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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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23 hours ago, Lagie said:

Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, toast with jam, and CAKE*


Happy Birthday, @IzzyCat91! ;)


Bright and sunny. I'm likely going to be short-staffed at my shop today, and Wednesdays are usually busy. Not a good combination, but we'll manage.


Toppage, page 697! B)



16 hours ago, sleepymuggle said:

Happy birthday @IzzyCat91!! I hope you're having an amazing day!!!



16 hours ago, BringsTheSnow said:

Happy birthday @IzzyCat91!


I have a very long work meeting today. It started at 1pm and we will hopefully take a break soon before going back into the meeting at 6pm. Gives me lots of time for DC though!


16 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Happy birthday, @IzzyCat91! I hope it's a grand one!


@Long_Before_Sunrise It was scary, but now it's done. I have popcorn chicken! ^^


16 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Happy Birthday, Izzy. 

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14 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Happy Birthday, Izzy! Hope you are having a good day! :)


14 hours ago, trystan said:

happy birthday, Izzy!!


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12 hours ago, LadyAngeliki said:

Happy birthday to you Izzy ❤️

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5 hours ago, WaterScorpion said:

Happy Birthday Izzy!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes! I had to work today (I had all of last week off though and this coming weekend off so we will celebrate then :3) Work was slow to start, but not a bad day! I made a new friend and got to catch up with some of the others I don't get to see often since we usually work different areas.


19 hours ago, trystan said:

i bred some seawyrns between yesterday and today for my own project.  i have to wait until next tuesday for the the final egg. since i figured i'd bred Simon and Kaylee before, they'll give me an egg.... right? nope, they weren't interested. but now i've used fertility on Kaylee, and made a note on my calendar for next week.


...Is your lineage based on the show Firefly? if so I am so excited, I LOVE that show!

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Sunny and windy today.

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Cold, wet,, and windy here currently, though it's suppose to be warming up to the 80's by Friday *Fingers crossed, am DYING for warm, sunny days so I can go outside*

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2 hours ago, IzzyCat91 said:

...Is your lineage based on the show Firefly? if so I am so excited, I LOVE that show!

...actually, the lineage isn't based on Firefly, Simon and Kaylee were the names i gave my first Seawyrms.  i have plenty of OTHER Firefily dragons though!  i love Firefly as well! (check out Malin's lineage) :)  (any suggestions for a Shepherd Book dragon? i don't have one of those. huh.)


Edited by trystan

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5 minutes ago, trystan said:

...actually, the lineage isn't based on Firefly, Simon and Kaylee were the names i gave my first Seawyrms.  i have plenty of OTHER Firefily dragons though!  i love Firefly as well! (check out Malin's lineage) :)  (any suggestions for a Shepherd Book dragon? i don't have one of those. huh.)


What about cloudplumes? That scene with River reacting to his hair still makes me laugh XD

Edited by BringsTheSnow

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40 minutes ago, BringsTheSnow said:

What about cloudplumes? That scene with River reacting to his hair still makes me laugh XD

XD good point!

but maybe not for an overall character. hmm.


the last time i needed a Shepherd/Reverend character was Rev Bem from Andromeda... but he's a Nexus. XD

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14 minutes ago, trystan said:

XD good point!

but maybe not for an overall character. hmm

Are you trying to match his personality to a dragon description, dragon appearance, or both?

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i usually go for personalities when i'm matching a dragon to a character.

there are always gong to be exceptions

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Good morning CPA ❤️


Today is warm and sunny, with a gentle breeze...

Perfect fishing weather, perfect for surfing, and even better for going to the beach :)


So I was looking for an Antarean egg in the cave and caught this: https://dragcave.net/lineage/cdExT

Not sure how I got so lucky to not only catch a Dino but a legendary of trio?!: https://dragcave.net/lineage/1C1nt


I'm in awe. But I did also manage to catch 2 Antareans. ❤️

Lineage building is underway for them now  ^^


*sets out some homemade cookies and lemonade, takes a brownie to snack on*

Ty Lagie ❤️ 

Edited by purpledragonclaw
Changed view links to lineage links

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13 minutes ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

We have jumped into Summer here.

Not yet, here, although by Sunday we are supposed to be up in the 80s.

Cloudy and breezy today, or it might feel warmer, but there is a definite chill in the air.

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*long exaggerated sigh*


There's a concert I'd love to go to in July, but no money. Sighss...... I could be in the same place as the Kpop group, Stray Kids. I'd die. lol

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So being broke is saving your life? Doesn't sound so bad to me. :P

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Saving my life? I have a mask that has the name of the group on it. Lol

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1 hour ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

We have jumped into Summer here.


1 hour ago, purplehaze said:

Not yet, here, although by Sunday we are supposed to be up in the 80s.

Cloudy and breezy today, or it might feel warmer, but there is a definite chill in the air.



Honestly it feels like summer here.


