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Eragon (semi-lit)

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((..... nah they can wait...well at least one of 'em can. High School plus many many stairs equals legs hurting afterward unless you're me...I'm now hyper and am having an awfully good time typing in the dark which I didn't know I knew how to do laugh.gif ))

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((I don't think so....))

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(yay your back.......... glad to see ya Darkshadow.... she is you know)

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((maaaaybeee.... er um well anyway if I randomly (or otherwise) stop posting it could be on of three things 1. My neighbor...my blasted neighbor who I'm ironically making satisfied by being in this role play (which I would have anyway but-) who has a sad sad story to make my life (and only mine) miserable (which isn't really working, I find it quite fun) 2. I don't wish to go further with problem Zailik has or Draith's soon to be problem, just yet. 3. I'm busy or procastinating (can't spell) and really really think I should stop posting here for a while 'cause as you can see I'm a little bit tooo active, just look at the posts before we restarted this crazy thing. Or 4. Draith decided to kill me (she's my very evil cousin who lives with us...her name's just changed a bit, I call her Draith though 'cause she acts like the one here when they're both mad...which makes my life worse, much much worse) hey anyone know why my neighbor makes my life so oddly miserable? or did I tell you already? ...../ends long OoC))


((4 nerd candy pieces, a motive and some rope really make me hyper...hence long post, rope is no sleep for the past 5 days...))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((We need Saphira to come back... We're totally stuck without her. tongue.gif))

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((...*looks around* quick someone make something up to cover for her until she comes! but don't look at me....I'm leavin' very very soon...like in a minute.))

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((why? and well now I'm going, was before but I hung 'em up a bit to find something...now I found it and parents are getting stressed (not sure why) so bye for probably the rest of the night.))

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What is going on? Kianna thought. Her vision wasn’t as good as Saphira’s, so she probably wouldn’t be able to see what had gotten Saphira so wound-up. I won’t be able to see it, but perhaps… Her legs folded delicately beneath her, bending into a full lotus position. Her consciousness began to extend over the area around them. After searching about a mile-long radius around their location, she still didn’t sense anyone besides Eragon, Saphira, Raven, Emily, and herself. Just a little bit farther…

There! Suddenly, a new group of people came into range. She could tell they were soldiers, but their minds were protected by some sort of spell. They probably had a magician with them. It’s probably just a scout team, but they could turn out to be a problem if they saw Saphira, which they probably have by now…

“Emily! Raven! It’s a group of soldiers up ahead! We need to form some sort of plan of attack,” she called.


((I dunno what saphira wanted to happen, but I guess this'll work. If you want, they can be a back-up squad for the group that attacked Zailik and Draith. *shrugs*))

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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(nice thinking Pugglemuggle)


Emily heard Kianna"how far ahead are they" she called over her shoulder to Kianna.

Raven froze "hang on how do you know that they are there" she asked, she had searched the forest at the same time Kianna did but she didn't know that Kianna could.


(did this make you confused........... it shere made me confused)

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((Pugglemuggle, Zephyr has been on Raven's shoulder for the WHOLE time, well because he is Raven't newly hatched dragon))

Zephyr had been watching as the giant blue dragon had acted tense, but the news of soldiers confused him. What were soldiers, anyway? Then he remembered all the armed men outside of the camp, and he matched the picture to the word. Soldiers were armed men that fought for a leader without question. The soldiers were the enemy he supposed, from Raven's reaction. Zephyr curled around Raven's neck, sending a picture of a sword he had seen. Fight?

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Raven heard Zephyr aye let's fight she said to him, then she put away her bow and took out her long cerved elven sword and plunged into the shadowed forest heading in the direction of the soldiers.

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Zailik is a different character. I think that's what you meant...

Kianna searched with her mind. I would assume that Raven would able to do the same, as she's an elf. I'm not sure if that's what you meant, though. :/))


Kianna looked ahead at Raven, who was racing into the forest. “They’re about a little more than a mile that way,” she said, turning toward Emily and pointing in the direction Raven had gone. “But before we all rush in there, I think we should have a plan. Raven has already left, so that will limit the amount of options we have. I think we should set up an ambush. That way we might be able to learn some information,” she explained, thinking through the possibility, looking for a flaw in the tactics. “However, they have a magician with them, so they might already know we’re here. In that case, the best thing we can do is surround them and fight. We’ll need both ranged and close-combat attacks,” Kianna surprised herself at how much she knew about battle strategy. Those spirits…

“I think I might be able to send a message to Eragon with our plan… Hopefully he can assist us,” With that, she headed off into the woods, contacting Eragon mentally as she went. She didn’t want to wield her new weapon until it was absolutely necessary. The power still scared her, after all.

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"oh come on I didn't understand a word of that" Emily yelled, then she ran after Kianna the ability to move without a sound that she had learned from being a spy made her soundless as she caught up with Kianna "so we're just going to let the crazy elf fight them all by her self" she asked


Raven stopped to let the two girls catch up with her, she had gone a lot faster then she had thought.

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Zephyr nodded and gave a little chirrup in aknowledgement as Raven headed into the woods. He couldn't really fight, being only a small size. He could go into other people's minds, but he didn't like doing that. He felt like he was in an alien world, since he had brushed the minds of humans in the camp. He shivered a little. He turned his golden eyes towards the dark woods, searching.

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"hang on zephyr" Raven said as she skidded to a halt "where did that come from" she said to herself as she thought about the name that had just poped into her head "do you like that name" she asked the dragon sitting on her shoulder.

