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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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Yup. Just ask exactly as Spirit said. I will have to go in on Friday as my backup feeding person will not be in, but as it's a holiday, I won't have to stay long.


Good morning, CPA! B)


*sets out coffee and toast*


How can there be screeching of brakes and almost a crash when people aren't supposed to be out? Our drivers get weirder than usual at full moon time.


Grey skies today. I'm so thankful we've had sun up till now.


Anyone want this?


Toppage, page 28! B)

Edited by Lagie

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I might ask Wednesday, Get two days of 'work' in first o3o


People are still panic buying TP round here. People who hoard should be forced to only use Izal. 

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*late hugs back*


I'm guessing Izal is an inferior brand? XD

I have a TP hoarding dragon - https://dragcave.net/view/qmgjv

(Did you want the galvanic in the previous link?)


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Izal is pretty much just grease proof paper. It doesn't clean anything. Just kinda spreads it around.


Apparently there's a 'sandpaper' option of it too.


Thank you for the offer but no. I'm still way behind on descriptions too XD

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People here have calmed down with the toilet paper. But they closed the liquor stores and took off the wine that were in the essential stores and aren't allowed to sell cigarettes either. So there is a new panic now.

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Same... but my mother is sad cause her beer supply is starting to run low XD

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ah yes... which day does the Festival of the Eggs actually start?


i'm home today, but i'm in the office tomorrow and thursday.  today i hope to watch two of my shows from the weekend that i didn't - new Clone Wars episode and a new Westworld episode too.  but first - breakfast (brunch?) and emails!

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3 hours ago, trystan said:

ah yes... which day does the Festival of the Eggs actually start?

I believe it starts on Easter Sunday.

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5 hours ago, Fortune86 said:

BTW people need to remember it'll be the Easter Egg Hunt this weekend :)

Good. I will have something to do during the upcoming five day lockdown!


3 hours ago, Classycal said:

Lagie, I took the pretty eggy!

:) Thanks for letting me know.


Yup. From Wednesday at 9 p.m. to Tuesday at 5 a.m. no one can go anywhere unless they are police, healthcare workers, or a few designated essential services. My place of work is one but my specific job isn't, not really. I will need to find a secondary back up person to feed my shop animals on Friday.

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17 minutes ago, purplehaze said:
4 hours ago, trystan said:

ah yes... which day does the Festival of the Eggs actually start?

I believe it starts on Easter Sunday.



@Lagie - that sounds like my times at home when i work Mon and Wed one week and then Tues and Thurs the next week - i don't go anywhere from Weds to Tues..... unless my shopping pick-up is in that time frame

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I wish I could show you guys the video of the food store line up today! :O

It was insane!


I will go to work tomorrow and Wed then stay put till Tuesday. Today's the first day my emotions are getting the better of me. *tissues at the ready*

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*hugs for Lagie*


tomorrow is my day in the office.  i pick up my groceries on wednesday, and probably will have to go into the store as well.  thursday is my day in the office again, and then.... i don't know yet about next week.  the past few weeks we've done this i've gone in T & Th one week then M & W the next.... but - our office is closed Fridays (which is why i had/have? a second job.)  since sunday is easter, and we need our easter holiday*, in the past years we've been off on monday.  so i don't know if next week for me will be M & W, just W, or T & Th, or some different combo.  honestly, i don't mind going in M & W next week, but it's up to the boss when i go in.  if she tells me just W cause Monday is our holiday, so be it.


*so says the boss :) 


Edited by trystan

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We do the full holiday weekend here. Friday through Monday. We are a Christian country, after all, as everyone's always saying.

Senate this morning started with a lengthy prayer followed by the 23rd Psalm and the Lord's Prayer.

Enjoy your days!

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people try to say the US is a Xian country.  erm, no, it's not.


but anyway, you enjoy your days too! :) 

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Xian?  What does that mean?  All I found was a city in China.  

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X = Chi = Christ.

Xian = Christian.

Like Xmas = Christmas.

Took me a moment! XD

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Oh, okay.  Well, the US is supposed to be a Christian country.  

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A lot of our Christian nation Christians are Sunday Christians, and especially Easter Sunday. Our churches would have been full to the brim with tents in the parking lot this weekend if we weren't locked down.

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oh wow.


i keep reading stories about states in the south still holding services with like 1000s of people.  that's not really smart right now....

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2 hours ago, trystan said:

i keep reading stories about states in the south still holding services with like 1000s of people.  that's not really smart right now....

That's down right stupid!  Covidiots!

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Good morning everyone!

I'm starting to feel the annoyance of this lockdown.

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