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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Atlas pictured the spring cave with everybody and channeled up her magic energy to teleport back. But she quickly stopped herself when she heard small footsteps nearby. "Hmm?" she hummed to herself. She cast her light aura spell and her body started to shine like a light. She was able to see a teen girl alone in the woods picking up ashes off the ground. "What?" Atlas whispered to herself, so as not to attract the human's attention. This was curious; what was a human doing out alone in the woods at a night? Shouldn't she be in bed or in the city? The magi's eyes scanned the girl from her feet to her head to see and determine whether she was a threat or not. There didn't appear to be any weapons on her, which was even more crazy for her to be outside. Humans were so strange sometimes.




After hearing everything about what happened on Aeolus’s side, Bam replied, ‘Oh, so that’s what happened. Well that’s a shocking twist. I can’t believe we’ve been playing for the wrong team. I sure hope my cousin can find some way to make up for this. I mean this kind of deception can ruin our horde’s reputation for sure.’ Then he looked back at Sargoth and corrected his story, “Well actually, I just heard just now that it turns out the dragon lord… Dracul, was it… had tricked us to go after Axle so that he can get rid of him and take over Shadow Wind with an iron claw. He even had a human try to kill my cousin’s friend and her family.” Thought of working for a dragon who turned out to be evil and did worse than the supposed criminal was quite disturbing indeed. Bam resumed talking, “Anyway, my cousin’s going to come back really soon, so when he gets back, I’m going to introduce you to him.”

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Sparks jerked her head up, all of her sense alert. She knew that someone was watching her from the shadows - She could feel their eyes staring at her. She reached for her bow and swore silently. She had left it at her cottage in the sudden hurry to meet Jupiter. Jupiter... Her cottage... The girl gasped, the ashes falling from her fingertips. Had her home survived the fire? She looked back to make sure she wasn't being followed, then ran off, deeper into the woods. Her home wasn't far from here, and she was worried about the dragons. She let out a huge sigh of relief as the burnt trees fell away to the luscious green of the forest. Her cottage came into view and Sparks ran up the steps, unlocking the door and disappearing inside. Sparks slammed the door shut and collapsed on her bed, exhausted. Her Pygmy friends climbed onto her and curled up, and together, they fell asleep.

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((Howdy guys, I am not dead, and yes I have been absent for a long time, however, it is good to be back. For those whom I haven't roleplayed with, names FRoD, or Dain, or Forsaken, eh, I will stop there, too many nicknames. smile.gif))


Jericho was in the middle of business when the flames rose high into the air and licked the brim of the sky. Jericho mumbled a quiet curse, annoyed that he couldn't stay and finish looting the house he was in. A noise from the front of the house disrupted Jericho's daze that he had fell into. He spun around, making sure he wasn't caught. Jericho moved quick, he grabbed the rest of the jewelry from the lock box he had broken into and headed for the back door on the home with the loot. However, Jericho was trapped. At the back door was a group of guards checking the house through the windows and watching the door. This out of all things made Jericho smile. He enjoyed a challenge. He did another 180 and head back to the front door.


He glanced through the window and chuckled at the guards at the front door. So they think they have finally caught me huh? Jericho moved quickly, his cover was about to expire, and the guards were about to make entry. Jericho went to the side bedroom and straight to the window. He looked out the window and saw no one. Jericho pulled out of of his tools and began to cut the glass. The tool was simple, it was a sharpened diamond wheel connected to the handle. Jericho moved quickly, but silently. He wasn't a fool, he knew that if they came to this window than he was caught for sure. When Jericho was finish cutting the glass, he used one of his knives to pull the glass to him so he can catch it and place it on the bed quietly. Jericho jumped out of the window grabbing his bag from the house after he was out. Jericho lowered his scarf, and raised his hat slightly before fashioning his bag to his belt loop. He also rolled his sleeves up mid was and began to make his way out of the alley, stopping at the edge of the house. He waited until he heard the guards enter before leaving the alley.


As Jericho was walking back to his home, he noticed a young lady in the road not moving. He thought about simply walking past her ignoring her to put his loot up, which was probably the smarter decision, but instead he made his way over to her. At first Jericho thought that she was a homeless, however he than noticed the bracelet around her waist and the clothes she wore. She wasn't a homeless person, though she may have connections to the rich with a bracelet that that. Jericho stopped in front of her and smiled as he leaned down and offered his hand. "Howdy, names Jericho. It seems you need some help."

