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Ren scratched the back of his head as Celty deposited the last of the injured merchants near the Dragon summoner.

"I guess that's all we have to do... oh wait," Ren looked over and saw one of the teachers, previously she'd been taking care of an injured person but now she seemed to be completely physically drained. Ren tilted his head in concern and then sighed as he saw her straighten up. He slide down Celty's back and walked over towards her.

"Are you okay? I was meant to bring all the injured people over to the teacher over there? Do you need help or?" He looked over his shoulder Celty, who was busy grooming her wings. She caught his eye and it widened slightly. He looked past the teacher at the boy and grimaced, there was a fair amount of blood around his leg.

"If you like I can carry you... or Celty can, she can be real gentle when she tries. That's if you need help... you could also ride on her back! Her feathers are really soft," Ren said smiling at him. He paused and quickly removed his glasses and cleaned them on his coat.


((Sorry for the short post))

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Selena smiled at her patient. "It's okay," she replied, stroking Helios' hair once more. "Now, get some rest. You need it."


At the approach of the new Summoner Selena got to her feet, Vulpis standing dutifully beside her as the man offered a ride on his Fiend. Despite the earlier weakness Selena seemed steadier on her feet now, her face regaining a bit more colour; using Vulpis' healing magic was wearying, but she was not yet close to her limit. Healers were used to working from sunrise to sunset when required, and if they were lucky they could stop for water - the key was to pace oneself and delegate heavier tasks.


"I would prefer if you took Helios over to the treatment area," Selena replied graciously. "I can still walk, but he is weak and freshly healed."

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Diana stayed by the man, holding the hand attached to his unhurt arm. She kept on glancing over at Selena, watching and waiting until she was finished with Helios. Another kid had gone up to her - he seemed to be offering assistance. She could see that the nurse had declined by her movements, and chose that moment to let go of his hand and rise. Just when she was about to call for Selena, she spotted a Military Healer that was nearer and looked far less tired. Of course, they were highly trained and used to doing much healing at once.


The black-haired teacher hailed her down, and soon enough he was as good as new - although a bit tired and worn. She supported him over to the huddle of his companions and then retreated, hopping onto Rain's back. Then she faced the scene fully, taking it in. She felt so tired and old sometimes. If she had been young again, under the tutelage of Ceil in her teens, this might have excited her. Oh, she would have been scared and sad, but it had all been so new and fresh before the battle of the Titans. Now it seemed like routine. The killing and brutality and sense of loss had grown to be so much more apparent over the years. This was what Ceil had seen. Selfishly, she wished fiercely for a moment that she could be back there again - young and free and wild, perpetually being admonished by her teacher. Shielded from the complete horror by her own ignorance.


But she was here now. Right at this moment she had students - they could be scared and unsure, just wanting their teacher to tell them what to do. So she would do as she had promised to do. She would look after them. Sitting straighter, they both surveyed the area, searching for anyone who looked lost.

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"I'm...okay" said Helios trying to get to his feet and failing. "You should...help the others."


Now that the pain was gone current events were coming back to him. Embarrassment was now starting to flare up. He didn't want to be thought of as the weak one, the one that needed to be taken care of. While he was grateful for Selena's help there was a part of him that felt ashamed he needed it. His very first stint as a proper Summoner and he nearly got himself killed. Good going Helios.


After another struggle, pushing some broken pieces of wood out of the way, he managed to sit upright and look around. He could see clearly now and the sight of all the wreckage and bodies of the fallen made him give a soft sigh in sorrow.


"Where's Sandor?"


It suddenly realised he hadn't seen his partner since before the tornado started up. He had been nested somewhat safely in the tree, but what had happened to the other boy? had sandor been dragged into the vortex?


Helios continued to look around, panic rising.

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Bella sat on the ground curled up in a ball, arms covering her head. The head bud attack from Beldor caused her to one heck of a headache. Her fiend was sitting in front of her now and then bending down to lick her hands. He knew she wasn’t well all he could do now was to support her.

“You did good buddy. We’ll need to practise that so that I don’t have so much pain.” Bella spoke but still not moving from her current position. Both sat in silence when suddenly a dark shadow covered the two. Beldor didn’t felt threatened towards the large fiend instead he backed away a bit so that the dragon could help his summoner.