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Kianna stopped, a little confused by Raven's actions. Celebration can come after we defeat the soldiers....

“We should come at them from all sides with arrows and swords. I think Eragon should probably land in the middle with Saphira. That way we don’t get squashed,” she explained to Raven. “First, we shoot arrows, then we come in with swords and such. It should work, as long as the magician they’ve got doesn’t over power us…” Kianna had learned how to defend her mind at a very young age, but she might not be able to stand up against a full-fledged magician.

“Speaking of which, Raven, are you able to conjure up wards around us? It could save us, but if you don’t want to, we can ask Eragon,”


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"no I can do it" Raven said.


(gtg I might be grounded so I wont beable to get on)

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Zephyr bobbed his head in happiness. He said into Raven's mind That's my name! Then he heard about the barriers, and he uncurled himself from around Raven's neck. He crouched on her right shoulder, digging his small claws lightly into her skin. He joined his mind to hers, saying in his small voice I can lend you my strength, albeit though it is small..He would help Raven, being her dragon of course.

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((i for one am really confused....and secretly I'm not supposed to be on here at all today (tons of homework) so....I take it someone thought of something to sort out the gap of missing Saphira? and anyway, what's going on? lets do this since I can actaully read now...can't spell yet but can read (was walking for 5 miles, in black outfit playing an instrument with no stops in a parade in the sun...worst thing ever! but has a good cause.) ...))


Eragon loosened himself from Saphira's grip and climbed up onto her back, seating himself comfortably in the saddle. He received Kianna's message and sighed. That's good, I'll see what we can do from up here. He sent back to her, also letting Saphira get the complete scene of what was going to happen.


Draith heard commotion from in front of her, as it was the loudest sound in the forest, but also a very faint sound from her left. Taking another step she ignored the other sound and focused her mind to the area in front. Nine men, two magicians, one being Zailik. So that's where he'd been off to. She thought, letting her focus move to Zailik only. Nothing special, just something not to sudden either. Draith felt his surprise at her presence and smiled but took another step, careful of the branches around. It looked almost as if they had camped here with all the broken odds and ends of trees. She could see them now and hoped they didn't see her. Spotting Zailik and another taller man holding him against a rock, she motioned him to act like he didn't notice and moved left, watching the group of four close to her, sorting weapons. One word would help but that'd give her away. How about getting untied, Zailik? Try using losna. She thought, letting Zailik's mind mingle with hers. Draith quietly pulled her knife from her belt, not daring just yet to use her sword, with that done she signaled to Zailik to try and untie the ropes binding him.


"What you mean she's not around?" The man asked Zailik, shoving him harder against the rock. The group around the weapons stopped sorting to watch, some encouraging him. "She left. That's all I know." Zailik answered, hoping the word Draith shared would untie him. Losna. He thought, concentrating on the ropes around his hands. Slowly the ropes started to give-way but only because of the pressure from his body against the rock. Another shove and the blindfold was around his head again. "Well than if she's gone, why exactly would you be around here?" The man asked, his hot breath being felt on Zailik's face. Zailik didn't answer and felt the cloth for his mouth being applied again. Why do they keep doing this? He thought, shaking his body to hopefully discourage whoever was applying the cloth. They hadn't seemed to notice the ropes were off yet, which brought some comfort to him.


((so there's what sleepy dh comes up with....if I don't post as much as you'd like...email me or something, come find me, do something so I don't have to put up with straight math for hours on end....curse procrastinating! you get me nowhere ever! (duh it's procrastinating it's not supposed to get you further than you started idiot!) ....so bye for now.))

((ah, I see different time zones don't help much...but hey what'd you gonna do? Teleport? Ha, I wish! So much fun until someone's leg gets ported to...Antarctica. Flying...not for me, heights and I don't mix well until I know I'm not gonna die up wherever I am xd.png ))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(Hiya! Sorry, busy week. So much homework! Got to go soon! sad.gif )


Saphira recieved it but made no reply. Circling higher, diving into the midst of the clouds, she hid herself. Shutting her mind off from Eragon, she waited as her wings pounded against the watery clouds. Hoping Eragon would be all right, she circled even higher. Blinking, she narrowed in on the soldiers. Her scent didn`t betray her! These were Empire Soldiers!

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((Same except for the going soon part....not so much going as is bored out of my mind on homework...))


Draith watched Zailik be blindfolded again as he was shoved up against the rock. The man holding him must not have liked his answer to the question. Just either keep quiet or don't give direct answers. Draith told Zailik mentally, searching for a good tree-top vantage point. Finding one, Draith made her way up the tree and seated herself at the base of the branch and trunk. From here she could see the soldiers, weapons and the surrounding area, all the while being undetected like she would have from the ground.


Zailik stopped his thrashing once a few of the men grabbed hold of him, pinning his arms to the rock. He cursed but it was muffled from the gag around his mouth. Now they surely noticed his arms were free Zailik thought, hoping they didn't tie him up again.


((annnd I'm grounded...not sure why though....probably till the end of school, so...))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Kianna watched the Empire Soldiers from the bushes. Their magician was obviously either intoxicated with the beer they were passing around or utterly useless, because he hadn’t noticed any of them yet. She carefully strung her bow in preparation for the upcoming brawl. She felt her small dagger tucked safely in her bodice, as well as the wooden rod in her pack, carefully wrapped in cloth, but still close enough to give her a slight buzz every five minutes or so.

Are you all ready? She thought, cautiously projection the thought only to the members of her party.

((I figured we 'ought to get on with it... lol))

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