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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, toast with jam, and CAKE*


Happy Birthday, @IzzyCat91! ;)


Bright and sunny. I'm likely going to be short-staffed at my shop today, and Wednesdays are usually busy. Not a good combination, but we'll manage.


Toppage, page 697! B)

Edited by Lagie

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Good morning, CPA!

Still cold this morning, but is supposed to get up to the mid-fifties today, which is an improvement. And the sun is shining!

Going for a haircut today, otherwise probably just an at-home day.

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6 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

Good morning, CPA!

Still cold this morning, but is supposed to get up to the mid-fifties today, which is an improvement. And the sun is shining!

Going for a haircut today, otherwise probably just an at-home day.


plan to sleep through the day.

You know... for reasons.

Like allergies.

Which isn't a reason.

But it's very compelling...

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I'm up. {rubs eyes} coffee Lagie please. {not really I don't drink coffee} but the juice is good. so... i thought i would check the community board last night before bed, and here was a post that said "a couple thunders" i about had a heart attack! they had been there for 16 minutes already.

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14 minutes ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:


plan to sleep through the day.

You know... for reasons.

Like allergies.

Which isn't a reason.

But it's very compelling...

Lol. I understand completely.


I did, however, manage to get 12 hours sleep last night! I laid down for a nap at 6pm and slept until 11pm. Woke up for an hour and then slept from 12am-7am. It was glorious.

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Proper rest is imperative. You need to recharge. looks like you were exhausted. allergies can make one sick for sure. I went to a different place and was sick a whole day and slept.

Edited by Rainn

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I.. I cannot believe I've let this happen.


An egg got view bombed, and died. A blusang x pyralspite, one of my favorite lineages.

I should've been more careful.. Is there any way to revive this egg? ;-;


Also, send some of that cold here! It is way too humid here, nearly 87 degrees but feels like 90.

Would do anything for some cold snow and ice cream ^^ ❤️ 


Sleep is very important for mental health.

I am lucky to be able to get by with 8 hours of rest, 

but usually take a power nap later on in the day XD


Hope everyone is having a lovely day,

don't let your eggs dies! ❤️ 

Edited by LadyAngeliki
to keep updated with topic

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oh that's sad, LadyAngeliki, i sorry :(


i bred some seawyrns between yesterday and today for my own project.  i have to wait until next tuesday for the the final egg. since i figured i'd bred Simon and Kaylee before, they'll give me an egg.... right? nope, they weren't interested. but now i've used fertility on Kaylee, and made a note on my calendar for next week.


Edited by trystan

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28 minutes ago, LadyAngeliki said:

I.. I cannot believe I've let this happen.


An egg got view bombed, and died.

So sorry, but don't blame yourself. It is not your fault. It is the fault of some pitiful excuse of a person who has nothing better to bring them joy than to destroy other people's things. We should not have to defend our scrolls to the point that it spoils our fun in the game just to keep trolls like that from killing our eggs!


I think I am going to have to go back to my purple avatar. I don't recognize myself wearing this one. XD

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2 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

I think I am going to have to go back to my purple avatar. I don't recognize myself wearing this one. XD

i like this one. it's all rainbowy and dragony!

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Hello all~ Gotta go grocery shopping today. Ew. lol. 


Going to be shopping hungry since I'm not fond of shopping after having eaten since I have a not-so-nice gallbladder all the time. lol. 


Pippin felt not great yesterday, but today he's feeling much, much better! ❤️ 

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31 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

So sorry, but don't blame yourself. It is not your fault. It is the fault of some pitiful excuse of a person who has nothing better to bring them joy than to destroy other people's things. We should not have to defend our scrolls to the point that it spoils our fun in the game just to keep trolls like that from killing our eggs!


I think I am going to have to go back to my purple avatar. I don't recognize myself wearing this one. XD

Actually I did look at the egg a second time. They were laid just yesterday, meaning putting them into the click sea probably wasn't a good idea.

I blame lack of sleep, me being overly excited for my favorite lineage of egg, and not being cautious enough ;-;


I do miss your purple one, although this avatar is very pretty too :)

Whatever you think is best, I support ❤️ 


49 minutes ago, trystan said:

oh that's sad, LadyAngeliki, i sorry :(


i bred some seawyrns between yesterday and today for my own project.  i have to wait until next tuesday for the the final egg. since i figured i'd bred Simon and Kaylee before, they'll give me an egg.... right? nope, they weren't interested. but now i've used fertility on Kaylee, and made a note on my calendar for next week.


It's alright, just one egg. Although, I might be sad for a little while :( 


I am excited to see you finish that lineage! I barely use fertility dragons myself, cause I forget they are there. XD

But they are incredibly helpful, hoping the best for you to get the final egg ❤️ 

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7 minutes ago, LadyAngeliki said:

I am excited to see you finish that lineage!


somewhere back a page or few i posted my initial layout i made on my spreadsheet.  i've shuffled pairs around, but it still looks the same

Edited by trystan

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11 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Hello all~ Gotta go grocery shopping today. Ew. lol. 

You're going out there? Where's there's people? 😧

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16 minutes ago, trystan said:


somewhere back a page i posted my initial layout i made on my spreadsheet.  i've shuffled pairs around, but it still looks the same


I tend to do the same, I almost messed up my long hybrid stair lineage by shuffling pairs around.

Then remembered I can just rename them XD 


So even if you've shuffled pairs around, I'm sure it will be alright ❤️ 

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1 minute ago, LadyAngeliki said:

So even if you've shuffled pairs around, I'm sure it will be alright ❤️ 

yep! but i don't think i'll shuffle them when i'm breeding for the 3Gs though.  i shuffled them this time so i could put the pairs in the order i bred them.

(if that makes sense??)

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Happy birthday @IzzyCat91!


I have a very long work meeting today. It started at 1pm and we will hopefully take a break soon before going back into the meeting at 6pm. Gives me lots of time for DC though!

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Happy Birthday, Izzy! Hope you are having a good day! :)

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I'm sooo tired. 

*heads back to sleep*

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