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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Sargoth continued through the woods. Maybe I should send out a message, might be easier than tromping through the forest. Just then he saw two bright lights, then he heard a voice calling out. Stealthy, the red dragon crept forward. He climbed up a tree hanging on a branch whilst he watched the group come nearer and nearer. A royal blue shouted into the darkness, two dragons lit the path, and some other dragons were sniffing the air. They would find him soon. Suddenly he dropped down into the group of dragons.

"Hello there," he rumbled. "Looking for somebody?"

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He sighed again. "Minerva I just.......I just can't.....I would feel out of place in a 'career change' as you say. I can't change who I am. What I've become. A man who lives by the sword dies by the sword. I've lived my life that way since I was a child, it's who I am. I am born of the desert heat, forged in the cold mountains. I don't carry weapons, I am one. A weapon can't change." He sounded broken. Since getting his revenge he has felt empty. Lost. Unsure of what his purpose is.

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((I'm a little lost at the moment, I'd like to send my characters to join the Vulture Clan but I haven't the faintest whether or not it's okay to go and talk to Aeolus.))

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Sparks shrugged, ignoring the girl's stare. "I don't know anyone by the name of Dawson, but I doubt you're gonna find anyone in these woods." She looked up at the colorful fireworks lighting up the night sky. "If that's all you need, I'll be on my way. Don't want to miss the festival." She glanced at the dragons behind her and they took off, heading West. Sparks began to walk away, heading towards town.


Pyro watched the dragons talk from his place at the back of the cave, where he wouldn't affect the healer's work. It didn't seem like he could do much to help. "I think I'm going to leave. There isn't much I can help with, now." He smiled half heartedly. "I should tell the others what happened." He began to pad towards the cave entrance.

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((Fire wouldn't actually spread that rapidly at this location. The land is lush and green without any drought. Very moist from all the rivers and lakes so fires would actually spread slow ohmy.gif especially when it's late night so it's cold and damp))


Akuma leaned close to Nick, "What's the matter? You paranoid? I hear humans make a fair snack" he made a toothy grin and looked up at the fireworks. They boomed loudly over the sky of Windfall. He leaned against the mage's side, "I'll have to do that the next time you try and chain me up" he jeered. Akuma sat up again as he smelt something off. Smoke. No... it wasn't from the fireworks, this was... Akuma stood up and looked around, his eyes settling out the gates. "Look!" he pointed. Outside the forest was starting to catch fire.


Overhead guards started to fly out to the forest with waterhorses, Crowe leading the way. They immediately started to dowse to the flames. Crowe helped along by eating some of the fire while the guards checked around for endangered citizens. Crowe wondered how the fire started so suddenly, but was more interested in putting it out. It wouldn't be possible for the fireworks to have done it. It's way too far out. The waterhorses worked together to put out the flames until the fire smoldered into a calm smoke, the forest going dark again. "Get Vine dragons out here to repair the damage" Crowe called. One of the guards nodded and started to send a telepathic message.

Edited by Sai

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((Which one, Zeditha? What happened after you left or the forest fire that's going on now?


Are you trying to find the right time to get to him, Psyduck?))


The horde was in awe of what the dragon lords were capable of. "That sounds incredible. What breed were they?" Aeolus asked. If there were any dragon breeds out there in Rudvich with abilities like that of Lord Tork and Lord Eve, then having them in his horde would be valuable assets in terms of power. He would trap humans and other enemies in one place and their mages would be destroyed by their own spells.


Then Juna spoke of the lords being protectors rather than rulers and that the city was rather unique. "Wait, how can the city be ancient, if it was only founded 40 years ago?" asked a confused crimson flare.


Pyro left the cave as he said that there wasn't much he could do here now and that he was going to tell the rest of the horde what happened. "Yes, please do. They're probably wondering what we're doing at the moment," said Aeolus.


Hewey finished healing up Axle and said, "There; all done! We should just give them both some rest and they'll be fine when they wake up." Atlas was grateful for the healer dragon's help. Now her friend and his brother can rest easy without dying from blood loss.


Suddenly, a orange light was seen from the woods. It looked like there was a fire going on right now. "Hmph, must be the work of some irresponsible dragon. Be right back, guys. I'm going to go put out the fires," the magi said. She walked up to the cliff of the cave entrance and took off over the woods. She approached the light, getting closer and closer until the light turned into dancing flames in her view. Once she got there, she landed in the clearing that was untouched by the surrounding fire. Atlas got to work by casting her ice stream magic at the wildfire. The line of light blue frost snaked around through the air and doused out every fire it touched. The waterhorses dousing the fires made her work easier.




