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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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((Is that group of large dragons, the Vulture horde, Cenor? I can edit my post to include Damia.))


Lutarn's group watched the injured Axle transform into a human. When the man started to run away and disappear off behind the trees, the storm dragon yelled, "Get him!" The group chased after Axle, trying to get him before he could escape. Uvanis with his night vision aided his group on where to go and how to avoid running into trees. They followed the scent of blood until they found the criminal lying down on the grass.


The dark leaf pygmy stared down looked down at Axle's bloodied form and joked, "Heh heh, look at him. All tired and tuckered out like a sleeping hatchling. Come on, Lutarn, let's take him back to 'daddy'."


The storm dragon picked up Axle in his jaw and carried him back to where Arch used to be.




After Dracul tore a piece of flesh from Mekarth, Arch rejoined him and the dragon lords warped out of sight without so much a "thank you" to the horde members who aided him. "Uh... you're welcome?" said a female flower pygmy, slightly annoyed.




Atlas looked over to the cassare dragon and heard him say that she should go help Axle. "Axle? What happened to him? How is he doing?" she asked worriedly. The magi and the hatchlings rushed over to the mouth of the cave where the cassare was at.


"Is he hurt?" asked Kylie, thinking the white dragon might have been harmed badly.


Aeolus caught Pyro's glance before he answered the family's questions, "He probably is. But we can stop the dragon lords from harming your friends further." He sent a telepathy to the dragons chosen to go after the brothers, 'Everyone, stop and desist attacking Axle and Mekarth. It seems that Dracul may have been lying to us this whole time. I want you to reprimand him and Arch as well.'


But unfortunately, the response he got from Eitri said, 'It's too late, sir! Dracul and Arch have already left. They teleported away from us.'


'What?!' Aeolus said in dismay. The Firestars and the other horde members looked at their leader's expression and got the feeling that something bad had happened.


Another response he got from Lutarn this time said, 'I don't see Arch anywhere and I can't smell his scent anymore.' Many similar responses from the rest of the horde members telling the disaster dragon about the dragon lords' absence.


Aeolus was vexed by this news, but kept his composure in telepathy. 'Well this is rather unfortunate. Fine then, bring Axle and Mekarth to me immediately. I need to cross-examine them and find out everything about their stories and Dracul,' he told them.


He looked to Atlas, who was worried about what was said in his telepathic conversation. "Aeolus, what happened? Did anything bad happened to Axle or his brother?" she asked.


Before Aeolus could answer, they dragons felt a gust of wind entering the cave and they all looked to see a silver dragoness asking for Axle and Mekarth's whereabouts. The horde leader told her, "We all do. If you're looking for them, I have some horde members of mine who are bringing them in at the moment." Right at the next second, Eitri's group had warped inside the cave with Mekarth's body. The crimson flares hovered over the black dragon, where their fireballs' exposed the wound in their light.


"That's Mekarth!" Atlas cried out in shock by the black dragon's condition. Her nieces got frightened by the open wound and they let out their horrified screams.


Aeolus did not want the hatchlings to be traumatized by this, so he said to his horde, "Get the hatchlings away from him, where they can't see him."


The flower pygmies ushered the sisters away from Mekarth as one of them reassured the hatchlings in a hushed tone, "Don't worry, darlings. Everything will be alright."




Lutarn's group was currently flying up towards the cave with Axle being carried.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Sparks shrugged. "If you're inquiring that I'm just a child, then let me remind you that I have earned the trust of all these dragons, and that I will do whatever it takes too keep them safe." She motioned to the other dragons, who nodded their heads in agreement. "If I can take care of these guys, then I can take care of myself." She didn't want to sound rude, but she wasn't going to be left out of this adventure. She realized she hadn't introduced herself "Oh, and I'm Sparks." She turned towards the bushes. Someone was watching them.

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Scanning through the crowd of dragons, then stopping at the girl, Dosh arced an eyebrow and simply stated: It's your head.

What are you looking at? -he asked when something drew the girls attention away. She seemed to be looking at some bushes, but only after he took a few steps and stared intently did Dosh see it.

Hey! Take a picture, it'll last longer! -he yelled at their distant observer.


Grinning, Brian casually walked over. I would, but your face would fry the camera. -he jested with Dosh.

