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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Mugs and hooches just doesn't seem quite as friendly! laugh.gif

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sad.gif Sorry to hear it Fort.

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Random TV Show Idea: Hospital drama focusing on mythical creature patients.


"Ma'am I have to inform you that your son has lycanthropy. We can provide you with a prescription for worming tablets and give you a list of recommeded butchers. He's gonna need a lot more red meat in his diet".

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Mugs and hooches just doesn't seem quite as friendly! laugh.gif

Unless it's a mug of hot coffee! biggrin.gif


Manged three of my six work hours today, and am about to crash back into bed. rolleyes.gif

I'm ready to be well again.


@rainbowlight - One word posts aren't allowed. Please try to give people something to respond to.

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Nothing special planned here, either, but it is a lovely spring day here, so I will probably try to get outside and maybe plant some early garden.

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My weekend is Sunday/Monday so it's just beginning!

I somehow survived a full work day today in spite of not yet being 100%. I kept trying to leave but it got so busy whenever I tried, donations coming in, sales going out, copies to be made... We made over $800 in four hours which is great!


*falls back into bed, forgetting completely about food*


Toppage, page 64! cool.gif (My birth year! laugh.gif )


Speaking of birthdays, today is Rubyshoes' and Dashidragon's. I hope both are well!

Edited by Lagie

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'Sup CPA!


Probably not hanging around, I have scripting to do, but figured I'd just say hi to you lot ovo

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My personal pet project Scarred. Been in the works since 2012 and it's very important to me <3


Yes! I enjoy looking through DC requests every so often.

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I think it's interesting, I like it and hope to see it finished one day.


Id like to help with designing dragons but my method of designing often takes the several hours that I don't really have to spare :<


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Lol it will attract all the jp lovers.

It's based off velociraptors after all

And they even make mostly raptor noises.

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Or, you know, what some people hypothesised raptors sounded like.


I hate first drafts, they're so ugly and the dialogue and choreography likes to be clunky >_> Can't wait to get this step over so I can move on the second and third versions. At the same time, I can't rush it.

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Hooray I'm finally home and this new monitor is burning my eyes!!!!!


Also screw my game shop, they sent me a code to download Mass Effect, thats 45gigs!

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Afternoon CPA~


I made a new friend today!


His name is Ben.


Ben is a palm cockatoo.


We established our friendship after drumming on the ground together, the song of his people.

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Hi Fortune!


MP, Ben is legit a cockatoo. Huge beak, expressive crest, and a um, very loud voice when he wants to be heard. Even if everyone's right there in front of his aviary.

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