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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Damia smiled, the crowds had vanished making it easier to find her man. Dawson was easy to find, just go to a local tavern, buy a beer for a drunk, and ask questions. She stood waiting outside his door a mere shadowy ghost against the building. Dawson was a busy body that had seen too much. He would be coming this way so he could haunt his favorite bar. Finally, footsteps. She leaned back poised like a great black cat fingering her knife with her gloved hands. With a flash she had stepped out and buried her knife into the man. Shock was written all over his face as he crumpled dead to the ground. She wiped her blade on the man's tunic but retrieved her "sign." A large golden ring inlaid with rubies. Now all she needed to do was meet her employer. She melted into the shadows again leaving no sign of her being there.


Sargoth looked curiously at Bam, he wasn't telling him everything.

"Alright where do I meet your leader?" he asked preparing to teleport.

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Seliss looked up at the man standing over her. She wiped her face with the back of her hand, knowing she must look like a mess. "Yes, thank you." She held out her hand and let the man pull her to her feet. The Mint dragon curled around her feet, hissing and glaring at him. Seliss glanced at the bag on his belt, and raised an eyebrow. "My names Seliss." She tried to wiped the muck off her dress, but only managed to smear it.

Edited by SparksflY

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((@SparksflY: The bag was attached to his belt and he did say his name. Will edit this post with response when that is fixed.))

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((Sure you guys saw this coming from a mile away but I gonna drop the Rp and start focusing on my writing. Be sure to enjoy yourselves extra in my place happy.gif))

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((We'll miss you, Enkie. It's been fun RPing with you. I'll keep pretending Jason still exists in the RP and give expansions to my story to show what he's done in Kathia's story.))


The girl looked back at Atlas before she ran away, seemingly scared of the dragoness behind her. The magi paid her no thought as she didn't feel like going after her. Aeolus's telepathic voice in her head told her, 'Atlas, what's taking so long? You need to come back to us now.'


'I know. Hang on, I'm coming,' she told him. She pictured the spring cave in her mind and warped there. The nearby horde dragons leaned back from Atlas as they were startled from her sudden appearance.


Aeolus looked to her and said, "Good, now that you're back. I can show you an image of where you and your family and friends will be sleeping, too." He formed a telepathic link with the magi and shared with her the mental image of the horde's camp by the lake. 'This is where you'll be tonight; by the lake in Solomos,' he told her. 'My horde will be destroying an evil human army tonight, but I don't need you or your friends to come with us. Remember, you have them and your nieces to take care of,' he told her.


'Yeah, yeah, I know. I die and my nieces have no one left,' Atlas said, knowingly. She did wanted to join him on taking down the dragon killers, but she knew her friend would never allow that, especially after telling him that she had nieces yesterday.


'I'm glad you understand,' the disaster dragon said. 'Now let's send everyone there immediately.' Aeolus turned to Eitri and told him, "Eitri, we're going back to the horde. Teleport us all now."


"Okay Aeolus," the night magi said. So the two magis teleported everyone to the horde's camp.


Aeolus formed a telepathic link with his cousin and told him, 'Bam, we're back and we brought over Atlas and her nieces as well as Axle as his two siblings.'




Bam answered, "He'll be right over at the lake where the rest of the horde is." Then he heard his cousin announcing his return. 'Oh what great timing, cous! Because I just found a new recruit just now,' he said happily.


The disaster dragon sounded impressed with his cousin and said, 'Well very good, Bam. Did you inquire about his powers, capabilities, and weaknesses?'


'Oh no, I haven't done that. I'll go ask him now,' the royal blue said. He asked Sargoth, "So Sargoth, my cousin wants to know what your powers and talents are that will help out against the humans. And also, what are your weaknesses by the way?"