It would, but for all the right reasons. You've got a face what only a mother could love. -he retorted with the same childish tone.

You know, you're right. Like your mother, for example. She loved it, if you know what I mean. -the Brute winked and stifled a laugh.

Very funny. Let's stop here before one of us says something unpleasant. -Dosh rolled his eyes.

Too right, ol'boy. How uncivil of us. -Brian answered with the most forced snobby brittish accent he could imitate.

Anyway, as I was saying before you dropped in, my name is Doshernark, Dosh for short. I guess... -he turned back towards the human girl- It's nice to meet you.

Sparks, right? -the brute asked quaintly. He'd overheard her tell them her name.

I was named Brian as a human. I suppose you can refer to me as such like this too.

What now? A human? -Dosh arced both eyebrows. What sort of tomfoolery was this?!

Long story, not in the mood to talk of it. Would any of you care to join me for a hunt? I've not been long here though, I don't know what the local fauna is. But I'm a wee bit peckish, and I feel like sinking my teeth into something nice and tender. Raw, even. Perhaps, still struggling. -he spoke while a droplet of drool went down the left side of his mouth.

I'll pass, not into flesh, personally.

Edited by Psyduсk

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Sparks watched the two dragons argue for a moment, until they turned to her. "Yup. I'm Sparks. And this is Jupiter." She motioned to the Brute standing next to her, and she dipped her head in greeting. The girl shrugged when Brian mentioned he was a human. "Shifter." She said simply, and continued listening to the conversation.

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Zeditha calmed down a little bit, and stopped bouncing. She realised how large the other dragon was... Much bigger than her. Her tail tapped the ground gently, instinctively ready to give a loud warning slap on the stone if things got dangerous. "Yeah... let's go see the fireworks then..." she said, turning to follow Chi.

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He sighed. "Because you could end up in the crossfire by accident. I've met many people, and some of them have died because they were involved in what I did, and I live with that guilt on my conscious. If you were ever killed.......I couldn't handle it." he spoke truthfully with her. "I can't handle the guilt of another person dying because of my inability to stop it."

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((Sorry for not replying, preparations for school ._.))


"...Wait." called Rina, when she noticed the dragon and her friend starting to leave. "Can you please answer my question?" she asked, trying her best to not sound threatening, and lowering her voice as to not attract any attention. "I... understand that you don't want to answer to a complete stranger, it's just that... when I heard you mentioning the Vulture Horde, I got some bad vibes about it, so I've decided to ask."

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Juna saw her brother come out of no where, and the conduction he was in. She instantly got scared for her brother, but also got aggressive to all the dragons in the cave. She start to snare at the dragons around Mekarth "Just what did you do to Mekarth, because if you did that to him, I will rip your heads from your necks." She growled at to the dragons that brought Mekarth back to the cave. Juna soon smelled Axle's blood as well, and got even more aggressive, where her snares became a low pitch growl. "You all have 30 seconds to tell me what the hell happen to my brothers, or I'll start shredding every one of you over grown lizards to pieces." Juna growled as she start to count, and not slow ether.

Edited by draco8967

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No? -he looked around as most of them were just staring silently at him, with nary an answer to be seen. Pity... -he said, visually somewhat disappointed.

You go do your thing, I'm going back to town. -Dosh declared simply and then looked at Sparks.

Petey's the only one who knows where we're going, and I'd imagine he's in town already. -he then turned towards Jupiter.

I don't know about you or your human friend here, but I've been on the road for days, and haven't slept in quite a while. So excuse me, I'll be over by the town center. It's that building over there, the one with the tallest point amongst the rest. -he pointed over towards where the towering central building could be seen in the distance.


You do that... -Brian scoffed as he watched Dosh walk off, then looked back at Sparks.

Off on some heroic venture are we? Who's this 'Petey' person, and where are you folks going, if I might ask? Brian needed to make a few connections around here, this much he was perfectly aware of, especially if it was with other dragons. After all, they provided the solace he so wanted for himself.

Edited by Psyduсk

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Minerva felt sadness and sympathy for him. His backstory was beginning to sound more tragic. All this fighting and death; was it really fair to have Ronan's life be like that for a long time? "Ronan, do ever hope for the day where you won't have to kill anymore? I mean you already got revenge on the men who killed your family. Wouldn't it be alright to settle down and find a peaceful career change?" she asked.




