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Baoser's Backyard Bingo [FIN]

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Posted (edited)

☀ School's Out, Bingo's Out! 

Sign-Ups CLOSED.


This game is just like any other bingo except we use dragons. There is no board; instead, we simply count whether or not you have the dragon(s). We're that awesome!


Signing up to Play

To sign up, all you have to do is post to indicate that you're in/you're playing/whatever wording you want. State your trophy level for ease of grouping. For the purposes of our little game, there are three levels for higher than platinum; anything over 4000 dragons is considered Diamond level. Over 8000 is Painite and for those who just want to be different and fancy a tougher challenge, there is also a Whatever level that is open to anyone with any trophy level. Finally, you must post your scroll name (no link required). For an explanation of trophies, how many dragons you need for each, and what trophy you have, see this help page.





  1. Only players who are signed up may post bingos. Sign-ups will remain open for 48+ hours, depending on the number of players, and will close before the second round begins, unless the host extends them. You may sign up until sign-ups are closed.
  2. There is a 25-dragon minimum to play.
  3. As long as a bingo is listed as active, it may be claimed. Flash bingos are the exception: which will be available for a set amount of time, starting with and stated at time of posting. Once it is listed as expired, however, it is no longer viable.
  4. Dead eggs/hatchlings/dragons do not count as part of the game, unless stated otherwise.
  5. Only adult dragons and frozen hatchlings count for bingos, unless stated otherwise.
  6. If you move up a trophy level during the game, you don't change your in-game trophy group. For example, if you hit 200 dragons in the middle of the game, you'd still be classified as Bronze.
  7. If you do not have a dragon that fits the description, merely wait until the next dragon is announced.
  8. Editing is allowed to an extent; posts that were edited over 10 minutes after the original time of posting will not be viable for claiming bingos. If in doubt, repost. If the host has posted after the post you wish to edit, please just post again. That way, the host can see what you were going to add.
  9. May seem silly to list, but hosts may not play the game while they are hosting.



  • At varying times in the day, bingos will be announced in the form of a certain condition (e.g. "CB metallic" or "even-gen tinsel"). If one of your dragons fits the bingo's condition, you can claim the bingo. You can only claim each bingo once. Every bingo you claim earns you the number of points assigned to it. The first player to reach (or exceed) the number of points specified for their trophy level will trigger game end.  There will then be a further 48 hours, to allow all players to have an opportunity to post their final bingos. The winner will be determined by overall points proportional to the player's trophy level. In the case of a tie, the host can either consider the tied individual who posted first to be the winner or have a tiebreaker round.
  • Bingos will come up at varying times and will remain active for a few hours to a few days at a time; multiple people can claim the same bingo (unless stated otherwise) as long as they all meet the necessary condition(s). There may be multiple bingos up for grabs at one time, so do your best not to miss any opportunities!
  • If the host has gone inactive/unresponsive in this thread for any reason for at least one month, with no new Bingo round posted, players are free to discuss beginning a new game, with a host to be determined by current players. The original Bingo game may continue if the host returns, but the winner(s) will not be selected to host a new game, although they may still request an egg from the host, if they wish.


