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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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((It's not so much you making more than one post, it's finding said post xd.png and thanks for the recap!))


Zeditha flew around a bit, unsure of what to do now that the fireworks and the fair were over. "What should we do now?" she asked Chi, flying at head height next to her friend.

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Nick clicked his teeth together as he thought about what Akuma had just said. Furrowing his eyebrows together, he got up and put his plate down before sitting back down, looking back at Akuma he tapped his finger tips on the table top. When Akuma mentioned certain thoughts, he almost thought he was going to have to give the hybrid 'the talk' but when he went on to say that he was thinking about what it would be like to kill something to hunt it down, specifically humans, Nick preferred dealing with the previous. "Why would you want to do that?" He asked carefully. "There's no sport in humans. They're squishy, slow and a lot of the time, stupid." he pointed out. "You would get more of a chase out of a butterfly than a human."

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Bam gave a quick short nod after hearing everything and said, "Okay, I gotcha." Then he answered the question, "We're going back to the lake. Come on, we got to go see my cousin. He's back now." The royal blue went to the back of his group and took the lead back as the others followed him.




As the Firestars watched Juna walk away, Atlas looked at her puzzled. It seems to be going past her holding a grudge against Aeolus for the assault on her brothers. It looks she distrusts him as well. Juna promised that she will keep this a secret as long as the Vulture Horde doesn't cause any trouble in Rudvich. After the silver dragoness left, Atlas said after her, "Oh come on! Aeolus is an honest dragon. I'm sure he won't come over to your continent and start all that ruckus." Juna probably wouldn't hear her speak, but the magi felt like she had to let her thoughts out. The sisters watched the tree fly down into the lake and make a big and loud splash. Everybody turned their attention to lake where the noise was made.


Aeolus had heard the conversation being taken between the two dragonesses. If he wanted his future operation in Rudvich to take place without anybody knowing much about his horde. He needed to find some way to secretly dispose of Juna. Killing her would be against the moral code and the members of his horde wouldn't willingly kill another dragon as it was against traditional law for a dragon to kill another dragon. So murder would have to be the last resort; for now he needed to find some way to imprison her and prevent telepathy from going out to others, or mentally impair her. The horde leader thought about which dragons would be good for the job. Magis like Eitri, Enamora, and <insert other magi's name> can help out with their magic spells. Though Eitri probably wouldn't be fit for the job since he probably got brainwashed by the idea of good humans existing. Tavurth, with his super strength and resistance to most magic, would be a good asset too. He may have listened to the dragonesses' experiences, but he was still skeptical. Then there was Pyro to disable Juna's magic, if she had any. But Aeolus would have to ask what his opinion on humans was now. The flower pygmies can knock her out with the sleeping pollen. With those dragons in mind, the horde leader needed to think of the perfect time to use them. Right now it's not, because there are no scapegoats or anything that will give false explanations as to what happened. So for now, he would have to wait until the right time came. Plus he still needed to hear from Axle's case about the humans before he could carry out his plot.


As the disaster dragon got to the middle of the horde, he heard the call of his cousin shouting, "Hey Aeolus, we're back!"


The leader looked to see Bam return with his group and the recruit. Eyeing the red dragon, he said, "So this is our new recruit. Bam, what can you tell me about him?"


The royal blue answered, "Oh Sargoth here can summon vines from under ground. We saw him lift up a tree with them and threw it away."


"Oh yes, I saw and heard it splash down into the lake," Aeolus said.


"Ah, so that's one of his powers you just witnessed. He also breathes fire and block basic spells with his stone walls, but... he's susceptible to other dragons' magic and he gets battle fury," Bam explained.


"Okay then," the disaster dragon said. Then he looked at Sargoth and said, "Sargoth, is it? We are going to destroy a huge army camp tonight. After Pyro kills off the halfling mages, I will need you to place stone walls around the camp to prevent the humans from escaping. Our magi dragons can help you with that as well if it seems too much of a work for you." Then he continued speaking, "Once we have the camp trapped, I need you to join in and help us annihilate every soldier you see so that they won't kill any more dragons again. Do you understand all that?"

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((Sorry I was a bit confused at the posts and school started to stack on projects, but it is all good now.))