Under the pressure of the dragoness's wrath, Eitri quickly spoke up and said apologetically, "We're so sorry, ma'am. We got tricked by Dracul into thinking that they were the bad guys. So we helped him and Arch to attack them. Turns out that Dracul was the real villain here." Then everyone smelled blood coming from the outside with Atlas being the first to recognize it.


They saw Lutarn's group coming in with the bloodied Axle. Uvanis reported to his leader, "Aeolus, we got Axle back." The storm dragon set him on the cave floor for everyone to see.


Atlas' sparkling purple eyes went wide with shock. "Axle!" she shouted in alarm.


Aeolus looked over at the healer dragon and told him urgently, "Hewey, come over and heal these brothers immediately."


"Right away!" Hewey replied. He ran over to Mekarth first since he was the nearest. The pygmy dragons got out of the way to let the healer dragon do his work. Hewey begun to use healing magic on the wound to restore the lost tissue.

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((Red, Azera not a Villain, though I'm still ironing out his background story, He does have a reason for working the jobs he works.))


Juna look at Atlas when she shouted Axle name, and than saw her brother condition, and gasped. She change her form almost on a instance, as she took of the cloak she had on, revealing her halfling form with dragon claws, wings, and fangs, and wrap it around Axle to slow down the bleeding. "Why is he not healing, even if he is passed out, his magic should be healing him. I can understand if Mekarth is injured like he is and not healing, because he have no magic powers, but Axle has healing powers, yet he not healing, almost as if he been poison or had magic infused to his body." Juna said loud enough for everyone to hear. She went to a wall and sat down against it and pulled her legs up to her chest, seeming almost a bit upset about what happen.

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One of the dragons moved away while another stood talking to a human. Good, these dragons were friendly. But they should be, after all Windfall was very close and humans and dragons lived together. Quite worrying Damia thought your safe here. Sighing she lifted her pack onto her back and grabbed the map laying on the ground. Carefully she moved into view putting on a careless expression. Windfall was close already she could see a tower rising high into the sky. Shifting her pack, Damia trudged forward. Already she had wasted time hiding when she didn't need to. She watched the dragon out of the corner of her eye as she walked towards it. Not all dragons were to be trusted, she had learned that the hard way.

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Nick watched Akuma rub his neck and frowned a bit, thinking before shaking his head. When he mentioned Spinx's name again, he just shrugged, everything about him seemed off. Kai's a better necromancer anyways he thought to himself. Akuma went on, wondering where Cloud and Axel were, Nick simply replied with "I'm sure they're fine, I can't imagine that Spinx fellow being much a threat anyways." He went silent for a moment before looking up as he heard an explosion overhead. Bright multicolored embers burned through the skies as the festivals fireworks began. "Perfect view." the mage said as he layed back.

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Sparks shrugged as Dosh walked off, "Okay then…" She turned to Brian. "Honestly, I don't know half of what's going on. All I know is that Petey - The little pygmy that was here earlier - Is trying to stop scientists from starting a new lab. I just got dragged into this mess, thanks to Jupiter." Jupiter rolled her eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh. "You're welcome." Sparks whipped around as a woman emerged from the bushes with a map in her hand. "Can I help you?" She asked awkwardly.

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((I got him out of the villains category, Draco.))


Aeolus watched the dragoness change into a halfling. The transformation ability sounded very similar to that of the assassin-class hybrids he heard of once from Atlas. But these siblings weren't exactly hybrids, otherwise they would have gone into hunter's mode. Perhaps it was a special ability that's exclusive to their breed or maybe it was a magic spell that anybody could use if they knew how to do it. He looked to the magi and asked, "Atlas, do you know how these friends of yours are able to turn into humans?"


Atlas looked at him hesitantly for a bit, wondering if she should tell him how to change forms. She knew there were a few good humans out in the world, but the only good ones she had seen and heard about in her life were in Rudvich. All the ones over in Solomos were bad to the bone. Besides it was better to be safe having the vermin killed than sorry to have spared the killers and put innocent dragon lives at risk. So the magi became frank and answered, "Yes I do, you just got to--" She was interrupted by the dragoness's worrying cry about her brother not being able to heal. Atlas felt bad for the sister and sympathized with her problem. She looked to Aeolus and told him, "We'll talk about this later. Right now she needs help." Then she looked over to Axle and continued, "And so does he."


