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The Dawn and the Dusk OOC

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Children born of the Sun will always seek it...

Children born of the Moon will always covet it..

These are truths that are unavoidable.


Many years ago, our world was split into two, after the many wars that occurred between both sides.

Sol, the world of the Sun, where light is the sole truth...

Luna, the world of the Moon, where shadow is the firm idealism...

Both worlds, the same, yet different. The split was unavoidable. The Ancient Ones could no longer stand to see their mortal races fight endlessly.


In Sol, the Sun always rises, and has never set, eternally blue, clouds shrouding the heavens. The rain here is pleasant, but it never snows, for the heat of the Sun would not allow such a thing. People walk among the roads eternally, living comfortably in the warm rays of the Sun. It is quiet here, like a lazy summer day. No progress is made here. The people of Sol are eternally stuck in the medieval ages, when the world was split.


In Luna, the Moon is immortal. The few rays of Sol's Sun that reflect on the moon are the only light here, save the myriad of stars that coat the blanket of infinite night. Here, progress is key. In the cold, endless night, technology is the triumph. Unlike the people of the Sun, who are pleased to simply sit idly by and let their lives go on, the people of the dark earn happiness through other means - whether it be sins or other dark actions. Crime here isn't unusual, since materials are the only way for people to enjoy themselves in this dark world. Nightclubs and prostitution run rampant, plus black markets and other things hidden in the shadows.


As such, both worlds have their pros and cons, and have lived this way for a thousand years. But recently, a few select people have felt... pulled. Those of the Daylight who have been chosen feel like they are incomplete, and people of the Moonlight who have been chosen feel a similar way. They are not pleased with their lives.


There is only one way for the worlds to meet, and it's been sealed. But the seal is weakening. The door is cracking open, allowing the lights of both worlds to cross.

But the Ancient Ones have gone silent and have said nothing of why this would be. Why are the worlds opening to each other again? What will happen if they meet once more, these people of the Sun who are content to simply exist, and these people of the Moon who desire nothing more than progress?


That choice is up to you, chosen ones.






Character Name:

World: (Sol/Luna)





Personality: (optional. I'll trust you to play well.)

Trinket: (Something from their world. This will be more explained later, after everyone has one.)





(( Yes. I'm bringing back an old classic, after a lot of prodding from a few notable people. This one WILL have some changes but there is ONE rule - each post must at least be a large size. Text walls are preferred. This is because the original normally fleshed out everything, from the barest movement to the smoke in the air. This is your chance to truly become a character lost in a town of light or a city of darkness. Those who played in the original - feel free to reuse old characters. :3c ))







Username: Thaelasan

Character Name: Bartholomew "Bear" Vincent Starlight.

World: Sol

Age: 22

Gender: Male

History: Bear is a natural steampunk inventor by trade, having been taught by his father as - one day - he would be taking the family business. His family was the family which invented the zeppelins used by most of Sol for trade. As such, you'd think he'd be proud.

He, strangely enough, has not been married or considered it, as he is always too engrossed in his work to pay attention to things like that. Though his parents keep pushing him to do it. Of course, with his background, it would probably be easy to earn a woman's hand by money alone, but he isn't interested in doing that.

But, like most people of Sol, honor means little. He's just happy to be of help, in any way he can, though the money from that honor helps with buying more things to build with.

He currently runs a laboratory in northeastern Apollo. (( Which other characters can start in)), called the Starlight Steamworks.

Appearance: Like his nickname suggests, Bear is a large man. Standing at 6'5" and muscular from his years of working in the factory and heavy lifting, he looks more like a fierce woodsman than an inventor. A lot of people don't believe he's the owner of Starlight Steamworks the first time they meet him. But he doesn't mind. He has braided facial hair (in order to avoid getting it stuck in machines) and a pair of goggles he wears whenever he's working. He normally has them up in his brown hair when they're not covering his green eyes.

Personality: (optional. I'll trust you to play well.)

Trinket: His goggles, which were given to him by his father and have been passed down through generations of the Starlight family line.



Username: Thaelasan.

Character Name: Number 2213. (Garas "Gar" Thenas Barold.)

World: Luna.

Age: 21

Gender: Male

History: 2213. Those are the numbers that were given to him upon his induction in the National Security and Safety Force (NSSF). It was one of his proudest moments, if he could feel something like that, but it was to be expected. All men of age should join the NSSF for at least 10 years at some point in their lives. Since he had no wife or family to care about, like many of his age, he did it now.

As such, like all the others, he is not called by name - he is another number.

His family is like many of the others - common, but lives in the Athena high-class area. He can't remember why, like most.

Appearance: Short cut, white hair. He has purple eyes, thanks to genetic manipulation. He normally wears NSSF combat gear and a pair of sunglasses (as his purple eyes are sensitive to light). He is 6'1". He's slightly lean. His skin is pale, like most people of Luna.

Personality: (optional. I'll trust you to play well.)

Trinket: A necklace, from his mother. He doesn't really know why he keeps it. Perhaps... memory? He doesn't even remember her name, really.



Username: Thaelasan.

Character Name: Hallea Willa Noras.

World: Luna.

Age: 20.

Gender: Female.

History: Hallea has just graduated from all of her schooling. As such, she is currently searching for a career which suits her, as a master of electronics. She is capable of hacking, but as most of the world of Luna is electronically controlled, hacking is the most illegal crime, punishable by mutilation or death. But, then again, Hallea has never considering doing it. There's no point.

She has also considered prostitution to get by, but decided against it. As such, she is currently trying to make ends meet and make up her mind, since now her parents are no longer legally obligated to support her at her age.

Appearance: Long, silver hair and a pair of cat ears adorn her head, thanks to genetic manipulation, which increases her agility and reflexes. As a young girl, she voluntarily underwent the procedure.

Her eyes have catlike pupils, which make her eyesight in the dark more powerful. She is 6'00", but lithe. She is well-endowed.

Personality: (optional. I'll trust you to play well.)

Trinket: A ring from her foster father, who she does not remember. It plays a hologram of her parents saying "I love you.", though... that can't be true, can it?



Username: Thaelasan

Character Name: Ulric Cromwall/Fenrir Blackwind

World: Sol, then Luna, then Sol again.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

History: Ulric was born in Sol as the child of a human mother and a draconic father, far from Apollo, far from the villages of the civilized and the known. But before he could know of his true roots and his abilities, he was brought by his mother to the Gate in the Temple of the Sun as part of her normal rituals. But she did not know the seal was weakening.

Before her eyes, the Gate absorbed her infant son and took him from her as she cried out in despair. He was moved between the worlds and found himself in the outskirts of Athena and adopted by a Lower Class family.

The years passed by and he began to realize something about him was different. Before his eighteenth birthday, when the genetic implants would be used to turn him into an immortal, he finally grew sick of this after finding out (from the doctors) that he was not his parent's child.

Feeling confused, alone, and frightened, he ran from home, through the cold and wet streets of Luna, across the land, until he could run no further.

And before him was the Gate of Athena and Artemis.

He begged it to let him go anywhere but here.

To go home.

When he opened his eyes, he had found himself within the temple of Apollo, kneeling in front of a young, fox-eared spirit who looked down on him with confusion. He accompanied her back to her home where her family nursed him back to health and helped him calm himself.

He has been there since then, afraid of Luna finding this place.

Appearance: White hair, left free on his shoulders. 5'11" height. Slightly lean. Green eyes. Pale complexion.

Personality: (optional. I'll trust you to play well.)

Trinket: Is the only character without a trinket. This will be explained down the line.



Username: Thaelasan

Character Name: Feyla Lastchild

World: Sol

Age: 18

Gender: Female

History: Feyla is part of a tribe of Kitsune people, bound to the spirit of the fox, outside of civilization. They live within a forest which gives them the gifts of nature, such as food and shelter.

As such, her entire life has been kind and gentle, quiet, and peaceful. She has never known war or pain, or suffering.

Appearance: A pair of fox ears and a tail decorate an otherwise normal, human body. She wears something resembling a kimono and a pair of sandals. She has blonde hair, with a moderate body. She is 5'8".

Personality: (optional. I'll trust you to play well.)

Trinket: A pair of earrings that decorate both ears.






Username: zakku_uchiha

Character Name: Mina Rayne Petrovsky

World: (Sol/Luna) Luna

Age: 22

Gender: Female

History: (( Creator has requested to RP this. Request has been granted. ))

Appearance: Mina is a fairly short, thin, frail and petite looking young woman, who many have mistaken for a child at times. Standing just around 5'2" and an average weight just around a hundred pounds, it's not too difficult to see why. She keeps her thin, straight and brunette colored hair kept cut short in the back, revealing her thin neck, while the front is grown out just past her collarbone, her bangs kept out of her face with a basic hair clip. A thin face, with a short perky nose and small yet smooth lips, adorns a pair of dark hazel eyes that seem so much more sinister than her overall appearance. As for her body, she has a slim, athletic frame, with various scars that are hidden beneath her clothing, and a bust settling in the C category that she keeps wrapped up to both reduce their movement and disorient the judgement of those around her. Now, what's most interesting is her natural hazelnut complexion that's not often seen among the residents of Luna.

Being the least bit interested in fashion, Mina has two basic categories of styles she can be seen wearing. First, and probably her most common attire, usually consists of dark colored cargo-style sweat pants with an elastic waist, a light grey or white tank top or spaghetti strapped shirt which clearly reveals her wrapped up chest, and a pair of red minimalist shoes. Less than often, Mina can also be seen wearing a pair of denim short-shorts that cover the bear essentials, dark colored leggings that reach up to mid-thigh, either a midriff bearing top or just a sports bra, and a pair of dark colored running shoes. Rarely, ever so rarely, she can be seen in a skirt, with spats underneath, a loose t-shirt with a small dark colored hoodie that had its sleeves cut off to the elbow, and a pair of shoes reminiscent of what skaters would wear.

Personality: (optional. I'll trust you to play well.)

Trinket: Despite not having any kind of fascination for jewelry or trinkets, Mina does wear a black neck band embroidered with a silver lining that makes a tribal pattern. Obtained from the only person Mina ever cared for, who requested her to end their life in a way that pleased her the most.



Username: zakku_uchiha

Character Name: Damien Vance the Unchained

World: Sol

Age: 28

Gender: Male

History: As a child, Damien was at first cared for by both his mother and father, Ellena and Fredrick Vance, but when a battle broke out in the southern part of the continent, his father was called upon for assistance. He never returned. Two years later, shortly after Damien turned six, his mother fell terribly ill and, despite all the efforts of the doctors, she passed away just a few months later. It was at this time Damien decided to dedicate himself to the study of alchemy and herbology.

With the support of his aunt and uncle, Damien spent the next eight years studying on how to make potions and what he could do to increase their potency, but he came into a brick wall... he lacked the magical skills necessary.

Taking up magic hadn't been as difficult as he had expected, his father having been an archmagus meant he shared the same potential, but even then his potions were only capable of so much. Two years had passed by this point and Damien was finally acknowledged into society as a respected adult, but during his travels he would come to discover this was all about to change, for one stormy eve as he was sitting within the shelter of an inn, he noticed what he had originally thought to be a young girl taking shelter under a tree who's leaves were beginning to whither in preparation for the coming winter. Approaching her, using his coat as best he could to shield them both from the rain, it wasn't until she looked up that he realized this girl was no ordinary human.

Desperate emerald-green eyes looked back into his and he buckled for a moment, noticeably swallowing the tension he was feeling, but something kept him there. No spell or curse had been cast on him, but he found himself unable to do what many others had done before and walk away. What sealed his fate was when he asked just the simplest of questions, "would you like to come inside?" After being granted permission to retrieve his belongings, Damien was promptly evicted from the inn and told to find another place to stay, only to experience similar denials at other establishments, but he refused to leave the girl behind just so he could stay in a warm bed while knowing she was still stuck in such terrible weather.

