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Eragon (semi-lit)

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((with nothing to say for Eragon he's just walking which isn't even worth posting...but I will anyway.))

Eragon slightly listened to the other conversations around the group as they walked, unsure what to talk about.


Zailik eyed Draith, watching to see if she'd do anything else unexpected. "So...will you tell me at least one thing you're planning to do when we get to Surda?" He didn't want to get hurt but wanted to change the subject just as badly.

"No hints, no answers. You'll find out when we get there or later if I change my mind." Draith said, pulling her knife out and turning it so it gleamed from the light of the fire.

Zailik half expected Draith to throw the knife at him when she pulled it out. "How many more weapons do you have on you?" He asked, not realizing he'd asked until afterward.

Draith smiled and set the knife down. "As of now there's just the sword and knife, although I do know how to use a bow pretty well." She watched Zailik stand and pull her sword from the tree. "Don't you listen?" She said sternly as he walked over to her and hesitantly handed the sword over.

"I listen but you might need that sometime and I'm not taking it out of a tree later." Zailik said to the shade, trying to add a little humor to his voice so she wouldn't be so mad.


((All I can think of.))


((ok...May 20th for reference. I probably won't be on Fri-Sun and all next week....I'm too busy sorta and the weekend thing is I got into some trouble (not bad bad trouble...just regular get mad at parents blah blah trouble) so I can't have computer "fun time" unless it's for homework...which I have much of anyway dry.gif so....I'm not dead, well I hope I'm not anyway.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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"well my town got attacked and the varden came to help us... so after that I came to the varden... but mind you I haven’t bin back here in forever..... anyway I act as a spy for the varden" she said to Kianna, she was distracted by her book, she loved books and some times lived for them, like in the winter when she was stuck in her small hut like home.

“how did you come to the varden Kianna” Raven asked as she seemed to appear out of no where, she was bored and liked talking to some one her own age even if they were two human girls, in fact she enjoyed talking and being near humans, but sometimes she missed her own kind.

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((scratched that last part, I might be able to be on all week, in spurts and such. still have nothing to say for eragon, sorry 'bout that...))


Draith smiled at Zailik's humor. She watched after taking the sword and putting it back in its sheath. He seemed almost worried that she might try and hit him again. "Well hopefully I won't have to do that again." She said, doing her best to sound cheerful.

Zailik noticed the change in Draith's voice and wondered what was going through her head. "Are you sure you're alright?" He asked, knowing he'd asked this question too many times already. He saw her nod and half smiled. "Good. Just making sure."

Draith smiled and let the fire rise a bit more, it'd been close to going out for a while now. "I've noticed a few things were on your mind Zailik, a few things you apparently don't want to ask." She watched him look at her but only halfway. "Don't think you can hide it, I know how to find such things with or without you knowing."

"So then you should already know what I might want to ask." Zailik answered, not sure where this was going. When Draith nodded he sighed.

"One is about my past, the other is about what plans I have for you and for our current objective." Draith said, knowing which one Zailik would be least reluctant to ask.

"Then knowing that you won't mind me asking where you were originally from?" Asking this, Zailik backed up a bit just in case the shade was playing him and planned another surprise attack.

"No I don't mind. I was actually from Melain, before my 'accident'. We weren't much liked there, my family." Draith saw that her words surprised Zailik. "So now come where you ask why this 'accident' happened I suppose."

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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“Oh, me? Well, umm… I just hitchhiked, or hid in wagons, or… walked,” Kianna replied, more than a little awkwardly. “I pretty much just wandered around without a clue of what had happened to me. Eventually I fit the pieces together… I knew I had to come to the Varden, and I really didn’t have anywhere else to go,”

She left out the bit about the near-death encounters with soldiers, angry or frightened village people, and drunken men. Those were things she didn’t really feel like sharing at the moment. She also left out the spirit’s knowledge of Brom and the War. That had been how she’d known to come to the Varden. It would have been impossible to decide where to go without that knowledge.