Different Types of Bingos

  • Regular Bingos
    These will just be labeled as bingos and will be posted by the host in the thread. Anyone playing can claim them. They are up for grabs until the host has posted saying they are expired.
  • Challenge Bingos
    These bingos will be labeled as "challenge bingos" and will be posted alongside regular bingos. The conditions required to meet challenge bingos are more difficult or have more specific requirements than regular bingos (for example, "an eighth-gen even-gen", "a fourth-gen stairstep", "a dragon with more than one spriter's alt in it", "a dragon bred on Nov. 1st of any year", etc.). Only one person can claim a challenge bingo. The first person to post a dragon that fits the requirements gets the point for that challenge bingo.
  • Secret Bingos
    Secret bingos are bingos that are hidden somewhere and will usually (but not necessarily) be labeled with "secret" and "bingo" or "secret" and the breed name. These bingos can be found in the host's posts within this thread, their profile, and their scroll. Secret bingos can be put in play at any time and may or may not be announced. They can also only be claimed by one person. The first person to post who has a dragon that fits the
    requirements will win the secret bingo. These bingos are usually pretty easy, usually easier than or as easy as a regular bingo.                              
  • Flash Bingos
    Flash bingos have a time limit. For example, a bingo might be posted at 4:00pm and say that it ends at 8:00pm; only people who post a dragon that fits the requirements before 8:00pm will get credit. Flash bingos are posted at various times of the day to give different people in different time zones the opportunity to claim them.  NB times stated will all relate to DC time.
  • Cascade Bingos
    Cascade bingos generally have three or more choices of the same type of dragon. Each successive choice is harder and earns more points. For example, claiming option A earns you one point, while C earns three points. You can claim only one of them.
  • Tricky Bingos
    Tricky bingos have a set of instructions that you need to follow to work out which dragon is the bingo. These bingos are usually worth 2 points.
  • Co-Op Bingos
    These require two or more people to team up and claim the bingo together. They are usually worth 2 or 3 points depending on if 2 or 3 people team up. The points go to everyone on the team.
  • Competitive Bingos
    These bingos give a generalized set of conditions, and the person who has posted the measurably best match (for example, highest or lowest gen) for the bingo at the end of its activity earns the points. If there is a tie, all tying winners earn the points.
  • Riddle Bingos
    In these bingos, a set of clues that hint at a particular dragon is posted together. Each person who posts the correct dragon receives a point.
  • Ponderous Puzzle Bingos
    These are similar to riddle bingos, but the clues are posted one at a time rather than all at once. There will be at least 4 clues. If you get it from the first clue, it's worth 4 points, if you get it on the second clue, it's worth 3, if you get it on the 3rd clue it's worth 2 points, and on the last clue it's worth 1. You may guess once per clue but, to prevent copying, you won't find out if you've been right or wrong until the end. Only your highest-scoring correct guess will earn you the points, so you are urged to guess differently each round.


Rules to Claiming a Bingo

  1. You must announce "Bingo" for each bingo you are claiming. If you do not say "Bingo" for a bingo, it will not count. If you forget to announce a bingo properly, I will remind you and you can fix it so that it will count.
  2. You may use view, lineage or progeny links for adult dragons. However, if applicable, growing things must have lineage links.
  3. Dragons must come from your own scroll only. You can't use dragons from others' scrolls.
  4. Your scroll name must be displayed on your dragons' page for this game, so that I can verify you are using a dragon from your own scroll. It would also help to have your scroll link in your signature (especially if your scroll name and forum name are different). Your scroll does not have to be visible, just your scroll name.
  5. Dragons that were bred or grabbed the day the bingo was announced or later cannot be used for the bingo. This is to ensure you didn't just breed/grab a dragon to fulfill the bingo.


Winning the Game

Congrats! If you win, you will receive a PM from the OP of the thread. The prize for winning is that great feeling of winning, the opportunity to host the next game, and a bred egg from two of the host's dragons (and you have to take whatever is bred). If they refuse, you can choose a different pair. Note, however, that some dragons may be bonded to specific mates and others may have waiting lists. Some hosts may allow you to choose from rares, some may not.

You may decline the breeding offer and/or hosting the next game. If you don't want to host the next game, you can post in the thread letting people know it's up for grabs.


Some Terminology


The following should all be at least 3g.


(If you have more questions, see the Lineage Terminology thread.)


The Divisions

No Trophy -- 15 points needed to win

Bronze Trophy -- 25 points needed to win

Silver Trophy -- 35 points needed to win

Gold Trophy -- 40 points needed to win

Platinum Trophy -- 50 points needed to win

Diamond 'Trophy' (4000-7999) -- 60 points needed to win

Painite 'Trophy' (8000+) -- 75 points needed to win

Whatever 'Trophy' (any) -- 80 points needed to win


And that's it! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to post here or PM the host.


Ping list of recent players who might want to be notified whenever there is a new game. Please let me know if you would like to be removed from this list!