Jericho helped the lady up and was actually a bit taken off when she simply smiled and left. He heard her mention something about not wanting to cause him trouble, which he found amusing. He was more focused at the time however, at the voice from the shadow. Being a thief, Jericho has trained himself to gain an exceptional level of hearing and eyesight that works slightly better at night. He turned quickly, his eyes scanning the alley from which he heard the voice. However, despite his attempts, Jericho was not a dragon or a cat, and thus could not see perfectly in the dark. It annoyed him, but he had to come to terms with the fact that he could not see the origin of the voice. Jericho gave up and turned to see if he could still see the lady that he had helped up. Alas it wasn't possible and Jericho found himself alone in the streets, though this did not bother him. Jericho made his way back down the road, paying little attention to the alleyways, he had one goal and wasn't going to make anymore detours on the way. Jericho was headed for the only jewelry fence who still operated in Windfall. Jericho arrived at what is known to be the most popular jewelry store and the home of the only fence a thief can go to for jewelry in that town. Jericho knocked four times in a special order, proving his identity to the jeweler.


----A few minutes later----


Jericho left the store, his bag empty of jewelry and instead full of coins. He made his way down the street, going back the way he came, looking for a tavern to get drunk at tonight.

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Akuma straightened up, bringing his hands to his sides. His claws scraped against the chair as he moved them. He seemed to regain some senses again and looked Nick up and down. No, he felt he'd probably regret it if he attacked the mage. Attack him? ... Why would I think of attacking him?... Akuma's eyes seemed to soften away from their intensive stare and he waddled over to the couch in the living room. "They were just thoughts. I'm not going to hunt you" he added quietly before plopping himself onto the soft surface. Or at least, he wanted to believe he wouldn't start hunting people. He'd never felt so randomly aggressive towards everything. It was like he was starting to turn bipolar. Then again, he was too tired to hunt anything even if he wanted to, he'd already been chained to the ground once today.

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Clearing off the rest of the table, he glanced at Akuma. He didn't know what was up with the hybrid boy, and he was sure that it wasn't a good thing. Akuma then reassured him that he wasn't going to attack him. Smiling, he told the hybrid "Don't worry, I don't think you're going to suddenly jump up and attack me. I trust you." Putting the last of the dishes away, he followed to the living room and sat down near Akuma. "The day is mostly over, how about tomorrow we go out and hunt some real game. I know an area of the forest that might give you a little of a challenge. Maybe it's just that you're getting bored, cooped up in the city, surrounded by people. You just need to get out and have a good hunt is all, get it out of your system."

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Juna wonder around aimlessly, until she heard the sound of a loud splash, but she just keep on wondering, but not aimless though. When she could not see the lake anymore or Atlas for that fact she took to the air, high above the clouds,and head back towards the lake. She was quiet in the air as she flow over head and almost started to circle around in the air, above the hoard. When she was in the perfect place, she change her form to her halfling form and keep above the clouds and keep a watchful eye on the dragons below 'What are you up to? Why would you need the spell?' Juna thought to herself, as she started to lower herself quickly into the forest, hoping not to be seen by the others. She want to hear what was going on and know what was going on. Sheath was her friend and ally at this point, as she came with in ear shot of the dragons now. Than she heard something about a raid on a human camp not far from here. 'What are you after Lizard.'

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Sargoth smiled, "Aye sir, with a magi I could bring a wall up as tall as their buildings in five minutes or less. "


Damia cursed, she had been tricked. She decided to follow the young man instead of the girl. A smile spread across her face as he exited a shop with a large, jingling bag. Creeping behind him she followed him to a smelly tavern of sorts.

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((It's not so much you making more than one post, it's finding said post xd.png and thanks for the recap!))


Zeditha flew around a bit, unsure of what to do now that the fireworks and the fair were over. "What should we do now?" she asked Chi, flying at head height next to her friend.

((Sai, I think you missed Zeditha's post.


Draco and Cenor, I'll reply to you guys after Zeditha's post.))

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(Wait… What time is it? Isn't it almost morning or something?)


Pyro jumped as a tree splashed into the lake, sending waves in all directions. He turned around as Bam emerged from the trees, along with a dragon the Cassare didn't recognize. He listened carefully as Bam spoke to Aeolus.




Seliss pushed opened the door of the inn and a rush of warm air washed over her, carrying the scent of baking bread. She was standing in a small lobby that reminded her of a medieval castle. Her footsteps echoed on the tiled stone floor as she walked up to the reception desk. A elderly woman was sitting at the desk, her straight gray hair pinned up in a tight bun, a permanent frown creased onto her pinched face. The receptionist looked up at Seliss and scanned her from head to toe, her facial expression a mix of surprise, annoyance, and disgust. Seliss cleared her throughout, her ears burning with embarrassment.

"Um, I'm looking for a room."

The woman scowled at her. "I'm sorry we're closed."

"But your sign says 'Open 24 Hours'."

