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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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" She? My friend? Not really. She always acted as a servant, not a friend. She admitted that she would do anything for me. I can shoo her off and she goes. Friend? I think not. It was her stupidity that ended her up with a torn throat. Not my 'lack of concience' as you say. If you wish me gone and not have me as an ally, then I will go. Remember: if we meet again, I WILL NOT be so willing to be friends. Good day" and the changed, corrupted Yopple flew off. He must have been influenced by SOMETHING.


Ohimia didn't want to accept this blessing without thanking the Mage. She flew up to them and yelled, "hey! Sorry to interrupt, but I didnt want to leave you guys without thanking you, so thanks. Even if I can't travel with you, I would still be happy to be friends. So, how about it? Unless you somehow would tolerate me along, I will leave after this. Sometimes, I think both sides have faults. I wonder which side will oh I NEED TO STOP TALKING SO MUCH!!!" She smacked herself in the head. Because my voice and lack of common-sense almost got me killed.

That attacker must have influenced Yopple.

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Ronan looked at the screen and was just puzzled. "I'm going outside to practice. Be ready to leave later for our date." He smiled at her as he went outside.

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Axle simple watch Atlas from a distance as she try to walk as a human being and notice she was being careful about how she walked. "Your walking need a little bit more work, and let the movement flow more freely. Let it come more naturally." Axle told her as he still keep a watchful eye on her progress. He was going to wait until she started to run, for he did already show her, and he stood there quietly to himself.



Azera simple shook his head, "I have no where to really call home. Plus-" Azera stood up this time and grab his sword. He removed it from the loose ground that have soak his blood, "I will find out what he knows." He sound like he meant it. He begins to walk away from the woman before stopping and picked up his bow, and said. "If you need me, look south-east, because that the direction he went, and I will follow." Azera said to her before taking his leave. He pick up the arrow, which seemed to not have damage on it even from the impact, and pick up the dark mist by it tail. "You might be useful for later reason, or you might know something as well." He said to the dark mist as it seem to passed out.


Only part of Azera strength have return from the healing, and his short rest/chat with that woman, so as he walked his was evident, he was pushing himself.

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Albel snorted as Yopple spewed his views on Ohima. "That's pretty low, even by my standards" he smirked. True, Albel was no doubt sadistic, he would never drop his brother like a sack of rocks like that. Hell, he'd even forgiven Dion. The dragon took his leave soon after, threatening about not being friends later. "I hope that fool is joking after how easily his friend was cut down. I hate weaklings that try to act big" he mused. Fayt glared at the form of Yopple as he flew further away, "Good riddance. With friends like that, who needs enemies?" he folded his arms across his chest. Albel retracted his claws and turned his eyes on Akuma and Nick. Akuma looked at Ohima with a glare next, "Stay away from us. That basic enough for you?" he snapped. Albel raised an eyebrow, smirking again. Albel raised a bloody finger to point at Nick, "Why is that thing on your back?" he asked pointedly. Akuma paused, looking past Ohima, "Humans aren't very... fast. I needed to move" "Have some dignity, fool. And on the note of stripping dignity, if you ever pull something like that again, I'll kill you" Albel interjected, flickering his eyes briefly to Ohima. "Yes, sir, big brother" Akuma muttered quietly. Albel's ears twitched, "What was that?" he growled. "Nothing" Akuma turned and swiftly took off into the air.


Chi chuckled, nodding, "That is true. On the contrary, I never terribly disliked humans. Some were horrible, sure, but particularly the children were sweet. I could poke around the human city sometimes because of Albel. He was the main one that instilled Hybrid fear. The general public didn't even know about Hybrids until the breakout" she explained, skinning the second rabbit now. "But hopefully things will calm down now with the new city"

Edited by Sai

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"Okay, I will," Minerva said without taking her eyes off the computer. She clicked on each sub-article and read through them to get details on what she needed to do. After reading all of step 1, the woman wrote down on a notepad paper the supplies she would need for Ronan's business such as chairs, a table, dummies, wooden swords. She even thought of hiring a a web designer to make his website and a graphic designer to make the banner and ads on paper. She clicked the back button and went to step 2, which was how to get business assistance and training. Thankfully, they were free and they were on web videos. But there were many of them and each of them probably took like several minutes to watch. Minerva let out a sigh and thought, 'Oh boy, this is going to take a while.' She clicked on the first video link and listened to the explanation about the types of local assistances like regional offices, district offices, and disaster field offices. Thankfully, it only took 2 minutes to watch. Then she went to another video, which also took a very short time.