@zippuzzle @trystan @missy_ @BringsTheSnow @Little-Star @purplehaze @GhostMouse @Fuzzbucket @Lagie @Frej_the_Gold @Zonnedauw @KittyHawkMC @LadyMadonna 


Former Bingo Hosts

1. Walker (Yay, creator of the game!) / 2. Evilbunny405 / 3. Parakeet13 / 4. Angelstarstar / 5. Lilyice / 6. Khallayne / 7. Volcove / 8. DarkLorienne / 9. Scratcher_cat / 10. ScnBrain_2008 / 11. Lagie / 12. Parakeet13  / 13. Walker / 14. Lilyice / 15. XDLugia / 16. Tatrina / 17. Volcove / 18. Lagie / 19. Kanaye / 20. Tatrina / 21. Kanaye / 22. Sarahfish89 / 23. NixAyum / 24. Kanaye / 25. Black_Phantom / 26. RMMC / 27. Volcove / 28. XDLugia / 29. RMMC / 30. Volcove / 31. Lagie / 32. Satyr76 / 33. Sophiera / 34. VampircOmen / 35. Timpieh / 36. Trinity. / 37. Palior / 38. XDLugia / 39. Casprrr / 40. Volcove / 41. XDLugia / 42. Saikachan / 43. Casprrr / 44. Blackdragon71 / 45. Evangeline5432 / 46. Devious_Bookworm / 47. Pteprocks / 48. Raistlin24 / 49. Arula / 50. Jerusha / 51. SockPuppet Strangler / 52. HappyMom / 53. Ice_SW / 54. Rascal1414 / 55. Rainbowsmile / 56. Water_angel / 57. Alabamasax / 58. Water_angel / 59. XDLugia / 60. happyseagull / 61. Thegreenrobby / 62. TLOSpyrogirl / 63. Pteprocks / 64. HappyMom / 65. Michellechan2211 / 66. simkim / 67. Mysfytt / 68. Casprrr / 69. Evangeline5432 / 70. HappyMom / 71. Walker / 72. Classycal / 73. purplehaze / 74. Classycal / 75. HappyMom / 76. Raistlin24 / 77. Angelicdragonpuppy / 78. HeroLink42 / 79. Angelicdragonpuppy / 80. Raistlin24 / 81. Pteprocks / 82. Casprrr / 83. Mysfytt / 84. yuumei / 85. Pteprocks / 86. purplehaze / 87. Pteprocks / 88. Angelicdragonpuppy / 89. Raistlin24 / 90. Isuzu / 91. purplehaze / 92. Lolchen / 93. simkim / 94. purplehaze / 95. XDLugia / 96. ldwoodcock / 97. Pteprocks / 98. simkim / 99. purplehaze / 100. simkim / 101. Pteprocks / 102. Aquenee / 103. purplehaze / 104. Dragongirl02 / 105. SockPuppet Strangler / 106. Aquenee / 107. Lantean_Pegasus / 108. purplehaze / 109. Dimar / 110. Angelicdragonpuppy / 111. Classycal / 112. Dragongirl02 / 113. HawktalonOfRiverClan / 114. GhostMouse / 115. Rarek / 116. purplehaze / 117. HawktalonOfRiverClan / 118. dragongrrrl / 119. Cuteseal2 / 120. MessengerDragon / 121. Tiga / 122. Alectrona / 123. Pteprocks / 124. purplehaze / 125. ForNarniaMC / 126. JolteonTails / 127. AppleMango / 128. IchibiGaara / 129. Dragongirl02 / 130. Poohbear03 / 131. JolteonTails / 132. purplehaze / 133. Alectrona / 134. Ylla / 135. Vrack / 136. JolteonTails / 137. Saikachan / 138. Dusky_Flareon / 139. purplehaze / 140. SockPuppet Strangler / 141. JolteonTails. / 142. Fuzzbucket / 143. Ruby Eyes / 144. irrelevantindigo/ 145. Ruby Eyes/ 146. purplehaze/ 147. Dirtytabs/ 148. sh20000sh / 149. Ruby Eyes /  150. Dirtytabs  / 151. Tinibree / 152. sh20000sh / 153. Ruby Eyes / 154. Aie / 155. Dirtytabs / 156. Fuzzbucket / 157. Naraku / 158. sh20000sh / 159. Ruby Eyes / 160. Fuzzbucket / 161. Meadbhb / 162. Dirtytabs / 163. Ruby Eyes / 164. Rememberdrgns / 165. Draconiusultamius / 166. Dirtytabs / 167. Fuzzbucket / 168. Ruby Eyes / 169. Dirtytabs / 170. BlueLatios / 171. Ruby Eyes / 172. sh20000sh / 173. Aqub / 174. kanya146715 / 175. Little-Star / 176. purplehaze / 177. Dirtytabs / 178. sh20000sh / 179. Fuzzbucket / 180. Paintra / 181. Ruby Eyes / 182. Aqub / 183. Ruby Eyes / 184. Dragongirl02(unfinished) / 185. Aqub (unfinished) / 186 Water_angel / 187. purplehaze / 188. Little-Star / 189. Fuzzbucket / 190. purplehaze/ 191. Mnkn10 / 192 Fuzzbucket / 193. purplehaze / 194. trystan / 195 Little-Star / 196. KittyHawkMC / 197. Gwathgor (unfinished) / 198. BringsTheSnow (unfinished) / 199. LadyMadonna / 200. baoser

