they are also more easily broken. I’m inexperienced. My powers do not involve anything that can out rightly cause damage. I’m young.


Nodding approvingly, his father replied curtly Advantages?


I can heal my injuries in battle. I’m quick. I have an advantage when it comes to flying. Puppy listed off the things his father had forced him to memorize.


Good. Remember those things and you’ll fight well. Avoid getting crushed at any cost. As a small dragon, many of the larger dragons are much stronger then you, but also slower. Fly above their heads and go for the base of the neck. Avoid their jaws. They could probably eat you for breakfast with one bite. Heal all injuries as quickly as possible, but don’t do so if you are previously occupied. Stopping in the middle of a battle at a pivotal moment to heal can be a death sentence. When fighting smaller dragons, you’ll be much more equally matched. You won’t have to be as wary of their jaws because they won’t be able to crush you with one bite, but still be wary. The best way for you to fight is to avoid injury, go for the quick kill, and end the battle quickly. Your speed is a disadvantage as much as an advantage. You’ll become more easily tired out because of it. That is one way to end a battle as quickly as possible for you. Strategy, Jacob, strategy. Remember that and you might live. his father lectured as he prepared to spar with his son.


Puppy shivered at the memory. He hadn’t been called Jacob in a very long time, ever since he had escaped Dark’s army. The name still made him think of home, his mother, his human school, things he sometimes missed. A normal human life. As he watched Stick lift his head, he wished more then anything that he could learn to toughen up. For some reason his hand reached instinctively to his side as if he expected to find something there. Stopping, he wondered at his behavior and asked himself what exactly he had been reaching for. As he looked down at the invisible air by his side, he realized something was missing. The sword. he realized strangely. He wanted the sword from the mansion. When he had held it, not only had he felt confident. He had felt amazing. Perhaps he would ask if he could have it when he returned.


As he felt his hand go limp and return to his side, he looked as Stick raisesd his head dazedly. Before he could stop himself, the tears came to his eyes. It is a strange thing to see a dragon cry. Large drops the size of a human fist welled up in Puppy’s large amber eye, rolled down his glittering scales making the light reflect off them in dazzling patterns before they hit the forest floor with a soft plop. WHY?! he screeched into Stick’s head as he dissolved into sobs.


Swinging his head over, he watched as Puppy dissolved into sobs. A distinct melancholy filled Stick as he watched the boy cry. Amid all this confusion, he had forgotten all about the boy. Obviously the boy was going to be very confused and he imagined that his break in sanity hadn’t been pleasant to watch either. Looking around, he examined his surroundings with his one good eye. His daughter was glaring at him with a large accusing blue eye. Shrinking back, that gaze wounded his already wounded soul that much more. Quickly looking for any other place to set his eyes, they alighted upon Mark. Blood covered the ground around him, but the man was healed. It must have been Falcon’s doing. Other then that, nothing seemed damaged or broken… other then Puppy perhaps. Lowering his head just as Puppy did when he was reprimanded he allowed his apology to reach the mind of all those present. I’m sorry.


Angry words spewed out of Falcon’s mouth at her father’s pitiful apology. Every fiery word that erupted from her mouth seemed to break the man just that little bit more. Stick seemed to be folding up into himself, slowly shrinking and dying with every word she said. Falcon loved it. He deserved it.


The angry screaming words didn’t help much. He felt himself sob harder as Falcon erupted into a torrent of angry words that he didn’t even want to think about. They were too terrible, too vehement. They ate away at him just as they were eating away at Stick. As he watched Stick slowly withering under his daughter’s glare, Puppy suddenly found a source of strength within himself he never knew he had. SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU, JUST SHUT UP!


Mark looked at him with thankful eyes. Falcon gave him a smoldering look, and Stick… the man gave him a blank look and strangely only one of the man’s eyes seemed to be seeing him. Squinting, Puppy looked at Stick and gasped as a realization came over him. As a healer, he sensed something was wrong with the organ, but not anything that could be healed. On the contrary, the eye was healed. It just had been healed incorrectly. You are blind. he said with surprise.


Stick blinked at this comment. It seemed rather out of place considering the circumstances. In one eye. I’m not completely blind. I’ll get used to it. Don’t worry.


You’re blind. Puppy repeated as if that comment explained everything that had just happened.