If anyone has snow, please give me some. This humidity is not fun! XD 

We have our days of gentle breeze and sunshine (like today), but otherwise it's always humid here lol

Edited by LadyAngeliki

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2 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Saving my life? I have a mask that has the name of the group on it. Lol

You said you'd die if you were in the same place as the Stray Kids. Listen to your fortuneteller or runes or whatever.

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I'm always in awe of people who can name their dragons. I don't understand how they have the creativity and energy. Please share/teach me your ways. I started strong when I first joined and now only 27% of my dragons have names. I'd bet at least half of the ones I've named have labels (CB Reddrag 1, for example) for names.


On the bright side, all my attempts at naming and organizing my dragons means I've been able to catch more of the FoE eggs. 🤭

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13 minutes ago, sleepymuggle said:

I'm always in awe of people who can name their dragons. I don't understand how they have the creativity and energy. Please share/teach me your ways. I started strong when I first joined and now only 27% of my dragons have names. I'd bet at least half of the ones I've named have labels (CB Reddrag 1, for example) for names.


On the bright side, all my attempts at naming and organizing my dragons means I've been able to catch more of the FoE eggs. 🤭

Some days the creativity flows better than others! I have 1,318 unnamed dragons out of 2,994 total. 

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5 minutes ago, BringsTheSnow said:

Some days the creativity flows better than others! I have 1,318 unnamed dragons out of 2,994 total. 


Agreed ❤️


Although for me personally, it helps to have a plan set out ahead of time.

I like to breed and name dragons for a purpose, and I tend to use Bible verses.

And that means I have to plan out their names beforehand too.


And therefore, nearly every dragon lineage I do; they have names.


Otherwise the vast majority of my CB dragons are nameless, for now. :) 

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41 minutes ago, sleepymuggle said:

I'm always in awe of people who can name their dragons. I don't understand how they have the creativity and energy. Please share/teach me your ways.

i now have a rule in place: don't pick up the egg or breed the dragons if you don't have a name for it.


yes, i flounder lots when there's a new release, and i get twitchy until TJ has adults, and then i use the dragon's name and something about their personality to name them.  my Wisterias are types of.... Wisterias.  i'm doing this Seawyrm lineage because i got this idea to name them all after birds that dive in the water after their prey (huh, i just told this to someone over on discord earlier....lol).  everyone is now named on my spreadsheet.  then i'll get ideas from characters in a tv show or book series i've read.  i list them all out on my spreadsheet (i have a "Fandoms" tab), and then plan the dragons, if they're individual, separate dragons, or a lineage.  i have yet to do a lyrical lineage though.


it's a deal i made with myself when i 'came back' in the spring of 2019.

you can see my fandoms and some of my other name inspirations listed in my Dragon Index.

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6 minutes ago, trystan said:

i now have a rule in place: don't pick up the egg or breed the dragons if you don't have a name for it.


yes, i flounder lots when there's a new release, and i get twitchy until TJ has adults, and then i use the dragon's name and something about their personality to name them.  my Wisterias are types of.... Wisterias.  i'm doing this Seawyrm lineage because i got this idea to name them all after birds that dive in the water after their prey (huh, i just told this to someone over on discord earlier....lol).  everyone is now named on my spreadsheet.  then i'll get ideas from characters in a tv show or book series i've read.  i list them all out on my spreadsheet (i have a "Fandoms" tab), and then plan the dragons, if they're individual, separate dragons, or a lineage.  i have yet to do a lyrical lineage though.


it's a deal i made with myself when i 'came back' in the spring of 2019.

you can see my fandoms and some of my other name inspirations listed in my Dragon Index.


I see we share a similar thought process :)


See I made the same deal with myself but, I looked at my over 100 CB dragons and gave up after 4.

Would rather take it easy on myself, and only name the ones I know I can name. 

Instead of favorite tv shows, or themes.. Lyrical is basically using a song/book chapter (I use the bible) 

to plan out the names instead. Saves effort by allot. just need to space the names out nicely.


Maybe I'll take the oath someday to name all my dragons. 

But I'd have to name all my current ones first. :) 

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I use codes, lines I like from shows and songs, random stuff going on around the forum, other stuff. My chickens and cheeses have punny names, kind of. 659 of 6,963 are unnamed.


If it weren't April, I'd say we were in a small hurricane. It's been extremely windy for two days now and today we've had the misty rains then pouring then misty that I associate with hurricanes. Rain wasn't even in the forecast I saw yesterday.

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4 minutes ago, LadyAngeliki said:

Would rather take it easy on myself, and only name the ones I know I can name. 

this is a good rule too :) 


4 minutes ago, Lagie said:

codes, lines I like from shows and songs, random stuff going on around the forum, other stuff. My chickens and cheeses have punny names

puns are awesome too!

i've also made names from the codes as well, and other random things too - like - Try A Different Perspective XD 

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