Aeolus nodded agreeing with her and replied, "Indeed." He turned his head over to the healer dragon and asked him, "Hewey, are you done with Mekarth yet?"


Hewey answered, "Not yet, but I'm almost done." The wound's tissue was restored by a quarter away. It won't be too long until the black dragon was fully healed.


The disaster dragon was a bit glad with the progress done. "Well when you're finished with him, be sure to heal Axle next, okay?" he said.


Atlas walked over to the sad girl and asked, "You're Juna right?" She remembered the drake saying that Axle had a sister who got kidnapped.

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So, just pull out. -Brian stated plainly. The faint gurgling of his stomach reminded him of what he'd set out to get done.

Well, I'm off to catch something to eat. -he added just as nonchalantly, unfolded his wings, and took off, towards the deeper parts of the forest.




Wandering through the town until he reached the town center, Dosh took a moment to reflect on all that had happened, and what he'd been pulled into. He didn't very well agree with what those people were doing in that lab, but all the white wanted was to be in good company. Now he found himself sandwiched between a rock and a hard place, with a pint-sized psycho breathing down his neck. Just thinking about it made his head hurt. If anything, he was hoping Petey would show up soon.




As driven as he may have become, exhaustion gets the better of anyone, including Petey himself. The little dragon didn't even need to think back on the last time he'd slept, he could feel how distant that time was. And with the recent chaos further making things worse on his mental state, he would either nap, or snap. Windfall offered nothing to help with this problem, but then that came as no surprise, a dragon's place is not in a human settlement, regardless of how diverse it's population is. He headed for the town center, hoping to first get some information about augmenting his own abilities, before looking for a place to stay and rest.

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Juna look to the side of her to see Atlas standing next to her, and she heard what Atlas was about to say thing about the spell that her and Axle know. "I am, and see how you are with Axle, and you know what the changing spell is and how it works, you also know there are backlashes to it." Juna said in a tone that was a bit sad, but also with a hint of warning. She sat her head back on her knees as she keep an eye on Axle "Those two is all that is left in this world that I call family, but I'm mainly worried about Axle's condition, I have seen him heal rapidly from wounds like those, but he not healing from those. Something not right about those wounds at all." Juna sighed as she finish.


Spinx was outside of town when he saw the silver dragon fly over head, about 20 minutes ago. He know who it was, but how she got out of her cell and end up all the way here, he did no know. "Dracul, you are an idiot for letting her out of that cell." He said to himself as fire works light the sky behind him. He drew his sword as three armed guards came from the, with their swords drawn.

"Halt, you are going to be place under arrest for the three people you just killed in to-" The soldier said before teh blue drake came from the Shadows and bit down on the man neck as the other two started to scream, but was drown out by the sound of the fireworks, as one drowned in a water bubble, and the other had his throat sliced open.

Spinx and his two minions ran into the forest after the silver dragon.


((Thank Red))

Edited by draco8967

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Akuma shook his head faintly. "No, he doesn't seem powerful as much as psychotic. Maybe I should take a page from Atlas's book and eat him" he smirked at the ground. He glanced up, "Probably would make me sick." Akuma turned his face towards Nick, "Though..." he picked up Nick's arm and teethed playfully on it, "I am still hungry for a real meal" he prodded. Marshmallows were swell but... not much of a meal. The hybrid dropped Nick's arm in a flinch as the first firework went off. Oh, he'd almost forgotten off that. Humans sure did love those didn't they? ... It seemed an odd thing to look over from the spell disabling the explosive properties of gunpowder but... maybe dragons enjoyed fireworks too. He couldn't see why not.


Chi turned to look at Rina, "Yes... the horde is a group of very horrible dragons. I just... don't interest yourself with them. They're bad news" she murmured. Chi looked up at the sky as the first firework of many went off. She pointed, "Oh look, there they are"

Edited by Sai

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((You're welcome.))