Edited by baoser

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Posted (edited)

The Players

No Trophy -- 15 points needed to win

Bronze Trophy -- 25 points needed to win

Silver Trophy -- 35 points needed to win

Gold Trophy -- 40 points needed to win

Platinum Trophy -- 50 points needed to win

LadyMadonna: 51/50 || 102%

R3, R5, R10, R12, R13, R14, R15 (+1), R16 (+1), R17, R18, R20, R21, R22 (+1), R23, R24 (+1), R25 (+1), R26, R27, R28, R30 (+1), R40, R42, R45, R46, R48, R49, R50 (+2)

F2, F3, F4

CC1c (3+6)

Riddle 1 (+1)

Secret 1



Zonnedauw: 34/50 || 68%

R3, R5, R8, R10, R12, R13, R14, R15 (+1), R16 (+1), R19, R21, R22 (+1), R23, R24, R25, R26, R27, R30 (+1), R41, R43, R46, R49


CC1b (2+3)

Riddle 1 (+1)


zippuzzle: 22/50 || 44%

R5,  R11 (+1), R12, R13, R15, R16 (+1), R17, R19, R20, R42, R43 (+1), R46, R49, R50 (+4)



Diamond 'Trophy' (4000-7999) -- 60 points needed to win

KittyHawkMC: 58/60 || 96.67%

R1, R3, R5, R8, R10, R12, R13, R14, R15 (+1), R16 (+1), R17, R19, R20, R21, R22 (+1), R23, R24 (+1), R25 (+1), R26, R29, R30 (+1), R35, R40, R42, R43, R46, R48, R49, R50 (+6)

F1, F2, F3, F4

CC1c (3+6)

Riddle 1 (+1)

PP3 (+2)


Lagie: 52/60 || 86.67%

R1, R3, R4, R5, R6, R8, R10, R12, R13, R14, R15 (+1), R16 (+1), R17, R18, R19, R20, R21, R22 (+1), R23, R24 (+1), R29, R33, R34, R35, R36, R37, R38, R39, R40, R42, R44, R46, R47, R49


F2, F3, F4

CC1c (3+6)



Little-Star: 35/60 || 58.33%

R3, R5, R10, R13, R14, R15 (+1), R18, R19, R20, R21, R24, R26, R27, R29, R30, R33, R34, R35, R37, R38, R40, R43, R45, R48, R49, R50 (+4)

F2, F3



missy_: 29/60 || 48.33%

R1, R3, R10, R11 (+1), R12, R13, R14, R16 (+1), R17, R18, R19, R20, R21, R22 (+1), R23, R24 (+1), R25, R26, R27, R28, R29, R34, R35, R38, R39, R40, R41 (+1), R43, R46, R47, R49