Bella was quite surprised when her body felt suddenly warm. She looked up only to see a silhouette of a familiar fiend. Without warning Areo’s teeth gotten hold of her clothes causing him to pick her up like a lioness would with her cub. The large fiend slowly started to make his was towards where his own summoner would be followed by Beldor who looked up regularly to see if his summoner was fine.


“Thanks Areo.” Bastian spoke as the dragon fiend placed the girl in the ditch next to him. Luckily one of the healers had already gotten to him, healing his cracked ribs and scared body. He only stayed in the ditch due to he was a bit tired and need to rest himself while Areo continued to help the others.


“You know we still need to finish this task. We need to get the supplies to Suda no matter what?” Bastian spoke to Bella who seemingly sat silent waiting on orders only nodding yes in response. Beldor was of course right behind her check if his summoner was still fit to do anything.

“You okay at least?” Bastian spoke as he stood up dusting himself off.

“Oh um, yeah. Is the others alright?”


“Yes from what I can tell. Areo will bring them here soon.”


With those words it was sure enough that the large fiend made his way towards the group offering his assistance to carry them to their next destination.

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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Somewhere, near the fair town of Tehgrimm Suda, in the woods along a forgotten pathway lay a bruised and battered body. The trees surrounding the area were uprooted and strewn far across the disheveled earth floor. Blood was splattered everywhere, and its crimson trail lead further into the dark and dangerous woods. A horrible creature lay limp in a creator dug into the soft earth at the end of the trail, yet there was no glimpse of whatever had thrown the monster.


The unsuspecting summoner was spread across the hard ground. Thick scarlet liquid adorned his torn flesh, and his chest barely rose and fell as more of the thick substance fled its damaged host. There would be no hope for this fallen. No one knew where he was and he was too weak to summon his friend. The stranger stared blankly at the blurring sky with his lips pursed. There was no panic in his dull burgundy gaze, nor were there any thoughts of hope plaguing his addled mind. The man had simply accepted his fate. What would happen would happen, and he wouldn't have to sign his life away to a fate where his life would no longer be his.

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Helios got to his feet. He couldn't see Sandor anywhere. He stumbled away from Selena and the strange man, his aching leg forgotten in his terror, and headed towards the tree where he could last remember seeing his partner.


The tree was badly damaged, if Cerberus hadn't broken the tornado when he had it would not have lasted much longer. Helios could see the remains of some of the carts scattered through the bushes and several goods packages scattered here and there.


He turned to look up and down the road, but did not see Sandor's face anywhere. Hoping maybe that Sandor had gone to help find the people who had ran into the trees Helios pressed on into the bushes.


There was damage even here. Smaller and weaker vegetation and been ripped out at the roots and flung away by the strong winds. There were bits of painted wood, shreds of paper, a dead Gussie. Helios was just wondering if he should head back to the road when he saw something lying in a crater, a person, badly wounded.


Helios half hopped, half ran and knelt at their side. It wasn't Sandor, but there were in dire need of aid.


"Help!" he cried over his shoulder towards the track. "I need help!"

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Rain suddenly turned about, ears flicking rapidly. She had heard the yell from deep within the forest. Diana knew it was Helios, having noticed him walk off. She hadn't wanted to disturb him - he seemed to hate her. But now he was yelling, screaming. They galloped to a Healer who was finished, and she flung out her arm. "Someone needs help." That was all he needed to take her arm and get up onto Rain. His arms laced around her middle as they set off quickly into the woods. The unicorn flew over pieces of wood in her way, horn held high in preparation for a possible attack. It didn't take long for Rain to locate the source of the voice - she had far better hearing than any human.


As they came alongside the two boys, the Healer jumped off and immediately knelt next to the boy with a small cat-like Fiend by his side. Diana also slid off as Rain circled the group. A stream of water wove around her horn just in case. "Are you okay? Was there a monster attacking him?" she asked, bright eyes sweeping down his body. He didn't look hurt - just worried. "Good thinking there. You were quick to assess that he needed help, and that may have saved his life," she said with a small smile. Her attention was taken for a moment by Rain, telling her that the monster laid in a ditch a small way further down was dead, and that there were no other threats immediately nearby. Or, at least, according to her hearing and smell.


((hold on!!! Editing!!!

Edit: done))

Edited by Chicogal

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"I didn't see a monster" said Helios. "I was looking for Sandor."


The healer was working in a similar manner to Selena, checking the wounds and trying to stem the bleeding. As Helios watched the man called forth his Fiend, revealing himself a Summoner, and set the knee high pig-like creature to healing what wounds it could.