Several months passed and such experiences had become common for the new pair, but Damien made the best of it by forming a contract with the girl, who he came to find was actually a devil and not just a common demon. So, with their pact sealed by blood, Damien continued to travel with his ally up to the current time, honing his skills in various methods, from swordplay, to summoning, elemental magic and basic to advanced medicines, even learning tactics of traders and merchants to make coin off of his potions. Yet, despite the accusations and threats from some places, Damien never got discouraged nor did he consider leaving his newfound partner.

Appearance: Damien, unlike most young men around his age, isn't very tall nor is he terribly bulky, standing at a less than average height of 5'8" and weighing a little more than a hundred and sixty pounds. Of course, despite his lithe and somewhat initial lanky appearance, he's built well enough to put up a decent counter in swordplay and get away from his more dangerous adversaries. Proportionally, he's thin in the face and, to keep his head from looking to small, he keeps his almost ebony-colored hair cut short. With thin lips and a rather short nose, the most distinguishing feature is his bright, sapphire blue eyes that almost seem to glow, assuming one hadn't taken notice to his pointed ears or elongated and doubled canines, both of which he tries to keep out of sight as much as possible.

Due to this, Damien often wears a set of black, hooded robes to cover his ears and refrains from speaking when it isn't necessary. Underneath, he also wears a sleeveless blue vest over a white, button-up collared shirt and a pair of dark brown pants that have an assortment of pockets. As for shoes, he'll usually have a pair of standard leather boots when going into taverns or shops, but while he travels he usually goes without anything. Lastly, Damien is often seen carrying a rather large pack that carries not only the essentials for staying outside, but an assortment of alchemical items and tomes for potion making as well. Of course, secured to his waist, Damien also carries what at first appears to be a rapier, is actually a custom made sword meant to be fast and durable, but also retain its cutting and slashing capability.

Personality: (optional. I'll trust you to play well.)

Trinket: Damien has a silver pocket watch, passed down to him through his uncle from his father. There's nothing terribly fancy or unique about it, outside of the family crest on the front, which consists of a Phoenix surrounded by eight daggers pointing outwards in a sort of circular formation.



Username: zakku_uchiha

Character Name: Lilith

World: Sol

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

History: Long, long ago, before the Final War between the continents of Sol and Luna, an ancient wizard had been searching for a means to quell the fighting between two cities that had once been on good terms with the other, now locked in combat over a judicial issue from acts performed between a pair of each's citizens. Determining the quickest method would be through summoning a powerful demon and separating the two through fear, what the wizard got instead was a young and inexperienced devil child instead. Regardless, the wizard tried to make do with what he had gotten, but was sorely disappointed at the end results. Enraged, the wizard broke the pact he had made and, rather than granting the devil to return to her realm, he instead abandoned her and left her to find another means to get back.

At the time, such magic hadn't been looked down upon, so many other similar happenings had occurred, leaving demons and devils alike, stranded in the realm of man. At first, fear prevented Lilith from finding a suitable retainer, but as the years passed and laws were established, that fear turned into hatred further isolating her from finding a way to get back to what she called home.

Eventually, war broke out between the two great continents and Lilith had to hone both her strength and magic in order to survive. What she had lacked before, now became her only means of survival, but then the great gate was establish and the continent of Sol, in which she now resided took a turn towards peace.

Still, regardless of how friendly the inhabitants became with one another, their view on her kind hardly changed. Every door, every window, every stall she approached turned her away in a similar manner, out of spite or from fear of becoming shunned themselves.

Not all looked away, however, when Lilith approached seeking assistance. Some residents provided some food, while others let go of clothing that no longer fit, but shelter was the one thing most difficult to acquire. When weather was poor, the most one family provided was the permission to sleep in their barn, but at the request to leave as soon as she woke.

Centuries passed and treatment hardly changed, unlike the laws against the summoning or the forming of contracts with her kind. One evening, when the weather turned foul, Lilith found herself taking shelter underneath a large tree, doing her best to stay dry and away from the torrents of wind. This too, wasn't uncommon to her, but what occurred next had taken her by complete surprise. A boy, holding his coat over his head, had approached her and did his best to help keep her dry, then he had asked her a question she never thought she would hear, "would you like to come inside?" For the first time in a long time, she felt hope swelling within her chest, but it soon turned to dismay when they actually tried to enter together. Thinking he would change his mind and turn her away, she reluctantly began to walk away, only to hear him call out to her to wait as he gathered his belongings from the room he had been staying in. Upon hearing that, the feeling was renewed and, despite the same events occurring no matter where they tried, she knew a new pact would soon be formed between them.

Several years had passed after that, but no matter what, this boy never seemed to even consider leaving Lilith on her own again and an official contract had been made between them. With her aid, the boy had also picked up on his swordplay and use of the destructive arts, but his primary focus had always been on herbalism and medicine.

Now, the two travel to many of the cities, selling and trading the potions the boy makes and acquiring better camping gear that they often use when they have been restricted from using any of the establishments within the city or town.

Appearance: Lilith, at first, appears to be a young, small and frail looking girl, but her turquoise hair and orchid-colored pair of horns quickly establish what she really is. With a small and petite frame, Lilith is very child-like in appearance, standing just under 5'4" one wouldn't think she would weigh very much. Yet, as best as she can describe, the sheer amount of magical energy within her prevents her foes from simply tossing her about like a doll. Of course, this is controlled by her, typically weighing on average just around a hundred pounds. Emerald, cat-like eyes are set on a small, round face with thin lips and a small, somewhat upward canted nose. As previously described, Lilith also has short, turquoise-colored hair and a pair of dark purple horns that have begun to wrap around from the back of her head, twisting upwards toward the front, in an almost crown-like fashion. Small, pointed ears stick out from behind her hair on either side and at the lower outside corner of each eye, a pair of markings extend into points to just above her cheekbones. Lastly, Lilith as natural dark-skinned complexion that makes her stick out even more amongst the locals. Of course, she also has a thin black tail that ends with a spade-shaped crest, but that's a more common feature amongst devils and the humanoid demons alike.

As for clothing, the most common piece of attire she wears is an old set of robes given to her by her partner after their initial meeting, washed when it can be, but still rugged after years of journeying. Underneath, she has an old and rather large button-up top that can only be shrouded by the robe itself, and a belt that she wears to keep it snug around her waist. As for pants, she has a pair of torn shorts and a pair of black stockings that look just as rugged, with holes on the inner thigh area, around the knee and some near her calves. Lastly, she has a pair of leather boots that have light armor plating over the toes and up the shin from the ankle, the bottoms have been carved up slightly to provide traction, but feature nothing else terribly extraordinary.

Personality: (optional. I'll trust you to play well.)

Trinket: Lilith doesn't fancy trinkets, but she does wear a pair of black bands around each ring finger, the only attire reminiscent of her home, but features no special function aside from serving as a reminder.





Username: Doctortear

Character Name: Ophelia Delphine Noir

World: Sol

Age: 27

Gender: Female

History: Ophelia hails from a tribe of lycans, called the Draugluin, that was created after a witch cast a curse on a family who had broken an oath they had taken for her. Just what the oath was and why the tribe’s ancestors had so foolish betrayed a wish was forgot generations ago and none of the lycans, Ophelia included, ever felt inclined to rediscover their ancestors reasonings for going against the witch’s wishes. The Draugluin were nomadic, traveling from one side of the continent to the next in an eternal search for good hunting grounds and decent weather. Ophelia never knew her mother as she died when Ophelia was no more than a pup. Her relationship with her father was strained at best and practically broken at worse. As the leader of the tribe, Ophelia’s father wanted to pass the title of leader down to her once he was no longer able to lead. With their differing ideologies and Ophelia’s insistence that she was by no means prepared to be a leader, the two did not get along.


When not hunting, exploring the world, or arguing with her father, Ophelia was off watching humans from a distance. The tribe’s members was forbidden to interact with humans in fear that they’d invoke the wrath of another unruly witch. As such, the Draugluin knew very little about the “civilized world” and viewed the wondrous advancements of technology as strange contraptions that needed to be avoided. Though fearful, Ophelia was fascinated by the odd inventions of humans and would often sneak away from the tribe to watch humans toy with their little machines. Alas, naught more than a three months after she turned twenty-seven, Ophelia’s father passed away after being caught in a dangerous hunting accident. The tribe expected Ophelia to take the reigns of command but after feeling a sense of dread over her new responsibility and still mourning over her father’s demise, Ophelia fled. The Draugluin were unable to locate her as she ran far away from her friends and family, fleeing to places she had never been before. Now, Ophelia is lost and far away from her tribe. For a few months, she wandered around aimlessly, looking for some sense of reason to grapple to her mind.

Appearance: Contrary to her personality, Ophelia has a regal presence with a refined composition. She stands around 5’6” (171cm) tall with a lithe, yet muscular, build. Her silky, wavy hair is impossibly long and looks like a cascade of black curls crawling down her back down her back. She has medium brown skin with little to no imperfections in sight. Her almond shaped eyes are a light gray. Her cheeks and rose-tinted and plump while her lips are thin and finely pointed. Her dark eyebrows arch elegantly over her eyes and are thin with narrow points. Ophelia dons a short hooded cloak that tied together right underneath her neck. The cloak itself is a faded blue on the outside and a muted brown on the inside. Ophelia wears a striking blue blouse with fine yellow thread threaded throughout it. A wide, dark blue, cloth belt lined in the same yellow thread that is on the blouse is wrapped loosely around Ophelia’s waist. Ophelia wears two layer skirt, the top layer being blue and the bottom being white, hangs around her waist and reaches down to her knees, exposing everything below. Ophelia, like most from her tribe, detests shoes and and walks around barefoot.

Also like most of her tribe, is forever signaled out by her lack of human ears and her very apparent wolf ears that perch on top of her head and her bushy tail that is mostly obscured by her cloak. The gray ears are much like that of a German Shepherd in that they are always raised upward in an attentive state. The tail is large and extraordinarily fluffy; its size and grandeur make it very hard to miss when not covered up and even harder to miss if it’s wagging; however, Ophelia's extra appendages don’t come without a cost. Like the rest of her tribe, Ophelia is cursed with the ability to change into a wolf-like creature whose only desire is to feed. The creature Ophelia turns into looks less like a wolf and more like a strange humanoid creature with the ferocious visage of an enraged canine. Though Ophelia does have control over her lycan form and can change at will, she looks ferocious nevertheless which can easily startle the many people who do not know what lycans are or how docile they really are.

Personality: Much unlike her appearance, Ophelia is a carefree individual. She has a love for adventure and is prone to exploring new environments whenever she is able. Her adventurous nature leads Ophelia to be rather noisy, often causing her to stick her nose in places that she really shouldn’t be in. Ophelia is highly curious and is easily intrigued by a new toy or some fascinating feather she just so happened to stumble upon. Though her tribe has programmed her to be initially distrusting of strangers, Ophelia is naturally gullible and can be easily dragged off by some stranger if not supervised. Despite her enthusiastic, if not somewhat childish, demeanor, Ophelia is by no means dull-witted. She is highly analytic and can figure out if someone’s advances are in good heart or not. She absolutely adores learning new things and gets incredibly excited when someone offers to share knowledge with her or shows interest in learning in a topic she is well-rehearsed in. She is flexible with her beliefs and is more than willing to change her morals if a better option is brought forth. Ophelia believes in enjoying the moment and worrying about the future when it happens. As such, she is utterly terrible with responsibility and cannot be trusted to perform the simplest of tasks on her own. She often tries to forget the mistakes of the past and tends to sweep her faults underneath the rug and pretend they don’t exist. Though cordial herself, Ophelia is astonished by those who are verbally and physically abusive to others. She cannot fathom why someone would intentionally be rude to someone without a good reason to be provoked. Unsurprisingly, Ophelia adores puns and wordplay of all sorts. The easiest way to get Ophelia excited, besides offering to explore with her or give her a new puzzle to solve, is by joking around with her or telling a clever pun.