The receptionist turned back to the papers she was examining. "I said we're closed."

Seliss sighed and took out a small leather pouch from her bag, spilling some of its contents on the desk. The woman's attention was torn from the papers to the gold coins littering the desk, and her scowl transformed into a warm smile. "Follow me, dear." The receptionist lead the dripping woman down a hallway, stopping halfway at a painted wooden door. She unlocked the door and pushed it open, smiling as she handed over the key. "Have a good night!"

Seliss entered her room and was greeted by a soft wool rug that covered the floor. A queen sized bed stood in one corner, accompanied by a pretty wooden nightstand. In the other corner stood a red leather couch and a coffee table, enveloped by a white tablecloth. Another door lead to a bathroom, tiled with white marble. The women sighed with relief and rushed into the bathroom, stripping out of her muddy cloths and stepping it the shower, washing the night's memories away. She put on a fresh nightgown and collapsed onto the bed, out cold long before her head hit the pillow.

Edited by SparksflY

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((Oh woops I thought it was OOC >.>))


Chi stretched and let out a yawn, "Well the festival is over so I was actually gonna head home and catch some sleep" she murmured.


Akuma once again ran his tongue over his fangs as he stared ahead at the flames in the fireplace. "Mmm" he hummed quietly, his mouth curling into a smirk against the fabric of the couch. "That would be a shame" he moved his face to glance over as Nick sat down nearby. Hunting sounded good about now. His smirk remained as he turned over onto his back, "Sure you don't want to join in? I could practice on you. Maybe you could turn into a butterfly~" he teased. Akuma gave Nick a soft kick to the side with his foot

Edited by Sai

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Name:Flare vyron

Age: early 20s

Appearance: masked by rags at his face no one knows what he really looks like But you can see flecks of crimson hair escaping his mask like they want to be know to the world. Occasionally he will emit fire when he is angrey or hungery (read story)

Personality: He has a varying personality because of the dragon mind link was given to him by a curse but he is social and kinda klutzy

Weapons: he does weild fire

Opinion of dragons:HE HATES THE VOLCANO TRIBE other dr\agons are so so

Likes: sicence mechanics and a good friend

Dislikes: volcano tribe (obviously) and misstrust

story: Before the great curse on the land (only a couple years) I was kidnapped by the volcano tribes of dragons. They thought revenge for the recent happenings was the solution. So they put out a curse on wiping most of my memory , giving me fire powers , and putting in the dragon mind link. And so I searved them for most of my life until recently after the curse a hunter found me and brought me to human civilization. You see I act more dragon like near dragons if i get near any again I will most likaly forget all and become their slave. I am looking for a home and somone to protect me.

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Name:Flare vyron

Age: early 20s

Appearance: masked by rags at his face no one knows what he really looks like But you can see flecks of crimson hair escaping his mask like they want to be know to the world. Occasionally he will emit fire when he is angrey or hungery (read story)

Personality: He has a varying personality because of the dragon mind link was given to him by a curse but he is social and kinda klutzy

Weapons: he does weild fire

Opinion of dragons:HE HATES THE VOLCANO TRIBE other dr\agons are so so

Likes: sicence mechanics and a good friend

Dislikes: volcano tribe (obviously) and misstrust

story: Before the great curse on the land (only a couple years) I was kidnapped by the volcano tribes of dragons. They thought revenge for the recent happenings was the solution. So they put out a curse on wiping most of my memory , giving me fire powers , and putting in the dragon mind link. And so I searved them for most of my life until recently after the curse a hunter found me and brought me to human civilization. You see I act more dragon like near dragons if i get near any again I will most likaly forget all and become their slave. I am looking for a home and somone to protect me.

I am a little nooby sorry. But please read bio tongue.gif

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((Alrighty, so first off, let's delete the post with your application in it. Second off, please go reread the front page carefully before sending your application again))


((Also, I thought it was night, but I'm not really sure. We've been on the same day for a long while.))


Nick gave Akuma a certain look when he said it would be a shame. "Why yes, yes it would be" he said, sticking his tongue out at the hybrid boy. Thinking things over, he raised an eyebrow at Akuma when the hybrid suggested that the mage turned himself into a butterfly for Akuma's own amusement. In a playful voice he asked, "Turn myself into a butterfly huh? I'm sure you'd get a real kick out of that." as he spoke a long drawn out yawn escaped his mouth. He must of been more tired than he thought, because he dozed off before he could hear Akuma's reply.


((Sai and I are timeskipping a bit))

Edited by picknick10

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((I did yesterday and I got 2 of each colors.))


