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(sigh dry.gif i know. we need more ACTIVE RPers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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((no not really; your char is in the infirmary still and I just have mine sitting outside...in both ms and fgw, kitty posted so she's back happy.gif))

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((that's good, I won't be able to post tonight because I can hardly type, sorry, but first chance I get tomorrow I'll reply for everything))

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Jonah opened his eyes to slits. The room he was in was very bright and white. He knew instantly where he was and was slightly agered that he had lost. "Damn, cheating...." he began to mumbled painfully. He head felt like it weighed a ton and his body was sore. Then he noticed that he was back in his human form and figured he must have changed when he fell unconcious. Jonah opened his eyes even more and pulled himself up into a sitting position, holding his head and trying to remember if what the day was.

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After sitting on the back steps of the school for awhile, Jade thought that she'd go see if Jonah was awake yet and if he was feeling better. She got up and headed towards the infirmary. Once there she looked in and saw that he was awake and said, "Hey Jonah. How are you feeling?" She walked in and sat in one of the empty chairs near the bed.

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Cure smiled as she noticed that Jonah had a visitor already. The kid must be more popular then she thought.

She looked back at her computer screen and sighed. It still hadn't finished the analysis she had been running.

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(i just hav one question. How does your character know all these people Dragonpelt?)



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((Someone please just post in the RP T-T my character is so lonely


EDIT: I see you lurkers! You got no excuse!))

Edited by Fortune86

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HM walked into the infirmary and told Jonah "You put up a great match jonah." He stuck his hand toward him for a handshake.

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((Can I join?


Username: Myjora

Name: Gray Tremorto

Dorm floor: 6

Dorm #: 7 (May I change it if I find somebody who wants to share rooms?)

Power(s): Gray can make illusions, three kinds: So called ghosts, which you can see, but not touch, touchables, which you can see and touch, and living, which have a own will. These can be toucable or ghost.

Personality: Gray is sarcastic, mean, grumpy. He likes to bully, and he doesn't have many friends. He is very loud and spoilt.

description: http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs32/f/2008/234...by_GENZOMAN.jpg

Teacher/Student: Student

Hero/Villain: Villian

Nickname: Vision


Username: Myjora

Name: Ruben Tremorto, but her preffers his nickname

Dorm floor: 5

Dorm #: 9

Power(s): Ruben can control snow and ice. He can freeze water. His body temprature is very low.

Personality: Ruben is closed, not a talker. He likes to read, to be lost in the world of books. He hates to be in big groups.

description: He looks like his twinbrother, Gray, but with blonder hair, almost white, and iceblue eyes. He is also smaller. He wears a pair of glasses, but it isn't needed to wear it. He likes to wear sweaters with turtle necks, black, jeans and sneakers.

Teacher/Student: Student

Hero/Villain: Hero

Nickname: Snow


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(woohoo! accepted)

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(the other what?)

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((Cure, the villain nurse, is in the infirmary along with the Headmaster, Jonah & Jade))


Cure looked over at the Headmaster.


"If you hadn't used your mind control he would have kicked your butt" she said with a grin "He's got some good moves"

Edited by Fortune86

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"I saw that in the ring" He growled.

(Heros arent very active... If you can, get some active RPERS?)

Edited by walkman42

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Cure bent down behind her computer screen so the Headmaster wouldn't see her grinning any more. She typed a little on the keyboard to attempt to look busy.

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Vision grinned absentmindly while he wandered trough the corridors of the school., thinking of his luck. He threw a small ball up and down, without taking knowledge of it. It was a kind of tic. Now he could bully a bunch of silly villians. He grinned again. With his other hand, which he had in his pocket before, he went trough his blond hair. He mumbled something. He was hungry. He went up, to the fourth floor, and went into the lunch room. He grinned and went to the counter. "A sandwitch, please" he ordered. After some minuts, he walked out, eating a sandwitch. He went towards the infirmary, to see if there were some people he knew.


Snow mumbled something. He sat in his own dorm, reading, on the desk. It was a stupid book, but Snow didn't care. He loved reading, and his parents said that he lived on books. Well, that wasn't true at all, but for his parents it was a reason to treath his twinbrother better. He sighted and threw the book at the wall. Stupid book, already read twice. It was one of the few books he owned. Most where childbooks, he got at the age of ten, when his twin didn't want them anymore. "Spoilt brat" he mumbled. He leapt to the bathroom, to fill one of his bottles of water he weared at his belt, so he could use his power anytime.

Edited by Myjora

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Grey walked through the hallways and walked into a random room, seeing someone filling his waterbottle at a sink. "Hello?" He asked while knocking on the door.

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Snow turned around, his hand holding the bottle, in a fightning position. He sighted and lowered the bottle. "Can't you just knock before coming in?" he asked, irritated. "What do you need from me?" he asked, frowning. He picked up the book, which had laid on the end of the bed and closed it.

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"I dont know. theres just no one here to hang out with"

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Username: EIlsel516

Name: Morgan Ormond

Dorm floor: F5

Dorm #: 25

Power(s): Telekinesis and invisibility

Personality: smart, funny, nice, outgoing

description: user posted image

Teacher/Student: student

Hero/Villain: hero

Nickname: Morgan(?)

other: rin's sister

Edited by Eilsel516

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"So? I don't like to 'hang out' with somebody" Snow said, irritated. "If you're going to steal all my stuff, like everyone does" he warned. He raised the bottle turned it around, and let some water leap out of it. He froze it, broke it of, unfroze the neck of the bottle, and pointed at Grey. "You see, I will react!" he mumbled. Not that he was a fighter, but he was sick of people stealing his stuff, mostly his books. When Vision left to go to the Villian School, Snow tought it was all over.

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