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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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Hello! How are you?


Oooh. Toppage. I'll take that. 

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8 minutes ago, Evangeline said:

Oh my. It's been a second. 

Or two! How have you been?

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1 minute ago, purplehaze said:

Or two! How have you been?

Goooooooooooood. Mostly on discord. How is life over here? 

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3 minutes ago, Evangeline said:

Hello! How are you?


Oooh. Toppage. I'll take that. 

Even better, top page 700. B)


Hello there!

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1 minute ago, BringsTheSnow said:

Even better, top page 700. B)


Hello there!



Where be my cuffs? We still do that, right? 


Hellllo. And Hello WaterScorpian. 


Y'all can call me Ari! 

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8 minutes ago, Evangeline said:

Hello! How are you?

i'm pretty good!

i'm also on discord, my username is in my sig, if you want to say hi. :D 

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Just now, WaterScorpion said:

ello ari

also stahp wry you remind them

Maybe I like being tied up? 


What's up?

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2 hours ago, IzzyCat91 said:


@AsymDoll13 did you still need cb Almeralds? I found a random one in the AP just now.


Ha! I always need them. lol. They're my favorite dragon apparently. I want a small army! 


(Sorry. I'm feeling hyper tonight. Help)

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I just looked at the dragons on my scroll after over a year and noticed the change in some of the sprites. they're so beautiful.

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10 hours ago, Evangeline said:

Oh my. It's been a second. 

Hi! Welcome back!

*cuffs* https://dragcave.net/lineage/b1oK


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and bacon and eggs*


Bright and sunny, and still windy. One of my volunteers wanted to know if we'd be opening today, you know, because of the weather? It's the second time he's assumed a little bit of rain the day before will make us close. :rolleyes:

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OOO storm warning here. Large amounts of rain and hail, wind gusts of 60 mph. Keep away from windows {lightning strikes} And don't forget the power outages!  Some people park their cars outside so they can put in an insurance claim for hail damage. {not me though. I love my van!} It's coming. It's quiet and very still right now. The quiet before the storm...wait for it...Wow that was a fast one! Blew in and blew out towards eastern Minnesota. 

Edited by Rainn

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Glad it seems that you got through that storm without damage, Rainn.

It was cloudy and looked very threatening here early this morning, but the sun is out now.

I hope our lawn service guy comes today and mows. The weeds are getting very tall -- the grass, not so much! XD

Edited by purplehaze

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wow we haven't even mowed  yet. Yes that storm was here until it wasn't. Glad it didn't stick around. Really windy now but warm and sunny. Why is it that weeds grow so much faster than  grass. It  should be the other way around!

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46 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

It's warm and pollen-y outside today here. Very pollen-y. 

Oh, yes! Very! I was out getting my garden prepared for planting and my eyes and nose are running like crazy!

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Worse part? We have to go to the store. Sigh. Need hay for the Guinea pigs. 

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Glad the storm passed by, @Rainn!


3 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Glad it seems that you got through that storm without damage, Rainn.

It was cloudy and looked very threatening here early this morning, but the sun is out now.

I hope our lawn service guy comes today and mows. The weeds are getting very tall -- the grass, not so much! XD

Yay for sun! And mowing!


6 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Worse part? We have to go to the store. Sigh. Need hay for the Guinea pigs. 

I couldn't have guinea pigs as I was allergic to the hay. :(


I'm wiped.  Over $1,00 at the shop today, and it's my fourth day straight doing cash.  I look forward to tonight and tomorrow.

If I'm not around much, though, it's because my phone data is very low.  I will dash in to leave breakfast tomorrow! ;)

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Oh man give me a minute to catch ups :)



On 4/22/2022 at 11:06 AM, trystan said:

thanks! oooh, a Script(ure) sounds good! :D 


yep, but creative!

thanks!! :) 

That is a good idea! 

Would it be alright if I use Script dragons too, for my next lineage build? ^^ 



On 4/22/2022 at 11:06 AM, trystan said:

yaay earth day! :D 


On 4/22/2022 at 11:19 AM, purplehaze said:

Yay! I changed my avatar for the occasion! :D

Everyday should be earth day, 100% agreed ❤️



On 4/22/2022 at 7:22 AM, IzzyCat91 said:

LOVE IT! Also, Script dragon for the good Shepard?


Nice catches! (and thank you again for the gift :3)

It's no problem Izzy, am happy to see you love the egg :3



On 4/22/2022 at 4:27 PM, sleepymuggle said:

Thank you all for your input on naming. I definitely felt better after reading it all! ☺️ I even got through naming a few dragons in a lineage I'm working on, which made me really happy.


Also, @Lagie, I nearly died from laughter at this chicken.

