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Reincarnated Remake

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Ash tilted his head thoughtfully. He stopped prancing. "Have you seen others like me? What u mean is... are you acquainted with them? I've only seen my kind at the castle. I heard they are wild and move often. And..." He flushed and picked at the hem of his shirt. "We don't have very many females because they're said to be more high spirited then the stallions and are harder to break in.

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Ranaghar nodded, closing his eyes for a few moments to think. "Centaur groups usually avoid the forest but Ranaghar did meet a few of them in the past." He scratched his chin thoughtfully, trying to remember the events from so long ago. "They were going North and always female. Apparently there was a group of female centaurs that resided in the coldest parts of this world. This was many years ago so Ranaghar does not know if they still reside there but at the time, many would pass through the forest. They did not stay for long."

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Asheron nodded. " Maybe we'll run into them again. Do you know any good herbs in this area for healing?" He asked as he continued on and turns at a cross section. He moved like he knows the forest like the back of his hand.

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Ranaghar didn't even bother to look around before he plucked a few red leaves off of a vine growing on one of the trees above them. Glancing it over, he sniffed them a few times then showed them off to Asheron. "These ones help stop bleeding if you mash them up," He replied, holding the leaves out to the centaur. "Do not pick the orange ones, though. They are not ready."

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Ash nodded and stuck the leaves in his saddle bag. He looked around at all the plants. "It is wonderful to see these things in the wild. Like the blue speckled mushroom" he pointed to a light blue cluster of mushrooms growing on a fallen log. They had black flecks on them like robin eggs. "Those are great for sweet stews and if you scrape out the seeds and use the top as a cup, it turns bitter water sweet. We let a few grow in or around the wells. Sweet water with mint helps with minor aches in the belly and works wonders on sore throats. But don't touch the ones with the red flakes on them. Those are bitter and can make you really sick."

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Ranaghar nodded, only sparing a glance at the mushrooms. "I understand this forest more than anyone else. All of it's inhabitants speak to me." He went silent for a few moments, listening to the soft sounds the forest made. Small dragons the size of birds chirped to one another while little feathered creatures ran up nearby trees, pausing only briefly to look at the group. A small creature resembling a winged mouse dropped down from a branch and landed on the top of Ranaghar's head, quickly pawing through his hair before taking flight again and zooming off at a fast speed. "How do you know so much about these plant if there are none where you come from?"

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"My mother. Her mother and her sister was part of the wild group. Elder mother was caught by humans when her leg got broken and was sold to the King at the time. Knowledge is passed down through her to my mother, to me. She keeps a detailed record of every plant, rock, and animal she came across. The mages get more items from the far places and it's up to her to see what they can be used for." He watched the little creatures and watched as what looked like a blue butterfly, but was really a tiny fairy landed on his flank and fluttered her wings as she looked at the runes.

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"That practice sounds primitive," Ranaghar remarked with a frown. He leaned forwards, moving down onto his stomach to rest. His hands hung down from the top of the wagon and he let his head hang as well. "Traders often come to this forest. They attempt to disrupt the harmony of this place by kidnapping those that resided here. Ranaghar often dealt with them before his death and since that point, they have probably returned. They will be dealt with later."

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"it is a little bit primitive, but new herbs can't be used until we know if they are harmful or helpful. Because centaur blood can dilute any poison except for the Darrin or basilisk, she tries them on us. As for the animals, some are needed for the mages spells, but she's aloud to travel to get the things needed, so it doesn't disrupt the balance. She is very adamant on this. And the king made it illegal to capture the wild animals and sell them in the market. It still happens, but where the humans have no infuince." he stopped and looked at the ground then turned off the path on to a trail made by the herds of Seerin, deer like animals with actual hardened tree branches for antlers, but where brown and green with the body of a antelope.

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"The traders were not human," Ranaghar replied. He had never actually met humans before despite so closely resembling one because there was no need to. The creatures that acted as traders were those who did not have alliances with the elves. Human and elven alliances existed for ages but the elves were not as friendly with their other neighbors. It was them who often had invaded the forest and disrupted the peace. Likely, while the leader of the humans had made it illegal for humans to capture wild animals, they still accepted trades from other countries that did approve of the thievery. His absence likely only worsened the situation as no others were there to oppose the traders. "But Ranaghar was referring to the capture of your mother's mother. Disrespecting Elders is an unforgivable crime."

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Ash nodded respectfully and continued on. They were well in the forest now, the sun rising what seemed to be quickly. He stopped near a stream for them to rest.


At some point Derek woke in a fit, drawing his dagger and eyes wild as a roaring snarl ripped from his throat. A moment of confusion passed his face and he flattened his ears and ran a hand through his hair. "Another nightmare.. but I can't remember anything of it..."

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James awoke with a start as Derek suddenly freaked out, startled out of his own sleep thanks to the fit. Backing himself quickly into a corner, he stared at Derek in fear, only settling down when Derek himself calmed down. He hadn't sheathed his weapon yet so naturally James was a bit worried but he tilted his head to the side anyway and held out a hand to his friend. "Are you alright?" he asked softly, clearly worried about Derek. He never had any nightmares. Heck, all of the dreams Derek always spoke about he never experienced himself. For some reason, Derek seemed more in touch with who he had been in the past. It was a bit worrying, honestly.


Ranaghar remained on the top of the wagon, not needing the water in the stream. Listening carefully, he focused on the noises of the forest around them before suddenly being startled by a yell from below. Quickly dropping down, he landed on the ground and looked inside the wagon at the two. "What has occurred here?" he asked, looking inside for something that might have attacked them.

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Derek lowered the dagger. "A dream, a dark shape... red eyes... blood...pain.. that's all I really remember. It's a blur. I'm sorry I startled you both. I startled myself. " He breathed deeply his hand on his shoulder as if he still felt a phantom pain there.