"That's good," Aeolus replied. "Now come, it's time we get our assault started now." The group went over back to the horde. The disaster dragon announced to everyone, "Vulture Horde, it's time we finally go out and put an end to the army once and for all. Magis, teleport us now!" Aeolus gave the new magis a mental image of where they were supposed to go. Eitri and the magics teleported the whole horde over the cliff where the Vulture Horde found the camp a few days ago. The majority of the humans' camp was asleep with most of the humans with a few watchtowers looking out for dragons and a few guards walking the camp with torches in their hands for light. "Looks like we're going to have a make a new change of plans. We need to take out the watch towers first before we can send in Zylanon. Flower pygmies, put the humans at the towers to sleep before you kill you. Then move the lights around a bit so as not to attract suspicion from the guards. But don't let the lights hit Zylanon. We can't afford to have him be seen." The flower pygmies went over to the watch towers and kills the men there. "Now Zylanon, take out the guards," Aeolus said. The shadow dragon went into the camp and melted down into his shadow form. When he neared the guards, his head lunged down to snap down the guards and eat them. When all the guards were dead, the horde leader said to blackphase dragons, "Go find the halflings now." The blackphases went into ghost form and went through each tent until they found the halflings. The blackphases sent Pyro a telepathic image of where they found the halflings.


((It was rushed.))

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Zeditha smiled. "Sounds good to me," she replied. "I'll sleep in the forest though; it'm used to that. Do you want to take care of Mia? I'm afraid that if she gets any bigger, I won't be able to take her anywhere..."

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Pyro nodded as he received a telepathic image of the halflings' tent. He crept along the back wall of the fortress until he reached what he assumed was the tent. Should I attack? He asked Aeolus telepathically. He didn't dare go near the tent, yet, of fear that the halflings would sense his presence.

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After Pyro went into the camp, the Vulture Horde stayed and waited for him to be through with the next part of the raid, so that they can go on a full-scale attack. Aeolus heard the cassare asking him if he should attack. 'Yes Pyro, you should. It's what I needed you to do,' the disaster dragon answered.


The blackphases stood by Pryo, waiting for him to kill the sleeping halflings inside. Eatorn the male of the pair got a bit restless and whispered, "Well, what are you waiting for? Crush them! Pull them out and eat them; do something."


((For those of you who couldn't read some of my chapters because they were censored from public, you can read them all here on fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10380348/1/Dra...e-The-First-War


It's updated with all of my newest chapters put here. But mind you, the story hasn't caught up to the present yet.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Jericho made his way to the door of the tavern and through the window, couldn't help but notice some one following him. He smiled faintly in a crooked and amused way and could help but think, this will be kind of fun. When he walked in, he looked around at all of the men clustered around circular tables, and call girls in the arms of a man every now and then. Jericho sat down at the furthest open table, making sure to sit near the back, in the corner that way he can see the person that was following him when they decide to enter. Jericho was a cautious man and made sure that he was known in the community so it wasn't surprising when patrons from other table began to greet him. He looked at the bartender and nodded, this told the bartender to serve him his typical and that some one was coming.


((Eh, it is the best I can do for now...))

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Sargoth sent a message to the hoard leader, "Just give me the word sir and those walls will be up in no time."


Damia wrinkled her nose as she stepped into the tavern. It stunk of sweat and ale. Without diverting her gaze from the counter she found the man sitting at a table in the back. Slowly she edged over to his table and flung the small black bag with the finger and ring in it.

"I want my pay you scum," she hissed.

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((I still can't get one of them. always the last to get any of the newer ones.))


Juna heard what she dread to hear. she heard everything that Aeolus said safely from the forest edge until they teleported to the army, and if she had to guess a human army as well. 'Vulture hoard. Now I'm really going to know what going on.' She thought to herself as she know exactly who to ask. 'Let see how well you really know your 'friend', miss Atlas. You may have just gave your 'friend' a way to invade a whole city in a matter of days with out being known.' Juna thought as she got up from her spot and took to the air, and headed back to the lake. She was very much going to get to the bottom of this hoard, and what they are up to, even if she have to rip it from someone body, dragon or not, if she thought that it would be useful in the future for the protection of Shadow Wind. Juna came down at the lake still in front on her brothers in halfling form and look up at Atlas, and it was evident she want to talk in private. "We need to talk in private, away from the hatchlings and my brothers." Juna said as she bite down a snarl. She wonder a bit away from the group as she judge the distance and came to a nice length from the group, but could still see them, as she wait for Atlas to come.

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