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((............. Hope you have a good time writing En, and we will all miss you))


Juna saw the lake as the magi teleport everyone in the cave to the location. "Solomos, hoard." Juna said to herself as quite as she could. She did not like how Aeolus was asking question, and she trusted her gut feeling. Juna felt her muscle tense a bit as she walked over to Axle, and change to her dragon form, and pick up Axle in her jaw and moved Axle over by Mekarth, and sat him against Mekarth's side. She sat down next to them and keep an eye on Aeolus "Thank for your hospitality, but it is getting late, and these two need rest. I would not want to keep your hoard members worrying about you now?" Juna said biting down a snar, trying to get Aeolus to leave, so she had time with Atlas to talk. It was clear as day she had a distaste for Aeolus, and she was not trying to hide it.


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"Of course not, I was about to leave to have a discussion with my horde," Aeolus said, holding back his offended feelings. Then he turned around walked over to the spot away from her. He had a gut feeling that Juna was going to oppose his campaign later and that she would do everything to keep his horde from getting too powerful. So he had to gain knowledge as quickly as possible before secrets would be hard to keep away. He formed telepathy with Atlas and asked, 'Atlas, since we last talked, did you learn any new spells?'


'Yes, I did. Why?' the magi asked.


'Because I need some of these spells to destroy the humans,' Aeolus answered. Then remembering that Atlas's encounter of supposedly good humans, he quickly added, 'The bad ones, that is.'


Atlas was taken by surprise at her friend's distinguishing of wicked men from the whole human race. But in a way, it made her feel glad and happy for him. She decided to answer him, 'Ha ha, I didn't think I'd see the day where you would start seeing humans in a more positive light. Did our experiences change your mind?'


'It did and I became enlightened. It seems like not all humans were as evil as I thought they were,' the disaster dragon said. Well it was a partial-truth, but he had no plan to let Atlas know why exactly he was asking her. 'I do hope to meet these nice humans of yours someday,' he said. 'But anyway, let's get back to the topic, what spells did you learn, Atlas?' He didn't want to take too long, since Juna was probably going to get her to keep quiet. Well why else would she ask Aeolus to leave them?


'Just how to change into a human,' Atlas said.


'How did you do it?' asked the disaster dragon, wanting to get his claws on that spell. 'It would be quite useful for us to get in closer to the humans and see whether they are good or now.'


'Yes it will! Okay, here's how you do it,' she said.


After Atlas told him everything about the transformation spell, Aeolus said, 'Thank you, Atlas you are very much helpful! You have saved the lives of innocent humans we will encounter in our campaign, leaving only the vile ones to suffer.'


'Ha ha ha, thanks! Be sure to roast those scums dead, alright?' Atlas said.


'I will,' Aeolus promised. After disconnecting telepathy, he thought to himself, 'All of them in Solomos as well as other parts of the world.' Atlas and Juna's human friends will have to be left for last.

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Akuma sat back on the floor, purring contently from the heat of the flame. It made him relaxed and tired but the pangs of hunger were what kept him awake. He sniffed the air, the scent of raw meat filling his nose. He'd almost forgotten about his hunters mode now. It was still a new concept to smell the pungent scent of blood with its metallic tinge. Saliva flowed into his mouth, the dragon part of him enthralled by raw meat. Strange thoughts filled his head as his pondering went off on a tangent. He wondered why dragons had fetishes for eating humans. And what humans even tasted like for that matter. Or even dragon. A string of mysteries which he was even disturbed by to know they crossed his mind. Some things were probably better not knowing. He sat up again, turning to look at Nick as he prepped dinner. Albel had mentioned how easy it was to kill others with a hybrid's arsenal. Especially when they weren't expecting it. He looked at the floor. No, perhaps it was better not to look at a... friend while pondering that. He frowned then, wondering what he viewed Nick as. Was the mage a friend? He never really knew what label to pin on others other than 'food source' and 'enemy'.


Kai licked the remaining salt from the rim of her glass. Perhaps she should've ordered something on the rocks for a warm summer night. Well, too late to regret it now. Kai watched the last of the fireworks pop into the sky with a long finale. As the last loud boom echoed through the festival, people cheered, chatted, and started to disperse. She looked down a dark alley that seemed to be relatively vacant and made her way down it. She slumped against a wall and breathed out a heavy sigh.


The water horse team let up on the storm when the fires had been all smouldered out. Vine dragons started to creep in to begin the repair work on the burnt parts of the forest. They used their earth magic to sprout healthy plants and trees where smouldering remains were left.