Kianna noticed the way Emily looked at her book. She decided to change the subject. “Do you like these sorts of books?” she asked the two girls next to her. “I love reading them, but it’s a little hard to find ones that are translated into English. This one’s in Elvish, but I still love it,”


((Oh Goody! We get some background info on Draith! How fun! tongue.gif))

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((fun? ....sure... I don't think she's too happy about it but then again she won't be truly happy for a while even though she is a nicer type.))


Zailik shook his head slightly. "No, you tell me that if you want. I don't want to go anywhere you see worrying." His stomach growled a little and he laughed. "Do we have any food left or was the two bowls of soup stuff it?"

Draith took the pot near Zailik and set it over the fire with a few damp sticks. "There's also a forest around us or did you forget?" She said, whispering the word for water before adding a couple different herbs to the mix. "I'll give you this much about why I'm like this Zailik..." She started to say, trying to get as many question off of him as possible. "It was mostly Layel's fault even though a friend did cause her to start a summon."

Zailik listened to Draith quietly while watching what she put in the herb and water mix. "And Layel was you before right?" He saw her nod ever so slightly. "How about I get some fish or something for the soup or are you against that?"

"Meat's fine. Mostly any kind will go with this nicely." Draith said, adding a few more herbs and stirring them into the pot.

Zailik stood and walked around the fire. "Then I guess I'll get some fish since I don't think many animals would be around here right now." He said, grabbing a good-sized stick before walking off in the direction of the lake.


((all planned since this started...except now I want fish for breakfast...too bad we don't have any. more about Draith later, perhaps when Zailik comes back. but first he has to figure out how to fish. Fishes is a word!!!))

((well I finished my homework (started a 6am in the morning est) and my eyes hurt from starring at a computer screen for so long...which gives me reason to hate online homework even more than I already do....used to because of distracting but wonderful internet at my fingertips...anyone know how to make your eyes un-blurry when you look around? or did I make myself have some permanent damage or something? I wasn't real close to the stupid thing either!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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"ah I see" Raven said seeing that Kianna didn't want to talk about her past about just as much as she did herself "wait was did you say about that book" she asked looking at the book in Kianna's hands, and there it was an elven book "do you mind if I see that realy quick".

Emily stared at the book "it's an elven book.... that is so cool" she said to Kianna.

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((probably won't be on much this week or weekend, I have to march in a Memorial Day parade (....never like doing that) and all week is practice for that and tests for school...))


Eragon listened to the conversation with Kianna and Emily for a moment, taking note of Raven also. He turned his attention to other things soon after, choosing to give the girls privacy with the subject. A few kids ran around up ahead playing some sort of game they made up before spotting the group which in turn caused them to yell happily before running off. Eragon smiled and acknowledged them.



Zailik just cleared the forest completely and gotten his fishing line ready when he heard birdsong. It only lasted a few seconds but caught him as odd. No birds thus far had been even sighted since he and Draith rode in, let alone heard even farther off in the distance. Glad to have the peaceful noise back, Zailik turned his attention to the stick and line. A simple contraption of vine paired with the sturdy stick he'd found. He snatched up the makeshift rod and seated himself on a flat rock nearby, casting the line into the water with a loud splash against calm waters.

Two other songs came at different times from different birds, or at least it sounded this way to Zailik. He smiled a bit, missing the chorus of birds he'd heard once in his travels. A splash in the water caught his eye but no fish could be seen. Not feeling any sort of tug on the line, Zailik watched the lake for any signs of active fish.


Draith tended to the mix in the pot for a little while after Zailik had left. She'd thought about surprising him with a few extra morsels of meat but figured she'd have time to do complete that later. A faint sound caught her attention straight in front of her. It almost sounded like a bird but no birds were present. Keeping that in mind, Draith whistled back after another song came, different from the last. After she answered no more songs came which confused Draith a bit but she paid no mind to it afterword.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(has no idea what to post sry)

(I might make another person...... maybe)

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((i have plenty an idea to post...just not going to atm...shorthand, I hate how you show up on me like that. if you make another person perhaps I should (not going but perhaps is the key word) see if the other other people will come back (other being good, other other being- you guess) 'cause they need all the help they can get....at one point- nevermind.))