  Hide contents



I am crying of laughter, I need this laugh today XD

Thank you Lagie ❤️


Everyone here in Florida is kind of in chicken craze frenzy all the time,

and the restaurant of choice? Of course, KFC XD 



21 hours ago, trystan said:

so back when i was in middle school and early high school, i went to an overnight camp.  one summer, two of the camps merged, and kids from new york came to my camp, which was in southeastern PA.  so i wanted to "try on something new" and attempted to affect a "British" accent for the summer.  at one of the first meals, i was sitting with a girl from Queens, who had a THICK accent. after some conversation, she tells me "you have a Philadelphia accent."  i'd never heard of a Philly accent, but i guess my fake Brit accent was a dud XD 

*I* still don't think i have a Philly accent, but maybe i do?

Alright I saw this being talked about and desperately want to ask what accent I am.

I sound British to some, American/Southern to others, and foreign/Arabic to others still. 

Was raised in New York for 8 years of my life, 5 years in Europe, and the rest (I'm 25) here in Florida.


My fiancé says I'm just his sweet European/Mediterranean wife.  XD


Back in high school I do recall trying to do a British accent for a week with my friend.

And, people thought I was Italian. Maybe I don't do British accents that well but still, it was fun XD



18 hours ago, Evangeline said:

Oh my. It's been a second. 

Hi! Hope all is well for you ^^



21 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I was peed on by a guinea pig like... 5 minutes ago. lol. Little cutie. She did bite my nostril to let me know like two seconds before she peed, so there's that. lol

Should not laugh, should not laugh, I am so sorry I giggled XD

But only because my puppy, she dose this silly thing where when you greet her, she steps on your toes,

and it's just too cute and I imagine this guinea pig has the same energy as my puppy hehe ❤️ 




1 hour ago, Lagie said:


6 hours ago, Rainn said:

OOO storm warning here. Large amounts of rain and hail, wind gusts of 60 mph. Keep away from windows {lightning strikes} And don't forget the power outages!  Some people park their cars outside so they can put in an insurance claim for hail damage. {not me though. I love my van!} It's coming. It's quiet and very still right now. The quiet before the storm...wait for it...Wow that was a fast one! Blew in and blew out towards eastern Minnesota. 

4 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Glad it seems that you got through that storm without damage, Rainn.

It was cloudy and looked very threatening here early this morning, but the sun is out now.

Glad the storm passed by, @Rainn!


Hail is absolutely no fun! Never had any experience with it but I hear it is painful and cold.

Hope all is well for you guys! ❤️ 



1 hour ago, Lagie said:


1 hour ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Worse part? We have to go to the store. Sigh. Need hay for the Guinea pigs. 

I couldn't have guinea pigs as I was allergic to the hay. :(

Allergic to hay? :( 

And that is the hidden cost of having a pet to care for,

but I'm not sure if buying a new puppy bed every week is normal. XD 



1 hour ago, Lagie said:

I'm wiped.  Over $1,00 at the shop today, and it's my fourth day straight doing cash.  I look forward to tonight and tomorrow.

If I'm not around much, though, it's because my phone data is very low.  I will dash in to leave breakfast tomorrow! ;)

Take your time Lagie, no need to push yourself too hard ^^;

Also, I think using a PC/desktop gets around the low data limit, maybe?

I'm not too tech smart but I think data limit is only for phones? :) 



13 hours ago, WaterScorpion said:

I just looked at the dragons on my scroll after over a year and noticed the change in some of the sprites. they're so beautiful.

They are very beautiful, the change in the sprites was very welcomed,

especially for some breeds with the awkward portions but now they are just so stunning! ❤️ 



15 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:


Ha! I always need them. lol. They're my favorite dragon apparently. I want a small army! 


(Sorry. I'm feeling hyper tonight. Help)

*Noted* I will help you collect army ❤️ 



Hope everyone is doing well today ❤️

I managed to catch 4 Antareans and just need more Gold Florets.

The rush for the upcoming challenge is being felt for certain XD 

Edited by LadyAngeliki
Added more quotes to keep up with the current conversation at hand :)

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2 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

It's warm and pollen-y outside today here. Very pollen-y. 

This polleny?



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2 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

It's warm and pollen-y outside today here. Very pollen-y. 


2 minutes ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

This polleny?




If I may:




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16 minutes ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

This polleny?

Yep! I walk out and look at hubby's red car and it is totally green. Maple pollen! He parks right under the tree.

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2 hours ago, LadyAngeliki said:

Would it be alright if I use Script dragons too, for my next lineage build? ^^ 

of course! i've used scripts for a few lineages.  i'll be breeding them to my Pryanosts in december (for some Dune dragons)! (yes, my calendar goes that far out!!)


2 hours ago, LadyAngeliki said:

Was raised in New York for 8 years of my life, 5 years in Europe, and the rest (I'm 25) here in Florida.

oh man. i'm sorry.


2 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

This polleny?




that's accurate sometimes.  it hasn't done that recently, but i'm sure it will soon

ah-choo! XD 

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