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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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2 hours ago, Lagie said:


Looong day sorting shop stuff. I think I inadvertently spent too much time outside sorting books; I have that slightly radiant kind of overbaked feeling.

Ahhh, my husband is looking like a tomato today from the time he worked out side over the weekend. 


17 minutes ago, Rainn said:

Yes! sunburn is bad. 20 or 30 years from the time of the sunburn one can get skin cancer It only takes one cancer cell. I grew up at the beach for 30 years {navy brat} and I've had 30 plus squamous cell carcinoma cut out of my skin.. Mostly on my face, but some deep deep areas on my body. One really bad one was on my left forearm. I figured out that it was driving with my arm leaning on the window  panel. One cell if left undiscovered can grow into millions more. Especially tanning beds. I get concerned when someone I know gets a sunburn. It's a burn. From the sun. 

You might cry if I tell you the story of when I was 18, on the Salt River in Arizona, forgot the sunscreen in 120 degree temps, and had third degree sunburn on the back of me.  Let's say it is really freckled on the back of my legs. :/ 



Top of 704

Edited by galleri

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galleri you will have to keep a close eye on that. If you have an unusual freckle or the border is uneven pleeez go to a doctor and have it checked. I was so dark from all summer at the beach I would be out for 8 or 9 hours without sunscreen. Back in the day nobody even knew what "sunscreen" was! So I spent 30 years at the beach without sunscreen, just like everybody else. The surfers would put zinc oxide on their noses but that was all we had.

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6 hours ago, Rainn said:

So, what kind of food? Where from? wow 1700s cool


All kinds! He does these cool deep dives into the history of different foods that we use (like sugar, honey and some other things). Uh another example... He made a fruit cake from the 1700s or so? Eggnog from the 1700s, some meals from the feasts of Roman emperors. It's nice. Good fun, and he's really funny. 

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There are 5 minutes left in the day and my first batch of ANZAC biscuits just came out of the oven. (I am a slow and distracted typist so it is now after midnight. :rolleyes:)


Happy belated ANZAC day everyone. You can read up on WWI history, specifically the battle of Gallipoli, in commemoration of the lives lost from the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.


Also, here is the delicious ANZAC biscuit recipe. I highly recommend!


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10 minutes ago, BringsTheSnow said:

There are 5 minutes left in the day and my first batch of ANZAC biscuits just came out of the oven. (I am a slow and distracted typist so it is now after midnight. :rolleyes:)


Happy belated ANZAC day everyone. You can read up on WWI history, specifically the battle of Gallipoli, in commemoration of the lives lost from the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.


Also, here is the delicious ANZAC biscuit recipe. I highly recommend!



Nice! The channel I was talking about has a video about these (based from around World War 1. I haven't watched it yet, but I remembered the word: Anzac. lol. 



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8 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:


All kinds! He does these cool deep dives into the history of different foods that we use (like sugar, honey and some other things). Uh another example... He made a fruit cake from the 1700s or so? Eggnog from the 1700s, some meals from the feasts of Roman emperors. It's nice. Good fun, and he's really funny. 

That sounds fascinating. :)


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Bright and sunny.

I have today off for working yesterday, but I need to spend a chunk of it venturing downtown to pick up my updated credit card (they do not mail them here).

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On 4/24/2022 at 11:58 PM, AsymDoll13 said:

I'm watching a guy make and talk about food from history. This is interesting. 


Some highlights are food from: Greece, Rome, the Titanic and Medieval Europe. I love this stuff!


On 4/25/2022 at 2:28 AM, WaterScorpion said:


Sounds interesting......do you have examples?

I like watching food videos. sadly idk if I have the gift to cook uwu



19 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:



He's called Tasting History with Max Miller. He's made dessert from the Titanic, eggnog from a recipe from the 1700s or so. So much cool food! 


10 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:


All kinds! He does these cool deep dives into the history of different foods that we use (like sugar, honey and some other things). Uh another example... He made a fruit cake from the 1700s or so? Eggnog from the 1700s, some meals from the feasts of Roman emperors. It's nice. Good fun, and he's really funny. 


9 hours ago, BringsTheSnow said:

There are 5 minutes left in the day and my first batch of ANZAC biscuits just came out of the oven. (I am a slow and distracted typist so it is now after midnight. :rolleyes:)


Also, here is the delicious ANZAC biscuit recipe. I highly recommend!


Those biscuits look absolutely delicious! ❤️


And Tasting History? Yea I've definitely heard of him, he keeps showing up in my YouTube shorts and recommended.

Haven't seen a Greek dish yet from him, will look for it now to binge watch some episodes.