This time Atlas put aside her vigilance and moved around. It went fine without any problems at all. Now being used to walking, the woman thought about increasing her pace a little bit to see if she can walk just as fine like that. She went a bit faster this time to try it out. Again, no trouble at all. Wanting to know if she had walked right, she asked, "Hey Axle, how did I do?"




"He?" asked Kathia as the man got up and started to leave with the dark myst he took. "Wait, do you mean Azera? Is that the guy who attacked you? That's his name, right?" Maybe if the mercenary won't train her people, then perhaps his attacker will. Perhaps even his slaves, if that's what these dragons were, could be useful for her society in building Sundown.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan had gone outside and was practicing. He was practicing what appeared to be martial arts forms. Some of them were rigid and stiff, others were strong but fluid, and a few were soft and slow. Drake had finished his nap and decided to watch Ronan's practice.

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Zeditha sat back, listening. She wasn't really sure how to respond, so she tried to think of something else to say. "How are you going to cook the rabbits?" she asked. "I just breathe fire on them. Anything you'd like me to help with?"


((I want to make another character, because there's a tear in my eye from playing her in Hatchlings. She's hilarious! Anyway, does anyone know where the OOC went? I forgot how I signed up~ ))

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((We dont have an OOC. But the character form is on the front page))

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((Aaaand another late reply… I really need to manage my time better >.<))

((Also, I decided to make an account on the wiki. I'll edit Jupiter and Sparks' pages a bit. I think I'm going to give Sparks an actual name, "Sparks" will just be her nickname.))


Pyro nodded when Aeolus asked him where his clan lived. "Not too far away, a few miles South from here. They live in a series of caves on the side of a cliff." He sent him a mental image of the steep rock face, dotted with dozens of caverns. "But if you're going to meet my kin, don't take me with you. We don't exactly see eye to eye…" He looked down at his claws.




Seliss yawned and rolled over in her bed. What time was it? She sat up and looked at the clock through half-closed eyes. She had slept through half the day! Groaning, she heaved herself up to her feet and shuffled to the bathroom. After getting dressed and attempting to tame the mop of tangles that was her hair, Seliss pulled on her boots and left her fancy hotel room, still half asleep.

After a quick breakfast of bread and fruit, she began wandering the streets of Wind fall, looking for work. She had spent most of her money on the hotel room, and that was only temporary. If she didn't find a job soon, it would be over for her. Lost in thought, Seliss didn't even notice the mint dragon from last night trailing behind her, like a loyal dog.

Edited by SparksflY

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The woman went on watching video after video, while skipping those that weren't important to Ronan's cause such as one about women's business for example. After a while of watching all these surprisingly short videos, she went on to read the next steps. Step 3 was about choosing a business location, which was already done. Step 4 was about the business loan programs. Minerva read the sub-articles there to see how the process was done. Everything looked complicated and she was probably going to get bored trying to read it all in step 4.




Aeolus listened to the description the cassare gave him and received the mental image of his clan's homeland. Then Pyro told the leader to not bring him along as his family doesn't see eye to eye with him. The disaster dragon understood his soldier's nervousness and said, "Very well, I'll go alone. But do be prepared to face them should I ever return with the clan." This fair warning would give the cassare time think on how to deal with any possible stress he'll get from his family. Picturing the clan's home in his mind, Aeolus used Eitri's stone to warp him over to the place. There was a bright flash and the horde leader was gone with purple clouds left behind in his place before they quickly disappeared.


The flash appeared in front of the steep rock face with Aeolus hovering in the air. He looked from left to right at the row of the caves and thought, 'Okay, now I'm in their territory. But which of these caves has their leader?' He knew it would be better to speak to the leader as if he can convinced him or her, then the whole clan will be willing to join the horde. Aeolus landed at the cliff and looked inside one of the caves to see if anyone was inside.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((K, I have a new char! Where should I put her?

She needs someone to annoy, or several people preferably. She likes biting dragons, but humans are fine.))

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((Choose: Yopple or Ohimia? Most likely Yopple, he needs a bite back to reality))

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((I think I'm going to make a character form for Salvo, the leader of the Cassare clan))


Since it was midday, much of the Cassare camp was deserted, with most dragons out hunting. Minus the leader, the only dragons in the camp where a few females that had stayed behind to care for the eggs and hatchlings. Unless a dragon came back early from his hunting trip, there was almost no way Aeolus could be noticed.

The leader's name was Salvo Elduth. Like the rest of his clan, he could be hot-headed and arrogant, but he was intelligent and wise beyond his years. He rarely left the sanctuary of his den at the very top of the cliff, but now he stood at the edge, scanning his camp with intelligent ice blue eyes.

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((Ooh maybe he sees Yopple? After Zedithia attempts to bite him))

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((It's Baltia actually. Zeditha is a Whiptail, and with Chi.))