Trinket: A bright blue topaz that is embedded into small silver earring. The earring is settled in Ophelia’s right ear near the tip of her ear. The earring has been past down the Noir line every since the family was cursed by the witch. Although Ophelia rejected her newfound position of leader of her tribe, she accepted the earring from her father when he was on his deathbed.

Other: "I'll wait for the Sunset." Though she may not look like it, Ophelia is by no means over the death of her father and is still burdened by her selfish decision to leave her tribe behind. Though she desperately needs to resolve the issue, she will absolutely refuse to talk about her personal affairs, especially to strangers she barely knows. Ophelia has a decent singing voice and is an adept dancer.




Username: KuroKishi

Character Name: Valerian "Raven" Remington

World: Luna

Age: 28

Gender: Male


History: Valerian's birth occurred in a disheveled and mostly run-down surgical unit in one of the many slums of Athena. The unit once belonged to a high-end medical firm that decided to branch off from the upper areas of the city - where the majority of the high class chose to reside - to offer the low-class citizens proper healthcare, but soon found itself on the verge of bankruptcy when almost all of their specialized clinics were usurped by the underground gangs that decided to simply seize them from their rightful owners and place their own 'doctors' and 'surgeons' within that could offer the same services and supplies - at a much lower cost and with special preference, of course.

Though even finding a proper place to give birth in is something difficult in the lower parts of Athena - and especially the Winter district, which was considered the filth of the city and was not even mentioned once by Canadrey or the news - Mirrah, the mother of Valerian, was lucky enough to have a couple of affiliates from a gang that managed to slip her through - that is, naturally, after they had set some terms and fees she would pay back afterward, one of which was giving her kidney on-the-spot for them to sell to cover the surgery once it was complete.

Inheriting his mother's last name because his father was... gone, once it was found that Mirrah was pregnant, the young Remington's early years were one of the toughest on his lone parent. As she was at work all the time to manage the fees she owed to the landlord and the new debts made during her child's birth, Mirrah was forced to leave the child for various amounts of time from the moment it could eat on its own. Until he reached his early childhood, Valerian would often spend his whole days sat in front of the table of their small kitchen, strapped in so he couldn't get out but was comfortable enough and hands on the table surface, where his mother left things he could eat easily as a baby. Thankfully for Mirrah, her son adapted quite quickly to taking care of himself, as she feared the idea of coming back one day to find her small baby's body slumped over the table from malnutrition - or, worse, on the ground with a cracked skull.

Things got a bit easier on her once Valerian learned the basics, such as walking and talking, and then quickly overcame the issues of looking after himself. With the needs weighing down on her further and further, she had to occasionally leave and tell the young man to not open the door to anyone, then return almost days later from wherever she had to go to earn the two a living. Though he was worried for her health at first, after seeing her return pale and with disheveled garments, the child knew there was barely anything he could do - or was there?

Sharing some of his hard-working traits from his mother, the small Remington actually found something he could do to also help his mother with the funds they'd need. Whilst out walking one day with her, he found a small stand near their apartment building where a kindly old man worked on various electronical gadgets - something that often caught Valerian's fancy enough to make him stop and let go of his mother's hand, much to her annoyance once she also noticed the fact he wasn't following her and had to return to reclaim and scold him for his behavior.

After a few weeks to convince his mother in the fact he could roam outside by himself, then a few more to introduce himself to the old man and earn his favor, the young man was given a couple of books on electronical appliances to study. Once he did, he returned to the old repairman - whose name was Terry - and showed him what he could do.

Granted, his first attempt at creating an electrical appliance capable of generating a spark (something akin to a lighter) only lead to a flash that momentarily blinded him and caused the whole assembly he'd made at home to burn out, but after a few moments of silence, Terry simply laughed and then gave Valerian a nod. There was definitely potential with the kid, and even if there weren't, he could always have an errand boy around to fetch him coffee or deliver something if it was nearby.

Once the business was smoothed out with his mother, the young Remington's teens were pretty much consumed with working for the man named Terry. Be it heavy lifting, helping him with electrical or soldering work, hunting for components or just fetching him a coffee, he was in the man's employ for a few years that managed to show him all of this district and make him a familiar with almost all that inhabited its streets.

From the moment he turned 15, however, things took a turn for the absolute worst for the man. First, issues with the landlord caused him to get angry with the man, who did not get intimidated in the slightest by a young, rambunctious teen and not only doubled their fees, but also beat Valerian senseless and forced him into the hospital for a few weeks, putting further stress on the family and especially on the lone mother. Barely managing to tie ends together whilst her son did his best to recover quickly so he could return to working and help her out, Mirrah had to cut many ends - from selling furniture to eating substitutes and direct mineral-based supplements instead of proper food, she did everything to pay for his treatment and still keep the apartment theirs.

Unfortunately, all of this led to a condition she never paid attention to until it overcame her one day, whilst sitting next to Valerian in the hospital. Suddenly collapsing next to him, the young man was left shocked and immediately called for help. He was shocked when they reported that she was experiencing kidney loss and a full-blown acute variation of sepsis.

The hours ticked by as Valerian stood silently in the hallway, staring through the two ports of the surgery room many moments after he'd shoved away the doctors and nurses trying to stop him. All he could see through the blurred glass was an ever-shifting image of people and a blotch of crimson in the middle, surrounded by pale white.

Finally, the three workers emerged from within. Whilst one remained in front of Raven, the two walked by - however, even as they passed by him in a blur, he could notice their indifferent expressions and the ever-faint whiff of tobacco smoke that they had probably tried to hide with something. The doctor in front of him was really the only one that seemed to be tired, with blood caking parts of his clothing, hair covered in sweat and a serious look on his face.

The answer he had to give the man was unnecessary - it was clear that his mother had passed away. Thanking the man in front of him for his work, he began to leave. His ears seemed to avoid the words that were first told to him and then shouted at him about what he owed to the staff. Once he reached the entrance, just as another one of the guardsman lackeys approached him and attempted to stop him by propping up a gun to his skull and taking hold of his arm, Valerian turned around and grabbed the weapon, bashed it into his face and then turned with a stumble before leaping off into a run.

The previously-bright days of the lone Remington were now a memory, and with this change, the young man had to think about a lot. It could definitely be said that, at times, he would glance at the gun and trace a finger over it before grasping it, then move it toward his head... but once he did rest it under his chin, he would freeze and lock up, tears sliding down his cheeks in silence before he would again throw the gun away and break down.

It took the better of almost two months for Valerian to gather himself back up from what he had turned into. In that time, he had neglected Terry - the man that was his mentor, even with his habit of choking him with cigarette smoke - and he had neglected the debt. He knew that there was no way for him to find the money for the third month, anyways, so he simply gathered what he felt was useful, put it in a backpack, slung it over his shoulder and walked out for the last time from his apartment. Leaving the key at the landlord's - with an additional aftertaste of his fist that sent the man reeling to the floor and was then also followed by a brutal kick to his chest - he walked off, never to be seen or recognized again.

Valerian was left to fend for himself at the age of 16. He was average at best physically, and the figure he thought of turning to - Terry - was soon proclaimed dead too, after a deal with a gang went awry and he was attacked in his own stall. Though he had very few chances, the young man was smart for his age, and he figured out that living on the streets by himself would quickly lead to his demise. Instead, albeit reluctantly, he joined a small gang and became an errand boy, in order to both have the funds needed to survive and the security that it provided him with.

A few months passed by and Valerian grew attached to the leader, Mark Molls, who was the only one to actually welcome the youngster warmly and seem to show understanding in any way. Though the others treated him in a way that showed they were not confident in him, they soon learned to abide by Mark's judgment and hesitantly grew attached to the Remington. Receiving the nickname 'Raven' for his various successes involving tasks that required him to be unseen, Mark seemed to consider various options over the first two years Valerian was with them... and soon came to a decision.

The day after he turned 18, Valerian was taught the basics of killing. From various weapons with various types of blows to the time it took to reload a pistol, Mike quickly skimmed over the things he felt necessary for the young man to know before his first actual kill. The first test was - perhaps thankfully or unfortunately - a success, and, as such, Mark made Valerian start contract work. Killing, thieving and bribery became a huge part of his life, and as the years passed by, his sense of remorse and empathy slowly dulled, being replaced by an air of professionalism regarding such contract work and various days spent in simply studying everything he could use to kill, subdue or manipulate someone. Some would say he was too engaged in his work, and the one that most thought of this was Mark - however, there was no way to get the Remington out of this, as he was too hooked on this... new thrill of his.

One average day, after finishing a contract, he was sent to kill a young family of two. Emerging from a dark alleyway next to the apartment complex, Valerian entered the building and scaled quickly to the floor before following the hallway down to his target's home. Sense of nostalgia washed over the young man as he cracked open the door of the house and walked in silently, only to see the mother's eyes as they spotted him and grew wide with fear. At first, she seemed to fumble, thinking of how to attack Valerian or if she should scream out, but... soon, she went silent and quietly offered him everything she had - from belongings to body - so that he wouldn't harm her child. Even as she tried to draw his attention, Raven could see her son in the other room through the faint crack of the door as he read a book with utmost interest. The knife in his hand dug deeper into his skin, cutting into his palm and dripping blood into the carpet below his feet, as he grew tense with anger.

That was the day Valerian disobeyed. He left with the two, quickly sold the apartment and then buried the family using the connections he had made through the years with his own earnings, then gave them their own money and sent them off. Afterwards, he went silent, disappearing from the scene of his gang, and informed the officials of the location of the gang's headquarters. Of course, they were bribed and not only took no action, but came to his temporary housing's doorstep and threatened to kill him - which he rebutted by killing them after inviting them for a cup of coffee. As he stood silently in his living room's armchair, the bodies of his to-be attackers lying on the ground motionless in front of him, Valerian decided there was nothing else he could do to stop the gang but do what he had grown used to - kill.

The planning of the action took a week of time - a week that his gang barely used to learn anything about him after his disappearance, as they were confident in the official police force's skills - but, at the end of it, he had finally weighed everything enough to execute it in minimal time. Entering the building at night, as most of his colleagues would be best grouped playing cards or bantering with drinks right now, Valerian seemed to dance through the halls and rooms, leaving a chaotic mess of crimson that only he ever saw more than once.

By the time he was done with the entire gang, the whole place seemed like a bloodbath. The tools of the trade he had earned allowed him to make quick work of the group that never expected its own members to turn on them with the skills they themselves taught. Easily whisking away individuals from groups through a calm tone and confident speech and retrieving makeshift weapons with sleight of hand that never let on anything to the ones around him, the final thing they would most likely see would be Valerian's blow as it took their own lives.

Vehicles surrounded the small, now dark building as the officials were immediately tipped off about his work by the allies of the aforementioned gang of criminally-involved individuals - as they entered, however, they would only find the aftermath of the Remington's deeds and Mark, who was strangely left unconscious atop an armchair with a raven's feather caked in blood placed within one of his open palms.

All of this was what lead to what Valerian is considered today - a vigilante of the lower parts of Athena, doing everything he can to fight back against the issues of his peers and try to improve their lives, even if it involves stealing from the government that already oppresses them. His work is known in the shadows, but his value for the people of Winters district and the others he has helped has allowed him to keep their trust with himself. In this world, he has too many enemies and very few allies - however, even with that, he has yet to find a reason to give up.


Appearance: Valerian's attire - even his casual get-up - is always focused on being safe at all times and avoiding impairment of mobility. His clothes stick close enough to his body to not be easy to grasp and use as leverage by his opponents, but they are also not tight enough to lock up his movements or limit his breathing. Some of his apparel also consists of armored and protective equipment, but it's often in small amounts that are not too easy to spot.