I'm Greek/American so I love learning more about where my family came from ❤️ 




On 4/24/2022 at 6:11 PM, Rainn said:

ok. My partner had cataracts, so he had surgery, and also had one lens made for close up vision, and one for far away vision. A person has a dominant eye an when she did the surgery, she put the wrong lens in the wrong eye. So now he has blurry  vision and headaches and more. He spoke with the VA Hosp. and they said he  has a claim, so now he'll go talk to the surgeon that screwed up and then he can get an attorney and sue her butt! That won't fix  his problem tho.

Least you didn't do what my parents did. They decided to fly all the way to Greece to get their cataracts removed.

But due to the short amount of time they could stay, they could only do it for one eye. So now they have to go back again this summer.

And it costs nearly 3k or more for both of them alone to go, add kids it gets to 10k (including all expenses here like food and site seeing).


Still, I hope all is alright for you and your husband ❤️ 




On 4/24/2022 at 2:17 PM, IzzyCat91 said:


Thanks guys. She's sick to her stomach now too, I'm leaning towards flu 😕

@AsymDoll13 thanks :3 she chose her own username lol I call her Cub, Booty/BootyButt, or Booger irl

Always loved the nickname Cookie ❤️ 

Hope she is feeling better today? If not, sending virtual hugs for you and her.

Maybe try some chicken noodle soup, or chicken rice soup? :) 



On 4/24/2022 at 5:09 PM, trystan said:

so the cats don't like me.

it's about that time of year when i get to give everyone their Advantage flea treatments so no one gets fleas.  three of 'em are left, and they keep running off when they see me. XD 


On 4/25/2022 at 2:11 AM, trystan said:

fleas can come inside, so yeah.  our kitties are indoor..... but we have the catio now.

also, i just need Ms Skittish aka Luna.  hopefully tomorrow. 


On 4/25/2022 at 2:38 AM, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Treat Giver is sus. I may be be the only real crew member left on board.


Why am I imagining this cats hissing at their owners before they run and scatter away? XD 





On 4/25/2022 at 7:04 AM, Lagie said:

Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Off to do bloodwork. See you guys later!


Morning toppage, page 703! B)

Bloodwork has always scared me!

Hope it went well though ❤️ 




23 hours ago, BringsTheSnow said:

Guys, I'm annoyed. I bred an egg on Friday to fill a request someone had made and they STILL have yet to pick it up. :dry: They have been online since then but haven't looked at the PM...


Luckily, I'm not a huge collector of 2-headed dragons so I loaded up on the other NR and grabbed 2 of the 2-headed eggs. Still annoying though!


22 hours ago, trystan said:

ah.... that makes it a little different then.

in that case, i'd just keep it then. ;)

Agreed. Just keep the egg at that point.

If they really wanted it, they wouldn't ignore the message. ;) 





21 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Good morning afternoon, CPA!

Walked with my friends this morning. It was cool and cloudy, but a nice day for walking and we discovered a new wildflower garden in the park we have walked in several times before.

@Lagie Yesterday's Ask daily quiz was about Legos. Bet you will do better than I did. (I only scored 60%)



A new wildflower? That is pretty fun :)

Took the Lego test out of curiousity, and score a 55% XD 




17 hours ago, galleri said:

Afternoon you all. Per as usual, I am so behind. Nothing new lol. I am almost at the point of turning in my two weeks to the second job at the pizza place, which I should probably do early since I have somehow jacked up my knee. Turned in a 6 week resignation to the admin asst. position I work in the day during the week. House is almost ready to place on the market. 

I am eyeing Purplehaze's 20 week challenge. But ummm I have never done a stair type or any of those stair type lineages. I am also debating what I can breed together. 



16 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Would be a perfect time to try it. ;)

I've never done a double step stair lineage before, let alone a stair lineage.

But, we are all here to support you and help if need be. ;) 




12 hours ago, trystan said:

Valley Sherwood is back!! :D


I didn't know they were down! Happy to see them back :) 




11 hours ago, Lagie said:

Yup, though my head's fine, thank goodness. :)

Thank goodness, make sure to get lots of rest when you get home just to be safe ❤️ 




12 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

We needs lots of fresh aloe vera. Stat!


11 hours ago, Rainn said:

Yes! sunburn is bad. 20 or 30 years from the time of the sunburn one can get skin cancer It only takes one cancer cell. I grew up at the beach for 30 years {navy brat} and I've had 30 plus squamous cell carcinoma cut out of my skin.. Mostly on my face, but some deep deep areas on my body. One really bad one was on my left forearm. I figured out that it was driving with my arm leaning on the window  panel. One cell if left undiscovered can grow into millions more. Especially tanning beds. I get concerned when someone I know gets a sunburn. It's a burn. From the sun. I apologize for sounding too {harsh?} Skin cancer terrifies me is all. I think I have a melanoma on my back now. It's ok though. I know the drill.