Baltia flew around, staying in the shadows, searching for someone interesting to nip or throw a stone at. She had a good one in her paw, and was eyeing up every possible target.


((Where is Yopple?))

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((Just going around in the forest, looking for humans to kill. Or dragons, after his thingy))

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Aeolus found no one inside the cave he was looking at. He turned his head away from the mouth and spotted a cassare standing at the edge of the cliff. The disaster dragon walked along the cliff until he was behind him. "Greetings, fellow dragon," he said politely. He waited for the cassare to give him attention before saying, "I'm sorry if I trespassed onto your territory uninvited, but I'm looking for the leader of this clan. An associate of mine heard about the cassare clan here and told me how you all hated humans like we do. I'm Aeolus, the leader of the Vulture Horde who's dedicated to wiping out humanity at a global scale and one of the five dragons who worked together to invent the Spell and pass it to everyone end slavery forever."


((Hey guys, I just found this in a list of businesses ineligible for a loan program:


Businesses principally engaged in teaching, instructing, counseling or indoctrinating religion or religious beliefs, whether in a religious or secular setting


Does this mean that Ronan's fighting school can't get any loans?))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Aaaand...a second Cassare stomps in! Don't worry, Baltia will bite Yopple, trust me))


Yopple tread through the forest. After teleporting to Solomos, he lost a lot of energy. He hadn't found anything to kill. He loved this new perspective. It was sudden, but true. There were more cons to pros with humans and dragons. He was ashamed of his kind. If dragons were so wise and powerful, they could just find a peaceful way to stop dragon slavery, correct? Instead, they went to war, and after his stupid attempt to end it, he realized he would fight himself. One thing: there are two fighting sides of a war. There was one question: which side would he choose?

Pfft. Dragons, of course. He hated both sides now, but he was not a traitor. Well, to his burned scroll, maybe. But Esko's scroll was a pile of ashes now. Maybe, he could work for money. Or some sort of reward. That was what some did, no? He would stick to his kind now, only his kind. And there was one place to start: Casares.

He came across a Cassare standing on a cliff. Talking to another dragon. Yopple slowly came in. "I am sorry, but do you mind another Cassare? I would love to help you in whatever anti-human schemes you plan." As long as you pay me




"I guess you guys don't know how to take an apology. So sad. Well, I would be happy to meet you again!" She said as she flew away. She hoped she made it evident that she wasn't the cheesy, corny, "wise" dragon. Unlike Yopple, who went from Level headed and wise to....this, all in the span of a few seconds. Maybe it was the hunters, the hybrid, maybe the other, violent guy who damaged her neck earlier. Maybe all of them. Esko did mention in a scroll that Yopple had "a problem with major personality swings that could take a ver long time to change." She hoped for the best, and remembering her inability to dodge earlier, which brought a thought to her mind:

I need to train. I was so focused on preening my scales that I never trained for battle like the others. Now, I won't be afraid to get my scales dirty, especially for Yopple to be...himself again.

His goofy, 16 year old self.

And Ohimia went off to try and find a fighting school.


((Maybe Ohimia finds Ronan's Fighting School? That would be cool!))

Edited by Esko_the_Wolf

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((First of all, Aeolus and Salvo aren't in Rudvich; they're in a different continent called Solomos. That means it would be impossible to walk to where they are in a short amount of time. But your character has the ability to teleport, correct? Maybe you can edit your post and say that Yopple warped there?


And second, Ronan's school hasn't been built yet. Minerva's still in the process of learning how they can start that business.))

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Hopping from her perch, Baltia snapped a midge from the air and landed on another branch. Her bright green eyes surveyed the forest around her as she swallowed the insect, scanning for any signs of larger movement. It had been too long since she had been around anyone else, human or dragon, and she was looking forward to biting a tail again. Looking at the pebble she held in her paw, she eyed up a very breakable-looking branch. Deciding that she probably wouldn't get a better target anytime soon, she drew back her paw to throw, and spotted a dragon below her. She instantly forgot about the breakable branch, and her eyes glittered with excitement as she aimed her stone at the new target. With a careful aim, she threw the stone at the Cassare dragon's head.

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((combative training such as martial arts, which is what ronan will be teaching at his school, is not subject to things like religious beliefs. you can find dozens of martial arts schools TODAY in the real world that DO NOT teach any kind of religious doctrine or beliefs. So I would say no, this does not prevent our duo(ronan and Minerva) from getting a loan.))


After doing his 'forms' practice as a warm up, Ronan started his stretching routine, keeping his body strong yet flexible. Drake went off for a casual flight on his own.

Edited by LordTorch18

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