His casual wear consists of a dark cobalt shirt that has its sleeves pulled back to the elbows, along with a slim bracer that contains his ARM on his left forearm and black, Kevlar-laced on the inside gloves. His chest may seem slightly emphasized, which is caused by the stripped ballistic vest he wears under his shirt, whilst a strap goes around his waist and holds multiple clips of pistol ammunition at his lower back. He wears a simple pair of dark gray cargo pants that are thin enough to stick to the form of his legs and a pair of functional semi-hiking runners in dark green khaki. All of this is very often covered by an iron gray coat, which has also been bulletproofed with multiple layers of graphene sheets on the inside and fiber-like aramid weaves on the middle.

Under all of this, Valerian is a rather common male. He stands at an above average height and has a body right about the middle. He hasn't bothered to lose the small amounts of 'fat' on his body and has instead transformed it into muscles, as a slim, muscular body is for an athlete, not a fighter. His dark brown hair is cut semi-short and formed into a simple faux hawk at his fringe that often turns into a mess of hair. His eyes are a deep azure color that often seem to avoid the gaze of others. He has a mostly oval face with a sharp chin that accentuates his jawline. His nose is sharp and short, whilst his lips are thin and slightly wide. His eyebrows are angular and average in thickness, whilst his cheekbones are less-emphasized than usual. He may more often than not be seen with red eyes, bags under them and slightly messy hair, but that's a result of sleep deprivation or nerves.


Personality: Valerian is mostly a person of actions and not words. Though he is aware that most prefer the 'don't judge a book by its cover' term, he often likes to let his tired look and get-up explain for him. Still, he is not a stranger to a conversation and if he thinks enough of you to not assume you're just a problematic individual or a bother, he might just chat you up.

Most might notice that his way of speaking is blunt and a bit emotional. He's prone to expressing his opinion of something, no matter if the others in his shoes would take a second to consider whether they should say it or not, and he also is the type of person that prefers cutting to the chase - so, if you're thinking of chatting him up casually when he's not sitting at a bar or taking a smoke, you'll probably get denied if you're someone he knows or just get outright ignored if you're unknown.

Of course, being brash may lead to him ticking someone else off or getting someone annoyed. If he does notice this, he'll most likely apologize - that is, if you come up for a chat again, as he is the type of person that doesn't force people to associate with him if he has already done them something bad. On rare cases, however, he will probably ignore that rule of his and step forward first.

Friends are something that Raven doesn't really even believe in, as they're not only a rarity, but here, in the slums, are about as impossible to think off as, say, werewolves and vampires and dragons and such. Still, if he does find someone as a friend, he will treat them differently and be prone to helping them out, whether it's through talking or assisting with some task at hand.

As a vigilante that sometimes plans, coordinates and organizes missions with other underground affiliates of his, Valerian can also be an extremely tactical and thoughtful person. Experience with both the streets of his part of the city and the various types of tasks he could enlist his people on during missions has taught him various tactics and options of entrance others would not really think of. Improvisation is almost one of his key traits in that aspect.

Unfortunately, all of this stress does not exactly bode for him. With a troubled enough childhood, current issues with the various missions he plans and the occasional memories flashing back from the night of crimson he caused himself, it often takes little to tip his mental scales unfavorably. Thankfully, Valerian has taught himself to smoke or take headache pills to calm the raging pain in his head caused by these issues, but they often lead to him not getting enough sleep or being irritated anyways, meaning it would be best to avoid him when he's not doing well - if you do know him well enough, however, and act to somehow try and influence things in a direction that leads to his improvement, he will recognize this and thank you for it.


Trinket: A tiny dark blue key. It was a gift from his mother for his third birthday, and he has kept it with him since then. Attached to a silver necklace around his neck that he keeps tucked under his shirt, it has been with him for a majority of his life and it's considered he never removes it even during sleep - except, of course, when bathing.


Other: Valerian is right handed and has a knack for using the environment to his advantage. This is mostly limited to free running and improvisation of weapons and/or cover from everyday materials or more unusual things.


Username: KuroKishi

Character Name: Maximillian ‘Miles’ Sirus Asther.

World: Sol

Age: 20

Gender: Male


History: Born in Apollo to a family that was very closely related to the Starlight bloodline, which would after his birth turn into one of the most influential bodies of the city, Maximillian’s life was focused only around the family trade - steampunk inventions. His father, Vincent - brother to Bartholomew’s father himself, Theodore, - would spend his days working together with the man at the new laboratory. Occasionally, after a hard day of work, he would bring an unfinished prototype back to his own house workshop, where he would continue working on it in the company of his son. Said son would also often spend most of his time within the workshop, as being home-schooled for a couple of hours a day by his mother meant his other free time was spent trying to find something productive to do.

Soon enough, Maximillian’s interest turned into full-blown curiosity as he began to experiment himself on making various works of technology that his father left inside the various bins of his workshop. Simplistic devices, such as simple displays and blinking lights, slowly evolved into more complicated things like watches and steam-powered assemblies. His father noted his interest, but never really thought of bringing him directly over to the laboratory – instead, he would let him figure out his own projects, which he would then design and elaborate. It was interesting for him to compare how Maximillian crafted his ‘art’ in comparison to what had already been made at the laboratory before.

To his dismay, Miles began working in a… very different way than what he expected at first. After finding an interesting hint of a magical gift – a thing that no one in the family shared as a trait, strangely enough – he began to incorporate it in his designs. Soon, he began to delve further into techmaturgy and worked extensively on various contraptions that mixed the use of magic and mechanisms together to perform things more efficiently and quickly.

The first device he truly prototyped under his father’s governance was a strange-looking bracer of brass. Packed along the center was a thin line of blue, within which hundreds of crystal sheets made with precision cutting tools acted as a filter for a constant loop of magical energy. Of course, this meant that the user had to actually have a gift for the arcane, but if he did, the bracer would, albeit not by a lot, improve the effects of magic they cast themselves or simply improve their grasp upon a surface or allow almost complete sticking to a vertical wall if one were to channel enough magic into his hands.

Intrigued by his simple design after Vincent introduced it to him, Theodore decided that perhaps Vincent’s child had a chance of making something much more complicated. Deciding a long and strenuous undertaking was in order, he called in his own son – Bartholomew – and the four began working on a new prototype based on a great mix of technology and magical application.

At first, no real progress was made on any front – they were simply cycling ideas that had previously been discussed to no end, and the four soon became discouraged. The two senior inventors soon backed off, as they were involved in many other projects that required their attention, but their sons continued to work together and tried to create something. During this time was when Bear first began work on his widely-known Starlight Spider prototypes, whilst Maximillian designed a new coil that ultimately resulted in his trademark contraption – the Spark, a metal coil containing magical shards of crystals and a strong acid that would turn the whole concoction into a magic-rechargeable cell.

Almost two years went by and around Bartholomew’s birthday, the two came upon a breakthrough – something that would actually bear fruit in a way that would reshape magic for the ones without an arcane gift forever. The invention’s prototype shared the same name as the end product – the Harmonizer. A marvel of techmaturgy that involved a whole year of studying crystal properties on Maximillian’s side and seeking fitting metals on Bartholomew’s, it contained micrometer-sized sheets of Aetherium crystals packed in a circular core and connections to the air by an alloy of brass, copper and a rare metal with heavy conductive properties called Rythium, all designed around a glove-like form. The device would allow people to draw magic from the air and then manipulate it through very simple mental commands, which would repurpose it entirely into a cast spell.

The prototypes took months to fine-tune so they would fit everyone both comfort and functionality-wise. Once they were complete, the men then split them further into four variants - Order, Evolution, Command and Wrath Harmonizers. Depending on the variant, one could cast any type of magic they could input after learning it from other users or instructions, adapt their Harmonizer to focus on one type of magic only but improve its potency and power, reshape it way more easily in case they used conjuration magic or simply recharge Sparks.

Maximillian, unfortunately, never got to work too much at the Starlight Steamworks laboratories, as after finishing the Harmonizer project, his focus slowly shifted toward creating... tools of a trade not all agreed with. Whereas most inventors would try to create things that help them in their daily lives or improve it in some other way, Miles turned to the creation and adaptation of weaponized mechanisms in his apparatuses. Of course, there were interested people, such as the Law section of the four Castes and various members of the Outskirts, but… he never really earned any approval from the Council.

After his father passed away and his mother remarried to another man, Miles felt… strange about remaining in his old home. His mother did leave the house to him, as she never felt comfortable with the idea of simply ripping him away from what he was used to after the sudden turn of events, but without his father’s words of encouragement and his mother’s caring, he no longer felt this house as… his own.

As such, the young Asther soon moved out of his home, selling it for a good sum and also using some of his products to fund the creation of a new, well-sized house somewhere in the outskirts of Apollo. His undertaking took a year, in which he spent his time working at the Starlight laboratory and sleeping in various inns (much to Theodore’s dismay, who offered him to stay with the Starlight family until he was done) until his house was finally complete.

From that moment on until now, Maximillian has lived in the house on the outskirts of Apollo. He would, from time to time, receive visits from his cousin or his father and also return to the city to check on the Starlight Steamworks laboratories, but for the most part, he spends his days at home. Strangely enough, one can see its lights on at almost all times and various zaps and electrical noises come from the house, but its remote location means he doesn’t bother many people – however, many rumors circle Maximillian, from him torturing people to creating horrible experiments in his home. Very few have yet to visit his house, and the ones that have – Bartholomew and Theodore – have had nothing to comment regarding their visits, so what is the truth behind all the secrets?


Appearance: Maximillian stands at around a solid 6’0’ and has a slightly slimmer-than-average build. His skin is slightly pale from an obvious lack of sunlight, but not enough to call him sickly or ill. His hair is short, barely reaching past his ears in short trims, and has a dirty blonde color to it. It’s swept backward along the top of his head, as well as the sides, and then tied into a short low ponytail to keep it from being tangled in machinery or something else. Under his thin, angular eyebrows lie a pair of deep brown eyes that more often are not are seen in the company of red blood vessels and dark bags on the skin under the eyes. He may occasionally be seen with a stubble on his face, but it’s nothing too serious and has a slightly darker color than his hair. His standard attire consists of a dark red sweater, as well as black pants and simple but comfortable leather boots. Over this, he can often be seen with an open, left-breasted black coat with high collars. His right forearm is covered in his old prototype black Command Harmonizer that has no real functional differences, and his left hand has a matching black glove on it. A belt along his waist keeps an assortment of Sparks on his body, as well as a holstered techmaturgy bolter gun on his right side and small tools in a pack on his left in case it, or something else, needs repairs.


Personality: Miles in antisocial in a few ways. He prefers to avoid talking to others – aside from a key few, such as Bartholomew and anyone he decides to associate himself with in front of Maximillian – and is not really fond of large crowds. However, that does not at all mean he hates people. Most of the work he does is intended to protect the populace from the dangers of the streets, and he is known for occasionally lending a helping hand or giving things to the needy.

Maximillian is instead focused on the world of technology, and, more specifically, techmaturgy. At times, he may leave his manor (either because of an invitation from Bartholomew or from word he heard about an event) to check new contraptions and ideas of inventors in case of anything that may interest him. Otherwise, he remains at home, where he often works deep into the nights on various prototypes of weapons and already completed units that the Law sector uses to improve and evolve their designs.

Some consider the man a bit mad, and for most intents and purposes, they can be considered correct. His obsession with working on dangerous weapons and such has often lead to him having sleepless night, hence his tired and often rugged look, such as the stubble that may appear and disappear at random along his face, and he may very rarely be caught mumbling a word to himself, albeit coherently and either regarding one of his designs or something about the current situation at hand. Still, Miles is very much sane in every other regard, meaning he can lead an intelligent conversation with someone and talk about various things in detail, as well as do everything else like the average person without looking strange, as other mentally-ill people might.


Trinket: His Harmonizer, of course. A prototype in black leather instead of the traditional washed-out and worn browns, the glove has been on his hand for many years in public. He definitely takes care of it, as it is often cleaned and polished at the metal pieces that run along the length of his fingers and down to their tips. He usually has it and the glove off when at home, but will prefer to take both when going out somewhere.