((Don't worry everyone... after next post I'll return to RPing with everyone else and my characters will stop being in their own little world... as long as I get permission from Kira to time warp. Is that alright?))

Edited by Dashidragon

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((Um...if someone wouldn't mind...could they fill me in so I know what to do with Shadow who was 'supposed' to be watching the fight between Horo and...someone I forgot...but I got busy and couldn't 'watch' Thanks!))

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((you're welcome monkey, Hatch, the fight has broken up. So now everyone is heading off to take care of their responsibilities))

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((i'm gonna go update the summary on the first page. maybe make the first half shorted with less details. so just check back there for any changes.))

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((I guess you could respond to Horo's report. And when Jade and Brick come over give them orders or something.))

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((yes, there is Key. xd.png like, Horo, and Midnight. 'cause Adam is leading the meeting. only he can dismiss it.))

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((uh...i guess the time warp can be permitted. nothing is going to happen soon i guess. plus key is not dismissing this meeting for Skarx and I. xd.png so yeah, if we time skip I can be like "after the meeting, blah, blah," lol))

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((Thats true... lol I was only really talking about time warping for my characters but if everyone wants too... I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want me to RP out a whole flight to Australia))

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((yeah, there's not much need for that xd.png heading to Australia is not that exciting unless something big happens along the way.

and i figured everyone will just so we can stay together and be at the same point in time. less confusion that way.))

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((ARG! What with all of this OCC. We ought to delete the useless ones so we can start closer to the true and important post aka the story.))

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((I was hoping Skarx would announce that his soldiers had been spotted, but whaaatever.))

Adam patiently waited for the groups to come up with something and sighed. He stood and immediately attention was drawn to him.


"Well, we've run out of time for discussing. I'm using my authority as Elder of the Temple to decide and I apologize to any who don't agree. All dragons that have training in fighting, healing, or any other skill useful to us, will stay. All other dragons will head to another Temple in the area, but in shifts of only two at a time going to different ones. Those who can fly longer will go to further temples. Any that are still here that have any sort of ability good for tracking will be sent out in a party together to look for the gem. That party may conclude any sort of plan to split up or not on their own. The rest of you will stay and help us prepare for battle. Those who can fight will be stationed as guards and lookouts. Those that can heal will stay near the mansion, cleaning it up, preparing food and bandages and anything else that could be necessary. I order all of you, do not go out of your way to start a fight. The best tactic is to hide or run if you can get away without having them catch you. We don't want to be found, this is more safety precautions. Oh, the group scouting will also be on the lookout for the enemy's base. Maybe we can get a leg up on them. All of you, meet with your groups or get to work on something. I don't want to see anyone doing nothing." Adam said. He headed over to a group of skilled fighters and began discussing who would be taking what shift and where.


Dark nodded to Horo, then looked at Ddraig. "What do you think? What position and location do we need more soldiers in? How about Western Russia?" Dark asked his friend. He was pretty good at remembering ranks once they had been assigned, but he was terrible at remembering the figures. He was not a man of numbers or writing, much more about action. While his thoughts began drifting, his view ended up on Brick and Jade. They seemed to be getting along well. He raised his eyebrows, wondering what exactly had gone on in that day between when they had left and when they arrived. He mentally shrugged and moved his thoughts onto other things, waiting for Ddraig's report. I think I may have a party when Falcon brings that maggot here. There hasn't been enough celebrating since the news of the gem last came. He thought to himself.



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Midnight just nodded her agreement when Adam finished saying what the plan was. It was a good plan that didn't need to be objected to and if anyone did she would deal with them for Adam. He already had enough to do without someone badgering him about the plan. Well, unless they had a good suggestion. Since that was the end of the meeting, Midnight stood and left the room to see how the repairs were coming along.


"For now, why don't we have Jade stay here. She's starting out as a private and needs to learn how things work and Brick can be in charge of showing her these things. There are empty rooms in the women's dorms for her to choose from," Ddraig suggested to Dark, thinking that would be alright for now. Later on Jade could be placed in somewhere else if needed.

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"Sir, if you have nothing else for me to do, I will leave you to yourself" Horo responded calmly. She had plans for herself, a long hot bath in her room, and maybe a little rest afterward. She wasn't one to lounge around, but decided a day of it wouldn't hurt. Maybe she would attend Dark's next celebration, it had been a while since she had been to one.