"Yeah, I'm aware of that," Atlas said to Juna, remembering the awkward feel of being human. Aeolus listened in on their conversation so that he could get whatever info is needed to learn how to change forms. Shapeshifting would be a useful ability in getting closer to humans without suspicion and learning everything about them before going in for the kill. Juna expressed worry about Axle and his wounds again. Atlas told her why it was that way, "I know why it's like that, Juna. It's because Spinx found us and ambushed us."


Aeolus's mind lit with realization as to who this necromancer that attacked Atlas earlier was. "Did you say Spinx?" he asked.


The magi answered, "Yes I did. What, did Dracul told you about him, too?"


"He did! He's a "special" human working for him," Aeolus replied, repeating how Dracul described the necromancer.


Atlas now knew why the necromancer wanted Axle dead. "So that Spinx censorkip.gif*** is in league with Dracul. That's why he's after Axle. If the Incarus family is dead, then no one would be left to take leadership. Spinx was chosen by Dracul for that purpose," she growled.


"Such a dishonorable way to obtain rule and power," the disaster dragon growled. His expression softened to that of regret as he said, "Forgive Atlas. I should have known there was something off about Dracul when he mentioned he had a human working for him."


Atlas knew that Aeolus had a strong hatred of the human race, but she felt compelled to try to change his opinion on them. "Actually Aeolus, not all humans are bad," she told him.


The horde leader as well as his members were appalled by what the magi had just said. "What's that?" he growled. He hoped that his friend wasn't saying what he heard she said.


Atlas wasn't unnerved by the surrounding irritated dragon. She had to say this. "I'm saying that there's a few good humans in this world, well at least here in Northeast Rudvich," she said.


"And what good humans would you know of in this continent, Atlas?" Aeolus questioned skeptically. "As far as I know, any of these "good" humans can turn out to be deceits and liars."


Atlas rebuked, "Because one of them freed my brother-in-law in Southeast Rudvich. He purchased John's freedom and did nothing to backstab him, unlike those bums in back in Solomos who betrayed you. Him freeing John was how he made it all the way to the northeast, how my sister got her mate, and how my nieces were born."


"Well that's one human, I don't suppose you could think of any more?" Aeolus asked.


"Oh I can," Atlas said. "Two human siblings, Henry and Yukki. We stayed over at their place for one night. Henry shared some delicious treats with Kylie, Yukki treated my wounds that I suffered at the hands of hunters, and they had some fun with my nieces, making Henry dress in girly clothes and keeping them entertained."


A crimson flare whispered to another, "He sounds like a cross-dresser." The other pygmy nodded.


Atlas continued, "And Axle's bodyguard was a human and a friend. He sacrificed his life so that he and my nieces can be safe. Now let me ask you this, what would these humans possibly gain from doing all these stuff, huh?"


Aeolus said, "Fine, I suppose maybe there are a few good diamonds among the coals. But that doesn't change the fact that a majority of humans are evil."


Hewey was now done healing Mekarth. He went over to Axle's body and began to work his magic on him.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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"No, well maybe," Damia answered. "I'm looking for a human in Windfall, tall, dark-headed, goes by the name of Dawson. I need to give him a message."

She stared straight into the girl's eyes, you always look someone in the eyes when your lying.


Sargoth shook himself. He had teleported into a wood. Stretching his wings he slowly walked gazing at the trees. Solomos, home of the Vulture Hoard, the very dragons he was looking for. He gave a loud roar that echoed deep into the forest.


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"Well you are partly right about Spinx. Yes he in a league with Dracul, and yes he after Axle, but the part, that special part, is his skills. His tracking skills, swordsmanship, archery, poison knowledge. He could very much track us right now, and he haves the power to back him up as well." Juna said as she came off the wall "And if anyone going to kill him, That going to be me, because I spent the last two months in a damn cell because of him." Juna said as she watch the healing dragon go to Axle, and started his healing "I will also add to that list of good humans, The whole damn Incarus Army, which by the way are almost all dead, minus the ones in Axle small castle, which still is about 400 left, and than there a few I know personally that help me before, one male by the name of Grander, and a female by the name of Kuala. If they were not around during a time that Shadow wind was attacked, I would not be alive right now." Juna said as gave Aeolus a glare "Though I will agree with that most humans are a greedy bunch of people, but I will say that some are not, and even some of those are willing to lay down their life to save another. I would say Axle is the one here who knows best of humans laying down their life for another."

