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ANSWERED:Eggs died of sickness despite being hidden

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Usually my eggs heal after being hidden but they died.  If it's a possibility what caused it more so now then all the other times when they recovered. And will they affect my spots for new eggs when the Halloween ones come out?

Edited by roxasxaxel

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Posted (edited) Solution

Fogging only prevents things from being seen by others & from gaining views. It doesn't prevent them from dying to sickness, and if they are too sick (too many views), they can die in the fog.


Thankfully, eggs that die to sickness do not count against your growing limits, unlike eggs that die to intentional actions (Kill, Earthquake, Bite), so you are free to pick up new eggs from the cave and/or AP. Halloween breeds also have no breed limit, so there is no risk of the shells preventing you from collecting more.

Edited by 11th

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Also, one reason that your eggs may have died from sickness this time is that during holiday breeding seasons, there is more activity than usual in both the cave and the hatcheries than during ordinary times, resulting in eggs/hatchies getting more than the usual amount of views. That could make the difference between survival and death. It is always a good idea to be careful about putting your eggs in hatcheries at these times -- let them get a bit older before putting them in and keep an eye on them if you can.

Sorry about your eggs, but as 11th has said, it won't stop you from being able to pick up the new holiday eggs.

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Also keep in mind that during new releases there's a bit of a traffic uptick as well.  Not as much as the holiday ones which last for longer due to the breeding season lasting a week and all, but worth being aware of.


If you have a White dragon, you can have it use "Ward" (each egg can only ever have Ward used once on it) to prevent them from dying for 6 hours, which sometimes keeps them alive long enough to hatch (and hatchlings tend to be hardier though they can still die) or to recover.


Once they're no longer sick it's usually a good idea to wait at least a few hours if not a day--especially during holiday times longer is better--before putting them back in fansites or other places you post them to minimize the odds of them getting sick again right away.


Sorry about the eggs, this is a tricky time of year sometimes.

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