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Nick noticed Akuma looking down with a frown planted on his face. Turning, he placed a hand on the hybrids shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. "Whatever's got cha down, nows not the time to worry about." he told the hybrid boy before moving back to the food, prodding it with a finger to test how done it was. "Come on, foods almost ready." he announced as he put out a few plates, along with the steak was grilled onions, mushrooms, peppers and potatoes alike. He wondered if Akuma would have any of it, or just eat the meat, but Nick always thought a little variation was good. It got tiring eating just meat all the time. Sitting down at the table and sticking a fork into one of the hunks of meat and pulling it to his plate he asked, "So what's got you frowning, whats on your mind?"

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Sargoth cocked his head smiling slightly.

"My powers aren't unique or extraordinary but I can survive."

Without breaking his glance away from the blue dragon he imagined the tree standing beside him. Vines curled quickly around the tree. It creaked and groaned for a second then the vines uprooted it, then grew taller, then threw the tree deep into the forest.


Damia looked surprised when she saw her "employer". Two people stood in the street, one a woman with a mint dragon at her feet. She looked at the landmarks. This was the place.

"A gold ring, a ghost flying, I wish to see the money," she said from the shadows.

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((I hate square right now.))


Juna sat quietly until Aeolus left and a few minutes after, because she could see that Atlas was busy doing something, and she could already guess. "So I take it you told him the spell Axle taught you than. What a good way to back stab Axle." Juna snared at Atlas. It was even more evident she was not stupid at all nor was she very approving of sharing spells with others. "I did not get the nick name sheath dragon for no reason, nor will I let that slide between my talons. So really you have two choices, ether A, you tell me what your friend wanted the spell for and what he plans on using it for, or B, you can remain silent and I can find out myself, and if I see or hear what I think he going to use it for, you or your damn friends won't want to be anywhere close to me, Axle, or Mekarth once we find out. Axle may be a forgiving type, but he does not look so kindly on betrays." Juna sound like she meant what she said, and it sound more like a warning than a threat. "And if I was you, would be thinking really carefully about what weight heavier, because both maybe end to a lost of some kind."

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((Here's what happened, Zeditha:

- Spinx has set fire to the forest to lure out Atlas and the others, but the Aquarians came and put the flames out. Spinx frowns at his attempt being foiled and leaves.

- Aeolus tells Atlas and Eitri to teleport everyone to where his horde is at.

- Bam is interviewing Sargoth to see if he'll be good for the Vulture Horde.

- The fireworks are over and the festival is at an end

- Nick has taken Akuma to his home for dinner.

- Sparks has ran on home.

- Ronan, Minerva, and Drake too, I think, have all gone to sleep.

- I don't know what Jericho, Seliss, and Damia are doing.


I think I need to slow down, so that you can get some time to post, Zeditha. From now on, I'll do one post each time you reply on the RP.


And Draco, what's going on with Square-Enix? Is it bad?))



Bam watched the vines rose and wrap themselves around the tree. Once they were long enough, they uprooted the tree and threw it away. "Whoa!" Bam said as he and the other dragons with him were impressed.


"I wonder if he could trap the humans with these vines," whispered one of the dragons.


"He probably could," another one whispered back to his companion.


Bam said to Sargoth with a toothy grin, "That power looks amazing! I bet you my cousin will find it quite useful to us." Then he asked the next question, "He'll probably let you in, but he also wants to know what your weaknesses are, so that we can find some way compensate for them in our future raids."




"Huh? What are you talking about?" asked Atlas, not understanding why what she said to Aeolus was betraying Axle. Juna demanded to know what the magi shared with the disaster dragon or else there would be trouble. Atlas felt mad about being treated like a bad guy and she didn't know why. "Whoa, I don't know what you're getting all pissy about, sister. All Aeolus wanted to do with that spell was get in close to humans and learn about them so that he won't have to kill the good ones when his horde goes on their raids," she answered defensively.


The sisters were worried about their aunt receiving the hostility from the silver dragoness. Danielle asked, "Aunt Atwas, why is she being mean to you?"


The magi looked down at her niece and answered, "She isn't. She's just pissed about me telling Aeolus how to change into a human."