F1, F2



Painite 'Trophy' (8000+) -- 75 points needed to win

purplehaze: 67/75 || 89.33%

R1, R3, R6, R10, R12, R13, R14, R15 (+1), R16 (+1), R17, R18, R19, R20, R21, R22 (+1), R23, R24 (+1), R25, R26, R27, R28 (+1), R29, R31, R33, R34, R35, R36, R37, R38, R39, R40, R41, R42, R43, R45, R46, R47, R48, R49, R50 (+3)

F1, F2, F3, F4

CC1c (3+6)

Comp3 Tinsel

PP2 (+3)


Whatever 'Trophy' (any) -- 80 points needed to win

BringsTheSnow: 54/80 || 67.5%

R1, R3, R10, R11 (+1), R12, R13, R14, R16 (+1), R17, R18, R19, R20, R20, R21, R23, R24 (+1), R25 (+1), R26, R27, R28 (+1), R29, R34, R35, R40, R42, R43, R44, R46, R48, R49, R50 (+5)


F2, F4

CC1c (3+6)

Riddle Bonus



Frej_the_Gold: 29/80 || 36.25%

R1, R5, R8, R10, R12, R13, R15, R18, R19, R20, R21, R22, (+1), R24 (+1), R26, R38, R39, R40

F1, F2, F3, F4


Riddle 1 (+2)

PP3 (+2)


Fuzzbucket: 69/80 || 86.25%

R1, R3, R4, R5, R6, R10, R12, R13, R14, R15 (+1), R16 (+1), R17, R18, R19, R20, R21, R22 (+1), R23, R24 (+1), R25, R26, R27, R28, R29, R33, R34, R35, R36, R37, R38, R39, R40, R41 (+1), R42, R43 (+1), R45, R46, R47, R48, R49, R50 (+3)

Comp1, Comp2

F2, F3, F4

CC1c (3+6)

Riddle 1 (+1)

PP2 (+3)


GhostMouse69/80 || 86.25%

R3, R4, R5, R6, R9, R10, R12, R13, R14, R15, R16 (+1), R17, R18, R19, R20, R21, R22 (+1), R23, R24 (+1), R25, R26, R27, R28 (+1), R29, R30 (+1), R34, R35, R36, R37, R38, R39, R40, R41, R42, R43, R44, R46, R47, R48, R49, R50 (+5)

Comp3 Shimmerscale

CC1c (3+6)

F1, F2, F3, F4

Riddle 1 (+1)

PP3 (+2) 



trystan: 40/80 || 50%

R3, R4, R5, R6, R10, R13, R14, R15 (+1), R17, R18, R19, R20, R22 (+1), R24, R26, R30 (+1), R33, R34, R35, R38, R39, R40, R42, F46, R49


CC1c (3+6)

PP3 (+2)

Edited by baoser

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Posted (edited)

Active Rounds


Expired Rounds


Round One

R1. A CB Golden Wyvern with a child bred in May (the fifth month) of any year

R2. A CB common pygmy bred to a Kovos pygmy prior to 5/1/2024.

→ This will still be acceptable even if there is no offspring listed on the progeny page.

R3. A Yellow Dino

R4. A Paper dragon hatchling

R5. A CB Freckled dragon from the Jungle dragon with no offspring

R6. CB Venturis dragon caught on 04/26/2020

R7. CB Sunbeam Drake caught in the first week of May (the fifth month) of any year

R8. CB Citrine Gemshard with a Sunday stolen date

R9. CB Summer dragon with offspring from any Valentine's Day breed.

→ Offspring can be holiday or non-holiday. Either is acceptable.

R10. CB Magelight pygmy


Round Two

R11. A 3G+ Wisteria dragon with any Valentines' Day breed in its lineage

→ Bonus point if the lineage pattern is a checker.

R12. Any Xocoatl dragon obtained in 2024

R13. A CB Floral-Crowned dragon

R14. A chicken

R15. A 2G Spotted Teal Drake

→ Bonus point if the mother is a Greater Spotted drake

R16. Any salt descendant of a Valentines Day breed

→ Bonus point if the Valentines day breed is female

R17. A Hybrid Iris Floret Wyvern 

→ This is the burgundy egg.