Volkin, Eatorn, and Cirrus caught a scent and it was right above them. "Bam, is it? I think I smell someone," said Volkin.


The royal blue looked at the blackphase dragon and asked, "Huh? Where?" The group saw a red dragon dropping down in the middle of the group, startling Bam by surprise. When the dragon asked if they were looking for somebody, Bam answered, "Oh yeah, we heard a roar out here and we decided to go look for somebody. Were you the one making that roar?"




Being the optimistic person she is, Minerva refused to think that he'll always be this way his whole life. "Don't say that!" she blurted. Then she continued in a softer tone, "Don't say that you can't ever change. It doesn't have to be that way, Ronan. You turn from being a weapon to something new, but only if you make the effort. It may seem hard for you to get out of your lifestyle, but it's definitely not impossible. If you were take things slowly at a time to adjust to something new, then a career change will be possible." She smiled a little and said in an encouraging tone, "I'll be there to help you. We'll find a way to make it all possible, what do you say, Ronan?"

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Damia shrugged and continued to Windfall. No one seemed to know where that slippery Dawson was. Silently she cursed. But maybe someone in Windfall would know him. She needed to finish her business before the festival was over so she could meet her employer and receive payment.


Sargoth looked amused, "Oh you mean my promise. Yes it was loud...I'm looking for a dragon named Aeolus and his hoard. I've heard they have vowed to kill all humans which is what I plan to do till I die."

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Ronan looked at her confused. "Why? Why are you looking for a hope of change in someone like me? I don't understand." he wasn't lying. He didn't understand how she could be so kind and so hopeful. Even for someone like him.

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((Yup. I don't want to butt in on something. Also I read somewhere that the Town Centre acts as a school or something? I'm not sure.))

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((I left? I was talking to TheTron's character, last thing I remember, and also agreeing to go see some fireworks... I'm a bit behind.))

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Juna got up right as soon as Atlas left to fight a fire that was going on, and look right at Aeolus. "Why ask that. What could you possible gain from their type of breed?" Juna asked as she went to Axle's, and look at the healer dragon, "Thank you." She said in a clam tone. She than look at the Crimson Flare, "The city was created about 1000 years ago, but was found by the outside world only 40 years ago. It was created by all type of species, Dragon, Humans, and Halflings. The 9 original creators, 3 of each, thought of the roles each species will play in shadow wind, Dragons lords got the role of protector, Halflings lords got the role of the laws, and Human, are the workers and extra protection." Juna told the Crimson flare, Than out of the corner of her eye she saw another glow happen even closer to the cave, another fire was started. "That is not natural or by accident."


Spinx was moving around on the back of his drake, and summon Eve to light even more fires around the forest, "Let see how well they can put out fires when I can just keep starting them." Spinx said a bit outloud, as Eve light Even more trees on fire and spread the flames around, until the fire could spread on it own. "To the next Area."



((Sorry was rush, so it nothing good.))

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Nick stuck his tongue out at Akuma after the comment about humans making a fair snack. "Don't give me a reason to chain you back up then." he said as he suddenly grabbed Akuma and pulled him into a nueggy before releasing the hybrid boy. When Akuma mentioned the fire Nick looked towards the forest and sniffed, smelling the smoke too. "Oh joy, what now. I almost want to say it's the sociopath Spinx again, but I mean he can't be that dense can he?" Watching all the guards fly to the burnt areas with interest he facepalmed. "Or maybe he is that dense."

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Crowe was hovering over the area and spotted movement among the trees. A drake with a human on board starting fires. "Fire Squad, to me" he called over the increasing crowd of dragons who had come to aid. "Drench the place. Emergency procedure" he said. Nine waterhorses and a grey dragon stood together and used their combined ability to create a powerful storm spell. The clear sky turned thick and grey before a heavy rain poured over the land, drenching out all the fires. Crowe would have to let the stranger go due to the lack of visibility in the heavy rain, but it was worth saving the forest. "What in blazes is that idiot's goal?" he muttered. He recognized the human's smell. He'd been the one causing trouble in town. He wasn't very subtle about his tactics...