Other: He doesn’t eat too often, yet he retains his healthiness and figure. He is ambidextrous, but has a knack for favoring his right hand. His writing is mostly non-illegible, save for a key few that get used to it or have seen it too many times already to mistake it for someone else’s.






Edited by Thaelasan

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Well then, I admit that was a fault on my part.

But then again, it's sort of a mix of both. Much of Sol's civilization is based entirely on an age in which cultures were spread thin and only the greatest cities had access to any education beyond word of mouth.

So outside cultures, such as smaller towns, could still be using ancient dialects that people barely understand, while those in Apollo, for example, would try to differentiate themselves from others by speaking with emphasis and a changed tongue.


That make a bit more sense? Luna however is extremely different. They are forced to speak one tongue, and it's not English. It's a derivative of English, Germanic, and several other tongues which actually sounds exactly like Old English, come to think of it, but with a twist.

Most of the lower class still speak English or accents like it in Artemis and Athena, but those of the higher class know this sophisticated tongue.

And for some of them, it's all they're ever taught.


Yet again, the separation of the masses, one growing more understandable to us, the other finding such tongues filthy and trying to rid themselves of them.


I'll keep that reference page though. Could be handy for writing in their tongue if the need arises. Thanks!


EDIT: This is now also a place for character sheets. YOU PEOPLE WRITE TOO MUCH!




Username: Narvix

Character Name: Valentinianus “Vertie” Gay

World: Sol

Age: 17 years

Gender: Non-binary [they/them pronouns]

History: Vertie grew up in a rural town several miles from the outskirts of Apollo. Their parents are simple tradesmen - their mother a talented blacksmith and their father an exceptional seamster. As a child, Vertie helped around the house when they weren’t at school or doing homework. After 8th grade, they dropped out of the educational career in order to help their family better. They picked up odd jobs to make ends meet and developed a rounded skillset as a result. However, not much interested them for very long until they learned more about technology and the Starlight family.

They became fascinated with the Starlight work and pursued what they could. But language differences got in the way and learning quickly became a tedious endeavor. That hasn’t stopped Vertie yet. They began to learn linguistics and the language spoken in Apollo, soon capable of reading the material they wanted about the Starlight family. Because of their fascination and the inspiration they draw from the Starlights, they worked almost tirelessly to make impressive inventions and works of art. Though they lack a decent talent in both, their dedication has yet to be dampened.

More recently, Vertie has started to toy with the idea of getting into alchemy or potion making - maybe both.

Appearance: Standing at about 5’2”, Vertie has short, uneven, black hair that is almost always dyed a different color. Their hair is unruly, spiky, and held out of their eyes with a pair of goggles - the right frame, of which, has several lenses of varying sizes and magnifications attached to it. Their eyes are a light shade of blue with faint flecks of green or grey surrounding their pupils (the color depends on the lighting). Structurally, their face is square-shaped with defined features. However, they frequently look exhausted or like they’re running on some really strong coffee; there is no between. Build-wise, they are pear-shaped and look rather petite but their muscles are toned enough for heavier work.

Their skin is dark but paled due to a lack of sun exposure, spending most of their time indoors and working. Often, there are smudges from oil, ink, or dirt on their skin wherever it’s not covered (typically their face and forearms). Similar smudges are on their clothes. Sporting of various colors for each day, Vertie’s outfit usually consists of a long-sleeved shirt with a tank top or button-up vest over it; sleeves more often rolled up to their elbows than not. Their pants are stripped and fitting, covered in a plethora of pockets or pouches for small items of all sorts. Around their waist, they have several belts that crisscross each other and, similarly, hold many pouches. Tattered gloves cover their hands with cutouts that leave their fingers and the back of their hands partially exposed.

Beneath their shirt, they wear a specially made, brown binder to keep their breasts flattened and out of the way. They wear thick-soled and durable boots on their feet, a dull brown color in contrast to the rest of their outfit. Whenever cleaning up is required, they’ll often sport a cutaway coat or a formal tailcoat. However, you will never see them without their backpack of assorted equipment.

Personality: Vertie is a creative and expressive problem solver. They learn new things quickly and enthusiastically. They’re eager to go far in life and prove their worth to everyone. Most often, they can be unconventional in their work but they don’t mind if people don’t understand - one day, everyone will. (At least, that’s the hope.)

If they aren’t working, they’re talking or looking for someone to talk to. They’ll talk just about anything really but it’s in your best interest to try and avoid any mention about their work - they’ll be nonstop chatter for sure! Though, try to be aware of what you say.

Vertia is emotionally sensitive and will often have a significant response, good or bad. They can be easily overwhelmed, flustered, and get defensive about things without really meaning to. They’re a terrible perfectionist and this can make them rather anxious, especially when they’re trying to impress someone. Despite trying not to be, they usually end up as a disheveled mess and overstressed. And, try as they might, they just can’t help but to rush everything they do.

Trinket: Their favorite ink pen to write and sketch with. It has a simple, wooden handle (covered in bite marks) and a metal tip.


Edited by Thaelasan

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That makes a bit of sense.


When the characters from both worlds eventually meet up, is there going to be a language barrier or will things end up translated by some special means?

It seems like there might even just be a language barrier between Sol characters if they originate from different areas and I, personally, always enjoy such an obstacle when writing about it. (Though, I'm not a fan of it in real life |D I hate not being able to have a full conversation with my great grandma because languages.)


Thanks for answering that first question.

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I don't want to spoil too many plot ideas, but I can assure you language barriers will only be an issue for a short time, due to various reasons. But I do want to see how different characters react to not being able to understand people.

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Okay, good to know.


Sorry, lots of questions aha.

Since this is going to be quite literate, what kind of activity level is expected? Is it going to be a bit of a slower pace or are you aiming for several posts within a week, every week?


Also, I remember the old thread and you frequently added some important information into the OOC when everyone was making their characters. Is there anything important I should know now about Sol? I'm most likely going to make just a normal human Sol character. Is there a certain way of living or is it very inclusive (anything goes versus 'x' is the norm)? Given the information of the first post, it sounds like the Arts would be much more encouraged, not so much sciences and mathematics?

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Basic activity level, being at least a post every two days if possible. Not going to expect more than that, though, to be honest, this was originally going to be a very small roleplay since I didn't want to have so many people it fell apart.


As for Sol's motivations, they have four distinct goals, and careers which spawn from them. Unlike Luna, where jobs are normally chosen for people and the caste system is heavily enforced based on blood and genetics, Sol allows freedom of career and learning.

Literature, Law, Logistics, and Longevity. In short, knowledge of history and books, knowledge of justice and punishment, knowledge of travel and constellations, or knowledge of life and body.

Since all careers normally root to these Four Pillars of Sol, people are known to wear clothing corresponding to the color of their pillar if they're extremely proud of their job - Blue for Literature, Yellow for Law, Green for Logistics, and Red for Longevity. There are, of course, exceptions but most jobs fall under this.

For example, merchants and traders fall under Logistics. Judges and juries fall under Law. Etc, Etc, Etc.


Most Sol people honestly live carefree, if quiet and sometimes boring, existences. Their jobs offer relief from the silence of everyday life. Normally, they're courteous to one another - especially family - treat those of the other classes with respect they're due, and basically live like a very kind feudal culture. Rather than focusing on a monarch with ultimate power, they DO have various parliaments and branches of law which all fall under, well, Law.


For future reference, the main base of the four pillars where most inventors (since inventions can fall under any of the four pillars) is in Apollo, since it is the capital of the continent of Sol. It's sort of confusing, but Sol and Luna aren't the name of the worlds, just the largest continents in their worlds with the most power.

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Accepted. Jeez, everyone making me jealous with their sheets. Literate didn't HAVE to mean you wrote mountains for SHEETS.

But hey, I can admire the enthusiasm. This will probably become an OOC, so please keep sheets here.

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Want to clarify something: Doc and I discussed elsewhere that Ophelia and Vertie can bump into each other around the bazaar while Ophelia was looking at all the interesting stalls.

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Username: zakku_uchiha

Character Name: Damien Vance the Unchained

World: Sol

Age: 28

Gender: Male

History: As a child, Damien was at first cared for by both his mother and father, Ellena and Fredrick Vance, but when a battle broke out in the southern part of the continent, his father was called upon for assistance. He never returned. Two years later, shortly after Damien turned six, his mother fell terribly ill and, despite all the efforts of the doctors, she passed away just a few months later. It was at this time Damien decided to dedicate himself to the study of alchemy and herbology.

With the support of his aunt and uncle, Damien spent the next eight years studying on how to make potions and what he could do to increase their potency, but he came into a brick wall... he lacked the magical skills necessary.

Taking up magic hadn't been as difficult as he had expected, his father having been an archmagus meant he shared the same potential, but even then his potions were only capable of so much. Two years had passed by this point and Damien was finally acknowledged into society as a respected adult, but during his travels he would come to discover this was all about to change, for one stormy eve as he was sitting within the shelter of an inn, he noticed what he had originally thought to be a young girl taking shelter under a tree who's leaves were beginning to whither in preparation for the coming winter. Approaching her, using his coat as best he could to shield them both from the rain, it wasn't until she looked up that he realized this girl was no ordinary human.

Desperate emerald-green eyes looked back into his and he buckled for a moment, noticeably swallowing the tension he was feeling, but something kept him there. No spell or curse had been cast on him, but he found himself unable to do what many others had done before and walk away. What sealed his fate was when he asked just the simplest of questions, "would you like to come inside?" After being granted permission to retrieve his belongings, Damien was promptly evicted from the inn and told to find another place to stay, only to experience similar denials at other establishments, but he refused to leave the girl behind just so he could stay in a warm bed while knowing she was still stuck in such terrible weather.

Several months passed and such experiences had become common for the new pair, but Damien made the best of it by forming a contract with the girl, who he came to find was actually a devil and not just a common demon. So, with their pact sealed by blood, Damien continued to travel with his ally up to the current time, honing his skills in various methods, from swordplay, to summoning, elemental magic and basic to advanced medicines, even learning tactics of traders and merchants to make coin off of his potions. Yet, despite the accusations and threats from some places, Damien never got discouraged nor did he consider leaving his newfound partner.

Appearance: Damien, unlike most young men around his age, isn't very tall nor is he terribly bulky, standing at a less than average height of 5'8" and weighing a little more than a hundred and sixty pounds. Of course, despite his lithe and somewhat initial lanky appearance, he's built well enough to put up a decent counter in swordplay and get away from his more dangerous adversaries. Proportionally, he's thin in the face and, to keep his head from looking to small, he keeps his almost ebony-colored hair cut short. With thin lips and a rather short nose, the most distinguishing feature is his bright, sapphire blue eyes that almost seem to glow, assuming one hadn't taken notice to his pointed ears or elongated and doubled canines, both of which he tries to keep out of sight as much as possible.

Due to this, Damien often wears a set of black, hooded robes to cover his ears and refrains from speaking when it isn't necessary. Underneath, he also wears a sleeveless blue vest over a white, button-up collared shirt and a pair of dark brown pants that have an assortment of pockets. As for shoes, he'll usually have a pair of standard leather boots when going into taverns or shops, but while he travels he usually goes without anything. Lastly, Damien is often seen carrying a rather large pack that carries not only the essentials for staying outside, but an assortment of alchemical items and tomes for potion making as well. Of course, secured to his waist, Damien also carries what at first appears to be a rapier, is actually a custom made sword meant to be fast and durable, but also retain its cutting and slashing capability.

Personality: (optional. I'll trust you to play well.)

Trinket: Damien has a silver pocket watch, passed down to him through his uncle from his father. There's nothing terribly fancy or unique about it, outside of the family crest on the front, which consists of a Phoenix surrounded by eight daggers pointing outwards in a sort of circular formation.



