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Dragon Park

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"I'd like anything! I wanna play too! Pleeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeee????" He pleaded even more


Lee turned to face the dragon."Alright you stupid lizard. I've had enough of your nonsense." He lifted up a pistol and Shot the dragon in the face. He knew it wouldn't do much, but he hoped it would trigger the dragon's instincts to fear humans. He let loose clip after clip into the creature's snout until the pistol ran out of ammo completely. He ran aside and picked up a high pressure hose attatched to the wall. He turned it on and sprayed the Dragon. Steam billowed out as the water evaporated before it even hit the dragon's skin. But Lee kept spraying, hoping that at least some would hit the dragon.

Edited by Melomancer

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Senka sighed and said "ok then." And went inside. There where a few humans left who shivered with fear. Senka turned to Kha and asked "what would a dragon do??"

Drake roared; the bullets and water just annoyed him. His fire burned bigger then ever as he started closing in onto lee. He bared his teeth as he got closer and closer.

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"Ask them how their day was?" Kha suggested, In his innocent hatchling tone.


Lee ran through the shelves."Shotgun, Grey dragon dampeners.. Lightning rods.. Tesla coils..Ah! Got It!" He picked up a nitrogen grenade. "Fire in the hole!" He tossed the cannister at Drake.

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"No." Senka said. "This is step one." He added. He roared at the humans making them shake with fear. "Now you try." He said turning to Kha.

Drake recoiled from the attack so it only hit his legs. He breathed fire melting the nitrogen. He then roared at lee again. (Is there any way dragons can talk to humans??)

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(with body language, perhaps, But i can't see a realistic way for a dragon to communicate clearly with a human. Sorry.)

Kha' Tried his best to roar"Rawr!" His voice was no more than a squeak. one of the keepers smiled and reached his hand out to pet Kha' on the head." I think He likes me!" Kha squealed."Can I keep him?" He asked, turning towards Senka.


Lee Backed away and threw random stuff at the dragon."****!" He buried his head in his hands and tried to run past the dragon.

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Drake stuck a claw out picking lee up. He looked at lee struggling and wondered what to do with him. "Not so tough without your gadgets." He thought.

Senka sighed "no. That is a human and they hurt dragons like us. They had you in a cage. We eat them instead." He said.

Edited by Dragontamer259

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(Side note: If you want to introduce Npcs, you don't need a form. Of course, if you come to like your NPC and want to develop them further, use the forms.)

Kha' looked at the humans"Hurt us? How? They never did anything to me." He cuddled up to the human."Why do you hate them so much? What did they do to you?"


Lee struggled out of the Dragon's grip, falling to the ground. Before he could do anything, he heard footsteps echoing through the hall. A lot of footsteps.


The Alpha dashed through the halls, with the rest of the pack hot on her heels. She snarled and they fell into order. They noticed several walls and doors torn down. The alpha signaled for the rest to be quiet. The pack of Olive dragons erected their venomous spines and crept. They saw a large magma dragon with a human. Growling, they pounced.


Lee pushed the Olive aside. It snarled and tried to bite him again. He grabbed a shotgun and blew it's head off. The rest leaped onto The magma Dragon. Some of them got burnt, but the rest hung on to the stony areas of his body, biting and clawing him.


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"They locked me up." Senka said. "And fed me bad food." He added.

Drake roared shaking off the dragons. He snapped at a few making them jump back. Realizing he was outnumbered Drake picked up lee carefully with his jaws, and went out of the room.

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Kha' Was confused."Bad food? What kind of bad food? And being locked up is not fun, but why are you mean to them because of that? Can't you guys just hug it out?" He hugged the human carrying him tightly.


Lee was lifted off the ground by the Magma. The olives were snapping, but he was out of reach. He aimed his shotgun and fired at a few of them. The alpha gave him a look of pure hatred, before running off. The pack soon followed. Lee sighed, before realizing the dragon was still carrying him.

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Drake had lee right between his teeth. It was very tempting to bit but he kept walking. Once he got out of the park he sat lee down and looked at him; he looked so tasty.


"No we can't. They still hurt us. And they don't know what type of meat we like." Senka said.

(Sorry I have a writers block...)

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"What kind of meat do you like?" Kha gently nibbled the human's fingers."I like all meats! Meat is delicious!"


Lee was confused. If the dragon wasn't going to kill him, why did he go to all the trouble? He sat down and watched the dragon.

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"I prefer bear and deer meat." Senka said. "They give me slop." He said roaring at the humans making their smiles disappear.

Drake lied down keeping a close eye on the human. He roared at him just to watch him shake. Drake grinned slightly; he would keep this one for entertainment.

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Skull woke up suddenly. How long was he out? He yawned before getting up. He stretched and sat by the fence to look outside once again. He placed his claws upon the metal bars, half expecting to be shocked again by the electricity. He sat there for ten seconds before realization came upon him. The electricity was not working.