Akuma watched the guards fly overhead to help with the fire and scoffed. "What a weirdo. What is the motivation here? Laughs? There's nothing to gain by setting measly forest fires. Vine dragons can grow back any damage they do" he murmured, trying to make sense of the random act. He considered flying over to check out what was happening more close-up but swiftly decided against it as a storm spell raged over the forest. Meanwhile the fireworks still popped away in Windfall. Akuma looked over at Nick, "Maybe you should chain him up instead. Desert HIM in an abandoned wasteland. Huh?" Akuma prodded, resentment lingering in his tone. Whichever the case he was staying far away from the rain. Suddenly the fireworks looked more interesting.


((Waiting for The Tron to reply then Zeditha))

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((I'm taking job training classes for one week, which is this week from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm EST. Plus I got an interview I need to go this Wednesday. So I may not be around to reply to you guys.


Bam smiled in joy at having a new potential recruit for the horde. "Oh that's us. We're his horde, but I'm not Aeolus. I'm his cousin, Bam; I'm in charge for now while he's out dealing with a really wicked dragon, who has slaves and had killed another dragon," he said. Thinking the red dragon might go into shock or disbelief over the statement of a dragon being as evil as the humans, Bam said honestly, "I know this sounds crazy, but it's true. Another dragon, a lord by the way, came by and told us this." Suddenly, he got a telepathic message from Pyro stating that Dracul was the real culprit who lied to the horde and that Axle was a nicer dragon than originally told. The royal blue froze in shock and he replied to the cassare, 'Wait what? We've been tricked?'




Aeolus came up with a righteous reason, that would match one of his intents while hiding the other from Juna. It wouldn't do his campaign good if she knew about his goal to destroy all of humanity in Solomos. She might try to interfere. "So that we can find dragons like them and train against them to learn how to defeat Spinx's zombies," the horde leader told her.


Hewey looked at the halfling girl and smiled. "You're welcome," he replied.


"A city made by everyone..." the crimson flare sighed to himself in wonder. Then he asked, "Do they all live in peace?"


Aeolus and a few other dragons looked at the orange glow that was closer to the cave than the other one. "So if these two are not the causes, then what could it be?" the disaster dragon asked. Then he remembered Juna saying that Spinx could track them down. "Spinx..." he murmured with realization. "The fire out there; it must be a trap set ablaze by him so that he could lure one of you over to him. If that's the case, then Atlas is in grave danger," Aeolus said seriously.




Thick clouds covered the dark sky and rained down a storm of heavy rain down onto the burning woods. The fires all died down from the spell cast by the waterhorses and a gray dragon. Atlas felt bombarded with the millions of cold rain drops splashing down onto her and soaking her red-orange scales wet. The magi disliked being out in a storm like this as it was pretty uncomfortable getting wet when you don't need it. 'Well it looks like these guys got it handled. I better get back to the others right,' she thought.




"Because everybody changes, even to a small degree. No one can remain the same forever," Minerva said. "And besides, you were moping about being a living weapon and thinking that's all you'll ever will be. I couldn't let you be sad like this all your life. So I'm going to help you break out of that boundary and learn some new skills, so that you can be more than just a killer." She was quite cheerful in believing that Ronan can learn how to compensate for all the lives lost in his involvement. "Maybe you learn to be a doctor, an engineer, a teacher, or maybe an activist for a really good cause," she said, listing the possibilities.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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"Some people are just ah.... Special " Nick said before watching as the water dragons finally decided to create a storm. The obvious and simple thing to do. He wondered what took them so long to do it. Watching the clouds in the distance grow the mage boy sighed. Watching the fireworks display and enjoying the last few minutes of it before standing up and kicking some dirt over the remains of the fire to put out the glowing embers. Motioning for Akuma he said "Come on inside, we should probably move this indoors before the storm spreads over here. I'll make some 'real' food for us to eat." he stopped for a moment before rustling Akuma's hair "Don't worry, no more chains" Edited by picknick10

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(Argh, I've missed so much!!! DX)


Pyro sent a telepathic message to Bam about what happened in the cave, listening to his shocked reply. Do you need help over there? I see flames... He frowned, wondering what was causing the constant fires.

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Rika cringed as the sky overhead started to pour down rain. "Dammit!" she yelled, shivering at the cold. She just had to be out in the woods when some psycho went on a pyromaniac spree. She ran out towards Windfall, almost slipping multiple times on the wet grass. And it had to be night time so the sun couldn't dry her. She came to a halt outside the city gates and stopped to pant. Glancing behind, she saw Fayt and Albel join her, also drenched. "Well that was a load of crap" she muttered. Albel snorted, wringing out his scarf.