Ash had jumped and splashed into the water at the snarl and stepped out shaking himself off when everything was alright.

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"It's okay," James replied, patting Derek lightly on the back in an attempt to ground him back in the moment. Of course, not having any dreams about his past life for him meant he couldn't really identify with Derek's feelings. Oddly enough, however, he had yet to dream at all while in Tiadoria. Usually he remembered a good deal of what he dreamed but all of the nights he fell asleep, there was no dreaming to be had. He just didn't. "At least you didn't hurt anybody. You might want to just be careful with that dagger though. Just for...future reference."


"Dreams should not be taken lightly," Ranaghar responded with a frown. "They are usually windows into the past or the future. How many nightmares have you had? You may be overlooking something important hidden deep within them."

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He put the knife away. He counted on his fingers; one his first night here, two more three days later. He had five in the two weeks he was healing and recovering, then three more just last night, plus the one now. "Twelve. Not all are nightmares. Sometimes it's of green and sunshine and... someone laughing. Others... they are nightmares. Those have become more often and vivid then the other ones. I don't like those ones."

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Ranaghar’s frowned deepened as he leaned forward slightly, crossing his arms and resting them against the lip of the wagon. “If they are the same they may be memories,” he replied with a slight nod. James looked between the two of them then pointed to himself.

“Why don’t I have nightmares then? I haven’t had a dream since we got here.”

Ranaghar glanced at James briefly then frowned and focused back on Derek.

“Do your best to recall what you see in your dreams."

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"If you think of it James... I've been having these every month or so back home. Maybe... subconsciously.. you're suppressing them?" Derek pulled out a scrap of parchment and drew on it. "I processes things visually..." He said as he drew. It was a vague shape, mostly shadow. It's eyes blank spots and long sharp teeth with clawed hands. Ash came over and watched.



((It looks like a scarier version of a haunter))

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"I’ve never had dreams of anything here, though,” James replied with a sigh. “You always did but I never once had dreams or visions of this place. It’s not subconscious suppression so much as you were the only one to have them to begin with.”

Ranaghar peered over the end of the parchment, frowning slightly.

“It is not a familiar creature,” he admitted with a frown. He’d never seen anything like it before.

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" Be lucky you haven't. That's a shadow specter. Like specters, they can lead you to your death by taking the form of someone you love and trust, but unlike specters, they can hurt you physically and are harder to identify. You haven't seen them for their land is in caves and cliffs of the mountains, along the borders. " He shivers looking around uneasily.

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"So we should be concerned about this," James replied, looking up at Ash. That sounded very worrying. Was the dream something that Arkin had seen? If so, at least he hadn't died from it. They already knew where Arkin and Viziel had died. But if they were known for killing people, maybe Arkin hadn't been the one to die. Maybe the shadow specter had killed someone he knew? "I guess the better question is how do we kill one?"

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"specters don't like silver, they live around copper and gold dwarf mines hoping for some unlucky traveler to follow it into some monsters den. He probably killed it with that dagger. How many of these dreams of fighting happened when you possess that weapon? It might be a trigger... And I wouldn't think it worrisome James. They only attack travelers who are alone." "half, about six of the twelve I'm holding something light. The others its something big and heavy although I can hold it with one hand." Derek said thoughtfully. "What do you think Ranaghar?" Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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"You probably used a two-handed sword in your wolf form," Ranaghar replied with a nod. The elves had done enough with thier toothpicks for him to at least be somewhat used to sword fighting with the small blade. But he'd need help with the larger one. "Do you still have the sword I gave you? Ranaghar will teach you more."

James picked the stone out of his pocket and glanced down at it with a frown. If Ranaghar would teach Derek, he'd have to teach himself. Clearly the guardian wouldn't be helping him any time soon and the rock itself meant he was on his own. But that was fine. He could take the time alone to see what it was capable of. It wasn’t like anyone could teach him how to use a weird electrical fork here anyway. Something told him they’d all think it was magical.


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((I can't think of anything!))


Derek shook his head. "I gave it back to you. Well, gave it to Ledraes to give it to you. I'll use the elvish ones for now. Until I find my own. I think I'll know it when I see it. Besides, yours don't feel right in my hands. And there are swords that can be one or two handed. I think mine was like that. Why don't you guys eat and I'll... meditate some more. I feel ... restless. " He got off and went to the stream he sat with his knees to his chest and looked out at the woods stalk still, even his ears didn't move. Where James had a breakdown at the beginning, his was more gradual. These feelings, dreams, freaked him out. He didn't know what to do.

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((That's okay. Do you want to timeskip to them being out of the forest or something like that?))


Well, if it was Ledraes, the sword was probably in the wagon. Oh well. As long as he had his personal sword, he was fine. Giving Derek a perplexed look, he shrugged then looked at the others. Nodding slightly, he walked around the side of the wagon and pulled himself up, climbing back up to the top and sitting comfortably there. James sighed slightly at this but climbed out of the wagon as well and made his way a short distance away. Looking down at the stone, he flipped it over and pressed his thumb against the back, watching it activate. As long as everyone was resting, he could get some more use out of the thing and try to figure it out bit by bit.

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((Sure, I have something planned for the werewolves, but it'll be interesting how they react to the wild centaurs. You can help me on that. Ash doesn't act like a normal centaur so you can set the bar on the wild ones.))


It took a few days to reach the planes. The fields where flat, sometimes having tall grass and flowers, other parts the ground was dusty and had short, dry grasses . Ash lead them on, following the stars more and picking trails easiest for the wagon to go through. Derek felt exposed. His wolf side longed for cover, the tall grass was acceptable, but once it grew shorter, he missed the trees and stayed hidden in the cart more.

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