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((Well the soldier already were on the ground so I though you guys who play resistance members would do it... well they are still there so I'll put them closer then...))


As soon as the meeting ended Sayuk ran out of the room as soon as he could see an opening with the door. Midnight was already outside now he had to go back soon before someone notice his absence... someone who knew he was supposed to be there. He had gaining a good bit of info on this, but not the one he trully wanted, the gem. He searched for Ddraig mind, Dark would want his head if he bothered him again he was pretty sure of it. He found both rather close to one another.

Sir, it's Sayuk. Do you have time? I have information on their future action.

That said Ddraig would tell him when he would have time for his report. He finally reached the outside, but almost ran into someone when he went outside. Surprised he tried to avoid the Agnimitra, but he still hitted what she was holding. Even though it was a couple of debrits he managed to cut himself on the top of his right hand and to startle the girl who could not understand what had happened. The would be no trace of blood on the stone for a couple fo minutes, but he didn't want to stay around much longer. He went to the area he had first disappeared and found it just as empty. He came back to the visible world. Ok now to actually do what he was supposed to... clean up. He picked up a couple of debrit and started carrying them to the pile some had started to make. He spooted Midnight somewhere and not to far the girl he had scared. He looked at his right hand and found it bleeding, nothing big, but it was still bothersome. He resumed his work to make the pile bigger.




The four soldiers were now pretty close to the said temple location. He could not see anything, but they only needed to fly around. One of them caught the smell of other dragons in the area. They all went for the source and found a couple of dragon in human form. They themselves were in dragon form there was no way they would not notice the four of them.

This is going to be easy. one of them said, only to get whipped by another.

This is not time to fool around don't forget our orders. I don't want to have our bosses on our back.

That said one of them dived growling, passed over them. They were in the forest she they could not do much, but they wanted to be seen. As he passed he breathed fire upon the trees then flew backup.

I think I got their attention now. Let's go.

They flew around in circle until they were sure they had been seen then flew further back.

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((i'm confused about the red text Skarx. could you elaborate on exactly where they are and who's attention they are trying to get?))


Yes, I have time, what is it? Ddraig replied, turning away slightly from Dark and the others to let them know he was busy talking with someone. He waited for Sayuk's response, very curious to know what the resistance there meant to do.


Midnight found that a good number of Agnimitra were helping to remove the debris ((not bebrit, Skarx. ^^)) from the wreckage. Once they removed all the rubble they would need to place tarp over the holes until they could get the repairs started. It was already getting pretty late into the evening and Midnight didn't want anyone sacrificing a good night's sleep to fix the mansion. Maybe she would go check on Sayuk to see how things were moving along.

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((They are almost right next to the temple. Five minutes from tehre. They found some scouts, but the forest on fire and flew away a bit to see how the resistance, or those they found, would react.))


As Sayuk threw some more rocks into the ultimate pile of boredom he answered Ddraig the best he could.

The are evacuation the area. The weaker ones will be sent to other temples around in group of two. The only ones staying are the fighter or those who trained to be ones, healers and some with useful abilitie, but i cannot say who would these be. They will resume the search for the gem in this area. Fighters will be used as guard and scouting. They will come to analyse our force in the area I already warned Garjax and prepared some surprise for them. That's pretty much all of it... for now.

He threw a couple of more boring rocks into the boredom pile. It was actually rather funny to think of it this way. Even better if you put someone's face on it and aimed for it. Amazing how precise he could get that way.

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Alright, keep up the good work, Ddraig replied, before turning back to Dark to tell him of what Sayuk informed him about. Sayuk had said he was going to take care of the temple but it was good he kept informing them of the situation. This way they would know what was going on and Ddraig was sure that Dark would want to do something about the groups of Agnimitra that would be leaving the temple to go to another.


Midnight find Sayuk tossing rubble onto the larger pile of rubble outside. Eager to check on the progress she quickly walked over to him. "Hello Sayuk, how are things going here?" She asked him.

Edited by Kira1

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Focused on trying to aim his rock at the part of the pile looking like Rain a bit he was starled when Midnight suddenly spoke to him. As a reaflex he threw a rock at her as fast as he could to hit her in the face. When he realized his mistake he dropped his pile into the big one and walked to her.

"Oh... I was pilling up rocks like you asked me to. Did you need me for something?"

Anything would probably be better than just pile up rocks.

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