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Drake made a deep pit and dropped lee inside. He then rolled a boulder over the entrance and headed back to the park; he wanted to see if there was anymore dragons left.

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"Dammit!" Lee tried his best to move the boulder. The rock held firmly in place. He sat down and waited for help to come.


"Bear and Deer? What do they taste like?" Kha hopped off the human and looked at Senka.

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The guardian of nature was in a mood to try and break his cage. He grew wings about a day ago. He took advantage of the powerout by overpowering the cage and running out. He felt free as ever. "These humans cage me like a animal. They should've shown me some respect."

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"Good." Senka answered. He then bit a human in half, eating part of it. He watched the other humans shiver as he chewed.

Drake went back into the park and saw a guardian of nature. He kept walking, seeing if there where any humans left.

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Kha' screamed loudly as senka ate the human"What are you doing??"


Lee Picked up his pocket radio."Anyone there? Hello? Anybody?"

(Just have to wait for another Human RPer to save Lee)

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Echo hated the confined space he was always stuck too but since it was daylight the cage wasn't as bad. Sleeping made the annoyances lessen though the sounds today were getting to be unbearable. Rolling over he landed against the electric bars and jotted up and away, however it wasn't them that made him jump but instead his own instincts.

"What they didn't shock me" he thought reaching for them again.

A smile crossed his face as he realized the bars weren't on for some reason. Opening the door and stepping out of his pen Echo took to the skies. Even in the day he loved the freedom but still he soon found a shady tree in the middle of the field to sleep under.


"This is definitely not as cool as i thought it would be Glacies" Ignis said panting while they hide under a table as the place was ransacked by dragons.

"Agreed" was Glacies's only reply while he caught his breath.

They waited for most of the more dangerous dragons to clear out before making their way to an office.

"Maybe they've some weapons in here."

"Or keys to a boat."

The office granted the brothers a pair of tranquilizers with ten shots each. Though they would never take one of the larger dragons down only smaller ones.

"Alright lets get to the docks" Glacies stated.

Though as he was about to leave Ignis caught him and pointed to a closet which was filled with the sound of panic. Ignis opened the door and picked up the radio pressing the button as he did.

"Yeah we're here" He replied. "I assume you need help?"

"Dude we have to get out of here" Glacies replied sternly after Ignis had released the button. "We can't help him."

"Well we should at least see if we can. What if that was us?"

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"Oh my god.. Yes. I need help! This dragon trapped me under a boulder. I'm near the herbivore pens. There should be a map near the front desk. Make your way there before I get eat-"The radio crackled stactic and died."Damn it. Out of batteries." Lee flung the radio across the small space.

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They listened to the mans frantic plea for help until the radio on his end cut out.

"See trapped under a boulder" Glacies replied. "There's no way we can move a giant rock."

"Boulder is a retaliative term brother" Ignis retorted walking out to find the map at the front desk.

The visitor's center was nearly destroyed with its roof caved in and furniture thrown everywhere but he still managed to find the map. It was on the floor and the glass casing smashed but once he pulled the map out it was completely fine. Ignis and Glacies read it over inspecting every detail of the island.

"See the herbivore pens are on the way to the far side docks" Ignis pointed out.

"Yeah the FAR side ones not the docks closest to us."

"Well I'm going anyways" he replied clutching his tranquilizer gun as he walked towards the door.

"Ignis! Ignis get back here we have to leave don't you want to survive this."

"Not if it means forgetting my humanity."

"user posted imageyou brother, we're going to die" Glacies said under his breath.

He pulled out his phone and took a picture of the map for reference before following Ignis. Luckily for them part of the garage had survived though even with a car the drive would take at lest half an hour.



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(I'm making a map at the moment. This is so tiring...)

Phew. Done.)


Lee closed his eyes and slowed his breathing. He had to make the most of his oxygen. He relaxed and leaned against a wall.


The grey dragon roared and stepped over the bodies of his fellow-cage mates. He was the victor. He had destroyed the security measures. None could stop him now. He decided to hunt for his prey instead of summoning another storm. The dragons who had escaped were nothing but prey to him now. He noticed a lone man walking past his cage and snapped at him. The man ran in fear.One..Two..Three.. He jumped out in between the bent bars and swallowed the man whole.

Edited by Melomancer

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Alpha Bleu woke up with a headache side affected from some tranquilizer. She was in a cage full of walls. She heard people talking outside before she was shoved into her new habitat. She looked around and groaned from the headache and the blinding light. The humans were gone now and she was left in the open. She stumbled her way to a shady spot and sat there a while. The Royal Blue didn't feel well.

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Name: Namina Waltz

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Human or dragon?: Human

Ethnicity or Species: Latina

Appearance: Link


Other: mechanical engineer for the park))


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