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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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I know how you feel.

In Terraria there is an item that teleports you back to your home. Sometimes when I'm super deep underground and fighting things I accidentally select the teleport mirror. Then I have to re-do the whole run again.

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It is but I still need it when I'm in really big trouble xd.png

Like the other day I entered a dungeon but I was getting my butt whooped. So I teleported back before I lost my life xd.png


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Yeah it is nice to have a free way out when you are in trouble.


Oooh. I've just had Jade Cocoon flashbacks...

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I only figured out now how to make bottled water in Terraria O.O

Took me a freaking while. I even read the wiki and didn't understand it. My brain clicked now what I'm suppose to do.

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I'm on my fourth run on Fallout and I've only just figured out how to rotate items. I used to just drop them from a height and hope they landed the right way up.

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Good morning, CPA!B)


*drags herself in, yawning, and sets up the food kind of haphazardly*


Thanks for the pillows, Fortune!


Good luck with the move, Mr. Kestra!

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Hey, Fortune! Caught me lurking again? I was just trying to catch up with today's posts without missing any of the hopeless 5 minute drops in the volcano! ohmy.gif


Kestra, good luck with the move and all. It sounds like it will be a good thing for you even if it's a bit scary.


Feeling any better, Lagie?


Quiet day here, I think. Have to go grocery shopping in a bit. Hubby has a chiropractor appointment so I will ride along and go to the store while he is there.

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It was my dogs birthday... two days ago (was yesterday but it just hit midnight so two days) and we forgot.


She is a disgusting creature who has been treading dirt throughout the house and playing in the mud and rain.

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I have no idea when most of our animals were born. 90% of them were adopted so we can only take a wild guess.

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Our german shepard was a pure bred bought from breeders. Mum wanted a friendly dog, so we know her birthday. The second dog is a pound puppy so we don't know.

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We know that Devon was born 15th February, but for Daisy amd all the cats we have no idea. Their 'age' is the length of time we've had them plus a few months xd.png

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Afternoon CPA.


Hey Purple, I personally have no interest in hunting the vein eggs, but if I find a red or blue one, you can have it. (That is, when I'm not egg locked.)


I do sort of the same thing as Fortune with my pets, especialy since all I own personally are birds and fish. Unless I get them while the breeder is still dropping them off, I have only their arrival date to go by. So often I just celebrate their birthdays on the first day of the month I got them. Easier to keep track of sice my calendar is already cluttered with family birthdays.


edit: typo

Edited by irrelevantindigo

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Feeling any better, Lagie?

So-so. Tried to go to work, lasted just over two hours before coming home and sleeping most of the rest of the daylight away. rolleyes.gif


I hope everyone's days have gone well.

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It's tiring, irrelevantindigo. I think I'm okay, then I suddenly crash and sleep for a few hours.

Tylenol is keeping the joint aches in check, thank goodness.


How are you?

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mm, tylenol can be quite the savior.


I'm alright. Gonna start some new meds soon which means all sorts of side effects. But it's also exciting? Yeah.

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Riding without stirrups at a trot and weaving poles is a lotta fun. Too bad I failed yet again to manage a canter.


How's everyone doing? Lagie, sorry to hear you're having things a bit rough D:

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Wyvern, idk if you notice, but our roleplay almost fell of the first page.

I love to keep roleplays as active as possible.

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I noticed. :u spent Tuesday working on whale baleen, Wednesday totally exhausted and drawing, today riding and now more drawing. Do I have to keep coming up with excuses as to why I don't RP every day?


Sulphur-crested cockatoo just came outta the beetle enclosure. Left it in there too long and now it has some bone damage. Sigh. One day I'll get the timing down.

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