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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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...There's really no benefit to vitamins.

The most you can do is get stuff that'll help for the symptoms. If he has a blocked nose breathing in steam (best place is the shower) is a good option.

As well as stay hydrated.

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I think a trophy has glitched on The Technomancer. Supposed to get a bronze for 20 competed side quests and I've done 24. 


Edit: I'm just trying to get him to stay out of the cold. 

Edited by Fortune86

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That's always a good idea, just make sure he doesn't get a fever.

Are you ever gonna change your little title fort? You used to have Level 11 but now you're just back at 10.


EDIT: Hmm I wonder if I have like the lowest posts per how long you've been on the forums, what is it 112 posts per year? That's quite low.

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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Title changed o3o


My usual post count has dropped a lot since I stopped RPing. I keep meaning to try and take it up again. 

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Yeah I've switched to freeform, so between that and this my posts really haven't gone up a lot.


OMG fort, it's 1006!


Wait sorry my scouter was upside down, it's over 9000.

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I wonder if I should attempt another super school RP type thing, but rather than being a proper academy its more of an after school thing. 

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Didn't you like have an idea for that, but just stopped?

I'm in a super school rp right now :D though it's been going real slow...

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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I have a lot of RPs that died XD


That one was a 'secret' night class. This one would be public knowledge in a world were roughly 10% of the population have powers. 

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I think that one was the last one I thought of. Trying to work it out got too complicated with too many rules to keep things balanced.

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I'm currently in 3 rp's right now :D

They're good fun, though the 2 bigger ones I'm in have significantly slowed down.

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I'll have to do some thinking. 


I'd definitely have to play the teacher, but would I get away with being a student as well or would that be more work than I could handle right now?

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Finally a small break.

Why so much work this early in the year!

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Catching up from the holidays?


I've change the site theme and now it all looks weird XD

Edited by Fortune86

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Nope... Working coming in for this weeks newspaper that's keeping me busy.


Sit theme?

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I have the basic one on, I used to run the spring one in the old forums but they don't have it anymore. I don't like the blue one, loses the dragoncave touch.


Uhh I just unlocked my 2nd favourite character in my fighting game, her shtick is she's the slowest character but hits and tanks like a... tank!

I breezed through her personal story missions 1-4 then i got to 5 where you fight the fastest character in the game... who also happens to hit like a tank! I got absolutely stomped!! The difficulty for the mission is rated 5/10 :P

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I prefer games where you can level up and over power opponents XD


That remind me though...


@Tigerkralle In regards to The Technomancer, are you a twirly whirly, a thwacky tank or a stabby shooty? 

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From missions 1-4 I got from lvl 0 to lvl 20 :P


Another annoying thing is that for the story missions I have to fight the other playable characters from the alternate stories, and because I have to fight thme multiple times when the fight is over the cut scene always plays my characters as being worse for wear while the bosses I just wrecked haven't got a scratch, and they're all like "oh you're so weak, I just let you win".

And I'm just thinking, "uh no, I just cleaved through all your men without taking a scratch and beat you before you could even transform into your super mode".

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I switch between the default and blue one a lot. Depending on my mood XD

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