R18. A Guardian of Nature female with descendants

R19. Any Sophrosyne female dragon with a daydream mother

R20. Any Tercorn female with descendants


Round Three

R21. A dragon with a food-related code

R22. CB Blue Pargulus Pygmy

→ Bonus point for Alpine

R23. A sunstone with a lineage of any kind

→ Bonus point for spirals

R24. CB Peach Pied dragon

→ Bonus point for Desert

R25. A bred Mirisia Amphiptere

→ Bonus point if it was bred to a metal breed

R26. A Black Tea with offspring

R27. An Ember related to a breed not available year-round

R28. A Black Truffle related to a breed not available year-round

→ Bonus point if it is a Halloween breed

R29. An Aria with a pink dragon in its progeny list

R30. An Alcedine Wyvern with an Itus (orange/teleport induced) Cantomaris as a parent

→ Bonus point if the dragon is a descendant of Mu's (Lushwave)


Round Four

R31. A 2008 Female Two-Headed dragon

R32. A 2009 2G Geode dragon with both parents being the same breed

R33. A 2011 Red Nebula dragon

R34. A 2014 Male Glaucus drake

R35. Any one of the original Xenowyrms (Astrapi/Chrono/Gaia/Mageia/Pyro/Thalassa) from 2015

R36. A 2016 Female Frill Dragon

R37. A 2017 Dusk Pygmy

R38. A 2020 CB Sapo dragon

R39. A 2021 CB Tutela Cantomaris (BSA: Ward)

R40. Any stage of a 2024 CB Thousand Wish dragon


Round Five

R41. A 3G+ Painted Ray Pygmy of any lineage 

→ Bonus point for staircase lineages.

R42. A 2G+ Stormrider with Coastal Waverunners solely as the father figures in the lineage

R43. Any dragon with a rainbow lineage

→ Bonus point if the dragon linked happens to be a pygmy

R44. A Pyrrhichios descended from another adventure dragon

R45. A PB 2G+ Green dragon

→ Bonus point if the dragon's code starts with a vowel

R46. A CB Forest Harvest Dragon

R47. A 2020 Starsinger dragon

R48. A 2G+ Incense Dragon with Script dragons as the father figures

R49. A Black Capped Teimarr dragon with at least one number in its code

R50. A Carina descended from a green nebula

→ An additional point will be awarded for each color of ridgewing and nebula that appears in the lineage. Repeating colors will not result in extra points.


Riddle Bingo 1

Vibrant ashes rise,

Emerging from murky depths,

Pure beauty revealed.


Bonus point if you can put a name (one word) to the style and structure of the riddle.


Please PM me with your guess

fenghuo wyrm haiku


Competitive Bingo 3

CP3. The oldest prize dragon among all of the players.


Two winners will be accepted - one tinsel and one shimmerscale. Gold, silver, and bronze coloration are all in equal standing with one another.


Flash Bingo 1

F1. Any Cantomaris raised within the last 12 months.


Flash Bingo 2

F1. Any Carmine Wyvern


Flash Bingo 3

Valid from 4:00 AM to 10:00 AM DC time 15th of May 2024.

F3. One of your favorite dragons


Flash Bingo 4

Valid from 3:30PM to 9:00PM DC time 27th of May 2024.

F4. Any descendant of any lineage from a Salt dragon.


Competitive Bingo 1

C1. The dragon with a code that best matches your scroll name.


Competitive Bingo 2

CP2. A CB Silver with the most amount of mates.


Cascade Bingo 1

C1a. An Astrael with Tier 1 colors in its lineage. (1 point)

→ Any combination of lime, brown, tan

C1b. An Astrael with Tier 1 + Tier 2 colors in its lineage. (2 points)

→ Any combination of lime, brown, tan, green, teal, pink

C1c. An Astrael with Tier 1 + Tier 2 + Tier 3 colors in its lineage. (3 points)

→ Any combination of lime, brown, tan, green, teal, pink, white, black, blue


Additionally, I will reward an extra point for each color that appears in the lineage. Duplicate colors will not be counted.


Ponderous Puzzle 1

PP1. This breed is not a pygmy or drake.

PP2. Only Dohaerys has credits for this breed.

PP3. This breed is only found in one biome.

