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The Agnimitra

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The sounds of battle waged around him and Stick stood in the midst of it all. He watched as the resistance fought against Dark’s warriors in a kind of death dance. His body tingled with joy as he prepared to join the fray. Battle may be deadly, but it was deathly beautiful. Nothing got is adrenaline pumping like a good fight. Taking his dagger from its sheath, with an otherworldly scream, he ran into the mass of Agnimtra bodies. They crushed him and jostled him as they shifted and fought. A few stray swords and pikes almost impaled him. A stray fist had already managed to bang against his chest, but his mind was elsewhere. Looking for any openings, he eventually found a stray of Dark’s army who had just killed the resistance member he was fighting. Loping through the mass of bodies, Stick locked eyes with the man and twirled his dagger between his fingers playfully, enticing the man to fight.


Responding in kind, the man showed him a feral grin, but a hesitant one as if he didn’t really wish to be there. The two approached slowly, but when they stood close enough they could feel the breath of the other upon their faces the fighting commenced. The man held a simple spear, a wooden shaft with a bronze head. Compared to Stick’s intricate dagger it was laughable in appearance but… it was just as useful for cutting one and sinew as Stick’s dagger was. The man had the advantage because to hurt the man Stick would have to get close, but the man’s spear was on a long shaft. As Stick tried to get closer, the man would thrust the spear at him, breaking skin more then once. This continued on for a while, a squadron of red lines building upon Stick’s skin, but eventually the man made one wrong move. Thrusting the spear a little too much to the left, Stick grinned and used this brief flicker of a moment to get to close to the man. With one fell swoop, Stick plunged the dagger into the man’s heart. Gasping the man looked at him with hate and gasped “I’ll get you for this.”


Stick smiled and indulged the dead man’s proclamation of vengeance. “And who are you again? I like to know the names of people who want to kill me.” The man smiled and said “Mark.” Stick laughed before kicking the man and moving on.


You lived that day! You are a part of Dark’s army!


Mark huffed. I was a part of Dark’s army. I left that part of me behind long ago and I’ve had my fill of revenge. Let it go.


My daughter is married to a man from Dark’s army. Stick thought. Growling, he only thought of protecting his daughter from this potentially dangerous man. Had this man somehow coerced his daughter into marrying him? Was this one of Dark’s twisted schemes? Roaring, he felt the monster surge up in him, his eyes taking on a manic gleam. He surged forward, his powerful body barreling into Mark’s. The two tumbled away and Stick started tearing with his claws and teeth.


Are you crazy?! Stop this! Mark screamed into his head, but there was no Stick there to reply, only a feral beast.


When Stick didn’t stop, Mark arched his neck and started biting into Stick’s hide too. They started rolling around on the floor in a beautiful dance of death. It was hard to tell who was going to be the victor. Both fought with feral ferocity. The battle only lasted a matter of seconds, but in those few seconds Stick felt Mark’s claws dig deep into his face. Roaring, he pulled his head up to shake the blood out of his eyes so he could see again when…


Falcon waited for just the right moment to pounce… When her father lifted his head for the briefest moment to shake the blood from his eyes, Falcon hurled herself onto his neck and grabbed the place where his skull and neck met. This was an old trick, but an effective one and a quick way to end a battle You dare attack my husband? I shall make you pay for that! she screeched into his head but as she did, she realized something was dreadfully wrong.


There was no Stick inside his head at the moment, only rage. Her father was insane. At this realization, she gripped the back of his head harder then ever and shook her powerful sinewy neck with surprising force, whipping Stick’s head into unnatural contortions. It wasn’t long until his neck gave way with a loud snap. Letting go, he she let Stick’s head flop to the ground with a thud. Her father didn’t move but she knew he was alive. As a healer she could sense such things. Mark pulled himself out from under her father’s body and shivered. Rushing to his side, Falcon made a quick job of healing his injuries. Your father is insane. Mark replied halfway through the process.


Falcon growled and nodded. You should heal him. Mark said as Falcon healed the last of his injures.


Jumping back, Falcon roared. Why after… THAT!


That wasn’t your father. You know that. That THING was something else. Should your father die for something he can’t control? Mark questioned and looked at her pleadingly.