Suddenly the Healer stopped and looked down at his Fiend. With a shake of his head he looked to Diana.


"We have a problem. I believe this man is a darkness Summoner. I can not help him with magic. He needs to be moved to the hospital in Tehgrimm Suda. I can not mend his wounds here."

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Diana bit down on her lip. So Sandor was missing now? Damn it. When she was informed by the Healer that the man was of Darkness, she cursed. This was not her day. She thought for a moment before Rain came up next to the man and she knelt down next to him. "We need to get a flying Fiend to take him. Rain and I can take him back to the group, and Areo will have to carry him there. It will be the quickest way. I will come back and meet you out on the path to search for Sandor. Don't move from the path. We don't know what else lies out there," she said to Helios. Then she turned her attention back to the Healer. "That's assuming it's fine to move him. Will it be?"

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"Keep an eye on him," Selena said to the private with the eagle-like Fiend, nodding after Helios. "We healed him, but his body is not yet recovered; he may collapse through exhaustion if he is not careful as it takes time for the body to replenish blood. Vulpis and I will be at the triage point." With that the Healer turned and started walking with purpose towards where the injured were being gathered. A couple of other Healers were present in the party but most were Apprentices, still learning their trade and, for some, their power. She recognised a fellow Journeyman heading off towards Helios, but otherwise it seemed she was the ranking Healer.


Vulpis at her side, Selena moved into the triage area and started to take stock, ensuring that the triage officer was handling his job before turning to the area where the most severely injured were carried to. She and her Fiend would have a lot to do this morning.

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((I'm sorry, i wasn't paying attention to the RP, to busy playing dark souls. That game is too addicting. I was just wondering, what happened to my character? i'm pretty sure Sandor was next to Helios in my last post...))


((Edit: i realized i never actually typed him getting to Helios, so now i'm just going to go with it. I'm going to come up with something right now and hopefully have a post out soon))

Edited by na82008

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While Sandor was running his foot caught on something. He tripped and hit the ground face first. He sat up and put a hand on his face. "Ah, that hurt" he said. He got up and turned around to see what he tripped over, to see a tail sticking out from under a wagon. He froze in place. The tail pulled under the cart and the head of a salamander stuck out, looking for whatever had stepped on its tail. Oh god Sandor thought. Rayanard was still with Helios, and there was a pissed off Gussi right in front of him.


Sandor fell backwards, hitting the ground again. The Gussi realized that the danger of the abomination had passed and crawled out from under the wagon, heading for Sandor. Sandor saw a broken 2 x 4 on the ground nearby and grabbed it. He held it out in front of him with shaking hands, hoping he could use it as a weapon.


Rayanard, at the other end of the caravan felt his summoners distress and immediately began running towards the front of the caravan, looking for his summoner

Edited by na82008

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Voices... The nearly unconscious summoner heard voices. Despair filled the pained soul. The spirits were coming for him! He was truly going to die. Why? Why at such an inappropriate time? He had survived countless attacks, and now he was going to go out because of a stupid monster. Castian grumbled inwardly at this reality. Wait until his friends heard about his death...he would be the laughing stock of the other summoners for falling prey to such a simplistic ambush.


But then a burning fire settled over his deathly pale skin. No, not a fire but a hand pressed against his cold flesh. Death wasn't warm and soft, was it? From the stories he had heard, the Mother of Death had such an icy touch that it could freeze the very blood in your veins. The ghosts began whispering again. Castian fought hard to break through the fog of agony that tore him away from the land of the living. He needed to hear what the murmuring voices were saying.


"...problem. ...man is a darkness Summoner. I....help...magic. He...moved to the hospital.... ...can not mend his wounds..."


Those ghosts did not sound like the dead haunting his cold form. It sounded like a man. Perhaps a boy as well? Was there still hope for his abused body? Castian truly did not want to die today. Fighting to open his eyes, he let a soft groan slip past his ashen lips.


"We need to get a flying Fiend to take him..."


A woman's voice joined the fray, causing the young summoner to still for a moment. The darkness tugged at his vision once again, threatening to take him into its ensnaring grasp.


"That's assuming it's fine to move him. Will it be?"


Of course moving him wouldn't be fine! He hurt everywhere, but what choice did this nameless person have? He hoped this idiot wouldn't be in charge of saving his life.

"Help." Castian cried out, though his plea came out as more of a muffled moan before his conscious slipped back into a the depths of his deep enslaving slumber.

