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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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lol yeah.  stalking the cave is mostly me remembering on the 4s and 9s.... not the 6s and 1s XD


Edited by trystan

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1 hour ago, trystan said:

*Mom Stares at the hatchies anyway*

One gendered!

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7 minutes ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:
1 hour ago, trystan said:

*Mom Stares at the hatchies anyway*

One gendered!


hmm, so maybe the Mom Stare does work on getting hatchies to gender :lol:

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9 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Well, if your brakes don't work, your horn had better! XD

Horn is um... fixed. Kinda. It works but now through a button on the back of the steering column. I need a new car.


I EQd two eggs today, one hatched dark, one unaffected. The good side of it is I now have a pair of z cuddlys.


There are too many new eggs and new behaviours. I hope the new dragons' flames stay the shade of their mates and don't keep reverting back to default.


7 hours ago, Lost_Unicorn said:

Is Lagie a unicorn?

Sadly, no.

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15 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Yep! Everybody likes to tell you how wrong you are to feel the way you do!

They've figured out how alter their language to get around the mod to let you know how little they think of you without namecalling. And there's one in particular who participates in every NR thread that uses inflammatory wording to stir the pot and to gloat like he has all the answers.


Do you think the Pyropellis doused flames will reignite after the breeding cooldown is off?

I think they will.

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On 8/25/2021 at 5:39 PM, Lagie said:

*tries to send some of her rain to @Long_Before_Sunrise*

Did you get it?




Maybe you should choose another shipping method next time...


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On 8/25/2021 at 10:09 AM, Fortune86 said:


I thought that's where we were heading yeah. Looks like we'll have to finish it ourselves. 


*gets out the cardboard and pritt-stick*


Morning peeps!

*Brings out the tinfoil for heat shielding*


As ever the first of my two days off was full of housework up until 5pm. Today is revalidation and voluntary work. No wonder I'm tired all the time!


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10 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Maybe you should choose another shipping method next time...

Will do! Stay safe!


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and croissants with butter and jam*


Sunny and warm. I get my car back this morning.

Edited by Lagie

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With its working horn and dodgy brakes? ;)

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13 minutes ago, Kestra15 said:

With its working horn and dodgy brakes? ;)

I don't think Lagie actually said her brakes were dodgy. She just said they don't require brakes to pass inspection.

Shall we take up a penny collection to buy Lagie a new car?

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I'm not to be trusted with cars or car funds, I'm on my sixth in six years! 😕

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On 8/26/2021 at 11:30 AM, trystan said:


hmm, so maybe the Mom Stare does work on getting hatchies to gender :lol:

Two gendered, then three fled to adulthood yesterday.


Wow, a trader is offering 5 eggs that survived Earthquake and they're all 6 days 18 hours with no cracks.

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7 hours ago, Kestra15 said:

With its working horn and dodgy brakes? ;)

Working horn. Working brakes! :P

7 hours ago, purplehaze said:

I don't think Lagie actually said her brakes were dodgy. She just said they don't require brakes to pass inspection.

Shall we take up a penny collection to buy Lagie a new car?

Yes, please. A new car would be awesome! (We raised $17,000 + in pennies for the shelter so I'm sure you guys can do it!)

The button for

the horn is literally a button like a doorbell on the top of my steering column, and the whole steering wheel column has been shifted down about 3/4".

It's weird. But at least it works.



Impressive (but I can't seem to type below the quote...).

1 hour ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Wow, a trader is offering 5 eggs that survived Earthquake and they're all 6 days 18 hours with no cracks.

Edited by Lagie

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worked 10 to 1:30 today. weird shift, but that happened.


the NR thread kinda exploded, as did the discords, and now i have another spreadsheet bookmarked XD 


i totally missed the premier of the new season of one of my shows wednesday (2 days ago) so now i have two hours on my computer to watch.... :blink:

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7 hours ago, Lagie said:


Impressive (but I can't seem to type below the quote...).

Tried to trade for them, didn't get them 


Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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Good evening CPA!


I've rented scroll space from a few people to hold shimoga eggs, and now I have at least 12 to earthquake when the time comes. It's the only way! 🤣 

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the other day (wednesday) i picked up 2 shumoga eggs, one at each of the 9:20 and 9:25 drops.  (i make note of the time so that last hour doesn't feel like 5!)  tonight about 9:05 or so, when the eggs are at 5d15 min and 5d20min, i plan on incubating them down to 4d15min and 4d20min, and EQing for the first time ever.  i hope i get skittish shumogas! 🤞🍀


edit - i've incubated.  now i have to wait another 40 minutes.


Edited by trystan

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4 hours ago, trystan said:

the NR thread kinda exploded, as did the discords, and now i have another spreadsheet bookmarked XD 

My phone will no longer let me view spreadsheets. :rolleyes:

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i can view parts of spreadsheets on my phone in google docs, but if i want to see the whole thing, it wants me to download google Sheets. *pffft*


Edited by trystan

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Actually, I've just discovered it works in the browser, so I may have to link my other frequently used spreadsheet in a post.

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I went to the hair dresser today and she

a) was talking to another person the whole time

b) misheard my name and ignored me when i said my name is actually <redacted>

c)gave me a really **** haircut

c1)like actually it's a karen haircut

d)i look like a middle aged mom with 3 kids but emo please why

f)did the opposite of what i asked for

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11 hours ago, trystan said:

edit - i've incubated.  now i have to wait another 40 minutes.

Looks like 1 success, 1 kill?

I'm going to wait until I have my scroll goals of the white ones and then fill up my scroll with eggs again to try for the dark ones. I have one dark one that a kind soul gifted to me.


@SomeRandomCorviknight I don't think I would be going back to her again! The last time I got my hair cut I wasn't real happy with the results, either. But it was just that she left it too long on top and I knew it would start getting in my face too soon, which it already has!

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1 minute ago, purplehaze said:



@SomeRandomCorviknight I don't think I would be going back to her again! The last time I got my hair cut I wasn't real happy with the results, either. But it was just that she left it too long on top and I knew it would start getting in my face too soon, which it already has!

but the thing is there's many people and the other people are really good, it's just that one person ;0

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