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((If someone's being innactive you don't have to wait for them to come back. You can just reappear somewhere else and start new if you have to. ^^))

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((naw I know, I was just making a comment. and if that wasn't directed to me...I still just made a comment.))

A bite on the line catch Zailik's attention. He waited a few moments after then pulled as hard as he could, a small fish went flying out, smacking him in the face before flopping back into the water. "Great!" He yelled, wiping the water off his face and cast the line back into the water. It surprised him how calm the lake was, even the area around the lake was calm. A slight wind blew though carrying with it the various scents of the forest and lake.

A faint shout caught Zailik's attention a few minutes later right as he received another bite. The shout almost sounded like a 'now go' but he ignored it, pulling on the line again. A large fish this time, popped out of the water but resisted Zailik's pull. As he struggled with the flimsy line from the fishes strength the sound of sticks crunching worried him. They were faster and not trying to be stealthy. Zailik let go of the rod and line, watching it fly out of his hands as he then whipped his head around to see a very small group of men rushing him. The group consisted of four so far. One man ran at him, charging ahead of the others as they came about. He made a move to grab Zailik, who deflected the grab, jumping to his feet. Two others then tackled him from behind, one clasping his hands over Zailik's mouth while he tried to yell. The other men worked to get two ropes around his hands. The man who had made a grab for Zailik was also helping but he was working on tying more complicated knots on both strands of rope.

Zailik tried his best to get the men off him, and his hands free but the other two man who'd came from the forest helped secure him.


Draith whistled softly, trying to get some sort of animal to come to her without the use of magic. Not even a bird came which didn't surprise her, animals always seemed to know who to stay away from and when. Whispering a string of words, Draith sought out a younger deer and coaxed it over to her far enough before muttering a word to kill it. The deer didn't make a sound when it died though. Satisfied, Draith worked on skinning it, wondering when Zailik would be back.


((.....oblivious she is, yes?))

((spelled scents wrong... sents...sad... my teachers either hate me or know I don't need much sleep, a ton of homework I'm sure ways more than a ton, see what it does to my brain? xd.png which Zailik's problem actually happened to me once....neighbor's fault as he was mainly the one trying to do that, I ended up in the basement for an hour before I snuck (word?) out through an open window, so much for keeping the prisoner tied up, quite and inside xd.png they're such idiots!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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Raven waited for Kianna to Answer as they walked along behind Eragon.


(UM when are we going to get to the lake... I don't know where the Varden were camped at in the first place..... and Dragonhatchling you lead a vary Exciting life don't you)

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“Oh, not at all, go ahead,” Kianna said, handing the book to Raven. “I’m happy to share this book. It’s a great piece of literature,”

Kianna walked in silence for the next half a mile. She figured she should get some training in while they went. Her mind reached out to every creature they passed by. It was rather tiresome, but at least she was able to benefit from the uneventful walk.


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"thanks" Raven said, than she started to read it for the nexet haif mile, it was one of the storys that her mother used to tell her.

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[sorry guys... recap?]

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(um well nick is still at the varden camp but Raven, Zephyr, Emily, Eragon, and Kianna ar going hunting and are going to bump into Draith&Zailik at the lake)

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Saphira kept an eye on everything going on. Following Eragon, Raven, Zephyr, Emily and Kianna, she spotted something ahead. She sniffed the air and growled. Roaring she grabbed Eragon with her claws and flew into the air.

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“What’s going on?” Kianna exclaimed, more than a little frightened. What had caused Saphira to act that way? Could there be a battle ahead? Her hands worked quickly, untying the knots in her pack like a madwoman. If there was going to be a fight, she wouldn’t be deadweight. Her fingers hovered over the wooden rod in her bag, hesitant to bring it out. She decided to wait and see what the situation was before resorting to such drastic methods. Angela had told her to only use it in emergencies, after all.

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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Eragon was walking silently along, watching the children run around playing. He was conscious of Saphira walking behind the group. But when she growled and grabbed him, that was unexpected. "What's wrong!" He yelled and thought to Saphira as the ground pulled away.


((no seriously, what's wrong?))