Falcon wished more then anything to screech no, but Mark’s pleading gaze, huffing, she turned around to Stick and started. The broken neck mended quickly and the gashes did not take long, but by the time she came around to his face she was exhausted. Reaching out her snout, she healed the injury, but she felt something had gone wrong.


Stick groaned and he lifted his head dazedly. Blinking, he realized he couldn’t see a thing out of his left eye. What happened? he wondered.

Edited by Dashidragon

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((*pumps arm* I am back booyah. Sorry for small post))

Jade nodded at Brick, a blush on her cheeks from forgetting what to do. She knew she had to get used to saluting now. Jade got nervous and bowed to the Black Dragon,"I'm sorry sir. I'll try not to do it again." She then whispered back to Brick,"I'll try not to." Jade looked at Horo and followed her. She took her sword out of its sheath and ran her finger over its blade once again. She knew it was okay that it wasn't sharp right now. She wasn't actaully fighting just having a sort of spar.

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Horo drew her sword from it's position in the ground and turned to face Jade. She watched for a moment before saying, "here are the rules we'll fight by, you can use any power you have so long as you don't abandon your human form. And I want you to come at me with the intent to kill, if you don't I will kill you". She finished, putting emphasis on the 'will' in the last part to make sure it would get through, if Jade didn't take this seriously, it'd be no fun for the both of them.

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Jade nodded and breathed deeply, closing her eyes for a minute. She then opened them and charged at Horo, looking as if she was trying to get her chest. But she lowered her sword and tried to get Horo's leg instead. She wondered how this was going to turn out and who was going to win.

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Horo caught the attack quickly on her sword before she countered. Stepping in closer, she dropped an armored glove in a gut punch to Jade and whispered, "I said to come at me with the intent to kill". She quickly took two hopping steps back to see jade's reaction to the attack. Horo's face remained impassive all the while as she waited, not a flicker of emotion going across her face.

Edited by jaina

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Jade shook her head quickly and narrowed her eyes. "I thought we were sparring not killing. But if you say so." She knew that she was only a close up fighter and Horo's sword was just making it harder for her to get closer. She felt the punch and it almost took the wind out of her. She circled aroung Horo and then thrust her sword at her quickly.

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Horo caught the thrust with a circular parry of her own, driving the swords point first. She took the moment to say, "if you don't try, I might go too far and kill you, so you have to take this seriously". Using force and leverage to keep Jade pinned, she spun a heavy, armored kick into Jade's side. Sending her backwards, barely maintaining a grip on her sword. "So again I say, come at me with the intent to kill!" Horo shouted, making sure everyone around knew what was going on.

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Jade garbbed the hilt of her sword tighter, her head trobbing. "If you want to come at you with the intent to kill. Then so be it!" Jade ran at Horo and when she got a foot in front of her she thrust her sword at he chest. When it was about to touch her though Jade felt a feeling running through her fingers. The white on the blue gem that was on her sword swirled, looking like a torndoe. Jade saw wind spinning quickly around the blade and wind burst from it hitting Horo in the chest, sending her backwards.

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Horo skidded to a halt a few feet away and paused to see if another was coming. Looking at her panting opponent she smiled slightly and said, "much better Jade, much better". She held her sword with her right hand, across her chest to the left. "now try this" she replied, taking her sword in an upward diagonal slash, she sent a massive blast of wind heading at Jade. Except she hadn't put it completely on target. Instead it clipped her right side, spinning her before slamming into the the supports of a walkway's roof. the roof tilted over, raining heavy tiles down onto the observers below. that's what they get for slacking off on their guard she considered with a smile as she fought.

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Jade got up and smiled at Horo, her eyes seeming to spin. She gave a laugh that made it seem as if she had gone crazy. She held her sword tightly and spun around. The wind came at Horo and if you could see it, it looked like swords were coming at you. Jade ran forward after the wind and lunged at Horo. She hit Horo in the chest causing her to go backwards.

Edited by Jadeclaw

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((she's got a big armor plate across her chest, Jade))


Horo knocked the wind blades away with her own blast, filling the air with her translucent feathers. Jade's attack however, slammed into the armor on her chest, driving her back a step. She returned with a series of heavy slashes before gaining a little bit of distance. She responded with three large slashes of wind at Jade, the First two missed, one to either side, crashing into the crowd and sending people flying. The third caught Jade full in the chest, knocking her flat on her back. "that was good, you used distraction to launch a secondary attack that made contact, very good Jade" Horo replied honestly. Her compliments weren't meant to be taken lightly, neither were her criticisms, but Jade probably didn't know that.


