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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Wow, I fell off the map there for a bit, I guess! Hello everyone /grabs some pasta/


My life is pretty dramatastic these days, mostly at work. I am way too old to be dealing with this high school censorkip.gif, and I would have thought my coworkers were too old for it too, though I think I'm older than many of them. (It does rather amuse me that most people are shocked to learn I'm 30. My mom always told me I'd be happy to be mistaken for younger than I really am one day, lol.)


Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to a pot luck in honor of Ostara (aka Easter) so that will be fun and a good use of April Fools day, a day that I otherwise massively dislike.


I hope you're all doing well!

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I now have a lake accross the road from me biggrin.gif

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(Big Version)


Hooray for cyclones turning into torrential rain which leads to the worst flooding of my area in history... sad the historic pie shop got flooded though sad.gif Some guys kayaked up to the drive through but no one was there. Alas it is a dark time for pie lovers.


Also we think the white thing on the left is a fridge that washed down from the river, the river itself is a fair ways away between us and that distant hill in the picture, but it spilled out into the little creek and completely flooded the road and this whole grassy area (big enough area to play cricket on). The power lines are where the road is.


I tell ya what. Driving early in the morning when I was half asleep during the rain on thursday was probably the most terrified I've ever been whilst driving (since learning how to drive).


Apparently some sharks have been washing up at places and my mum hinted there might be some in that water cause there are bullsharks in the river... none of this is an april fools joke.

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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Yep! I am very happy to have the little one, too. It hatched almost as soon as I got it on my scroll and incubated it.


MP, what was there where the lake is now? That is pretty scary when the weather goes that bad. We had torrential rains here yesterday, too, but no flooding near us. Hubby and I had to drive 100 miles in that mess. Glad he was driving. I was so tense the whole time that my head, neck and shoulders hurt for hours after we arrived!

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And don't forget to name it! (and remember the thuwed words, this will be a joke thuwed PB lineage :3)

No. I am going to name it with my usual name for Thuwed posers. It will have the surname of Notathuwed. laugh.gif

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his name is Galactus, and he has very curly whiskers.

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I cannot tonight.


Oh, and other news - I'm vying to become an apprentice to our museum's top taxidermist. Fingers crossed I get the position.

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You face GALACTUS eradar lord of the burning legion!!!!!!


Oh wait think I got that one mixed up a little.

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I now have a lake accross the road from me biggrin.gif

user posted image

(Big Version)


Hooray for cyclones turning into torrential rain which leads to the worst flooding of my area in history... sad the historic pie shop got flooded though sad.gif Some guys kayaked up to the drive through but no one was there. Alas it is a dark time for pie lovers.


Also we think the white thing on the left is a fridge that washed down from the river, the river itself is a fair ways away between us and that distant hill in the picture, but it spilled out into the little creek and completely flooded the road and this whole grassy area (big enough area to play cricket on). The power lines are where the road is.


I tell ya what. Driving early in the morning when I was half asleep during the rain on thursday was probably the most terrified I've ever been whilst driving (since learning how to drive).


Apparently some sharks have been washing up at places and my mum hinted there might be some in that water cause there are bullsharks in the river... none of this is an april fools joke.


Stay safe, MP! and away from the sharks!




Good afternoon, CPA! cool.gif


*sets out celebratory chocolate everything*


Yesterday was VERY stressful. I got to work to find my shop dog had gone missing. sad.gif

And I never did find her before I had to go to the book sale, to the shop, back to the book sale, and then home to the cat I'm house sitting right now. This morning she was still not back, and then, wonder of wonders, I turned one corner a good distance away, en route to my aunt's for breakfast, and lo, shop dog! She was VERY pleased to see me and I to see her. wub.gif

I popped her into the car and headed back to the shop. Of course, this made me late for breakfast and today ended up being the day we had 17 people. rolleyes.gif (I'm the sous chef; the lateness did not go over well.)

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Well, I guess you could have taken the shop dog to breakfast! Would that have gone over better? laugh.gif (Very glad that the dog was found!)

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No, the dogs at my aunt's house would not have appreciated that, though I will admit, the thought did cross my mind!

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Our dog was going crazy on me about ten minutes ago. That's what I get for handling a decaying raven, I guess.


I must have the weirdest hobby.

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Hey there spirit.


My train station doesn't have any parking atm so I'm gonna have to drive down to the station before it to get the train to my station before switching to a bus before going back to a train so I can get to uni on time tomorrow tongue.gif


And I have to be at uni before 9 (technically at 9 but I like to get there early so I have time to cool down after the walk).

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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Hi there MP!


Man that sounds like a lot of effort to get to uni!

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Well look up at what lagie quotes from me and you'll see why.


EDIT: Heres why, this is what my train station looked like 2 days ago.

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Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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