Zailik squirmed and trashed on the ground as the group of men yelled at each other on who caught him better. Now's the time he wished his trainers had actually taught him more magic or at least helped in some way other than focusing on his stronger peers. All the spells he knew weren't going to be much help unless he wanted to set the whole forest on fire or drown it in a flood which would end his life as well. He'd tried yelling out again but by now one of the men had secured a bundle of cloth around his mouth and eyes. Drat! Come on, I go fishing for the first time in my life and what happens? I get attacked. Zailik thought, feeling with his hands for a way out of this. Brisingr kept popping up in his mind, he wasn't sure why but that seemed a good way out, now if only he knew how to control it suddenly enough that the spell wouldn't be detected.

When his body lurched upward, Zailik knew what was going on. The blindfold was ripped off revealing exactly how many men were there for a second. Eight. Eight men, all dressed similar to him. It dawned on Zailik that these men must have been from the same group that attack him and Draith around Melain. The man holding him up yelled a few words but they weren't directed at him. Two men ran off into the forest in front of Zailik while the man holding him shoved his body next to a rock nearby. "Where is she?" He asked, smiling a little. Zailik wasn't sure how he'd answer with the cloth around his mouth but he wouldn't have answered anyway.


Draith carefully dropped a few good-sized chunks of deer meat into the mixture of soup she was keeping watch over. Zailik had been gone a while and those birds never whistled back. She'd heard crashing behind her a while ago but figured it was a pack of wolves or a herd of deer. Sighing, Draith dropped a few more smaller pieces into the soup, paired with a couple choice herbs before stirring again.


((....I'll reply when I can but tomorrow don't expect me to be on until reeeeaaallly late. Saturday I may be on more in the morning, later after noon I might not be on. Sunday...not sure, Monday I have to march in a parade so once that's over if I have my homework done I should be on. Dragonsword, yes I guess I lead an exciting life... and the Varden is camped in/ or by Surda which is close (very very) close to the forest by the lake, the big forest on the right side of the big lake on the map on the first page. oh an bye for tonight!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(Ok……… and I think saphira saw what’s going on at the lake and grabbed you before we could get there)


Raven closed the book at the same time she took out her bow, she handed the book back to Kianna and knocked an arrow to her bow, she wanted to be ready incase there was any danger.

Emily jumped as Saphira grabbed Eragon from right in front of her, she drew out two of her daggers and crouched down peering into the shade on the side of the small trail that they were fallowing.

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((first of all Draith's at the top most part of the forest and then so would Zailik be there...which doesn't make sense... Zailik's at the top (northern) edge. I don't think even mighty dragons can see that far no matter how tall (or wise) they are.))

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((...which confuses me so...))


Draith wondered what had happened to Zailik to take so long while pouring a small amount of wine she'd kept secret from Zailik after he'd drank the other two winskins dry. It added a bit of flavor to the mixture so it wouldn't be so bland. It didn't take that long to catch a fish. Setting the wineskin to her left side, Draith put back the bag of herbs and her knife. She stood, making sure the fire wasn't going to get out of control before walking off in the direction Zailik had. She'd find him whether or not he wanted her too.



Zailik hadn't answered the man's question for quite a while. He continued to ask but got silence as Zailik watched the surroundings. The two men sent off before, came back with an assortment of weapons, mostly small things like knives but a few swords were bundled in there. Zailik didn't want to know what those were for, not yet but he figured they might help his escape. The man closest to him smiled at the two men as the other five men helped set out the weapons in order from largest to smallest. Zailik watched but didn't make a sound which caught his captor's attention. Soon his mouth was free from the cloth but that didn't set Zailik at ease. "I'll ask one more time, where's your shade friend?" The man asked as the other seven stopped to listen. Zailik smiled. "Not around. She left three days ago." He hoped that lie would work in his favor but at the same time he hoped Draith might actually care he'd been gone longer than he should have.


((pop up anytime anyone of you... and would someone explain what Saphira saw? oh and welcome back to the game Saphira and Hollyleaf even though I'm late in saying so. a very fun game indeed. which isn't this even though it's fun. fun stuff perhaps able to explain some things. I'll have more no doubt later if I'm allowed back on. yes fun stuffs, but check something on that sentence...it's fun in itself!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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