((I think Key's the one who gets to call a halt when they've caused enough damage lol))

Edited by jaina

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((man! xd.png I wonder where is Key))

Jade lepted onto her feet, her eyes now normal. "Thank you for the compliment. I don't get much of them. Except that is from..." Jade stopped in mid-sentecne and glanced at Brick. She looked again at Horo. Jade stood up straight and actually looked at her, trying to find somewhere that she could attack. A thought came to Jade and she decided to put it to action. She spun around faster then before and then spun again. But this time she continued to spin, she tried to direct the seemingly looking swords at Horo but some went into the crowd. Jade got lifted of the ground and wrapped her arms around herself. She suddenly stopped and fell to the ground. When she imediently got on the ground Jade ran at Horo and slashed her leg.

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Horo pivoted and caught the blow on the plates that hung down the side of her leg. She hopped back, but didn't touch the ground to land. She had her wings out now, lifting her up into the air. She swung her blade a number of times, letting massive blasts of wind fly down on the field. She was less accurate without anything solid to brace against, but now she could rain down attacks at will. Several missed and slammed into open ground, tearing apart small plants and gouging the ground. Two land on the crowd, one catching the edge of a building and blowing out all the windows.

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((must go soon))

Jade watched as Horo flew into the air and hissed. "Well if she wants to air flight then lets do it." Jade brought her sword in front of her and closed her eyes feeling the wind flow around her. She opened her eyes and a tornadoe formed around her torso. It lifted her of the ground and blew feircly. Jade laughed some and looked at Horo. She slashed her sword in a one-eighty motion and made a wind sword rush at Horo.

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((then I'll end it, this was pretty fun))


Horo knocked the blast that Jade sent at her away with one of her own and smiled kindly at her opponent. "Now to show you the gap between our strengths" Horo said softly, still able to be heard over the wind. With a shout she slashed her sword, sending a massive blast of air at Jade. The blast caught her, overwhelming her own support and carried her down towards the ground on the front of the blast. Horo watched as Jade slammed into a stack of boxes, wrecking them, but softening her landing enough that she would easily live. She drifted back down onto the ground, gently setting down and letting her wings disappear. She walked over to Jade and said, "we're done, I will pass along my review to General Ddraig". After a moments pause, she extended a hand to help Jade back up.

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((It was. now i have to go. Bye *waves*))

Jade took Horo's hand and got up,"Thank you. That was one of the best fights I ever had." Jade found that she still had her sword in hand and put it in its sheath. As she let go for awhile it seemed to stay on her hand but came loose. She noticed this and a puzzled look came to her face. She shook her head and then bowed to Horo remembering her first mistake.

Edited by Jadeclaw

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Horo accepted the bow from Jade before moving off to speak to Dark and Ddraig. Approaching, she bowed to each of them before straightening to look at them and asking, "did you two enjoy the show? I have a feeling that was probably why you came here". Everything had gone well, Horo would only have one, maybe two bruises the next morning, Jade would have many more, but she would live.

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The two women truly were fierce in the battle, but being as old as he was Ddraig had seen many things so it did not surprise him. It was good to know that they had such strong warriors though in their ranks.

"It was entertaining to watch," Ddraig replied to Horo then looked to Dark for his reaction.

Though all this battling was enticing Ddraig to spar with someone. He was much too disciplined to let it show on his face though, and he stayed calm and collected.


Midnight listened to the plan that they came up with and thought it to a pretty sound one. This way those inexperienced in fighting would not get hurt. Also the ones who would stay to protect the place wouldn't have to worry about protecting them.

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((I was thinking that it would be you two who ended your own spar, that's why I didn't respond. Sorry about the yelling thing, the way you wrote the post made it seem that way to me.))


Dark watched as the two women moved away from him and headed into the arena. The people in the audience settled down and watched the battle intently. While each of the two fighters went through a series of complicated, generally air related moves, Dark smiled. He loved watching a fight, and two wind dragons was always interesting. The girl seemed to have a powerful sword, he made a mental note to look into that further later. Dark smiled a little, thinking about his sword. It was one of his most precious possessions. He pulled his thoughts away from the sword, back to the battle unfolding in front of him. After a few long minutes, Horo unleashed an extra powerful attack that sent the new member flying back. Dark smiled and clapped softly for Horo. Her abilities never failed to impress and amuse him. She approached him and bowed. He smiled a cocky smile and nodded to her when she raised again. Then she spoke. He listened, then nodded.