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The healer shook his head.


"It'll probably hurt him just getting him out of this ditch" he explained. "But we can not leave him here."


At that moment the injured man managed to utter a single word, a plea for help. Helios put his hand on the stranger's own blood soaked one and tried to give what comfort he could.


"It's going to be okay" he said. "We're going to take you to the hospital. Just hold on."


The healer stood up and ran back through the bushes. Helios looked over at Diana but moments later the healer returned with another couple of men and what looked like a stretcher of sorts.


"Boy, if you can I need you to find someone with a large enough Fiend to carry him. One capable of flight would be best."


Helios nodded and then looked back down at the man.


"I'll be right back."


Standing up Helios left Diana and the military soldiers as they gently started to transfer the man to the stretcher. He pushed his way through the bushes and back towards the main trail.


((Who should Helios go to? Ren or Bastain?))

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((He can go to Ren, that way Helios can find Sandor as well))


Ren nodded in reply to the healer, she seemed to have experience and he trusted her judgment. His eyes followed Helios as the boy hurried off in search of his friend.

"I guess we should help him find his friend," Ren said to himself. He turned to Celty and gave her an affectionate pat on her wing. She looked up from her preening and gazed down at him.

"Come on Celty we've got to keep an eye on that injured kid, and if we're in the air we can look for his friend as well," Ren said enthusiastically. Celty continued to look back at him, then she returned to preening her wings. Ren's shoulder slumped in disappointment. He climbed up onto her back and wrapped his arms as far around her neck as he could and rubbed his cheek against her.

"Come on Celty, just because the bad guys gone doesn't mean we should stop helping people," He said.

If birds could sigh, Celty performed a very convincing attempt. She spread her large wings and with one strong flap they were in the air. Ren grinned and leaned over her neck gazing down. He quickly put his hand up to stop his glasses slipping off his nose.

"Hey Celty when we get to the school, remind me to get a chain for my glasses! I can't keep doing this!" He called to her, even though they were stationary the wind at this height was still fairly strong.

Ren turned his gaze back down to the ground, he could see all the healers hurrying between the groups of people, he could see those who were alright trying to scavenge as much of their merchandise as possible. He looked down the caravan and his eyes narrowed slightly. One of the people had a large plank raised above them. He looked closer and his eyes narrowed on the Gussi in front of him.

"Celty quick help him!" Ren called to the bird, who had been keeping an eye on Helios. Looking down she saw the problem and glided above the student and Gussi.

"Celty what are you-

Celty curled her wings in and dropped down, Ren wrapped his arms with fright around her neck, trying to keep himself connected to her.

"I really need a harness!" He called, mostly to himself.

With a loud thud Celtys talon landed on the top of the Gussi, a large creature but the combined weight and momentum of Celtys fall crushed it. Ren let go of Celtys neck and slid down her back on the smooth feathers, the bird was clearly proud of itself even though she'd nearly crushed the person the gussi was attacking.

"Damn Celty, warn me you're going to do something like that next time... though I give you points for innovation," Ren said. He then looked over at the guy who'd been the target of the gussi.

"Sorry about that, we can't really use our proper abilities yet, all we can really do is make a gust of wind, and that can't really be a targeted attack," Ren said cheerfully, scratching the back of his head.


((Let me know if there are any problems, na82008 hope that was an okay resolution))

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When Helios stumbled back onto the road he was surprised at how different it looked. The military was used to performing such operations and it hadn't taken them long to clear up the mess. All of the broken carts had been removed from the trail and the working ones loaded back up for the remainder of the trip to Tehgrimm Suda.


Only the healers were still hard at work. There were still a large number of injured people who had to be seen to before they could move on. Helios scanned their patients for a moment, wondering if Sandor was amongst them, before turning away to look for Bastain.


Looking the other way he saw a large bird-like Fiend and the guy who had offered to help him and Selena, and Sandor. Awash with relief Helios ran over to them best he could.


"You'e alive!" he exclaimed gleefully. "I was worried that something had happened to you."


He suddenly remember the errand he had been on and turned to the other boy.


"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name before, but I need your help. There is a badly injured man back in what is left of the trees. He needs to be lifted to the hospital in Tehgrimm Suda. Can your Fiend carry a stretcher?"

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Ren scratched his head as Helios arrived.

