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> How high can you count before a mod posts?

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1 of 2

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just edited my signature, need a better bird but for now,

I am happy with it ❤️ 

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Ten! ^^


Awh thanks, honestly I only want to change the bird to maybe a running one,

and one in dark blue to match the pictures next to it.

I'm happy you like it though! ❤️ 

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@Lagie You would be 5 of 5, it appears. :)


So, 1 of 5

and still 4 ppp ;)

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Twenty Three

6 of 6


There's some heavy wind in LadyAngeliki's signature. That bird isn't making any progress.

Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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5 of 6


2 hours ago, purplehaze said:


@Lagie You would be 5 of 5, it appears. :)


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