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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war.

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Albel paused. In the winter season he murmured. Albel took a piece of deer Rika cooked at started to eat it. I suppose you would say.....guilt attaches me to Rika. he said. Albel leaned against the wall and stared down at his food.

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Slytha nodded and tilted her head to one side. Guilt? She got a peice of deer meat and sat back down. Why would you be guiltly? She munched on the meat. If you don't want to answer you don't have to, but I'd probally bug you untill you did. She grinned slightly.

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Albel looked off to the side. I...killed someone I shouldn't have. It hurt Rika and she stabbed me in the back...literally. he paused, making a small bark of laughter, I made her hate dragons. I suppose it's my fault she's a hunter anyways. She just happened to stumble across me on accident. Albel dropped the meat into his mouth. When I met her, she loved dragons so much, she didn't mind who I was from the rumors. he smirked. Still remember those little twinkling eyes.

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Slytha winced and looked down at her food. Oh. Well, I guess you both are at fault then. She is the one who took it too far. Killing dragons won't bring whoever back. Slytha munched on her food. You are kind of an ass, you know that right?

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Albel smirked still, shutting his eyes and folding his arms across his chest. Is that suppose to be news to me? he asked. Albel slightly opened an eye to see her reaction. I suppose since I left for years after that, it only fueled how angry she was at dragons.

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Slytha rolled her eyes. Knowing how many people have probally told you that, no. She grinned and finished the rest of her food. If Rika hates you so much, then why does she hang out with you and let you stay here, hmmm? Slytha coughed then winced, her throat had started to burn like it was on fire. Owch.

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Albel rolled his eyes. Well, she doesn't have any other friends. It's like when you get mad at your best friend. You're mad, but you just can't fully hate them he murmured. He didn't personally know what that was like though. Albel never had a best friend.

Edited by Sai

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((opps, xd.png 1 second))


Slytha rolled her eyes. If my best friend killed the wrong person. She sighed, remembering Forestfire. Anyway, if he killed the wrong person I wouldn't just be *mad*, I'd be furious. He probally wouldn't still be my best friend. She looked at the ground. Lets change the subject. Um... She paused, not knowing what to say.

Edited by snowdragon10

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Albel huffed, wondering if she was talking about that boy again. If you had no one else. They would be. he muttered. Rika didn't have anyone else. She didn't even hold Icefire at high regards anymore. She was just gone too much. Chances were, Rika would kill Icefire again, but with no remorse that time.


((brb shower *headdesk*))

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If Rika didn't try to kill everyone that walks in her house, then she would have other friends. Her throat started burning again and she put her hand on her neck. Albel, I think I'm sick. She winced. And I *never* get sick. She coughed softly.



((be happy you aren't argueing with *this* person... http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/4136/masicat.jpg ))

Edited by snowdragon10

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((eh, and BACK!))


No, it's just the dragons that come in. he looked over at her. You sure it just isn't spice on the meat? he asked. Rika sometimes put different things on the meat to add flavor. He scratched the back of his head.

Edited by Sai

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Slytha set her head on the table. No. She coughed and winced. I feel horrible. She started getting a splitting headache. Ow. Now my head hurts...



((She's got Pneumonia.. I had it once when I was like 2 ))

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((Lol, how random. You usually get it from being wet and cold))


Albel moved over to Slytha, "You should lie down" he said. Albel picked her up and carried her upstairs. He picked out a bedroom and set her on the bed. "I'm no doctor....hold on I'll get Rika." he said, going to wake Rika.

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((*Usually* and she has been walking around outside without a sweater...and when it was raining...))


Slytha coughed softly. I'm fine. No reason to freak out... I've just got a little cough... She winced and touched her forehead. And a headache..

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Albel had already woken Rika up. He pulled Rika along, muttering about Slytha. Rika came into the bedroom and up to Slytha. "What's the problem?" she asked, yawning. Slytha DID look a bit pale.

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Slytha glanced over at Albel. Fine. She crossed her arms and looked back at Rika. "I'm sick. My head and throat are killing me, I keep coughing, and I think I have a fever. I'm not just complaining either." She closed her eyes. Urg. Needing help from a human, *again*. She tried to sigh, but she ended up coughing.

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Rika rubbed her eyes and looked at Slytha. She put a hand on Slytha's forehead. "Yeah, a fever. So let's see here. Got headaches? Loss of appetite? Coughing up mucus?" she asked in a series of questions. The rainy season didn't make it hard to guess.

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Slytha closed her eyes. You better take your hand off of me, human. "Yes, yes, and no." She almost growled, but managed to control herself. Slytha opened one eye slightly and glanced at Albel. Him, and how bad she felt, was the only thing keeping her from attacking Rika.


((brb, got to eat))

Edited by snowdragon10

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Rika dulled her eyes. "If you don't want help I could always just let you sit here and die slowly, so I suggest you keep those little opinions to yourself" she growled. Rika took her hand off Slytha's forehead and thought for a moment. "Pneumonia. That's what you get for running around in the rain with no coat"


((...you are the slowest eater I know...))

Edited by Sai

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((I have to clean up the kitchen too xd.png))


Slytha closed her eyes. "I never asked for your help." She coughed. "And? So what? I figured I was sick already, knowing what its callled doesn't help me get better."

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Albel clasped his hand over Slytha's mouth, muffling out the message. "She'd be glad to have you help" he growled. Albel dulled his eyes. Sometimes Slytha could be such an idiot. "Heh, I'll be back in a minute" Rika said, leaving the room.

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Hmf. She rolled her eyes. You better hope whatever I have isn't contagious. She glanced at the door and then back at Albel. What even is Pneumonia? Is it common, life threathing or what? Edited by snowdragon10

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Albel took his hand off her mouth. It's both viral and bacterial. Your immune system was low from running around in the rain. he murmured. Albel didn't know much about being a doctor, but he'd picked up a few things from Rika. Rika came back into the room with a glass of water and 2 pills. "Swallow these, they will keep the fever down. Rest and drink plenty of water. Don't walk around or you will die" she said. Rika winked and walked out of the room.

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Slytha managed to sit up with some dificulty. What? So I could seriously die from this. She growled softly. Great. The one time I actually enjoy living and this happens! She crossed her arms, not even looking up when Rika walked in. I will get better though right? She glanced up at Albel.

Edited by snowdragon10

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Albel was quiet for the moment. I'll get the doctor he murmured, thinking of Miko. Albel walked out of the room. "I'm going out" he said, passing by Rika. Albel exited the house and headed towards Miko's cave.

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