Kai glanced over her shoulder as the forest was temporarily set ablaze before being quickly snuffed out. She snorted quietly, "Sore loser. So he sets the forest on fire. He really is a nut" she said to no one in particular. The Aquarians seemed to have it handled so she stared up at the fireworks, enjoying the spray of colors across the dark sky. What a pleasant way to end the festival. She sipped away at her drink until it was gone, smiling at the warm feeling it gave in her belly. She nibbled at the salt garnish idly. She still had something to attend to at her home but given the state of the forest... she paused. Maybe it was better to sleep in an alley way tonight. "I got time tomorrow" she muttered. Her grip on the glass tightened.


Akuma half regarded Nick's words, watching the storm. He didn't much notice when the light of the fire was put out suddenly. Or rather, what was left of it. Nick mentioned the storm might move over to the city. Akuma backed away, turning and pushing past Nick as he stumbled to the house. Screw that. Anything more than a necessary bath was too much water for him. He offered a slight glare as Nick mentioned the chains before moving to the living room. He sat in front of the fireplace and stared at the logs. Akuma raised his hands and struck the logs with lightning magic. They sparked and sputtered, chipping off and smoldering before catching fire. He smiled satisfactory at his work.

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Nick suppressed a chuckle as Akuma hurriedly pushed past him into the house. "The storms still a ways off." he pointed out as he took his time picking up the bag of marshmallows and other smore supplies before stepping into the house. The second he entered the house thunder boomed overhead as the clouds started to spread. "See" Nick said sheepishly as he closed the backyard door quickly so the house's interior didn't get drenched. "Plenty of time, all part of the plan." he claimed, walking into the kitchen and setting everything down before pulling out a few slabs of meat and beginning to season them.

Edited by picknick10

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Juna look at Aeolus with a bit of a glare, "Ya, have fun with that. Lord Eve water and fire spell can be learn by anyone, and are common, but Lord Trok's, are uncommon, and he was the only one in Shadow wind that know them, to my knowlage." Juna grin at busting Aeolus bubble "And Spinx's Undead easy to take care of, if you know what to expect." It was clear that Juna know something that she was with holding from Aeolus. He look to the crimson flare next and simple nod "For the most part, they live in peace among each other." Juna said as she turn her attention back to the forest. Even though it was raining, Spinx was a bit odd in his ways. "It already to late, Spinx know where we are now and he knows Atlas came from here, so he knows that she out there on her own." Juna said as she point to the birds that flew over head. The birds acted oddly as they flew, "Birds do not fly in rain of any kind." Juna walked to the front of the cave as she looking at the birds that was still in the air


Azera ran north south east and west, just trying to find a way out until he ran out of the forest. He saw the dragons and the guards there. Azera face was covered in black smug from the smoke, almost like it was cream.


Spinx sat on the ground as Eve keep him dry with their wings. "What some good too shoes nature lovers." Spinx said to him self as he got up and went off in the woods. "Well, at least I had my fun." He simple shrugged as he left the scene. "Nothing ever good happen in a low city like this unless someone make it happens."

Edited by draco8967

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((Draco I think you're starting to take things a bit to far, Spinx needs to tone down what he is doing a bit. You've got an entire city's trained guard countering your efforts, people have been asking me to talk to you about this and it's been getting out of hand. Please tone down his power a bit.))

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((Thank you for telling me, I tend to get out of hands a bit, just let me know and I will re-edit until it better for everyone. I'm just going to get off, and have a cool down week. It will help me clear my head, and better handle my own plots.))

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Ronan smirked. "Thank you. Noone's tried to have such faith in me before. I'll......think it over. If I may I'd like to get some sleep." He sat down on the bed, rubbing his face. He was exhausted.

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((I'm back and I've gotten my certificate in Job Readiness. Hey Sparksfly, do you need me to recap what happened? Also Bam is in Solomos, not Rudvich where the forest fire used to go on. Please edit your post. Unless you happen to be talking to Atlas, then leave it the way it is.


And Draco, whenever my characters are the ONLY ONES involved in a conflict with yours, you can have your characters go all out to their full potential on me. I think challenging foes would make my fanfic interesting and make my readers impressed with all the fighting action. But if there's anybody else who's with us, then you should tone it down, alright?


Psyduck, I think now's your chance to come meet Aeolus fast. Unless you want to do it tomorrow RP time. I think our characters might return to Rudvich to resume journey to Trident Mountain.))