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Nick laughed at Akuma's remarks about Spinx and how he should take up Atlas's habits and eat the necromancer. When Akuma suddenly took Nick's arm and started gnawing on it playfully before mentioning that he was hungry, the mage let out a nervous chuckle. "I don't think I constitute as a proper meal, besides, I don't think a dragon stomach is the healthiest place for me to be." When the fireworks went off and Akuma dropped his arm Nick let out a sigh, watching the colorful explosions. "After the show we can find something more filling to eat." he explained to the hybrid.

Edited by picknick10

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After Juna spoke about Spinx, Atlas said to Aeolus, "You won't believe the two zombies he sent at me; they were dragon lords. He said they were tough to kill; hell, my light lasers didn't do much to them. But I didn't get to see how long they could endure because our fight got stopped when Axle came."


Aeolus made a short hum while he was thinking. "Interesting," he said. Then after Juna talked about the good humans as well. This conflicted with his experience and knowledge of humans. He felt inclined to stick to the belief that all humans were bad, but at the same time he couldn't deny their words as he couldn't find a selfish reason to why a few humans would give up their life for dragons. The disaster frowned, giving up trying to rebuttal to deny the existence of good humans. Besides, he didn't want to seem like a fool. "Hmm, so from how you and your brother knows this much of humans, I take it that you rule over their race in Shadow Wind?" he asked.




Meanwhile back in Solomos. The Vulture horde was still waiting on their leader's return. Some of the dragons went to resume their sleep for the time being. Bam wondered how his cousin and everyone was doing as they tried to capture Axle. He imagined that things were going pretty well; after all, his cousin was pretty smart with his tactics. His thoughts were soon interrupted by a loud echoing roar from the woods. The noise had woken up the horde. "What was that?!" asked one of the dragons.


The dragons talked among themselves wondering who was out in the middle of the night. Since he was in charge of the horde for the time being, Bam decided to take action to prove that he can be just as good a leader as Aeolus. He won't let his cousin down. "Well since we're awake, we might as well check out who it is. I'll bring a party of five dragons with me. They would be Enamora, Cirrus, Eatorn, Volkin, and Corona," he said. The chosen dragons came up to the royal blue dragon and awaited his next order, to which Bam said, "Okay good. So while you guys stay here, my guys and I will go out and see who's there." The horde agreed and Bam's group went to go look for the dragon. The royal blue felt excited about having power for once; he would get to be responsible and feel like a big dragon.


The group went around the forest as Enamora and Corona provided light in the darkness with their flames. The other dragons served as scent detectives while Bam called out. "Hello? Is anybody there?" he asked.

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Juna head kind of lifted up from her knees when she heard that Spinx have two dragon lords under his control. "You would be talking about lord Tork and lord Eve. These two powers are un-match when they team up with each other. One use magic to stop a target from leaving, the other will burn or drown the target down, and if you use any type of spell at her, she copies it and send it right back at you with even more power. They were among the top of the dragon lords, just below 2 others that could even match them, our father was below both of them, but still made up the 5th slot of the dragon lords." Juna said as she set her head form Aeolus question. "No, we were the protectors of the city, and before you say that we were force there, we volunteered, I mean the original dragon lords. Shadow wind history is by far, an unique city. The city, on the time table, is ancient, but when it was found by outsiders, was only about 40 years ago." Juna said as she heard a small growl escape from Mekarth throat, but he was still a bit passed out, but seems to be coming around. She was still worried about Axle, and than she started to smell smoke, as if the forest was being lit on fire, and burst of birds, mostly crows, took to the air, screeching loudly.


Azera smelled smoke, and without caring about trying to see what this kids capablity was and ran in a different direction. He could see the glow of the fire spreading though the forest as the fire started to spread.


Spinx laugh when he order Eve to light the forest a flames. "I had enough of these plants, and had enough of searching, let see them come to me." Spinx laugh as he left and Eve spread the fire, almost making it look like a firework lit the forest a flames. As soon as it started, Spinx summon a massive amount of birds and sent them into the air, mostly crows, as he watch as other living birds though took to the air as he combine the birds together. 'If you come I will know.' Eve went back into the ground as Spinx mounted the blue scaled drake as the drake ran across the ground away from the fire at full speed.

Edited by draco8967

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