PP4. This breed's colors change based on the mate they are bred with.

Pyropellis Wyvern


Co-Op Bingo 1

Coop1. The most amount of offspring among each other's scrolls. Every dragon counts as one point.


Edited by baoser

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I’m in with Diamond! Congrats on hosting ^_^ 

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Sign me up for painite again, please!

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I'm in with Whatever! Thanks for the ping. :D



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In with Diamond, please! :)

*sets out brownies for everyone*

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Thanks for hosting! Whatever, please! :D

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Thanks baoser, and congrats on your win! :) 


I'm in with Diamond, please!

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Thanks and congrats - baoser . In with Whatever, please.

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Yippee! I'm in for Platinum.  ❤

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Congratz Baoser, and thanks LadyMadonna! I'm in with platinum 😁

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Posted (edited)

☀ Game Start! ☀

Round One

R1. A CB Golden Wyvern with a child bred in May (the fifth month) of any year

R2. A CB common pygmy bred to a Kovos pygmy prior to 5/1/2024.

→ This will still be acceptable even if there is no offspring listed on the progeny page.

R3. A Yellow Dino

R4. A Paper dragon hatchling

R5. A CB Freckled dragon from the Jungle dragon with no offspring

R6. CB Venturis dragon caught on 04/26/2020

R7. CB Sunbeam Drake caught in the first week of May (the fifth month) of any year

R8. CB Citrine Gemshard with a Sunday stolen date

R9. CB Summer dragon with offspring from any Valentine's Day breed.

→ Offspring can be holiday or non-holiday. Either is acceptable.

R10. CB Magelight pygmy


Thanks for the congratulations everyone!

Let's move forward for now, but sign-ups will remain open for a little while longer.

Edited by baoser
formatting issues

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Round One

R1. A CB Golden Wyvern with a child bred in May (the fifth month) of any year Bingo! - https://dragcave.net/progeny/e6eFM and the child - https://dragcave.net/lineage/hxCFk


R2. A CB common pygmy bred to a Kovos pygmy prior to 5/1/2024. - Nope.


R3. A Yellow Dino Bingo! - https://dragcave.net/view/2NY63 (described)


R4. A Paper dragon hatchling Bingo! - https://dragcave.net/view/H524 (described)


R5. A CB Freckled dragon from the Jungle dragon with no offspring Bingo! - https://dragcave.net/view/9DaTa


R6. CB Venturis dragon caught on 04/26/2020 Bingo! - https://dragcave.net/view/geE1T


R7. CB Sunbeam Drake caught in the first week of May (the fifth month) of any year - Nope.


R8. CB Citrine Gemshard with a Sunday stolen date Bingo! - https://dragcave.net/view/9q5cO


R9. CB Summer dragon with offspring from any Valentine's Day breed. - Nope.


R10. CB Magelight pygmy Bingo! - https://dragcave.net/view/xyT5x

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Round One

R1. A CB Golden Wyvern with a child bred in May (the fifth month) of any year.  https://dragcave.net/view/IMrAQ  Bingo!

R2. A CB common pygmy bred to a Kovos pygmy prior to 5/1/2024.

→ This will still be acceptable even if there is no offspring listed on the progeny page.

R3. A Yellow Dino

R4. A Paper dragon hatchling

R5. A CB Freckled dragon from the Jungle dragon with no offspring.  https://dragcave.net/view/1d0VN  Bingo!

R6. CB Venturis dragon caught on 04/26/2020

R7. CB Sunbeam Drake caught in the first week of May (the fifth month) of any year

R8. CB Citrine Gemshard with a Sunday stolen date  https://dragcave.net/view/Klcqc  Bingo!

R9. CB Summer dragon with offspring from any Valentine's Day breed.

→ Offspring can be holiday or non-holiday. Either is acceptable.

R10. CB Magelight pygmy  https://dragcave.net/view/CfgV9  Bingo!

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Round One

R1. A CB Golden Wyvern with a child bred in May (the fifth month) of any year nope

R2. A CB common pygmy bred to a Kovos pygmy prior to 5/1/2024. also nope

→ This will still be acceptable even if there is no offspring listed on the progeny page.