"Why?" asked Kylie, not understanding the harm behind that.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Sargoth sighed, he didn't like revealing weaknesses but the Vultures were like a pack sooo....

"I tend to get battle fury and I'm susceptible to other dragon's magic such as mind controlling and such. If it is basic I can block it with stone walls. I can breath fire but that's all.

He paused, "So where are we going?"


((All Damia knows is that she is standing in shadows trying to find her "employer"

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Seliss jumped as someone spoke from the shadows. She turned around trying to find the source of the voice. The Mint dragon ran in circles, panicked, as if trying to warn her about something. The golden bracelet on her hand seemed to triple in weight, and was growing tighter by the second. "Maybe I should go. I don't want to cause you trouble." The woman offered the man who had helped her up a friendly smile, before continuing down the street, the Mint trailing behind her. She spotted a friendly-looking Inn and headed in its direction, hoping to find a nice place to spend the night.

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Akuma glanced up from his spot again as Nick addressed him, saying dinner was ready. Akuma picked himself off the floor and moved to the kitchen. He took the steak Nick served him, not really knowing what the sides included were. He picked up the silverware at the table and cut into his steak. He raised a piece of meat to his mouth, pausing to sniff it as Nick asked what he was thinking about. The hybrid offered a small shrug and bit the piece of steak off the fork. "Nothing that would bring any comfort knowing" he said in a low tone, smirking at his plate. He looked up at Nick again, chewing his food slower. He wondered what it was like to chase down live prey. He'd always killed animals from a distance, never knowing what it was like to run after something that was fleeing for its life. After a moment he realized he'd stopped eating all together to stare at Nick like a meal. Akuma's eyes drifted down to his plate. Why do I keep thinking of these things?... his thoughts had started to turn rather violent in a short time and he couldn't think of why. The thoughts alone were almost enough to provoke an involuntary snarl, but he held it back.

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Nick rose an eyebrow. "Well that doesn't sound so good. " he said as he watched the hybrid. He seemed a bit different as of late, and not in a good way. Akuma seemed to stop for a moment as Nick plopped a roasted mushroom in his mouth, mincing slowly as he tired to think about Akuma's recent behavior and what it could mean. It almost felt like Akuma was looking at him like a potential meal. He didn't like it at all, it sent shivers down his spine. Akuma seemed to snap back to the real world as his eyes drifted down towards his plate. "Are you sure everything is well, Akuma?" he questioned, a bit of worry seeping back into his tone as he spoke. Akuma defiantly acting strange and Nick was sure that it wasn't his imagination. Studying the hybrid boy's face noticed a miniscule twitch, almost as if he was trying to hold back a snarl, but Nick said nothing about it.

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"No. No it doesn't" Akuma uttered quietly. Nick seemed to notice his new behavior but Akuma showed it no mind... for the moment. He ate in silence for a while, letting Nick's question ring unanswered in the air. He'd devoured his meal, running his tongue over his fangs once. Akuma stood up and took his plate to the sink. He returned to the table, pausing briefly behind Nick before going back to his seat, though not sitting down. He appeared visibly rustled as he stared at the mage again, "I'm... having these thoughts" he curled his claws against the chair. "What it's like to kill. I've killed another dragon once before but, it wasn't much of a hunt really. I just tore his throat out. I wonder sometimes what it's like to hunt after a fleeing target. Especially something so delicate as a human" he explained, though the way it was done wasn't likely to offer comfort. A smile pulled the corners of his mouth up far enough to let his fangs protrude.

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((They are going to remake FFX and all the other FF series games first, but they won't remaster FFVII for another 13+ years. Halo was remaster and had the same damn graphics as FFVII, maybe even worst, and it was remastered in a few years, and they still use the same computer to make the games, where Square have used multiple computers.))


Juna did not believe it was just for him to get close to humans, but she know the more she try to dig at it the worst it will make it. "I'll take your word on it, but if it happen to still be what I think it will be, I will hold you accountable." Juna said as she got up from where she sat and started to walk away from her bothers and Atlas. "I will also keep that a secret for right now, but if it end up being a threat to Rudvick, or to anyone who lives up there, Those two will know in a heart beat. Now I'm going to look around a bit, and straight my legs. Being lock up for two months does have it tolls." She said as she started to ran into the cover of night.

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