Username: zakku_uchiha

Character Name: Lilith

World: Sol

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

History: Long, long ago, before the Final War between the continents of Sol and Luna, an ancient wizard had been searching for a means to quell the fighting between two cities that had once been on good terms with the other, now locked in combat over a judicial issue from acts performed between a pair of each's citizens. Determining the quickest method would be through summoning a powerful demon and separating the two through fear, what the wizard got instead was a young and inexperienced devil child instead. Regardless, the wizard tried to make do with what he had gotten, but was sorely disappointed at the end results. Enraged, the wizard broke the pact he had made and, rather than granting the devil to return to her realm, he instead abandoned her and left her to find another means to get back.

At the time, such magic hadn't been looked down upon, so many other similar happenings had occurred, leaving demons and devils alike, stranded in the realm of man. At first, fear prevented Lilith from finding a suitable retainer, but as the years passed and laws were established, that fear turned into hatred further isolating her from finding a way to get back to what she called home.

Eventually, war broke out between the two great continents and Lilith had to hone both her strength and magic in order to survive. What she had lacked before, now became her only means of survival, but then the great gate was establish and the continent of Sol, in which she now resided took a turn towards peace.

Still, regardless of how friendly the inhabitants became with one another, their view on her kind hardly changed. Every door, every window, every stall she approached turned her away in a similar manner, out of spite or from fear of becoming shunned themselves.

Not all looked away, however, when Lilith approached seeking assistance. Some residents provided some food, while others let go of clothing that no longer fit, but shelter was the one thing most difficult to acquire. When weather was poor, the most one family provided was the permission to sleep in their barn, but at the request to leave as soon as she woke.

Centuries passed and treatment hardly changed, unlike the laws against the summoning or the forming of contracts with her kind. One evening, when the weather turned foul, Lilith found herself taking shelter underneath a large tree, doing her best to stay dry and away from the torrents of wind. This too, wasn't uncommon to her, but what occurred next had taken her by complete surprise. A boy, holding his coat over his head, had approached her and did his best to help keep her dry, then he had asked her a question she never thought she would hear, "would you like to come inside?" For the first time in a long time, she felt hope swelling within her chest, but it soon turned to dismay when they actually tried to enter together. Thinking he would change his mind and turn her away, she reluctantly began to walk away, only to hear him call out to her to wait as he gathered his belongings from the room he had been staying in. Upon hearing that, the feeling was renewed and, despite the same events occurring no matter where they tried, she knew a new pact would soon be formed between them.

Several years had passed after that, but no matter what, this boy never seemed to even consider leaving Lilith on her own again and an official contract had been made between them. With her aid, the boy had also picked up on his swordplay and use of the destructive arts, but his primary focus had always been on herbalism and medicine.

Now, the two travel to many of the cities, selling and trading the potions the boy makes and acquiring better camping gear that they often use when they have been restricted from using any of the establishments within the city or town.

Appearance: Lilith, at first, appears to be a young, small and frail looking girl, but her turquoise hair and orchid-colored pair of horns quickly establish what she really is. With a small and petite frame, Lilith is very child-like in appearance, standing just under 5'4" one wouldn't think she would weigh very much. Yet, as best as she can describe, the sheer amount of magical energy within her prevents her foes from simply tossing her about like a doll. Of course, this is controlled by her, typically weighing on average just around a hundred pounds. Emerald, cat-like eyes are set on a small, round face with thin lips and a small, somewhat upward canted nose. As previously described, Lilith also has short, turquoise-colored hair and a pair of dark purple horns that have begun to wrap around from the back of her head, twisting upwards toward the front, in an almost crown-like fashion. Small, pointed ears stick out from behind her hair on either side and at the lower outside corner of each eye, a pair of markings extend into points to just above her cheekbones. Lastly, Lilith as natural dark-skinned complexion that makes her stick out even more amongst the locals. Of course, she also has a thin black tail that ends with a spade-shaped crest, but that's a more common feature amongst devils and the humanoid demons alike.

As for clothing, the most common piece of attire she wears is an old set of robes given to her by her partner after their initial meeting, washed when it can be, but still rugged after years of journeying. Underneath, she has an old and rather large button-up top that can only be shrouded by the robe itself, and a belt that she wears to keep it snug around her waist. As for pants, she has a pair of torn shorts and a pair of black stockings that look just as rugged, with holes on the inner thigh area, around the knee and some near her calves. Lastly, she has a pair of leather boots that have light armor plating over the toes and up the shin from the ankle, the bottoms have been carved up slightly to provide traction, but feature nothing else terribly extraordinary.

Personality: (optional. I'll trust you to play well.)

Trinket: Lilith doesn't fancy trinkets, but she does wear a pair of black bands around each ring finger, the only attire reminiscent of her home, but features no special function aside from serving as a reminder.


Edited by zakku_uchiha

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(( Feels good to be back. Let's do this. ))

(( EDIT: Aaand revamped to further suit the new reboot. ))


Username: KuroKishi

Character Name: Valerian "Raven" Remington

World: Luna

Age: 28

Gender: Male


History: Valerian's birth occurred in a disheveled and mostly run-down surgical unit in one of the many slums of Athena. The unit once belonged to a high-end medical firm that decided to branch off from the upper areas of the city - where the majority of the high class chose to reside - to offer the low-class citizens proper healthcare, but soon found itself on the verge of bankruptcy when almost all of their specialized clinics were usurped by the underground gangs that decided to simply seize them from their rightful owners and place their own 'doctors' and 'surgeons' within that could offer the same services and supplies - at a much lower cost and with special preference, of course.

Though even finding a proper place to give birth in is something difficult in the lower parts of Athena - and especially the Winter district, which was considered the filth of the city and was not even mentioned once by Canadrey or the news - Mirrah, the mother of Valerian, was lucky enough to have a couple of affiliates from a gang that managed to slip her through - that is, naturally, after they had set some terms and fees she would pay back afterward, one of which was giving her kidney on-the-spot for them to sell to cover the surgery once it was complete.

Inheriting his mother's last name because his father was... gone, once it was found that Mirrah was pregnant, the young Remington's early years were one of the toughest on his lone parent. As she was at work all the time to manage the fees she owed to the landlord and the new debts made during her child's birth, Mirrah was forced to leave the child for various amounts of time from the moment it could eat on its own. Until he reached his early childhood, Valerian would often spend his whole days sat in front of the table of their small kitchen, strapped in so he couldn't get out but was comfortable enough and hands on the table surface, where his mother left things he could eat easily as a baby. Thankfully for Mirrah, her son adapted quite quickly to taking care of himself, as she feared the idea of coming back one day to find her small baby's body slumped over the table from malnutrition - or, worse, on the ground with a cracked skull.

Things got a bit easier on her once Valerian learned the basics, such as walking and talking, and then quickly overcame the issues of looking after himself. With the needs weighing down on her further and further, she had to occasionally leave and tell the young man to not open the door to anyone, then return almost days later from wherever she had to go to earn the two a living. Though he was worried for her health at first, after seeing her return pale and with disheveled garments, the child knew there was barely anything he could do - or was there?

Sharing some of his hard-working traits from his mother, the small Remington actually found something he could do to also help his mother with the funds they'd need. Whilst out walking one day with her, he found a small stand near their apartment building where a kindly old man worked on various electronical gadgets - something that often caught Valerian's fancy enough to make him stop and let go of his mother's hand, much to her annoyance once she also noticed the fact he wasn't following her and had to return to reclaim and scold him for his behavior.

After a few weeks to convince his mother in the fact he could roam outside by himself, then a few more to introduce himself to the old man and earn his favor, the young man was given a couple of books on electronical appliances to study. Once he did, he returned to the old repairman - whose name was Terry - and showed him what he could do.

Granted, his first attempt at creating an electrical appliance capable of generating a spark (something akin to a lighter) only lead to a flash that momentarily blinded him and caused the whole assembly he'd made at home to burn out, but after a few moments of silence, Terry simply laughed and then gave Valerian a nod. There was definitely potential with the kid, and even if there weren't, he could always have an errand boy around to fetch him coffee or deliver something if it was nearby.

Once the business was smoothed out with his mother, the young Remington's teens were pretty much consumed with working for the man named Terry. Be it heavy lifting, helping him with electrical or soldering work, hunting for components or just fetching him a coffee, he was in the man's employ for a few years that managed to show him all of this district and make him a familiar with almost all that inhabited its streets.

From the moment he turned 15, however, things took a turn for the absolute worst for the man. First, issues with the landlord caused him to get angry with the man, who did not get intimidated in the slightest by a young, rambunctious teen and not only doubled their fees, but also beat Valerian senseless and forced him into the hospital for a few weeks, putting further stress on the family and especially on the lone mother. Barely managing to tie ends together whilst her son did his best to recover quickly so he could return to working and help her out, Mirrah had to cut many ends - from selling furniture to eating substitutes and direct mineral-based supplements instead of proper food, she did everything to pay for his treatment and still keep the apartment theirs.

Unfortunately, all of this led to a condition she never paid attention to until it overcame her one day, whilst sitting next to Valerian in the hospital. Suddenly collapsing next to him, the young man was left shocked and immediately called for help. He was shocked when they reported that she was experiencing kidney loss and a full-blown acute variation of sepsis.

The hours ticked by as Valerian stood silently in the hallway, staring through the two ports of the surgery room many moments after he'd shoved away the doctors and nurses trying to stop him. All he could see through the blurred glass was an ever-shifting image of people and a blotch of crimson in the middle, surrounded by pale white.

Finally, the three workers emerged from within. Whilst one remained in front of Raven, the two walked by - however, even as they passed by him in a blur, he could notice their indifferent expressions and the ever-faint whiff of tobacco smoke that they had probably tried to hide with something. The doctor in front of him was really the only one that seemed to be tired, with blood caking parts of his clothing, hair covered in sweat and a serious look on his face.

The answer he had to give the man was unnecessary - it was clear that his mother had passed away. Thanking the man in front of him for his work, he began to leave. His ears seemed to avoid the words that were first told to him and then shouted at him about what he owed to the staff. Once he reached the entrance, just as another one of the guardsman lackeys approached him and attempted to stop him by propping up a gun to his skull and taking hold of his arm, Valerian turned around and grabbed the weapon, bashed it into his face and then turned with a stumble before leaping off into a run.

The previously-bright days of the lone Remington were now a memory, and with this change, the young man had to think about a lot. It could definitely be said that, at times, he would glance at the gun and trace a finger over it before grasping it, then move it toward his head... but once he did rest it under his chin, he would freeze and lock up, tears sliding down his cheeks in silence before he would again throw the gun away and break down.

It took the better of almost two months for Valerian to gather himself back up from what he had turned into. In that time, he had neglected Terry - the man that was his mentor, even with his habit of choking him with cigarette smoke - and he had neglected the debt. He knew that there was no way for him to find the money for the third month, anyways, so he simply gathered what he felt was useful, put it in a backpack, slung it over his shoulder and walked out for the last time from his apartment. Leaving the key at the landlord's - with an additional aftertaste of his fist that sent the man reeling to the floor and was then also followed by a brutal kick to his chest - he walked off, never to be seen or recognized again.

Valerian was left to fend for himself at the age of 16. He was average at best physically, and the figure he thought of turning to - Terry - was soon proclaimed dead too, after a deal with a gang went awry and he was attacked in his own stall. Though he had very few chances, the young man was smart for his age, and he figured out that living on the streets by himself would quickly lead to his demise. Instead, albeit reluctantly, he joined a small gang and became an errand boy, in order to both have the funds needed to survive and the security that it provided him with.

A few months passed by and Valerian grew attached to the leader, Mark Molls, who was the only one to actually welcome the youngster warmly and seem to show understanding in any way. Though the others treated him in a way that showed they were not confident in him, they soon learned to abide by Mark's judgment and hesitantly grew attached to the Remington. Receiving the nickname 'Raven' for his various successes involving tasks that required him to be unseen, Mark seemed to consider various options over the first two years Valerian was with them... and soon came to a decision.