"Not the longest battle I've ever seen, nor the very most interesting, but you managed to entertain me for these few minutes. Now, tell me what you think of her." Dark said. He wanted to know Horo's opinion of the woman's abilities, Horo being a wind dragon and the one that had personally evaluated her. Dark would also ask Ddraig for his opinion after Horo was finished. Many of the people that had come to watch now stood there, loitering. One group began calling for another fight. One of the younger soldiers ran out from that group and stopped in front of Dark. Dark looked down his nose at the boy, wondering what exactly he was doing.


"I want to fight you. I could run this army 1 million times better than you. You're just a lazy a**hole who does nothing. The boy said. Dark looked at him, and guessed that he had not yet broken 250 years. He nodded to himself and closed his eyes. The boy looked at him curiously, wondering what Dark was doing. Dark began pulling the moisture together, he used more concentration and energy, so it took him less time than when he was just goofing around. He pulled it all from the boy's body and began freezing the water, closing off the veins and arteries around his heart. The boy began feeling the symptoms of a heart attack, but sped up. The man fell on the ground, and instead of just leaving it at that, he began freezing the main blood vessels of his brain. The boy collapsed after a few moments, and Dark still continued, now freezing random part's of his body. In around half a minute, the boy's heart stopped and his system began shutting down. Only a few seconds after that, he was dead. Dark sighed and pulled all of the ice and moisture away from the body. He was done with the boy's insolence.


"Well, now that that's taken care of, Horo, please give your report." Dark said to the woman. Silence filled the whole area. Some of the younger and newer recruits were rather surprised about the whole rhing.

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Brick was itching for a sparring match the whole time he watched Jade and Horo go at it. He shook dust of his cloak as the match ended and nodded at Horo before walking over to Jade and clapping. "Bravo, that was very good but you wind Agnimitra can get rather messy." He said with a smile as he looked around at the observers picking themselves up of the ground and returning to their own activities.

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Horo nodded briefly before replying after watching the display of Dark's power. "She's tenacious, inventive, and fairly resilient. The part where she began to spin before falling over showed she was willing to try a new attack, even if she didn't know how it would work." Horo replied. "I floored her twice physically, and she was still able to get up and keep fighting despite the pain, and fight well I must say. That is all I have to say sir." Horo looked around at the damage she had caused, the collapsed roof, the blown out windows, and a pair of doors that had been blown off their hinges. She took note of this before saying, "also sir, what would you have me do about the damage I caused? I made an effort to keep it minimal"


((you weren't kidding when you told me it was going to be inventive Key...))


((also I have a way for Horo to kill that would be far more unpleasant, what happens to liquids and porous objects when you begin to lower the air pressure around them?))

Edited by jaina

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((what does happen, jaina? about the water and low air pressure thing you said.))


Ddraig watched as Dark killed the boy who challenged him, not liking how he dealt with it but he simply looked away as he chose to ignore it. He focused on Horo who, after Dark was done with that boy, gave her summary of Jade's skills.

And then there was the damage. They would have to get repair crews on that soon. They shouldn't put it off till later. Just get it done now and not have to worry about it later.

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"Ha ha. That is very funny Brick." Jade looked at them to and sighed. She glanced at her sword quickly and then looked back at Brick. She was suprised about what happened with her sword. She never saw it unleash wind before. But then they was a lot that she didn't know about her family because of what happened to her parents. A sad look came over Jade's face but it quickly was replaced by a smile. "Do you think that I was good enough though?" She suddenly felt the pain that came from the fight. It felt so bad that she almost flinched. She knew that she would have bruises by morning.

Edited by Jadeclaw

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((well for a pourous object, if you lowered the air pressure, it would swell until it ruptures, and if you lower air pressure to about half the norm, water will boil at roof temperature. In other words, on a person, their blood would boil in their viens, and they would swell until they pop. Also if they tried to hold their breath, their lungs would fill with foam and then explode))

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((oh boy does that sound fun. xd.png well, guess i learned something new today!

and I'm waiting on others...))

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