R3. A Yellow Dino BINGO

R4. A Paper dragon hatchling BINGO

R5. A CB Freckled dragon from the Jungle dragon with no offspring BINGO

R6. CB Venturis dragon caught on 04/26/2020 BINGO

R7. CB Sunbeam Drake caught in the first week of May (the fifth month) of any year not the first week, no

R8. CB Citrine Gemshard with a Sunday stolen date

R9. CB Summer dragon with offspring from any Valentine's Day breed. nope. just offspring from Equinoxes

→ Offspring can be holiday or non-holiday. Either is acceptable.

R10. CB Magelight pygmy BINGO

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Round One

R1. A CB Golden Wyvern with a child bred in May (the fifth month) of any year BINGO!

R2. A CB common pygmy bred to a Kovos pygmy prior to 5/1/2024.

→ This will still be acceptable even if there is no offspring listed on the progeny page.

R3. A Yellow Dino BINGO!

R4. A Paper dragon hatchling

R5. A CB Freckled dragon from the Jungle dragon with no offspring

R6. CB Venturis dragon caught on 04/26/2020 BINGO!

R7. CB Sunbeam Drake caught in the first week of May (the fifth month) of any year

R8. CB Citrine Gemshard with a Sunday stolen date

R9. CB Summer dragon with offspring from any Valentine's Day breed.

→ Offspring can be holiday or non-holiday. Either is acceptable.

R10. CB Magelight pygmy BINGO!

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Round One

R1. A CB Golden Wyvern with a child bred in May (the fifth month) of any year

R2. A CB common pygmy bred to a Kovos pygmy prior to 5/1/2024.

→ This will still be acceptable even if there is no offspring listed on the progeny page.

R3. A Yellow Dino BINGO

R4. A Paper dragon hatchling

R5. A CB Freckled dragon from the Jungle dragon with no offspring BINGO

R6. CB Venturis dragon caught on 04/26/2020

R7. CB Sunbeam Drake caught in the first week of May (the fifth month) of any year

R8. CB Citrine Gemshard with a Sunday stolen date

R9. CB Summer dragon with offspring from any Valentine's Day breed.

→ Offspring can be holiday or non-holiday. Either is acceptable.

R10. CB Magelight pygmy BINGO


Something else to add to my learning list . . . breed more dragons 🤣

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Round One

R1. A CB Golden Wyvern with a child bred in May (the fifth month) of any year Bingo ! https://dragcave.net/view/RkjEB (the child is not on my scroll - I assume that’s OK ?)

R2. A CB common pygmy bred to a Kovos pygmy prior to 5/1/2024 Nope..

R3. A Yellow Dino Bingo ! https://dragcave.net/view/ugLe (desctibed)

R4. A Paper dragon hatchling Bingo ! https://dragcave.net/view/Hh1P1

R5. A CB Freckled dragon from the Jungle dragon with no offspring Bingo ! https://dragcave.net/view/vIBRD

R6. CB Venturis dragon caught on 04/26/2020 Bingo ! https://dragcave.net/view/G9Osq

R7. CB Sunbeam Drake caught in the first week of May (the fifth month) of any year Nope

R8. CB Citrine Gemshard with a Sunday stolen date Nope

R9. CB Summer dragon with offspring from any Valentine's Day breed. Nope

R10. CB Magelight pygmy Bingo !  https://dragcave.net/view/3GrgI 

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Round One

R1. A CB Golden Wyvern with a child bred in May (the fifth month) of any year

R2. A CB common pygmy bred to a Kovos pygmy prior to 5/1/2024.

R3. A Yellow Dino - Bingo!

R4. A Paper dragon hatchling - Bingo!

R5. A CB Freckled dragon from the Jungle dragon with no offspring - Bingo!

R6. CB Venturis dragon caught on 04/26/2020 - Bingo!

R7. CB Sunbeam Drake caught in the first week of May (the fifth month) of any year

R8. CB Citrine Gemshard with a Sunday stolen date

R9. CB Summer dragon with offspring from any Valentine's Day breed. - Bingo!

R10. CB Magelight pygmy - Bingo!

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