The day after he turned 18, Valerian was taught the basics of killing. From various weapons with various types of blows to the time it took to reload a pistol, Mike quickly skimmed over the things he felt necessary for the young man to know before his first actual kill. The first test was - perhaps thankfully or unfortunately - a success, and, as such, Mark made Valerian start contract work. Killing, thieving and bribery became a huge part of his life, and as the years passed by, his sense of remorse and empathy slowly dulled, being replaced by an air of professionalism regarding such contract work and various days spent in simply studying everything he could use to kill, subdue or manipulate someone. Some would say he was too engaged in his work, and the one that most thought of this was Mark - however, there was no way to get the Remington out of this, as he was too hooked on this... new thrill of his.

One average day, after finishing a contract, he was sent to kill a young family of two. Emerging from a dark alleyway next to the apartment complex, Valerian entered the building and scaled quickly to the floor before following the hallway down to his target's home. Sense of nostalgia washed over the young man as he cracked open the door of the house and walked in silently, only to see the mother's eyes as they spotted him and grew wide with fear. At first, she seemed to fumble, thinking of how to attack Valerian or if she should scream out, but... soon, she went silent and quietly offered him everything she had - from belongings to body - so that he wouldn't harm her child. Even as she tried to draw his attention, Raven could see her son in the other room through the faint crack of the door as he read a book with utmost interest. The knife in his hand dug deeper into his skin, cutting into his palm and dripping blood into the carpet below his feet, as he grew tense with anger.

That was the day Valerian disobeyed. He left with the two, quickly sold the apartment and then buried the family using the connections he had made through the years with his own earnings, then gave them their own money and sent them off. Afterwards, he went silent, disappearing from the scene of his gang, and informed the officials of the location of the gang's headquarters. Of course, they were bribed and not only took no action, but came to his temporary housing's doorstep and threatened to kill him - which he rebutted by killing them after inviting them for a cup of coffee. As he stood silently in his living room's armchair, the bodies of his to-be attackers lying on the ground motionless in front of him, Valerian decided there was nothing else he could do to stop the gang but do what he had grown used to - kill.

The planning of the action took a week of time - a week that his gang barely used to learn anything about him after his disappearance, as they were confident in the official police force's skills - but, at the end of it, he had finally weighed everything enough to execute it in minimal time. Entering the building at night, as most of his colleagues would be best grouped playing cards or bantering with drinks right now, Valerian seemed to dance through the halls and rooms, leaving a chaotic mess of crimson that only he ever saw more than once.

By the time he was done with the entire gang, the whole place seemed like a bloodbath. The tools of the trade he had earned allowed him to make quick work of the group that never expected its own members to turn on them with the skills they themselves taught. Easily whisking away individuals from groups through a calm tone and confident speech and retrieving makeshift weapons with sleight of hand that never let on anything to the ones around him, the final thing they would most likely see would be Valerian's blow as it took their own lives.

Vehicles surrounded the small, now dark building as the officials were immediately tipped off about his work by the allies of the aforementioned gang of criminally-involved individuals - as they entered, however, they would only find the aftermath of the Remington's deeds and Mark, who was strangely left unconscious atop an armchair with a raven's feather caked in blood placed within one of his open palms.

All of this was what lead to what Valerian is considered today - a vigilante of the lower parts of Athena, doing everything he can to fight back against the issues of his peers and try to improve their lives, even if it involves stealing from the government that already oppresses them. His work is known in the shadows, but his value for the people of Winters district and the others he has helped has allowed him to keep their trust with himself. In this world, he has too many enemies and very few allies - however, even with that, he has yet to find a reason to give up.


Appearance: Valerian's attire - even his casual get-up - is always focused on being safe at all times and avoiding impairment of mobility. His clothes stick close enough to his body to not be easy to grasp and use as leverage by his opponents, but they are also not tight enough to lock up his movements or limit his breathing. Some of his apparel also consists of armored and protective equipment, but it's often in small amounts that are not too easy to spot.

His casual wear consists of a dark cobalt shirt shirt that has its sleeves pulled back to the elbows, along with a slim bracer that contains his ARM on his left forearm and black, Kevlar-laced on the inside gloves. His chest may seem slightly emphasized, which is caused by the stripped ballistic vest he wears under his shirt, whilst a strap goes around his waist and holds multiple clips of pistol ammunition at his lower back. He wears a simple pair of dark gray cargo pants that are thin enough to stick to the form of his legs and a pair of functional semi-hiking runners in dark green khaki. All of this is very often covered by an iron gray coat, which has also been bulletproofed with multiple layers of graphene sheets on the inside and fiber-like aramid weaves on the middle.

Under all of this, Valerian is a rather common male. He stands at an above average height and has a body right about the middle. He hasn't bothered to lose the small amounts of 'fat' on his body and has instead transformed it into muscles, as a slim, muscular body is for an athlete, not a fighter. His dark brown hair is cut semi-short and formed into a simple faux hawk at his fringe that often turns into a mess of hair. His eyes are a deep azure color that often seem to avoid the gaze of others. He has a mostly oval face with a sharp chin that accentuates his jawline. His nose is sharp and short, whilst his lips are thin and slightly wide. His eyebrows are angular and average in thickness, whilst his cheekbones are less-emphasized than usual. He may more often than not be seen with red eyes, bags under them and slightly messy hair, but that's a result of sleep deprivation or nerves.


Personality: Valerian is mostly a person of actions and not words. Though he is aware that most prefer the 'don't judge a book by its cover' term, he often likes to let his tired look and get-up explain for him. Still, he is not a stranger to a conversation and if he thinks enough of you to not assume you're just a problematic individual or a bother, he might just chat you up.

Most might notice that his way of speaking is blunt and a bit emotional. He's prone to expressing his opinion of something, no matter if the others in his shoes would take a second to consider whether they should say it or not, and he also is the type of person that prefers cutting to the chase - so, if you're thinking of chatting him up casually when he's not sitting at a bar or taking a smoke, you'll probably get denied if you're someone he knows or just get outright ignored if you're unknown.

Of course, being brash may lead to him ticking someone else off or getting someone annoyed. If he does notice this, he'll most likely apologize - that is, if you come up for a chat again, as he is the type of person that doesn't force people to associate with him if he has already done them something bad. On rare cases, however, he will probably ignore that rule of his and step forward first.

Friends are something that Raven doesn't really even believe in, as they're not only a rarity, but here, in the slums, are about as impossible to think off as, say, werewolves and vampires and dragons and such. Still, if he does find someone as a friend, he will treat them differently and be prone to helping them out, whether it's through talking or assisting with some task at hand.

As a vigilante that sometimes plans, coordinates and organizes missions with other underground affiliates of his, Valerian can also be an extremely tactical and thoughtful person. Experience with both the streets of his part of the city and the various types of tasks he could enlist his people on during missions has taught him various tactics and options of entrance others would not really think of. Improvisation is almost one of his key traits in that aspect.

Unfortunately, all of this stress does not exactly bode for him. With a troubled enough childhood, current issues with the various missions he plans and the occasional memories flashing back from the night of crimson he caused himself, it often takes little to tip his mental scales unfavorably. Thankfully, Valerian has taught himself to smoke or take headache pills to calm the raging pain in his head caused by these issues, but they often lead to him not getting enough sleep or being irritated anyways, meaning it would be best to avoid him when he's not doing well - if you do know him well enough, however, and act to somehow try and influence things in a direction that leads to his improvement, he will recognize this and thank you for it.


Trinket: A tiny dark blue key. It was a gift from his mother for his third birthday, and he has kept it with him since then. Attached to a silver necklace around his neck that he keeps tucked under his shirt, it has been with him for a majority of his life and it's considered he never removes it even during sleep - except, of course, when bathing.


Other: Valerian is right handed and has a knack for using the environment to his advantage. This is mostly limited to free running and improvisation of weapons and/or cover from everyday materials or more unusual things.


Username: KuroKishi

Character Name: Maximillian ‘Miles’ Sirus Asther.

World: Sol

Age: 20

Gender: Male


History: Born in Apollo to a family that was very closely related to the Starlight bloodline, which would after his birth turn into one of the most influential bodies of the city, Maximillian’s life was focused only around the family trade - steampunk inventions. His father, Vincent - brother to Bartholomew’s father himself, Theodore, - would spend his days working together with the man at the new laboratory. Occasionally, after a hard day of work, he would bring an unfinished prototype back to his own house workshop, where he would continue working on it in the company of his son. Said son would also often spend most of his time within the workshop, as being home-schooled for a couple of hours a day by his mother meant his other free time was spent trying to find something productive to do.

Soon enough, Maximillian’s interest turned into full-blown curiosity as he began to experiment himself on making various works of technology that his father left inside the various bins of his workshop. Simplistic devices, such as simple displays and blinking lights, slowly evolved into more complicated things like watches and steam-powered assemblies. His father noted his interest, but never really thought of bringing him directly over to the laboratory – instead, he would let him figure out his own projects, which he would then design and elaborate. It was interesting for him to compare how Maximillian crafted his ‘art’ in comparison to what had already been made at the laboratory before.

To his dismay, Miles began working in a… very different way than what he expected at first. After finding an interesting hint of a magical gift – a thing that no one in the family shared as a trait, strangely enough – he began to incorporate it in his designs. Soon, he began to delve further into techmaturgy and worked extensively on various contraptions that mixed the use of magic and mechanisms together to perform things more efficiently and quickly.

The first device he truly prototyped under his father’s governance was a strange-looking bracer of brass. Packed along the center was a thin line of blue, within which hundreds of crystal sheets made with precision cutting tools acted as a filter for a constant loop of magical energy. Of course, this meant that the user had to actually have a gift for the arcane, but if he did, the bracer would, albeit not by a lot, improve the effects of magic they cast themselves or simply improve their grasp upon a surface or allow almost complete sticking to a vertical wall if one were to channel enough magic into his hands.

Intrigued by his simple design after Vincent introduced it to him, Theodore decided that perhaps Vincent’s child had a chance of making something much more complicated. Deciding a long and strenuous undertaking was in order, he called in his own son – Bartholomew – and the four began working on a new prototype based on a great mix of technology and magical application.

At first, no real progress was made on any front – they were simply cycling ideas that had previously been discussed to no end, and the four soon became discouraged. The two senior inventors soon backed off, as they were involved in many other projects that required their attention, but their sons continued to work together and tried to create something. During this time was when Bear first began work on his widely-known Starlight Spider prototypes, whilst Maximillian designed a new coil that ultimately resulted in his trademark contraption – the Spark, a metal coil containing magical shards of crystals and a strong acid that would turn the whole concoction into a magic-rechargeable cell.

Almost two years went by and around Bartholomew’s birthday, the two came upon a breakthrough – something that would actually bear fruit in a way that would reshape magic for the ones without an arcane gift forever. The invention’s prototype shared the same name as the end product – the Harmonizer. A marvel of techmaturgy that involved a whole year of studying crystal properties on Maximillian’s side and seeking fitting metals on Bartholomew’s, it contained micrometer-sized sheets of Aetherium crystals packed in a circular core and connections to the air by an alloy of brass, copper and a rare metal with heavy conductive properties called Rythium, all designed around a glove-like form. The device would allow people to draw magic from the air and then manipulate it through very simple mental commands, which would repurpose it entirely into a cast spell.

The prototypes took months to fine-tune so they would fit everyone both comfort and functionality-wise. Once they were complete, the men then split them further into four variants - Order, Evolution, Command and Wrath Harmonizers. Depending on the variant, one could cast any type of magic they could input after learning it from other users or instructions, adapt their Harmonizer to focus on one type of magic only but improve its potency and power, reshape it way more easily in case they used conjuration magic or simply recharge Sparks.