"Nice to see you're not the one who's injured any more and the names Renley Waters but you can call me Ren!" He said enthusiastically. He then turned and looked up at the large bird, the prospect of getting a critically injured person to a hospital seemed to entice her into helping.

"I'm sure she could... though the person on the stretcher would need to be fairly secure. I wouldn't want them to fall out while Celty's still holding the stretcher and have her not notice" Ren said scratching his chin. The bird had no such doubts of course and seemed surprised that Ren could have any doubt in her abilities.

"But we can give it a try, it's all part of the job!" Ren said enthusiastically. He climbed up onto Celty's back. And motioned towards Helios to join him.

"Can you guide us over there?" He looked over at Sandor, "You can come too if you want, that gussie won't be bothering you any more," He said happily.

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"This way."


Helios turned on his heel, his aching leg almost forgotten, and started to make his way back through the trees and bushes to where he had left the injured man and Diana.


When he arrived the man had been laid into the stretcher and was held in place by leather straps. The healer and soldiers looked up when Helios returned and then at the slighter older Summoner who followed.


"We must move quickly" said the healer. "He needs to get treatment at the hospital as soon as possible."

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Diana had helped to gently shift the man onto the stretcher. He really was badly ripped up... Darkness Summoners always had it worse than any other type of summoner. They fought, but could not be healed by Light magic. That was part of why Ceil had died. Her fist tightened on the chunk of Rain's mane she now held. The unicorn stood beside her, still keeping a lookout for any monsters. She breathed a sigh of relief when Helios returned, presumably with a flying Fiend. He had been swift.

Edited by Chicogal

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The sheer agony that tendrilled through the summoner's broken body was enough to make Castian scream in silent agony, even in the deep recesses of his mind. His hand fell limply over the side of the stretcher, and his cold fingers brushed ever so lightly against Diana's side. An instant later, his arm was secured and the stretcher was lifted up, but the dark summoner couldn't be bothered by that. He had no idea what was taking place.


Fresh blood trickled down along his chest now, his once white shirt turning a stained crimson as the fabric soaked up what little life the injured male had left. He wouldn't last much longer.

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Ren stared in shock at the injured man. So he was a darkness summoner, that would explain it. He hurried over and looked at the man in the stretcher, there was blood seeping. He turned and stared in shock at the nearest healer.

"I know he can't be healed by light magic but couldn't you have put some more bandages on him!? He's still bleeding so much!" Ren said in shock. He then pulled off his large coat and wrapped it around the summoners body, hoping to staunch more of the blood with the thick heavy material. He tied up the coat by the sleeves, they would need to travel fast and a hanging coat would just add more wind resistance and could alter their speed.

"Okay Celty pick him up and make sure you're gentle, but we need to travel quick so a firm grasp would be best," Ren said. The large bird appeared above them and lowered down, she then wrapped her talons around the stretcher, fitting it in just one. Ren climbed up onto her back. Rubbing his forehead, and shivering slightly without his coat.

"Alright, nearest hospital, nearest hospital Tehgrimm Suda, should take maybe 20 minutes if we fly at full speed?" Ren said quietly to himself.

"You hear that Celty! Full speed, but make sure not to be too-

He was cut off as Celty accelerated off the ground, Ren was briefly thrown backwards and only just managed to grab a handful of feathers.

"For god sake celty! Don't be too rough!" He tried to call but the wind was too strong. He brought his legs up to his chest and shivered, without his coat this constant wind was freezing!

He looked behind him, watching as the landscape flew away beneath them. He would probably need some rest after this, he was already feeling a little tired.


((Hope thats okay? Im not really sure what to do when they reach the hospital so... advice?))

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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((The healers did put some bandages on him, when they were trying to stem the bleeding. And that arm was secured in Vang's very next sentence.))

Edited by Fortune86

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Diana felt something cold brush against her side, and glanced down. It was the man's hand. She had seen how he had some sort of barely conscious awareness of his pain. Feeling that she could at least offer the poor soul some semblance of comfort, she took his hand in two of her own and squeezed it gently. At least he might register this if he was about to die. "You'll be okay," she spoke, letting go as the arm was secured. Then he was being taken away, put onto the back of a flying Fiend. She watched him fly into the sky, and sighed, hoping that he would make it. "Thank you, Helios," she said, turning to him. She inclined her head toward their makeshift path in a silent gesture and then started to walk away from the bloodstained scene.

((Eh. Hope that that's okay.))

Edited by Chicogal

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