10 hours ago, galleri said:

Ahhh, my husband is looking like a tomato today from the time he worked out side over the weekend. 


You might cry if I tell you the story of when I was 18, on the Salt River in Arizona, forgot the sunscreen in 120 degree temps, and had third degree sunburn on the back of me.  Let's say it is really freckled on the back of my legs. 😕



Top of 704


10 hours ago, Rainn said:

galleri you will have to keep a close eye on that. If you have an unusual freckle or the border is uneven pleeez go to a doctor and have it checked. I was so dark from all summer at the beach I would be out for 8 or 9 hours without sunscreen. Back in the day nobody even knew what "sunscreen" was! So I spent 30 years at the beach without sunscreen, just like everybody else. The surfers would put zinc oxide on their noses but that was all we had.

There was a time a summer not too long aggo, I was outside for the whole day at the beach and didn't think I'd burn because I was covered from head to toe. Well, when mom picked me up at around 6pm/7pm, my nose was red. I didn't notice until she told me so, and when I touched it... It hurt. No amount of aloe vera is ever an excessive amount, you always need some either in the car, at home, or somewhere in your bedroom because sun burns are absolutely no fun. I'm fortunate enough to never have experienced a full back sun burn, but I have experienced it on my shoulders the one day we were out and the one off chance I was wearing a tank top.

Please please please, always remember the sunscreen. If the sun is out, the screen is up. ❤️

That phrase is what helped me avoid getting sunburned anymore then once a summer. 





1 hour ago, Lagie said:

That sounds fascinating. :)


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Bright and sunny.

I have today off for working yesterday, but I need to spend a chunk of it venturing downtown to pick up my updated credit card (they do not mail them here).


Good morning CPA ❤️

(hope I didn't scare anyone away?)


*sets out some cookies next to the brownies, takes a brownie though* Thanks Lagie ❤️


It is a pretty fascinating channel, all the history behind food is something we do not think of when we eat. 

Some foods, like emapandas, were originally made to carry food in a portable and coinvent way to feed soldiers during wars. 

And others still, like Greek new year cake, are made specifically for holidays or to enjoy cultural traditions. :) 


It's a warm sunny day here too.

I hope to clean my room today, maybe read the Bible more :)


Stay safe while driving Lagie! ^^



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morning all.


i finally gave Luna the Advantage late last night, because she was actually letting me pet her without getting skittish, and since i'd already tried earlier last night, the little tube was already open, and she didn't run away, so yaaay!


also, our old lady Angel had been very sus about the food we were giving her that has her meds in it (for her thyroid), and i'd asked the vet for some other suggestions.  we would mash this small itty-bitty quarter of a pill with a little bit of her canned food, and she would take like 10 minutes just to eat this tiny bit.  and when you have other cats milling about, 10 minutes can feel twice as long.  but the vet suggested maybe giving her the pill in something like cream cheese, or kitten food. as i'd picked up my shopping yesterday, i added a can of kitten food to what i ended up going in the store for, and then when i got home, i offered Angel some cream cheese on my finger.... she was totally NOT interested! (but Aemon was! XD)  and then at dinner, i gave her the pill with a little bit of kitten food..... and she ate it right up!  and then this morning, hubby gave her the kitten food with the pill again, and when i texted how it went? she's shlurped it right up again with the kitten food! i think we have a winner.... for now! XD


also - i hatched my NR dragons! yaay!

i'm calculating that TJ's new ones will be adults tomorrow morning, and then i can decide if i want more of which ones. XD

stalking the AP for a Script :D


Edited by trystan

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44 minutes ago, LadyAngeliki said:

Bloodwork has always scared me!

Hope it went well though ❤️ 

Easy peasy. In, out, paid, and off to a friend's for breakfast in under 30 minutes. I didn't get the tech who came in one time and said, "Good morning. My name is - and I'll be your vampire today." XD


45 minutes ago, LadyAngeliki said:

Stay safe while driving Lagie! ^^

Changed my mind! Went out for the paper and came right back home. 


46 minutes ago, LadyAngeliki said:

It's a warm sunny day here too.

I hope to clean my room today, maybe read the Bible more :)

Sounds peaceful. Enjoy!


8 minutes ago, trystan said:

she's shlurped it right up again with the kitten food! i think we have a winner.... for now

Winner winner kitten food dinner. ;)


9 minutes ago, trystan said:

also - i hatched my NR dragons! yaay!

My first ones have hatched. The other two came later.

