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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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Shhhh! Don't tell anyone, but Fortune is actually harmless. It is all an elaborate front! *ducks*

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That is what you think.

Do you know how many poisons I had to take for you guys!

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At least you didn't fall through a barrier, cause that sure killed you.

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That was different. I was betrayed!


And who was it who actually died to lightning? o3o

Edited by Fortune86

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You where suppose to heal me! But clearly that failed.


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I still had life... But nooooo.... You had to run off and steel my marrow!

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2 hours ago, purplehaze said:
12 hours ago, trystan said:

tolls are a pain in the you-know-where!

Agreed. Especially when they are on your daily commute route.

oh yeah. i worked in New Jersey a zillion years ago, and i had to pay a toll whenever i came home. you have to pay to leave.

(seems accurate)


2 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Humidity likes whereever there is a body of water or rain or high groundwater.

ick.  can it NOT?


i have to be at work in like an hour. *sigh*

dragons later.  one of my dead eggs leaves my scroll today! yaaay!  maybe in two weeks, the eggs my vampires bite will turn to vamps and stay! :) 

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7 hours ago, trystan said:

maybe in two weeks, the eggs my vampires bite will turn to vamps and stay! :) 

After five fails in a row, my last three were successful (one replused, two stayed). Hope yours work.


I have the best volunteers. One brought the Everyone is Awesome set from Denmark for me, and another is chatting via FB with me from a LEGO store in Toronto while Nicholas, one of the staff in the store, is feeling up minifigure blind bags to find me pug boy and bee girl. XD (Note to self: set the money aside now to pay her back in three weeks' time.)

Edited by Lagie

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16 minutes ago, Lagie said:

After five fails in a row, my last three were successful (one replused, two stayed). Hope yours work.

my vamps (that i want to bite the eggs) can bite again on the 23rd and the 28th. so 🤞


oooh, they do sound like great volunteers! :) 


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48 minutes ago, Lagie said:

I have the best volunteers. One brought the Everyone is Awesome set from Denmark for me, and another is chatting via FB with me from a LEGO store in Toronto while Nicholas, one of the staff in the store, is feeling up minifigure blind bags to find me pug boy and bee girl. XD 

They obviously understand your passion for Legos. ;)


Hotter and muggier today than predicted. Accomplished very little of what I had intended. This weather just exhausts me.

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36 minutes ago, trystan said:

my vamps (that i want to bite the eggs) can bite again on the 23rd and the 28th. so 🤞


oooh, they do sound like great volunteers! :) 

Fingers crossed!


4 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

They obviously understand your passion for Legos. ;)


Hotter and muggier today than predicted. Accomplished very little of what I had intended. This weather just exhausts me.

They do!


Hot and muggy here, too. I keep planning extra bits to do after the shop closes but they're outside bits and it's just too hot.


*points people to the coronavirus thread* Scary stuff here.

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4 minutes ago, Lagie said:

*points people to the coronavirus thread* Scary stuff here.

yes there is.  and we're all getting frustrating with the covidiots still out there

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Whats the nicest way to tell a well-meaning person online you've never met to censorkip.gif off and mind their own business? Politely and professionally, of cause. Someone gave me some personalized friendship tips in my DMs on discord

14 minutes ago, trystan said:

yes there is.  and we're all getting frustrating with the covidiots still out there

oh no, let me guess, antivaxxes? 

Edited by SomeRandomCorviknight

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i usually tell people "thanks! i'll look into that!" and then i never do XD 


well, my boss at my office job is an anti-vaxxer.  but it's also some of the rethuglicans in the government too *sigh*

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Alright, they did basically the same thing to another friend, and from the way they described it, the person was even slightly ruder. No more professionally-ing, time to pull out the copypastas

14 minutes ago, trystan said:

i usually tell people "thanks! i'll look into that!" and then i never do XD 


well, my boss at my office job is an anti-vaxxer.  but it's also some of the rethuglicans in the government too *sigh*

people who are anti-vaxx confuse me... why don't they want to not die from covid?

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....or you could just ignore them.


my boss says that her t-cells/immune system can handle the covid, and that the "vaccine" doesn't prevent you from getting covid and that it's gene therapy.  (first, it's not gene therapy - i googled that.  second - my boss is a cancer survivor, and people who have had cancer and get covid could possibly get covid more serious that someone else - even if my boss has been declared cancer-free.  i started there in 2007, and i'm pretty sure she'd been finished with whatever treatment she'd been doing (radiation - they weren't going to poison her with chemo.  oh, and a complete diet change.  so i'm pretty sure they caught her cancer VERY early.  but i'm sure the covid doesn't care, if she were to get it....)

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Just now, trystan said:

....or you could just ignore them.


my boss says that her t-cells/immune system can handle the covid, and that the "vaccine" doesn't prevent you from getting covid and that it's gene therapy.  (first, it's not gene therapy - i googled that.  second - my boss is a cancer survivor, and people who have had cancer and get covid could possibly get covid more serious that someone else - even if my boss has been declared cancer-free.  i started there in 2007, and i'm pretty sure she'd been finished with whatever treatment she'd been doing (radiation - they weren't going to poison her with chemo.  oh, and a complete diet change.  so i'm pretty sure they caught her cancer VERY early.  but i'm sure the covid doesn't care, if she were to get it....)

ik, i was just joking, but actually they'll probably keep doing that if someone doesn't ask them to stop, so i might DM them nicely telling them to please stop. They seemed like they were trying to be helpful, so i think i'll say that it was a little rude and that i would prefer if they left me and my about me section alone.


I hope your boss is ok, it would be awful if they were to get the virus. ❤️

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yeah that works


well, so far she's been as she usually has been health-wise.  but she's flirting with the virus, cause i know she goes out for meals and such, and i'll bet she doesn't ever wear her mask anymore.  meanwhile, i never really stopped wearing mine.  it's just the two of us in the office, and we're distanced anyway, so we never wore them in the office anyway.  but i wear mine when i'm indoor with lotsa people, and also still at my retail job.  very peopley.

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Stay masked! Stay safe!


Good night!

*poofs in a cloud of Mentos mints*

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1 minute ago, Lagie said:

Stay masked! Stay safe!


Good night!

*poofs in a cloud of Mentos mints*

i plan on it! g'night! :) 

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