Maximillian, unfortunately, never got to work too much at the Starlight Steamworks laboratories, as after finishing the Harmonizer project, his focus slowly shifted toward creating... tools of a trade not all agreed with. Whereas most inventors would try to create things that help them in their daily lives or improve it in some other way, Miles turned to the creation and adaptation of weaponized mechanisms in his apparatuses. Of course, there were interested people, such as the Law section of the four Castes and various members of the Outskirts, but… he never really earned any approval from the Council.

After his father passed away and his mother remarried to another man, Miles felt… strange about remaining in his old home. His mother did leave the house to him, as she never felt comfortable with the idea of simply ripping him away from what he was used to after the sudden turn of events, but without his father’s words of encouragement and his mother’s caring, he no longer felt this house as… his own.

As such, the young Asther soon moved out of his home, selling it for a good sum and also using some of his products to fund the creation of a new, well-sized house somewhere in the outskirts of Apollo. His undertaking took a year, in which he spent his time working at the Starlight laboratory and sleeping in various inns (much to Theodore’s dismay, who offered him to stay with the Starlight family until he was done) until his house was finally complete.

From that moment on until now, Maximillian has lived in the house on the outskirts of Apollo. He would, from time to time, receive visits from his cousin or his father and also return to the city to check on the Starlight Steamworks laboratories, but for the most part, he spends his days at home. Strangely enough, one can see its lights on at almost all times and various zaps and electrical noises come from the house, but its remote location means he doesn’t bother many people – however, many rumors circle Maximillian, from him torturing people to creating horrible experiments in his home. Very few have yet to visit his house, and the ones that have – Bartholomew and Theodore – have had nothing to comment regarding their visits, so what is the truth behind all the secrets?


Appearance: Maximillian stands at around a solid 6’0’ and has a slightly slimmer-than-average build. His skin is slightly pale from an obvious lack of sunlight, but not enough to call him sickly or ill. His hair is short, barely reaching past his ears in short trims, and has a dirty blonde color to it. It’s swept backward along the top of his head, as well as the sides, and then tied into a short low ponytail to keep it from being tangled in machinery or something else. Under his thin, angular eyebrows lie a pair of deep brown eyes that more often are not are seen in the company of red blood vessels and dark bags on the skin under the eyes. He may occasionally be seen with a stubble on his face, but it’s nothing too serious and has a slightly darker color than his hair. His standard attire consists of a dark red sweater, as well as black pants and simple but comfortable leather boots. Over this, he can often be seen with an open, left-breasted black coat with high collars. His right forearm is covered in his old prototype black Command Harmonizer that has no real functional differences, and his left hand has a matching black glove on it. A belt along his waist keeps an assortment of Sparks on his body, as well as a holstered techmaturgy bolter gun on his right side and small tools in a pack on his left in case it, or something else, needs repairs.


Personality: Miles in antisocial in a few ways. He prefers to avoid talking to others – aside from a key few, such as Bartholomew and anyone he decides to associate himself with in front of Maximillian – and is not really fond of large crowds. However, that does not at all mean he hates people. Most of the work he does is intended to protect the populace from the dangers of the streets, and he is known for occasionally lending a helping hand or giving things to the needy.

Maximillian is instead focused on the world of technology, and, more specifically, techmaturgy. At times, he may leave his manor (either because of an invitation from Bartholomew or from word he heard about an event) to check new contraptions and ideas of inventors in case of anything that may interest him. Otherwise, he remains at home, where he often works deep into the nights on various prototypes of weapons and already completed units that the Law sector uses to improve and evolve their designs.

Some consider the man a bit mad, and for most intents and purposes, they can be considered correct. His obsession with working on dangerous weapons and such has often lead to him having sleepless night, hence his tired and often rugged look, such as the stubble that may appear and disappear at random along his face, and he may very rarely be caught mumbling a word to himself, albeit coherently and either regarding one of his designs or something about the current situation at hand. Still, Miles is very much sane in every other regard, meaning he can lead an intelligent conversation with someone and talk about various things in detail, as well as do everything else like the average person without looking strange, as other mentally-ill people might.


Trinket: His Harmonizer, of course. A prototype in black leather instead of the traditional washed-out and worn browns, the glove has been on his hand for many years in public. He definitely takes care of it, as it is often cleaned and polished at the metal pieces that run along the length of his fingers and down to their tips. He usually has it and the glove off when at home, but will prefer to take both when going out somewhere.


Other: He doesn’t eat too often, yet he retains his healthiness and figure. He is ambidextrous, but has a knack for favoring his right hand. His writing is mostly non-illegible, save for a key few that get used to it or have seen it too many times already to mistake it for someone else’s.

Edited by KuroKishi

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”Do you think . . . there’s a better world out there? I’d like to go there someday . . .”


Lynn Cosette Sieghart || 17

Female || Luna


「personality ;; 」

Gentle and sweet, Lynn is timid and hardworking. Her past has made her compliant and obedient, but she is easily frightened by scary-looking people and loud noises.

Lynn is also a perfectionist, and gets easily stressed as a result. She is especially wary around men, and has a habit of playing with the front strands of her hair if nervous.

Lynn has a soft spot for children, especially siblings, and will try to help out as much as she can.


「history ;; 」

An illegitimate child, Lynn and her older brother were abandoned at birth by their parents. Her brother attempted to care for her the best he could, but when Lynn was eight, he realised that he could no longer support both of their lives and chose to give Lynn away, believing that the girl would have a successful future as the adopted daughter of a rich family.

However, her foster family demanded high wages from her brother for Lynn's wellbeing, while working the young girl as a servant. She grew up in a harsh environment, being yelled at for the littlest things and constantly abused by her foster father and his cronies.

When she was 15, Lynn’s brother died of overwork and disease. However, she does not know this--she believes that he is still out in the world somewhere, and desperately wishes to reunite with the only member of her family that she knows. Upon reaching the age of 16, she ran away from her foster family and spent the ensuring year picking up odd jobs and asking around for her brother’s whereabouts.


「trinket ;; 」

Lynn has a small, fake crystal heart around a flimsy silver string that she wears around her neck, underneath her clothes. Her brother found it while scavenging for food one day, and she has never let it go since.


「other ;; 」

Lynn is 4'9".

If stressed, Lynn is prone to fainting.

I’ll wait for the sunrise.



user posted image


”Me? Ha, you’re kidding!”


Lime Noir || 19

Male || Sol


「personality ;; 」

Lime is mischievous and lighthearted, not one to take many things seriously. It may be difficult to befriend at first, for he never stops teasing and joking around with others, but once one grows close to him Lime can be clingy and attentive. Though a fool, Lime is eager to please and will do anything for those he cares about.


「history ;; 」

Born to the Draugluin, a cursed tribe of lycans, Lime originally lived an uneventful, peaceful life--his family was faithful to the tribe and among themselves, and Lime went to bed each night with the love and care of his mom and dad.

When he was 10, his parents, while hunting together, were caught in a hunting accident and fell off the side of a cliff. Deemed dead, the newly-orphaned Lime was left devastated and alone, being an only child. No one else in the tribe was willing to take in the mischievous, if not annoying youngster, and Lime lived in fear that the tribe would simply abandon him to the wilderness.

However, all hope was not lost. The daughter of the tribe’s leader, Ophelia Delphine, eight years his senior, decided to take him in despite popular opinion. Adopted as one of the Noir family, Lime was suddenly thrust into a position of importance no one, including him, was all too pleased about.

When Ophelia ran from the tribe, they turned to him for leadership. Desperate not to lose what he had come to think of as his second family, Lime too fled from the haven of the Draugluin tribe and became lost within the city, wandering aimlessly.


「trinket ;; 」

Lime has a dark blue ribbon woven into his small side braid, a keepsake from his parents.


「other ;; 」

Lime is 5'10".

I’ll wait for the sunset.


Edited by Lady_Lunevis

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Okay. I was told I didn't need to make a full sheet for Ramona but I want to put up this outline so people can at least see her basic information. Hopefully soon I'll have the time (and energy) to write it up as a proper sheet. Until then:


Username: Narvix

Character Name: Ramona Detesto

World: Luna

Age: She stopped counting after a couple hundred years. [274 years]

Gender: Female


  • Genetic modification began at 13 (16 being the age of the first stone).
  • High class citizen
  • Family largely financially supports Canadrey
  • Had wings until four years ago; they would only get in the way of special work.
  • Genetic modification made her steril. Got her mammary glands removed as a result and boob-skin was flattened.
  • Adopts several children throughout their life, raises them into healthy adults and teaches them
  • skill sets that’ll help them in the future.
  • Was Sound agent in special ops group during its four years of activity.
  • Obsidian scales everywhere, replaces the majority of pale skin
  • Athletic build
  • Green eyes and red hair that falls in waves past her shoulders.
  • Angled face
  • Sharp teeth and claws
  • Close to 6’ in height
  • Bumpy scars on back where wings used to be.
  • Wears skin-tight clothes when working, more loose-fitted clothing when not.
  • Many confuse her for a male because no boobs.
  • Scars everywhere.
  • Prehensile tail, three feet long.
  • “Dino” feet that makes shoes unconventional. Replaced shoes with special wrappings.
  • Digitigrade legs. Slightly. Noticeable.
  • Firm
  • Caring
  • Patient
  • Calm
  • Expert poker face
  • Smooth talker
  • Quick witted/thinker
  • Often hard due to military background
  • Secretive
  • Resentful of nursing mothers
  • Sensitive about her lack of fertility and ability to raise children well
  • Bottles emotions too much
  • Too much stress results in an emotional breakdown
Trinket: Silver and green pendant shaped like a coiled snake on a thin, silver chain that Ramona always wears.

Other: Her work as a special ops agent is kept secret. If people ask about her refined skills and expertise, she comes up with a convincing lie.

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So many people got interested in this topic I'm so concerned what is even happening.


Uh... I guess? I'm worried about adding more people because I really don't want a cluster nor do I want it to fall apart.


It's moving... quickly? right now but it's got its slows and fasts.

So I can't give you a flat answer.



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I would always, always, always accept a sheet from you, even if the topic was utterly closed and gone.

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For Antoinette? Sure. It's still in there. Though a lot of people here aren't using sheets anymore because we're all in a skype chat. :T

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Also can I just jump in where I left off? She was going to meet Bear 😂

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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No it's a completely different story this time, unfortunately.


There's more groups, more changes, more differences, it's got similar beginnings but so far everything has already become tied together.


Fenrir and Feyla are off in one group together in Oowon, the city of Kitsunes far outside of Apollo. Bear, Vertie, Ophelia, and Lime are all together in a group heading a robotics show in the coliseum (much to Bear's reluctance.) Miles is inside of the Steamworks in Apollo right now (he's Bear's cousin) checking off contracts related to new weapon inventions he has. Besides that, a mage named Damien Vance and his devil Lilith are out on stroll while a strange villain works to torment a girl behind the scenes.


In Luna, Lynn, Ramona, Raven, and Garas, as well as Fallea and Hallea, are all in Leah's Cafe. They are the only Luna group, I believe. They're going to head soon to a dock in Loans to try and find out more about Lynn's missing brother while Garas sleeps off a hangover after drinking to try and forget he turned upon his own superiors. Raven and Ramona are catching up - since Ramona adopted Raven - and Lynn is just... Lynn. She is very smol, according to Lune, and Lune really just wants her to get stabbed or something. It's strange.

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Lol no clue how to jump in then... DM me how to jump in at this point! I already read everything, maybe she could be a potential apprentice or something after being noticed at the convention or some ish

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The Apprentice thing ended, sadly, BUT it could be forced in. However, currently they are all heading to the Robotics Coliseum, where there will be a match, and since both poor and rich alike are allowed to attend as long as they're citizens of Apollo (which I believe Antoinette IS) you should be fine.

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Wait... a Contestan-....

Oh my.


Lycra the robotics coliseum is two robots or more fighting each other in brutal fisticuffs or other forms of combat while being guided magically or electrically by their inventors in order to showcase their abilities.


I don't doubt Antoinette could BUILD a robot... but why would she want to use it to fight.

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