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1 minute ago, Lagie said:

Winner winner kitten food dinner. ;)

for NOW.  cats are particularly particular.... old ladies most definitely XD


2 minutes ago, Lagie said:

"Good morning. My name is - and I'll be your vampire today." XD


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that's awesome, Snow!


i'll be breeding Simon and Kaylee shortly for my last 2G Seawyrm.  if i can wait, i'll breed the 3Gs once this one grows up.  if i can wait, that is..... ;)

i'm already getting twitchy waiting to find out what the NR dragons are, so i can name them! XD

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13 hours ago, Rainn said:

galleri you will have to keep a close eye on that. If you have an unusual freckle or the border is uneven pleeez go to a doctor and have it checked. I was so dark from all summer at the beach I would be out for 8 or 9 hours without sunscreen. Back in the day nobody even knew what "sunscreen" was! So I spent 30 years at the beach without sunscreen, just like everybody else. The surfers would put zinc oxide on their noses but that was all we had.

So far it has been fine. That was 29 years ago. But I always feel and look back there. :) Last time I ever made that mistake for sure.  Nothing like trying to hover the toilet bowl as a female. lol


12 hours ago, BringsTheSnow said:

There are 5 minutes left in the day and my first batch of ANZAC biscuits just came out of the oven. (I am a slow and distracted typist so it is now after midnight. :rolleyes:)


Happy belated ANZAC day everyone. You can read up on WWI history, specifically the battle of Gallipoli, in commemoration of the lives lost from the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.


Also, here is the delicious ANZAC biscuit recipe. I highly recommend!


Ohhhh food!!! This looks really good. 



Signed up for the 20 week challenge after all!!! 



Edited by galleri

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Good afternoon, CPA!

Cloudy, gloomy day here. We are supposed to get some rain later, which would be welcome as it has been pretty dry.


Spent the morning with a friend. She has a lot of health issues and now is dealing with breast cancer. She had a lumpectomy and will start at least 5 weeks of radiation next week. She is very stressed. Her hubby has serious health problems as well, so there is plenty of room for anxiety.


I'm tired today and don't really feel like mopping floors and such, which is what I really should be doing. Much more fun to play with dragons! XD

Edited by purplehaze

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15 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

Much more fun to play with dragons! XD

completely agree!

and i got my egg from Simon and Kaylee! yaay!

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Hi guys! Not going out to shop for groceries today, since it's rainy and the ankle pain is back. *glares at ankle* Stupid Plantar Faceitis(sp?). lol. Anyway. Just gonna try to relax a bit today and keep off it as much as possible. 

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@trystan You still looking for Seawyrms? I just found a CB one in the AP that you can have if you want it. If not I'll toss it back.

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1 hour ago, purplehaze said:

@trystan You still looking for Seawyrms? I just found a CB one in the AP that you can have if you want it. If not I'll toss it back.

 Sure, go ahead and send it my way. I'll hatch it, and find another CB as its mate :D 


Edited by trystan

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6 hours ago, LadyAngeliki said:

Always loved the nickname Cookie ❤️ 

Hope she is feeling better today? If not, sending virtual hugs for you and her.

Maybe try some chicken noodle soup, or chicken rice soup? :)

As far as I know yes, she is feeling better (she lives with Bio mom, but her dad and I are hoping to change that soon) Mom thinks she was just "overheated" (but my house was 68 degrees and she hadn't be outside or doing anything really, she had JUST woken up) *eyeroll* I think it was either a 24hr stomach bug or something she ate.

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38 minutes ago, trystan said:

 Sure, go ahead and send it my way. I'll hatch it, and find another CB as its mate :D 

On its way!

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1 hour ago, IzzyCat91 said:

As far as I know yes, she is feeling better (she lives with Bio mom, but her dad and I are hoping to change that soon) Mom thinks she was just "overheated" (but my house was 68 degrees and she hadn't be outside or doing anything really, she had JUST woken up) *eyeroll* I think it was either a 24hr stomach bug or something she ate.

Izzy, was it just a fever or did she have some other symptoms? 

My middle child used to run a lot of fevers, with no other symptoms. The ped said some kiddos just run what they call "phantom fevers" and there is no illness. 

I just found this lineage and it is really making me giggle. 


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7 hours ago, BringsTheSnow said:

They finally gave me the gold Lunar Herald egg I was needing for my lineage project



1 hour ago, galleri said:

I just found this lineage and it is really making me giggle. 


XD That is a good one!


4 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Just gonna try to relax a bit today and keep off it as much as possible

Hope that helps!


6 hours ago, galleri said:

Signed up for the 20 week challenge after all!!! 

Have fun! 

I've finally decided on the lineage I'm going to do. @purplehaze, should I just edit that info into my signup post, or do I make a new post?

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33 minutes ago, Lagie said:

@purplehaze, should I just edit that info into my signup post, or do I make a new post?

You can just edit it in. That's what I did when I decided what I was doing for mine. :D

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since i don't have any clue on a lineage at all, even though the 20 week challenge does look like fun..... i'll sit this round out.  maybe i'll come up with an lineage at some point.

i also want to have names before i go breeding my dragons.

but that's just me. 

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