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> How high can you count before a mod posts?

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1. purplehaze

2. LadyAngeliki

3. Rainn

4. Trystan

5. Lagie

6. Long_Before_Sunrise

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= 5 x 6

by 5 of 6

5 ppp! ;)

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*sigh* Not gonna fix it 'cause it's just what my fingers do! XD




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Like me with pruple dargon back in the laptop days.XD




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XD Sometimes I have dargons, too.



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People kept trying to get me to 'fix' the typo in my signature.




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6 ppp

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30 minutes ago, Lagie said:


Like me with pruple dargon back in the laptop days.XD

I have a bhue dragon. Who isn't blue, but silver.

Thirty Eight

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48   I love ducks, and you know what they say about ducks...

Edited by Rainn

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4 of 6


quoting John Mulaney, quoting one of his bosses:  “Ah! One feels like a duck splashing around in all this wet! And when one feels like a duck, one is happy!” ....and it's raining outside! hee.

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