Aeolus was annoyed with the way Juna had responded to him. Though that was probably because she was still upset with him for attacking her brothers. The last part of her words sounded contradictory to what Atlas had said about Spinx's clam of the undead dragon lords being hard to kill and her experience with them. She probably might have been only referring about the regular zombies, but the disaster dragon couldn't help but feel suspicious that the girl was hiding something from him. Aeolus put his irritation to the side and said calmly, "Very well then, I'll have Atlas tell me about their powers, so we can work on learning them for ourselves." He had the magi and fire dragons for that purpose of them learning new spells. With those powers at hand, his horde will be even stronger.


"And what about the rest?" asked the brute dragon, showing a dislike for the humans. "Do these humans sometimes hunt and enslave us dragons?"


Aeolus watched the birds fly through the hard storm. It was very strange indeed. They were most likely magic fabricated by Spinx's powers. "Well then she can't stay here in this cave tonight. It'll be too dangerous for your family and hers, knowing that Spinx can come here and murder you in your sleep. We'll have to go to Solomos," he told Juna. He formed a telepathic link with Atlas and said, 'Atlas, return to the cave now. That fire out there was Spinx's doing; he knows where you are.'


The shocked reply from the magi said, 'What; he was here?! Well that means... Oh crap! I'm coming, Aeolus.'




Minerva smiled at Ronan, feeling happy and glad that she was helpful to him. "Okay, I'll see you in the morning," she said. She left the guest room and went downstairs to turn off the lights. Then she came back up and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a shower. After she was done, she looked out the window to see the last few fireworks in the distance. It ended with a big firework image of a dragon and a human hugging each other. It was a big way to end the festival with a symbol of peace and harmony between dragons. It was quite pleasant in the girl's opinion, but at the same time, she would imagine a lot of conservative and racist humans would be offended by image. She couldn't wait to hear about that on the morning news tomorrow. Minerva put on her pajamas and went to sleep.

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(Na I'm good tongue.gif Oh, and thanks! Lol I have no clue where everything is xd.png


Can someone please interact with Seliss? I have nothing to do with her...)


Sparks glanced up at the sudden flames that leapt up from the trees, casting shadows over the city. The girl could feel the intense heat from her place at the edge of town, the orange light warming her cheeks. Several Water Horses and a Gray immediately flew over and drowsed the flames, creating a huge storm cloud. The fireworks stopped, and the cloud grew, drifting over the city and pouring rain. Sparks cursed and pulled up her hood, but honestly she didn't mind the rain. She needed a shower anyway. She continued along the street, where the remaining people were fleeing from the water pouring down from the sky. By the time the girl reached the woods, she was soaked to the bone, and she shivered in the cold weather. The trees around her were burned to the crisp, evidence of the fire's rage. She crouched down and felt the ash under her feet, and furrowed her eyebrows. This couldn't have been a wildfire, the air was to moist and the night too chilly. This fire was caused deliberately, by a dragon. Sparks stood and put a hand on her hip, puzzled. Windfall was a dragon-friendly city, so why would someone do something like this? She had heard of the Vulture horde, a horde of dragons that where trying to exterminate the human race. But the Aquarians would have found them, and last time she heard the horde was in Solomos. The girl shook her head and looked up at the clouded sky, dripping wet in the middle of a charred forest.




Seliss yelped as water began to pour from the sky, as if someone had dumped a million gallons of water on her head. All at once, the streets became chaotic, mothers dragging crying children, men in dripping suits seeking shelter. The woman was thrown in the middle of it all, the blood pounding in her ears as she was bumped and pushed. She tripped and fell into a puddle, splashing in the mud, trying to get up as people walked over her. Suddenly, the streets were empty, the last of the people scurrying into their homes. Those who weren't as lucky got to their feet and wiped the muck of their clothes and face, letting the rain wash it away before trudging away. But Seliss didn't move. Instead, tears filled her eyes and small sobs escaped her mouth. She had come to Windfall seeking freedom and independence, a cozy home and a good job to put money in her pocket. But instead all she got was misery. Her silver cloak was ripped, muddy, and dripping wet, and her boots were covered in muck. The only thing that seemed unharmed was her golden bracelet, but even it seemed somehow miserable. The Mint dragon that had bothered her earlier came scurrying back, tugging at her hand. She stroked the creatures back, sobbing quietly in the middle of the empty street.

Edited by SparksflY

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